Table 13. Unsupported calls
Unsupported calls |
Suggestion |
Calling the SQLPreview event by Update or ReselectRow functions is unsupported. |
Need modification. Refer to the detailed information below. DETAILED INFORMATION Location: Of_setupdatestyle function of the Pfc_n_cst_dwsrv_linkage object in pfcdwsrv.pbl Add the following code: if ai_style = TOPDOWN_BOTTOMUP then ai_style = BOTTOMUP end if if ai_style = BOTTOMUP_TOPDOWN then ai_style = BOTTOMUP end if |
Dynamically calling overloaded function of an uncertain object is unsupported. |
Need modification. Refer to the detailed information below. DETAILED INFORMATION Location: Of_update(powerobject,boolean,boolean) function of pfc_n_cst_luw in pfcapsrv.pbl PowerServer Unsupported Code: li_rc = lpo_tocheck.Function Dynamic of_Update (ab_accepttext, ab_resetflag, lpo_updaterequestor) Line Number: 147 Change the code to: u_dw ldw_update n_ds lds_update u_lvs llvs_update u_tvs ltvs_update if AppeonGetClientType( ) = 'PB' then If lb_defined then li_rc = lpo_tocheck.Dynamic of_Update (ab_accepttext, ab_resetflag, lpo_updaterequestor) if li_rc < 0 Then Return -1 Continue End if else if lb_defined then Choose Case Typeof ( lpo_tocheck) Case DataWindow! ldw_update = lpo_tocheck li_rc = ldw_update.of_Update (ab_accepttext, ab_resetflag, lpo_updaterequestor) if li_rc < 0 then Return -1 Continue Case ListView! llvs_update = lpo_tocheck li_rc = llvs_update.of_Update (ab_accepttext, ab_resetflag, lpo_updaterequestor) If li_rc < 0 Then return -1 Continue Case TreeView! ltvs_update = lpo_tocheck li_rc= ltvs_update.of_Update (ab_accepttext, ab_resetflag, lpo_updaterequestor) if li_rc < 0 Then return -1 Continue Case DataStore! lds_update = lpo_tocheck li_rc= lds_update.of_Update (ab_accepttext, ab_resetflag, lpo_updaterequestor) if li_rc < 0 Then return -1 Continue End choose End if end if |