Table 5. Unsupported object properties that need no modification
Object |
Properties |
Calls |
Suggestion |
Application |
ToolbarUserControl |
4 |
Need no modification. |
ToolbarText |
5 |
ToolbarPopMenuText |
3 |
DwMessageTitle |
4 |
DdeTimeOut |
3 |
OLEControl |
ClassShortName |
1 |
Need no modification. |
ClassLongName |
1 |
Transaction |
Lock |
3 |
Need no modification. |
Sqlreturndata |
1 |
Message |
Returnvalue |
1 |
Need no modification. |
Number |
1 |
Handle |
1 |
Connection |
Trace |
2 |
Need no modification. |
Options |
2 |
Connectstring |
2 |
GraphicObject |
Classdefinition |
1 |
Need no modification. |
Table 6. Unsupported object properties that need modification
Object |
Properties |
Calls |
Suggestion |
Window |
Classdefinition |
1 |
Need modification. Calling this property has no impact on the functionality. However, it has impact on the position and size of the control in a DataWindow when the DataWindow is zoomed in or zoomed out. Refer to the detailed information below. DETAILED INFORMATION Location: Of_setresize(boolean) function of pfc_w_master in pfcmain.pbl PowerServer Unsupported Code: Lcd_class = this.ClassDefinition Line Number: 45 Change the code to: if AppeonGetClientType( ) = 'PB' then classdefinition lcd_class lcd_class = this.ClassDefinition li_vars = UpperBound ( lcd_class.VariableList ) For li_v = 1 to li_vars If lcd_class.VariableList[li_v].Name = "width" then & li_origwidth = Integer ( lcd_class.VariableList[li_v].InitialValue ) If lcd_class.VariableList[li_v].Name = "height" then & li_origheight = Integer ( lcd_class.VariableList[li_v].InitialValue ) If li_origwidth > 0 And li_origheight > 0 then & Exit Next inv_resize.of_SetOrigSize ( li_origwidth, li_origheight ) else inv_resize.of_SetOrigSize ( this.width, this.height ) end if |
PowerObject |
Classdefinition |
7 |
Need modification This property is often used for detecting a function of a object. It is suggested to modify the whole code segment, calling a function no matter whether it exists or not. Refer to the detailed information below. DETAILED INFORMATION Location 1: Of_validation(powerobject) function of pfc_n_cst_luw in pfcapsrv.pbl PowerServer Unsupported Code: Lcd_class = this.ClassDefinition Line Number: 123 Change the code to: if AppeonGetClientType( ) = 'PB' then lb_defined = inv_metaclass.of_isFunctionDefined & (lpo_tocheck.ClassDefinition, "of_Validation", ls_args) else lb_defined = True End if Location 2: Of_updatespending(powerobject) function of pfc_n_cst_luw in pfcapsrv.pbl PowerServer Unsupported Code: Lb_defined = inv_metaclass.of_isFunctionDefined (lpo_tocheck.ClassDefinition, "of_UpdatesPending", ls_args) Line Number: 130 Change the code to: if AppeonGetClientType( ) = 'PB' then lb_defined = inv_metaclass.of_isFunctionDefined & (lpo_tocheck.ClassDefinition, "of_UpdatesPending", ls_args) Else lb_defined = True End if Location 3: Of_updateprep(powerobject) function of pfc_n_cst_luw in pfcapsrv.pbl PowerServer Unsupported Code: Lb_defined = inv_metaclass.of_isFunctionDefined (lpo_tocheck.ClassDefinition, "of_UpdatePrep", ls_args) Line Number: 122 Change the code to: if AppeonGetClientType( ) = 'PB' then lb_defined = inv_metaclass.of_isFunctionDefined & (lpo_tocheck.ClassDefinition, "of_UpdatePrep", ls_args) else lb_defined = True End if Location 4: Of_update(powerobject,boolean,boolean) function of pfc_n_cst_luw in pfcapsrv.pbl PowerServer Unsupported Code: Lb_defined = inv_metaclass.of_isFunctionDefined (lpo_tocheck.ClassDefinition, "of_Update", ls_args) Line Number: 145 Change the code to: if AppeonGetClientType( ) = 'PB' then lb_defined = inv_metaclass.of_isFunctionDefined & (lpo_tocheck.ClassDefinition, "of_Update", ls_args) Else lb_defined = True End if However, with the suggested changes made, only DataWindows placed directly on windows would update. For DataWindows placed on tab pages to update correctly, add the code to the Case statement in the function to call of_update() on UserObject and Tab controls to make updates on tab pages work correctly. Location 5: Of_postupdate(powerobject) function of pfc_n_cst_luw in pfcapsrv.pbl PowerServer Unsupported Code: Lb_defined = inv_metaclass.of_isFunctionDefined (lpo_tocheck.ClassDefinition, " of_PostUpdate ", ls_args) Line Number: 123 Change the code to: if AppeonGetClientType( ) = 'PB' then lb_defined =inv_metaclass.of_isFunctionDefined & (lpo_tocheck.ClassDefinition, "of_PostUpdate", ls_args) else lb_defined = True End if Location 6: Of_isselfupdatingobject(powerobject) function of pfc_n_cst_luw in pfcapsrv.pbl PowerServer Unsupported Code: Lb_defined = inv_metaclass.of_isFunctionDefined (apo_control.ClassDefinition, "of_Update", ls_args) Line Number: 60 Change the code to: if AppeonGetClientType( ) = 'PB' then lb_defined =inv_metaclass.of_isFunctionDefined & (apo_control.ClassDefinition, "of_Update", ls_args) else lb_defined =True End if Location 7: Of_accepttext(powerobject,boolean) function of pfc_n_cst_luw in pfcapsrv.pbl PowerServer Unsupported Code: Lb_defined = inv_metaclass.of_isFunctionDefined (lpo_tocheck.ClassDefinition, "of_AcceptText", ls_args) Line Number: 128 Change the code to: if AppeonGetClientType( ) = 'PB' then lb_defined = inv_metaclass.of_isFunctionDefined & (lpo_tocheck.ClassDefinition, "of_AcceptText", ls_args) else lb_defined = True End if |
DataWindow control |
Hsplitscroll |
1 |
Need modification. Refer to the detailed information below. Location: Of_position(dragobject,boolean) function of pfc_n_cst_dropdown in pfcapsrv.pbl PowerServer Unsupported Code: If ldw_object.hsplitscroll Line Number: 237 Change the code to: if AppeonGetClientType( ) = 'PB' then li_hsplit = Integer (ldw_object.Describe ("DataWindow.HorizontalScrollSplit")) li_hpos1 = Integer (ldw_object.Describe ("DataWindow.HorizontalScrollPosition")) li_hpos2 = Integer (ldw_object.Describe ("DataWindow.HorizontalScrollPosition2")) if ldw_object.hsplitscroll then if li_hsplit > 4 and li_pointerx > li_hsplit then li_hpos = li_hpos2 - li_hsplit - of_GetSystemSetting (DW_HSPLITBAR_WIDTH) else li_hpos = li_hpos1 End if else li_hpos = li_hpos1 End if else li_hpos = 0 End if |