- Accelerator
- AccessibleDescription
- AccessibleName
- AccessibleRole
- Action
- Activation
- Alignment
- Arguments
- Attributes
- Axis
- Axis.property
- BackColor
- Background.property
- BackImage
- Band
- Bandname.property
- Bandname.Text
- Bands
- BinaryIndex
- BitmapName
- Border
- Brush.property
- Brushmode
- Category
- CheckBox.property
- ClientName
- Color
- ColType
- Column.Count
- ContentsAllowed
- Criteria
- Criteria.property
- Crosstab.property
- CSSGen.property (obsolete)
- Data
- Data.HTML (obsolete)
- Data.HTMLTable (obsolete)
- Data.XHTML (obsolete)
- Data.XML
- Data.XMLSchema
- Data.XMLWeb (obsolete)
- Data.XSLFO
- DataObject
- dbAlias
- dbName
- dddw.property
- ddlb.property
- DefaultPicture
- Depth
- Detail_Bottom_Margin
- Detail_Top_Margin
- Detail.property
- DispAttr.fontproperty
- DisplayType
- Edit.property
- EditMask.property
- Elevation
- EllipseHeight
- EllipseWidth
- Enabled
- Export.PDF.Distill.CustomPostScript
- Export.PDF.Method
- Export.PDF.NativePDF.Author
- Export.PDF.NativePDF.CustomOrientation
- Export.PDF.NativePDF.CustomSize
- Export.PDF.NativePDF.ImageFormat
- Export.PDF.NativePDF.Keywords
- Export.PDF.NativePDF.MasterPassword
- Export.PDF.NativePDF.PDFStandard
- Export.PDF.NativePDF.Restrictions
- Export.PDF.NativePDF.Subject
- Export.PDF.NativePDF.UserPassword
- Export.PDF.NativePDF.UsePrintSpec
- Export.PDF.XSLFOP.Print
- Export.XHTML.TemplateCount
- Export.XHTML.Template[ ].Name
- Export.XHTML.UseTemplate
- Export.XML.HeadGroups
- Export.XML.IncludeWhitespace
- Export.XML.MetaDataType
- Export.XML.SaveMetaData
- Export.XML.TemplateCount
- Export.XML.Template[ ].Name
- Export.XML.UseTemplate
- Expression
- Filename
- FirstRowOnPage
- FocusRectangle
- Font.Bias
- Font.property
- Footer.property
- Format
- Gradient.property
- GraphType
- Grid.ColumnMove
- Grid.Lines
- GroupBy
- Header_Bottom_Margin
- Header_Top_Margin
- Header.property
- Header.#.property
- Height
- Height.AutoSize
- Height.HasMinHeight
- Help.property
- HideGrayLine
- HideSnaked
- Horizontal_Spread
- HorizontalScrollMaximum
- HorizontalScrollMaximum2
- HorizontalScrollPosition
- HorizontalScrollPosition2
- HorizontalScrollSplit
- HTextAlign
- HTML.property (obsolete)
- HTMLDW (obsolete)
- HTMLGen.property (obsolete)
- HTMLTable.property (obsolete)
- ID
- Identity
- Import.XML.Trace
- Import.XML.TraceFile
- Import.XML.UseTemplate
- Initial
- Ink.property
- InkEdit.property
- InkPic.property
- Invert
- JSGen.property (obsolete)
- Key
- KeyClause
- Label.property
- LabelDispAttr.fontproperty
- LastRowOnPage
- Left_Margin
- Legend
- Legend.DispAttr.fontproperty
- Level
- LineRemove
- LinkUpdateOptions
- Message.Title
- Moveable
- Multiline
- Name
- Nest_Arguments
- Nested
- NewPage (Group keywords)
- NewPage (Report controls)
- NoUserPrompt
- Objects
- OLE.Client.property
- OLEClass
- OriginalSize
- OverlapPercent
- Pen.property
- Perspective
- Picture.property
- Pie.DispAttr.fontproperty
- PlotNullData
- Pointer
- Print.Preview.property
- Print.property
- Printer
- Processing
- Protect
- QueryClear
- QueryMode
- QuerySort
- RadioButtons.property
- Range
- ReadOnly
- Render3D
- ReplaceTabWithSpace
- Report
- ResetPageCount
- Resizeable
- Retrieve
- Retrieve.AsNeeded
- RichEdit.property
- RichText.property
- RightToLeft
- Rotation
- Row.Resize
- Rows_Per_Detail
- Selected
- Selected.Data
- Selected.Mouse
- Series
- ShadeColor
- ShowBackColorOnXP
- ShowBackground
- ShowDefinition
- SizeToDisplay
- SlideLeft
- SlideUp
- Sort
- Spacing
- Sparse
- Storage
- StoragePageSize
- Summary.property
- SuppressEventProcessing
- Syntax
- Syntax.Data
- Syntax.Modified
- Table (for Create)
- Table (for InkPicture and TableBlobs)
- Table.property
- Table.sqlaction.property
- TabSequence
- Tag
- Target
- Template
- Text
- Timer_Interval
- Title
- Title.DispAttr.fontproperty
- Tooltip.property
- Trail_Footer
- Trailer.#.property
- Transparency (columns and controls)
- Transparency (picture controls in DataWindows)
- Transparency (DataWindow objects)
- Tree.property
- Tree.Leaf.TreeNodeIconName
- Tree.Level.#.property
- Type
- Units
- Update
- Validation
- ValidationMsg
- Values (for columns)
- Values (for graphs)
- Vertical_Size
- Vertical_Spread
- VerticalScrollMaximum
- VerticalScrollPosition
- Visible
- VTextAlign
- Width
- Width.Autosize
- Width.Autosize
- X
- X1, X2
- XHTMLGen.Browser (obsolete)
- XMLGen.property (obsolete)
- XSLTGen.property (obsolete)
- Y
- Y1, Y2
- Zoom
The properties for DataWindow objects and controls within a DataWindow object follow in alphabetical order.
The simple Visual Basic example shown for most properties can be used in C# by adding a semicolon to the end of each statement.
To see the properties organized by type of control or syntax keyword, see Controls in a DataWindow and their properties.
The accelerator key that a user can press to select a column in the DataWindow object.
Applies to
Column controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"columnname.Accelerator { = 'acceleratorkey ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
columnname |
The name of the column for which you want to get or set the accelerator key. |
acceleratorkey |
(exp) A string expression whose value is the letter that will be the accelerator key for columnname. Acceleratorkey can be a quoted DataWindow expression. |
An accelerator key for a column allows users to select a column (change focus) with a keystroke rather than with the mouse. The user changes focus by pressing the accelerator key in combination with the Alt key.
In the painter
Select the control and set the value in the Properties view, Edit tab.
Displaying the accelerator
The column does not display the key. To let users know what key to use, you can include an underlined letter in a text control that labels the column. When you enter the text control's label, precede the character you want underlined with an ampersand (&).
Accelerator keys and edit styles
To use an accelerator key with the CheckBox or RadioButton edit style, select the Edit edit style and specify the accelerator there.
dw1.Object.emp_name.Accelerator = 'A' ls_data = dw1.Describe("emp_name.Accelerator") dw1.Modify("emp_name.Accelerator='A'")
A description of the control and/or its purpose for use by accessibility tools such as readers for visually-impaired users.
Applies to
Column, computed field, picture, text, graph, group box, and button controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"controlname.AccessibleDescription { = 'description ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
columnname |
The name of the control for which you want to get or set the accessible description |
description |
(exp) A string that describes the control's purpose or appearance |
You do not need to supply a description if the AccessibleName and AccessibleRole properties adequately describe the control, as in the case of a button with the label OK. You should provide a description for a picture or report control.
In the painter
In the Other tab in the Properties view, type a description in the AccessibleDescription text box.
dw1.Object.b_1.AccessibleDescription = 'Scrolls to Next Row' strData = dw1.Describe("b_1.AccessibleDescription") dw1.Modify("b_1.AccessibleDescription='Scrolls to next row'")
A label that briefly describes the control for use by accessibility tools such as readers for visually-impaired users.
Applies to
Column, computed field, picture, text, graph, group box, and button controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"controlname.AccessibleName { = 'description ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
columnname |
The name of the control for which you want to get or set the accessible description |
description |
(exp) A string that briefly describes the control |
The AccessibleName property is a brief description, such as the text in a button or the name of a menu item.
In the painter
In the Other tab in the Properties view, type a name in the AccessibleName text box.
dw1.Object.b_1.AccessibleName = 'Next' ls_data = dw1.Describe("b_1.AccessibleName") dw1.Modify("b_1.AccessibleName='Next'")
A description of the kind of user-interface element that the control is, for use by accessibility tools such as readers for visually-impaired users.
Applies to
Column, computed field, picture, text, graph, group box, and button controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"controlname.AccessibleRole { = 'enumeratedvalue ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
columnname |
The name of the control for which you want to get or set the accessible description |
description |
(exp) A number specifying the type of AccessibleRole as a numeric value of the AccessibleRole DataWindow constant. |
The description is a member of the AccessibleRole enumerated variable. The default role is defaultrole! and is used when the role cannot be determined.
Control |
AccessibleRole |
Button |
pushbuttonrole! |
Column |
textrole! |
Computed field |
statictextrole! |
Graph |
diagramrole! |
Group box |
groupingrole! |
Picture |
graphicrole! |
Text |
statictextrole! |
In the painter
In the Other tab in the Properties view, select a value in the AccessibleRole drop-down list.
ls_data = dw1.Object.b_1.AccessibleRole ls_data = dw1.Describe("b_1.AccessibleRole")
The action a user can assign to a button control.
Applies to
Button controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"buttonname.Action { = ' value ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
buttonname |
The name of the button for which you want to assign an action. |
value |
The action value assigned to the button. Values are listed in the following table. |
Value |
Action |
Description |
Value returned to ButtonClicked event |
0 |
UserDefined |
(Default) Allows for programming of the ButtonClicked and ButtonClicking events with no intervening action occurring. |
Return code from the user's coded event script. |
1 |
Retrieve (Yield) |
Retrieves rows from the database. Before retrieval actually occurs, option to yield is turned on. This allows the Cancel action to take effect during a long retrieve. |
Number of rows retrieved. |
2 |
Retrieve |
Retrieves rows from the database. The option to yield is not automatically turned on. |
Number of rows retrieved. |
3 |
Cancel |
Cancels a retrieval that has been started with the option to yield. |
0 |
4 |
PageNext |
Scrolls to the next page. |
The row displayed at the top of the DataWindow control when the scrolling is complete or attempts to go past the first row. -1 if an error occurs. |
5 |
PagePrior |
Scrolls to the prior page. |
The row displayed at the top of the DataWindow control when the scrolling is complete or attempts to go past the first row. -1 if an error occurs. |
6 |
PageFirst |
Scrolls to the first page. |
1 if successful. -1 if an error occurs. |
7 |
PageLast |
Scrolls to the last page. |
The row displayed at the top of the DataWindow control when the scrolling is complete or attempts to go past the first row. -1 if an error occurs. |
8 |
Sort |
Displays Sort dialog box and sorts as specified. |
1 if successful. -1 if an error occurs. |
9 |
Filter |
Displays Filter dialog box and filters as specified. |
Number of rows filtered. Number < 0 if an error occurs. |
10 |
DeleteRow |
If button is in detail band, deletes row associated with button; otherwise, deletes the current row. |
1 if successful. -1 if an error occurs. |
11 |
AppendRow |
Inserts row at the end. |
Row number of newly inserted row. |
12 |
InsertRow |
If button is in detail band, inserts row using row number associated with the button; otherwise, inserts row using the current row. |
Row number of newly inserted row. |
13 |
Update |
Saves changes to the database. If the update is successful, a COMMIT is issued. If the update fails, a ROLLBACK is issued |
1 if successful. -1 if an error occurs. |
14 |
SaveRowsAs |
Displays Save As dialog box and saves rows in the format specified. |
Number of rows filtered. |
15 |
Prints one copy of the DataWindow object. |
0 |
16 |
Preview |
Toggles between preview and print preview. |
0 |
17 |
PreviewWithRulers |
Toggles between rulers on and off. |
0 |
18 |
QueryMode |
Toggles between query mode on and off. |
0 |
19 |
QuerySort |
Specifies sorting criteria (forces query mode on). |
0 |
20 |
QueryClear |
Removes the WHERE clause from a query (if one was defined). |
0 |
In the painter
Select the control and set the value in the Properties view, General tab.
dw1.Object.b_retrieve.Action = "2" setting = dw1.Describe("b_retrieve.Action") dw1.Modify("b_retrieve.Action = '2'")
The way the server for the OLE object in the OLE Object control is activated. Choices include letting the user activate the object by double-clicking or putting activation under program control.
Applies to
OLE Object controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"olecontrolname.Activation { = ' activationtype ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
olecontrolname |
The name of the OLE Object control for which you want to get or set the activation method. |
activationtype |
(exp) A number specifying the method of activation for the OLE object. Activationtype can be a quoted DataWindow expression. Values are: 0 -- The object has to be activated with the Activate method. 1 -- The user can activate the object by double-clicking on it. 2 -- The object activates when the container gets focus. |
In the painter
Select the control and set the value in the Properties view, Options tab.
dw1.Object.ole_report.Activation ls_data = dw1.Describe("ole_report.Activation") dw1.Modify("ole_report.Activation='2'")
The alignment of the control's text within its borders.
Applies to
Column, Computed Field, and Text controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"controlname.Alignment { = ' alignmentvalue ' }"
Text ( ... Alignment = alignmentvalue ... )
Parameter |
Description |
controlname |
The name of the control for which you want to get or set the alignment. |
alignmentvalue |
(exp) A number specifying the type of alignment for the text of controlname. Alignmentvalue can be a quoted DataWindow expression. Values are: 0 -- (Default) Left 1 -- Right 2 -- Center 3 -- Justified When generating DataWindow syntax with SyntaxFromSql, the setting for Alignment applies to all text controls used as column labels. |
When you select justified, the last line of text is not stretched to fill the line. Controls with only one line of text look left aligned.
In the painter
Select the control and set the value using:
Properties view, General tab
dw1.Object.emp_name_t.Alignment = 2 ls_data = dw1.Describe("emp_name.Alignment") dw1.Modify("emp_name_t.Alignment='2'")
The retrieval arguments required by the data source. You specify retrieval arguments in the DataWindow's SELECT statement and you provide values for the retrieval arguments when you call the Retrieve method.
Applies to
Database table for the DataWindow object
Not settable in PowerScript. Used in DataWindow syntax.
Table(Arguments = ( (name1, type), (name2, type) ... ) ... )
Parameter |
Description |
name |
The name of the retrieval argument |
type |
The type of the argument:
In the painter
Set the value in the SQL Select painter or Query painter.
Open the SQL Select painter by selecting Design>Data Source from the menu bar in the DataWindow painter, or create or open a query in the Query painter. Then select Design>Retrieval Arguments.
A tab-separated list of all the properties that apply to a control.
Applies to
DataWindow, Button, Column, Computed Field, Graph, GroupBox, Line, OLE, Oval, Picture, Rectangle, Report, RoundRectangle, TableBlob, and Text controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe argument:
ls_data = dw1.Object.emp_name_t.Attributes ls_data = dw1.Describe("DataWindow.Attributes") ls_data = dw1.Describe("emp_name_t.Attributes")
The list of items or the expression associated with an axis of a graph. Each item is separated by a comma. You can ask for the list of categories on the Category axis, the series on the Series axis, or the values on the Values axis.
Applies to
Graph controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"graphname.axis { = 'list ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
graphname |
The name of the graph within the DataWindow object for which you want to get or set the list of items for axis. |
axis |
An axis name. Values are:
list |
A string listing the categories, series, or values for the graph. The content of the list depends on the axis you specify. The items in the list are separated by commas. List is quoted. |
In the painter
Select the graph control and set the value by selecting a column or expression for each axis in the Properties view, Data tab.
ls_data = dw1.Object.gr_1.Values dw1.Object.gr_1.Series = "Actual, Budget" ls_data = dw1.Describe("gr1.Category") ls_data = dw1.Describe("gr1.Series") ls_data = dw1.Describe("gr1.Values") dw1.Modify("gr1.Series='Actual, Budget'")
Settings that control the appearance of an axis on a graph.
Applies to
Graph controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"graphname.axis.property { = value }"
Parameter |
Description |
graphname |
The name of the graph within the DataWindow object for which you want to get or set a property value for an axis. |
axis |
An axis name. Values are:
property |
A property for the axis. Properties and their settings are listed in the table that follows. |
value |
The value to be assigned to the property. For axis properties, value can be a quoted DataWindow expression. |
Property for Axis |
Value |
AutoScale |
(exp) A boolean number specifying whether PowerBuilder scales the axis automatically. Enabled when the axis displays nonstring data. Values are: 0 -- No, do not automatically scale the axis. 1 -- Yes, automatically scale the axis. Painter: Axis tab, Scale group. |
DispAttr. fontproperty |
(exp) Properties that control the appearance of the text that labels the axis divisions. For a list of font properties, see the main entry for DispAttr.fontproperty. Painter: Text tab. Choose Category Axis Text, Series Axis Text, or Values Axis Text, and set font properties. |
DisplayEveryNLabels |
(exp) An integer specifying which major axis divisions to label. For example, 2 means label every other tick mark. Values 0 and 1 both mean label every tick mark. If the labels are too long, they are clipped. Painter: Axis tab, Major Divisions group (not available for all graph types). |
DropLines |
(exp) An integer indicating the type of drop line for the axis. Values are: 0 -- None 1 -- Solid 2 -- Dash 3 -- Dot 4 -- DashDot 5 -- DashDotDot Painter: Axis tab, Major Divisions group (not available for all graph types). Not supported by Render3D graph style. |
Frame |
(exp) An integer indicating the type of line used for the frame. Values are 0--5. See DropLines in this table for their meaning. Available for 3D graph types. Painter: Axis tab, Line Style group. Not supported by Render3D graph style. |
Label |
(exp) A string whose value is the axis label. Painter: Axis tab. |
LabelDispAttr. fontproperty |
(exp) Properties that control the appearance of the axis label. For a list of font properties, see the main entry for DispAttr.fontproperty. Painter: Text tab. Choose Category Axis Label, Series Axis Label, or Values Axis Label, and set font properties. |
MajorDivisions |
(exp) An integer specifying the number of major divisions on the axis. Painter: Axis tab, Major Divisions group. |
MajorGridLine |
(exp) An integer specifying the type of line for the major grid. Values are 0-5. See DropLines in this table for their meaning. Painter: Axis tab, Major Divisions group. Not supported by Render3D graph style. |
MajorTic |
(exp) An integer specifying the type of the major tick marks. Values are: 1 -- None 2 -- Inside 3 -- Outside 4 -- Straddle Painter: Axis tab, Major Divisions group. Not supported by Render3D graph style. |
MaximumValue |
(exp) A double specifying the maximum value for the axis. Painter: Axis tab, Scale group. |
MinimumValue |
(exp) A double specifying the minimum value for the axis. Painter: Axis tab, Scale group. |
MinorDivisions |
(exp) An integer specifying the number of minor divisions on the axis. Painter: Axis tab, Minor Divisions group. Not supported by Render3D graph style. |
MinorGridLine |
(exp) An integer specifying the type of line for the minor grid. Values are 0-5. See DropLines in this table for their meaning. Painter: Axis tab, Minor Divisions group. Not supported by Render3D graph style. |
MinorTic |
(exp) An integer specifying the type of the minor tick marks. Values are: 1 -- None 2 -- Inside 3 -- Outside 4 -- Straddle Painter: Axis tab, Minor Divisions group. Not supported by Render3D graph style. |
OriginLine |
(exp) An integer specifying the type of origin line for the axis. Values are 0-5. See DropLines in this table for their meaning. Enabled for numeric data axes. Painter: Axis tab, Line Style group. Not supported by Render3D graph style. |
PrimaryLine |
(exp) An integer specifying the type of primary line for the axis. Values are 0-5. See DropLines in this table for their meaning. Painter: Axis tab, Line Style group. Not supported by Render3D graph style. |
RoundTo |
(exp) A double specifying the value to which you want to round the axis values. Specify both a value and a unit (described next). Painter: Axis tab, Scale group. |
RoundToUnit |
(exp) An integer specifying the units for the rounding value. The units must be appropriate for the axis datatype. Values are: 0 -- Default, for an axis of any datatype 1 -- Years, for an axis of type date or DateTime 2 -- Months, for an axis of type date or DateTime 3 -- Days, for an axis of type date or DateTime 4 -- Hours, for an axis of type time or DateTime 5 -- Minutes, for an axis of type time or DateTime 6 -- Seconds, for an axis of type time or DateTime 7 -- Microseconds, for an axis of type time or DateTime Painter: Axis tab, Scale group. |
ScaleType |
(exp) An integer specifying the type of scale used for the axis. Values are: 1 -- Scale_Linear 2 -- Scale_Log10 3 -- Scale_Loge Painter: Axis tab, Scale group. |
ScaleValue |
(exp) An integer specifying the scale of values on the axis. Values are: 1 -- Scale_Actual 2 -- Scale_Cumulative 3 -- Scale_Percentage 4 -- Scale_CumPercent Painter: Axis tab, Scale group. |
SecondaryLine |
(exp) An integer specifying the type of secondary line for the axis. The line is parallel to and opposite the primary line and is usually not displayed in 2D graphs. Values are 0-5. See DropLines in this table for their meaning. Painter: Axis tab, Line Style group. Not supported by Render3D graph style. |
ShadeBackEdge |
(exp) A boolean number specifying whether the back edge of the axis is shaded. Values are: 0 -- No, the back edge is not shaded 1 -- Yes, the back edge is shaded Painter: Axis tab. Enabled for 3D graphs only. Not supported by Render3D graph style. |
Sort |
(exp) An integer specifying the way the axis values should be sorted. (Does not apply to the Values axis.) Values are: 0 -- Unsorted 1 -- Ascending 2 -- Descending Painter: Axis tab, Line Style group. |
In the painter
Select the graph control or the Graph DataWindow object and set the value in the Properties view. To set most axis properties, select the Axis tab and an axis in the Axis drop-down list. Font properties are set on the Text tab.
string ls_data ls_data = dw1.Object.gr_1.Category.AutoScale dw1.Object.Category.LabelDispAttr.Alignment = 2 ls_data = dw1.Describe("gr_1.Category.AutoScale") dw1.Modify("gr_1.Series.AutoScale=0") dw1.Modify("gr_1.Values.Label='Cities'") dw1.Modify("gr_1.Category.LabelDispAttr.Alignment=2")
The background color of a graph in a DataWindow.
Applies to
Graph controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"graphname.BackColor { = long }"
Parameter |
Description |
graphname |
The graph whose background color you want to get or set. |
long |
(exp) A long expression specifying the color (red, green, and blue values) to be used as the graph's background color. Long can be a quoted DataWindow expression. |
In the painter
Select the graph control and set the value in the Properties view, General tab.
dw1.Object.graph_1.BackColor = 250 setting = dw1.Describe("graph_1.BackColor") dw1.Modify("graph_1.BackColor=250")
Settings for the color and transparency of a control.
Applies to
Button, Column, Computed Field, GroupBox, Line, Oval, Rectangle, RoundRectangle, and Text controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"controlname.Background.property { = 'value ' }"
Column ( Background.property = value ) Text ( Background.property = value )
Parameter |
Description |
controlname |
The control whose Background properties you want to get or set. When generating DataWindow syntax with SyntaxFromSql, the Background settings apply to all columns or all text controls. |
property |
A property that applies to the background of a control, as listed in the Property table below. |
value |
Values for the properties are shown below. Value can be a quoted DataWindow expression. |
Property for Background |
Value |
Brushmode |
(exp) An integer indicating the type of "brush" to use for the gradient. Values are: Painter: Background tab, Gradient group (not available in RichText, Graph, or OLE DataWindow objects). |
Color |
(exp) A long expression specifying the color (the red, green, and blue values) to be used as the control's background color. Painter: Background tab |
Mode |
(exp) A number expression specifying the mode of the background of controlname. Values are: 0 -- Make the control's background opaque 1 -- make the control's background transparent |
Transparency |
(exp) An integer in the range 0 to 100, where 0 means that the column or control's primary background is opaque and 100 that it is completely transparent. Painter: Background tab. |
Gradient.Angle |
(exp) An integer indicating the angle in degrees (values are 0 to 360) used to offset the color and transparency gradient. This property is used only when the column's or control's background.gradient.mode takes values of 3 or 4. Painter: Background tab, Gradient group. |
Gradient.Color |
(exp) A long specifying the color (the red, green, and blue values) to be used as the column or control's secondary background color. The gradient defines transitions between the primary and secondary background colors. Painter: Background tab, Gradient group. |
Gradient.Focus |
(exp) An integer in the range 0 to 100, specifying the distance (as a percentage) from the center where the background color is at its maximum. (For example, if the radial gradient is used and the value is set to 0, the color will be at the center of the background; if the value is set to 100, the color will be at the edges of the background.) Painter: Background tab, Gradient group |
Gradient.Repetition.Mode |
(exp) Specifies the mode for determining the number of gradient transitions for the column's or control's background color and transparency. Permitted values and their meanings are:
Painter: Background tab, Gradient group. |
Gradient.Repetition.Count |
(exp) An integer specifying the number of gradient transitions for background color and transparency. A value of 0 indicates 1 transition. A value of 3 indicates 4 transitions. This property is used only when the gradient.repetition.mode property for the column or control takes the value of 0 (by count). Painter: Background tab, Gradient group. |
Gradient.Repetition.Length |
(exp) A long specifying the number of gradient transitions. This property is used only when the gradient.repetition.mode property for the column or control takes the value of 1 (by length). The units for the length that you assign for gradient transitions are set by the DataWindow object's Units property. Painter: Background tab, Gradient group. |
Gradient.Scale |
(exp) An integer in the range 0 to 100 specifying the rate of transition to the gradient color (as a percentage). Painter: Background tab, Gradient group |
Gradient.Spread |
(exp) An integer in the range 0 to 100 indicating the contribution of the second color to the blend (as a percentage). Painter: Background tab, Gradient group |
Gradient.Transparency |
(exp) An integer in the range 0 to 100, where 0 means that the column or control's secondary (gradient) background is opaque and 100 that it is completely transparent. The gradient defines transitions between the primary and secondary transparency settings. Painter: Background tab, Gradient group. |
In the painter
Select the control and set the value in the Properties view, Font tab for controls that have text and in the General tab for drawing controls (choose Transparent or a color).
When you choose a Brush Hatch fill pattern other than Solid for an Oval, Rectangle, or RoundRectangle control, the Background Color and the Brush Color are used for the pattern colors.
Background color of a button
The Background.Color property is not supported on Windows XP by default because the current XP theme controls the appearance of the button. Set the ShowBackColorOnXP property of the DataWindow object to force the color change to take effect.
Background color of a line
The background color of a line is the color that displays between the segments of the line when the pen style is not solid.
Transparent background
If Background.Mode is transparent (1), Background.Color is ignored.
Background gradient properties
Background gradient and transparency properties do not apply to DataWindow objects with the RichText, Graph, or OLE presentation style, and do not apply to the Line control.
DropDownDataWindows and GetChild
When you set Background.Color and Background.Mode for a column with a DropDownDataWindow, references to the DropDownDataWindow become invalid. Call GetChild again after changing these properties to obtain a valid reference.
dw1.Object.oval_1.Background.Color = RGB(255, 0, 128) ls_data = dw1.Describe("oval_1.Background.Color") dw1.Modify("emp_name.Background.Color='11665407'") ls_data = dw1.Describe("emp_name.Background.Mode") dw1.Modify("emp_name.Background.Mode='1'") dw1.Modify("rndrect_1.Background.Mode='0'") SQLCA.SyntaxFromSQL(sql_syntax, & "Style(...) Column(Background.Mode=1 ...) ...", & ls_Errors) SQLCA.SyntaxFromSQL(sql_syntax, & "Style(...) Column(Background.Color=11665407 ...)", & ls_Errors)
The column that contains the background image for an InkPicture control in a DataWindow.
Applies to
InkPicture controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"inkpicname.BackImage{ = colname }"
Parameter |
Description |
inkpicname |
The graph whose background color you want to get or set. |
colname |
A string value specifying the name of the long binary column that contains the background image for the control. |
In the painter
Select the InkPicture control and set the value in the Properties view, Definition tab, Col for Image property. The image format can be JPEG, GIF, BMP, or ICO. If you change the image, call the Retrieve method to force the DataWindow to retrieve the new image.
sval = dw1.Object.inkpic_1.backimage dw1.Object.inkpic_1.backimage = 'InkImg'
The band or layer in the DataWindow object that contains the control. The returned text is one of the following, where # is the level number of a group: detail, footer, header, header.#, summary, trailer.#, tree.level.#, foreground, background.
Changing a control's band
Use the SetPosition method to change a control's band at runtime.
Applies to
Button, Column, Computed Field, Graph, GroupBox, Line, OLE, Oval, Picture, Rectangle, Report, RoundRectangle, TableBlob, and Text controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
Parameter |
Description |
controlname |
The name of the control within the DataWindow for which you want the band it occupies |
In the painter
Select the control and set the value in the Properties view, Position tab, Layer option. When the control's layer is Band, you can drag the control into another band.
ls_data = dw1.Object.emp_title.Band ls_data = dw1.Describe("emp_title.Band")
Settings for the color, size, and pointer of a band in the DataWindow object. The gradient settings do not work in reports.
Applies to
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"DataWindow.bandname{.#}.property { = value }"
Parameter |
Description |
bandname |
The identifier of a band in the DataWindow object. Values are:
Setting the header.#, trailer.#, and tree.level.# bands You cannot use dot notation to set the header.#, trailer.#, and tree.level.# bands. |
# |
The number of the group or TreeView level you want when bandname is Header, Trailer, or Tree.Level. The group must exist. |
property |
A property that applies to the band, as listed in the table below. |
value |
Values for the properties are shown in the following table. |
Property for Bandname |
Value |
Brushmode |
(exp) An integer indicating the type of "brush" to use for the gradient. Values are: 0 -- Solid 1 -- Horizontal 2 -- Vertical 3 -- Angle 4 -- ScaledAngle 5 -- Radial Painter: Background tab, Gradient group (not available for RichText, Graph, or OLE DataWindow objects). |
Color |
(exp) A long specifying the color (the red, green, and blue values) to be used as the band's background color. Value can be a quoted DataWindow expression. Painter: General tab. |
Height |
An integer specifying the height of the detail area in the unit of measure specified for the DataWindow. Painter: General tab. For another way of setting the height of the detail band, see the SetDetailHeight method. |
Height.AutoSize |
Allows the band to grow to display a row, picture, or nested report without cutting off any of its content. In the detail band, selecting this property sets the minimum height for all rows to the size specified by the Height property for the band. Values are: No -- Fixes the band height to the size set for the Height property of the band. Yes -- Adjusts the band height to accommodate the full content of a row or the controls in the band. However, the band height cannot be reduced below the value set for the Height property of the band. This property can be especially useful to set on the detail band when it contains rows with a text column that you want to display without cutting off any of the text. The height of the detail band must not grow larger than a page, except when it contains nested DataWindows with the Report.Height.AutoSize property set to Yes. You can set this property on individual columns and controls as well as on the band itself. For more information, see the Height.AutoSize property for DataWindow objects. There are some limitations on the use of this property:
Painter: General tab when the band is selected. |
Pointer |
(exp) A string specifying a value of the Pointer enumerated datatype or the name of a cursor file (.CUR) to be used for the pointer. See the section called “SetPointer” in PowerScript Reference for a list of Pointer values. Pointername can be a quoted DataWindow expression. Painter: Pointer tab. |
Suppress |
A boolean that lets you suppress group headers after page breaks. You can set this property on group header bands only. When a group listing straddles a page break, all group headers for which you set this property will be suppressed. The suppressed headers do not display at the top of the page. However, if the page break coincides with the start of a new group, only headers above the current group header can be suppressed. Values are: No -- Does not suppress group headers. Yes -- Suppresses group headers. Painter: General tab when a group header band is selected. |
Transparency |
(exp) An integer in the range 0 to 100, where 0 means that the background is opaque and 100 that it is completely transparent. Painter: Background tab. |
Gradient.Angle |
(exp) An integer indicating the angle in degrees (values are 0 to 360) used to offset the color and transparency gradient. This property is used only when the DataWindow band gradient.mode takes values of 3 or 4. Painter: Background tab, Gradient group. |
Gradient.Color |
(exp) A long specifying the color (the red, green, and blue values) to be used as the band object's secondary background color. The gradient defines transitions between the primary and secondary background colors. Value can be a quoted DataWindow expression. Painter: Background tab. |
Gradient.Focus |
(exp) An integer in the range 0 to 100, specifying the distance (as a percentage) from the center where the background color is at its maximum. (For example, if the radial gradient is used and the value is set to 0, the color will be at the center of the background; if the value is set to 100, the color will be at the edges of the background.) Painter: Background tab, Gradient group |
Gradient.Scale |
(exp) An integer in the range 0 to 100 specifying the rate of transition to the gradient color (as a percentage). Painter: Background tab, Gradient group |
Gradient.Spread |
(exp) An integer in the range 0 to 100 indicating the contribution of the second color to the blend (as a percentage). Painter: Background tab, Gradient group |
Gradient.Repetition.Mode |
(exp) Specifies the mode for determining the number of gradient transitions for band background color and transparency. Permitted values and their meanings are:
Painter: Background tab, Gradient group. |
Gradient.Repetition.Count |
(exp) An integer specifying the number of gradient transitions for background color and transparency. A value of 0 indicates 1 transition. A value of 3 indicates 4 transitions. This property is used only when the gradient.repetition.mode property for the DataWindow band takes the value of 0 (by count). Painter: Background tab, Gradient group. |
Gradient.Repetition.Length |
(exp) A long specifying the number of gradient transitions. This property is used only when the gradient.repetition.mode property for the DataWindow band takes the value of 1 (by length). The units for the length that you assign for the band's gradient transitions are set by the DataWindow object's Units property. Painter: Background tab, Gradient group. |
Gradient.Transparency |
(exp) An integer in the range 0 to 100, where 0 means that the band's secondary (gradient) background is opaque and 100 that it is completely transparent. The gradient defines transitions between the primary and secondary transparency settings. Painter: Background tab, Gradient group. |
In the painter
Select the band by clicking the gray divider for the band. Set the value in the Properties view.
string ls_data ls_data = dw1.Object.DataWindow.Detail.Height dw1.Object.DataWindow.Detail.Pointer = "hand.cur" ls_data = dw1.Describe("DataWindow.Detail.Height") ls_data = & dw1.Describe("DataWindow.Detail.Height.AutoSize") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Detail.Pointer='hand.cur'") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Detail.Pointer='~"Cross!~" ~t if(emp_status=~"a~", ~"HourGlass!~", ~"Cross!~")'") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Footer.Height=250") ll_color = RGB(200, 200, 500) dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Header.2.Color=" & + String(ll_color)) dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Trailer.2.Height=500") dw1.Modify( & "DataWindow.Summary.Pointer='c:\pb\total.cur'")
(RichText presentation style only) The rich text content of the specified band as an ASCII string.
Applies to
DataWindows in the RichText presentation style
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"DataWindow.bandname.Text { = rtfstring }"
Parameter |
Description |
bandname |
The identifier of a band in the DataWindow object that has the RichText presentation style. Values are:
rtfstring |
A string whose value is the rich text content of the band. The string includes the rich text formatting codes, text, and input fields. Text assigned to the header or footer band is ignored if RichText.HeaderFooter is set to no. When you assign text using the Modify method or dot notation, nested quotes must be represented with tildes and quotes. If your data is a pure RTF string, use the PasteRTF method. |
In the painter
Set the value by editing the content of each band in the painter workspace.
ls_footertext = dw1.Object.DataWindow.Footer.Text ls_data = dw1.Describe("DataWindow.Detail.Text")
A list of the bands in the DataWindow object. The list can include one or more of the following band identifiers, where # is the level number of a group: Detail, Footer, Header, Header.#, Summary, Trailer.#, Tree.Level.#. The items in the list are separated by tabs.
Applies to
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe argument:
ls_data = dw1.Object.DataWindow.Bands ls_data = dw1.Describe("DataWindow.Bands")
An internal index that PowerBuilder uses to manage the OLE Object control in the library. There is no reason to get this value; the value has no external significance.
Applies to
OLE Object controls
Whether PowerBuilder interprets the column's value as the name of a picture file and displays the picture instead of the text. BitmapName's value is either Yes or No.
Applies to
Column controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe argument:
In the painter
Select the control and set the value in the Properties view, General tab, Display As Pic option.
ls_data = dw1.Object.emp_name.BitmapName ls_data = dw1.Describe("emp_name.BitmapName")
The type of border for the control.
Applies to
Column, Computed Field, Graph, GroupBox, OLE, Picture, Report, TableBlob, and Text controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"controlname.Border { = 'value ' }"
Column ( ... Border = value ... ) Text ( ... Border = value ... )
Parameter |
Description |
controlname |
The name of the control whose border you want to get or set. When generating DataWindow syntax with SyntaxFromSql, the Border setting applies to all columns or all text controls. |
value |
(exp) A number specifying the type of border. Values are: 0 -- None 1 -- Shadow 2 -- Rectangle 3 -- Resize 4 -- Line 5 -- 3D Lowered 6 -- 3D Raised The value can be a quoted DataWindow painter expression. When you change between Resize and another border, change the Resizeable property too so that the control's appearance and behavior match. For columns, you can access the Border property with the GetBorderStyle and SetBorderStyle methods. |
In the painter
Select the control and set the value in the Properties view, General tab.
Changing the Border setting between Resize and another border affects the Resizeable option on the Position tab. To make another border resizable, choose the border then reset Resizeable.
On Windows XP, to display the border of a text column with the XP style (by default, a blue box), set the Border property to Lowered and the BackgroundColor of the font to Window Background.
For examples of other ways to set properties, using Border as an example, see What you can do with DataWindow object properties.
string ls_data ls_data = dw1.Object.emp_name_t.Border dw1.Object.emp_name_t.Border='6' ls_data = dw1.Describe("emp_name_t.Border") dw1.Modify("emp_name_t.Border='6'") SQLCA.SyntaxFromSQL(sql_syntax, & "Style(...) Column(Border=5 ...) ...", ls_Errors)
Settings for the fill pattern and color of a graphic control.
Applies to
Oval, Rectangle, and RoundRectangle controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"controlname.Brush.property { = 'value ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
controlname |
The name of the Line, Oval, Rectangle, RoundRectangle, or Text control whose Brush property you want to get or set. |
property |
A property that applies to the Brush characteristics of a control, as listed in the table below. |
value |
Values for the properties are shown in the next table. Value can be a quoted DataWindow expression. |
Property for Brush |
Value |
Color |
(exp) A long expression specifying the color (the red, green, and blue values) to be used to fill the control. |
Hatch |
(exp) A number expression specifying the fill pattern of controlname. Values are: 0 -- Horizontal 1 -- Bdiagonal (lines from lower left to upper right) 2 -- Vertical 3 -- Cross 4 -- Fdiagonal (lines from upper left to lower right) 5 -- DiagCross 6 -- Solid 7 -- Transparent 8 - Background (use the settings on the Background tab) |
In the painter
Select the control and set the value in the Properties view, General tab.
When you choose a Brush Hatch fill pattern other than Solid or Transparent, the Background Color and the Brush Color are used for the pattern colors.
string ls_data ls_data = dw1.Object.oval_1.Brush.Hatch dw1.Object.oval_1.Brush.Hatch = 5 ls_data = dw1.Describe("oval_1.Brush.Hatch") dw1.Modify("oval_1.Brush.Hatch='5'") dw1.Modify("oval_1.Brush.Color='16731766'")
Setting that controls the type of "brush" used for the background or primary gradient.
Applies to
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"DataWindow (brushmode = { integer } )"
Parameter |
Description |
integer |
The value to be assigned to the property: 0 -- Solid 1 -- HorizontalGradient 2 -- VerticalGradient 3 -- AngleGradient 4 -- ScaledAngleGradient 5 -- RadialGradient 6 -- Picture |
In the painter
Set the brushmode value on the Background tab of the Properties view.
If you save to an EMF or WMF, the properties on the Background tab are not saved with the DataWindow.
The following table explains the possible values for Brushmode:
Value |
Description |
0 - Solid |
The background is a solid color as selected |
1 - HorizontalGradient |
The color changes horizontally from the primary color (and transparency) to the secondary color (and transparency). The primary values are defined by the datawindow.color and datawindow.transparency, and the secondary values are defined by datawindow.gradient.color and datawindow.gradient.transparency. The gradient can be repeated using the datawindow.gradient.repetition.mode property. |
2 - VerticalGradient |
The color changes vertically from the background color (and transparency) to the secondary color (and transparency). The primary values are defined by the datawindow.color and datawindow.transparency, and the secondary values are defined by datawindow.gradient.color and datawindow.gradient.transparency. The gradient can be repeated using the datawindow.gradient.repetition.mode property. |
3 - AngleGradient |
The color changes at a specific angle off the horizontal from the background color (and transparency) to the secondary color (and transparency). The angle is specified in datawindow.gradient.angle. The primary values are defined by the datawindow.color and datawindow.transparency, and the secondary values are defined by datawindow.gradient.color and datawindow.gradient.transparency. The gradient can be repeated using the datawindow.gradient.repetition.mode property. |
4 - ScaledAngleGradient |
The color changes at an angle, which adjusts according to the changes in the aspect ratio of the DataWindow control. The starting angle is specified in datawindow.gradient.angle. The primary values are defined by the datawindow.color and datawindow.transparency, and the secondary values are defined by datawindow.gradient.color and datawindow.gradient.transparency. The gradient can be repeated using the datawindow.gradient.repetition.mode property. |
5 - RadialGradient |
The background color (and transparency) starts at the center and slow changes to the gradient color (and transparency) at the boundaries of the DataWindow. The primary values are defined by the datawindow.color and datawindow.transparency, and the secondary values are defined by datawindow.gradient.color and datawindow.gradient.transparency. |
6 - Picture |
A picture is used as the background. The image is specified in datawindow.picture.file. |
See also
See Axis, Axis.property, and DispAttr.fontproperty.
Settings for a column whose edit style is CheckBox.
Applies to
Column controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"columnname.CheckBox.property { = value }"
Parameter |
Description |
columnname |
The column whose edit style is CheckBox for which you want to get or set property values. |
property |
A property for the CheckBox edit style, as listed in the table below. |
value |
Values for the properties are shown in the table below. For CheckBox properties, value cannot be a DataWindow expression. |
Property for CheckBox |
Value |
LeftText |
Whether the CheckBox label is to the left or right of the CheckBox. Values are: Yes -- Display the label on the left. No -- Display the label on the right. Painter: Edit tab, Left Text option. |
Off |
A string constant specifying the column value when the CheckBox is off (unchecked). The resulting value must be the same datatype as the column. Painter: Edit tab, Data Value for Off option. |
On |
A string constant specifying the value that will be put in the column when the CheckBox is on (checked). The resulting value must be the same datatype as the column. Painter: Edit tab, Data Value for On option. |
Other |
A string constant specifying the value that will be put in the column when the CheckBox is in the third state (neither checked nor unchecked). The value must be the same datatype as the column. Painter: Edit tab, This option is available when ThreeStates is True. |
Scale |
Whether you want to scale the 2D CheckBox. Takes effect only when the ThreeD property is No. Values are: Yes -- Scale the CheckBox. No -- Do not scale the CheckBox. Painter: Edit tab,Scale option. |
Text |
A string specifying the CheckBox's label text. Painter: Edit tab, Text option. |
ThreeD |
Whether the CheckBox should be 3D. Values are: Yes -- Make the CheckBox 3D No -- Do not make the CheckBox 3D Painter: Edit tab, 3D Look option. |
ThreeStates |
Whether the CheckBox should have three states. Values are: Yes -- The CheckBox has three states No -- The CheckBox does not have three states Painter: Edit tab, 3 States option. |
In the painter
Select the control and set values in the Properties view, Edit tab, when Style Type option is CheckBox.
dw1.Modify("emp_gender.CheckBox.3D=no") IF dw1.Describe("emp_status.CheckBox.LeftText") & = "yes" THEN dw1.Modify("emp_status2.CheckBox.LeftText=yes") END IF dw1.Modify("emp_status.CheckBox.Off='Terminated'") dw1.Modify("emp_status.CheckBox.On='Active'") dw1.Modify("emp_status.CheckBox.Other='Unknown'") dw1.Object.emp_gender.CheckBox.ThreeD = "no" IF dw1.Object.emp_status.CheckBox.LeftText = "yes" THEN dw1.Object.emp_status2.CheckBox.LeftText = "yes" END IF
The name of the OLE client. The default is "Untitled." ClientName is used by some applications in the server window's title.
Applies to
OLE Object and TableBlob controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"controlname.ClientName { = ' clientname ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
controlname |
The name of a blob column or an OLE Object control. |
clientname |
(exp) A string expression to be used in the title of the server application's window. For a blob, the string usually includes data from the current row so that the window title can identify the blob's row. Begin the string with a tab (~t) when you modify the value so that PowerBuilder evaluates the expression instead of displaying it. |
In the painter
Select the control and set the value in the Properties view, Options tab.
cname = dw1.Object.emppict_blob.ClientName dw1.Object.emppict_blob.ClientName = & "~t'Data for ' String(emp_id)" cname = dw1.Describe("emppict_blob.ClientName") dw1.Modify("emppict_blob.ClientName='" + & "~t~"Data for ~" + String(emp_id)'")
The text color of the column or the background color of the DataWindow.
The color affected by the Color property depends on the control:
For the DataWindow, Color specifies the background color
For columns, computed fields, and text, Color specifies the text color
For graphs, Color specifies the line color used for axes, borders around data markers, tick marks, and the outline of the box for 3D graphs
Applies to
DataWindow, Button, Column, Graph, and GroupBox controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
dw_control.Object.DataWindow.Color dw_control.Object.controlname.Color
Describe and Modify argument:
"DataWindow.Color { = long }" "controlname.Color { = long }"
DataWindow ( Color = long ) Column ( Color = long )
Parameter |
Description |
controlname |
The column whose text color you want to set or the graph whose line color you want to set. |
long |
(exp for columns only) A long value specifying the color of the column text or the DataWindow background. When you are specifying the text color of a column, you can specify a DataWindow expression in quotes. You cannot specify an expression for the DataWindow background color. When generating DataWindow syntax with SyntaxFromSql, the Color setting for Column applies to all columns. |
In the painter
For the DataWindow background, click the DataWindow to deselect all controls and set the value in the Properties view, Background tab, Color option. If you save to an EMF or WMF, the properties on the Background tab are not saved with the DataWindow.
For a column's text color, select the column and set the value in the Properties view, Font tab, Text Color option.
For a graph's line color, select the graph and set the value in the Properties view, General tab, Text Color option.
string column_text_color column_text_color = dw1.Object.emp_name.Color dw1.Object.salary.Color = & "0~tIf(salary>90000,255,65280)" dw_back_color = dw1.Describe("DataWindow.Color") column_text_color = dw1.Describe("emp_name.Color") dw1.Modify( & "salary.Color='0~tIf(salary>90000,255,65280)'")
See also
The datatype of the column or computed field.
Applies to
Column and Computed Field controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe argument:
Parameter |
Description |
controlname |
The column for which you want the datatype. Possible datatypes are:
In the painter
The value of ColType is derived from the data or expression you specify for the control. The value is displayed in the Column Specifications view.
Date column types
If you define a DataWindow with a column of type Date and deploy it with a DBMS that uses the DateTime datatype, set the StaticBind database parameter to 0 or No. This forces PowerBuilder to get a result set description before retrieving data and adjust the bind information if necessary.
For more information, see the section called “StaticBind” in Connection Reference.
string ls_coltype ls_coltype = dw1.Object.emp_id.ColType ls_coltype = dw1.Describe("emp_id.ColType")
The number of columns in the DataWindow object.
Applies to
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe argument:
In the painter
The value is determined by the number of columns you select in the SQL Select painter, whether or not they are displayed.
Column limit
There is a limit of 1000 on the number of columns in a DataWindow object.
string ls_colcount ls_colcount = dw1.Object.DataWindow.Column.Count ls_colcount = dw1.Describe("DataWindow.Column.Count")
The way the OLE Object control holds the OLE object. You can restrict the container to only embedded or only linked objects, or you can allow either type.
Applies to
OLE Object controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"olecontrolname.ContentsAllowed { = ' contentstype ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
olecontrolname |
The name of the OLE Object control for which you want to get or set the type of contents. |
contentstype |
A number specifying whether the OLE object in the control has to be embedded, has to be linked, or can be either embedded or linked. Values are: 0 -- Embedded 1 -- Linked 2 -- Any |
In the painter
Select the control and set the value in the Properties view, Options tab, Contents option.
string ls_data ls_data = dw1.Object.ole_report.ContentsAllowed dw1.Object.ole_report.ContentsAllowed = 2 ls_data = dw1.Describe("ole_report.ContentsAllowed") dw1.Modify("ole_report.ContentsAllowed='2'")
The search condition of the WHERE clause for a related report. The Criteria property defines the connection between the related report and the DataWindow.
Applies to
Report controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"reportname.Criteria { = string }"
Parameter |
Description |
reportname |
The name of the report control for which you want to get or set Criteria. |
string |
An expression that will be the search condition of the WHERE clause for the related report. |
ls_colcount = dw1.Object.rpt_1.Criteria dw1.Object.rpt_1.Criteria = "emp_id=:emp_id" ls_colcount = dw1.Describe("rpt_1.Criteria") dw1.Modify("rpt_1.Criteria='emp_id=:emp_id'")
See also
Nest_Arguments DataWindow object property in Nest_Arguments.
Settings for the Prompt for Criteria dialog box. When Prompt for Criteria is enabled, PowerBuilder prompts the user to specify criteria for retrieving data whenever the Retrieve method is called. Note that the Required property also affects query mode.
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"columnname.Criteria.property { = value }"
Parameter |
Description |
columnname |
The name of the column for which you want to get or set Prompt for Criteria properties. |
property |
A property for the Prompt for Criteria dialog box. Properties and their settings are listed in the table below. |
value |
A Yes or No value to be assigned to the property. For Criteria properties, value cannot be a DataWindow expression. |
Property for Criteria |
Value |
Dialog |
Whether Prompt for Criteria is on for columnname. Values are: Yes -- Include columnname in the Prompt for Criteria dialog box. No -- (Default) Do not include columnname in the Prompt for Criteria dialog box. If the Dialog property is Yes for at least one column in the DataWindow, then PowerBuilder displays the Prompt for Criteria dialog box when the Retrieve method is called. Painter: Column Specifications view, Prompt check box. |
Override_Edit |
Whether the user must enter data in the Prompt for Criteria dialog box according to the edit style defined for the column in the DataWindow object or be allowed to enter any specifications in a standard edit control. Values are: Yes -- Allow the user to override the column's edit style and enter data in a standard edit control. No -- (Default) Constrain the user to the edit style for the column. Painter: Properties view, General Tab, Override Edit option. |
Required |
Whether the user is restricted to the equality operator (=) when specifying criteria in query mode and in the Prompt for Criteria dialog box. Values are: Yes -- Require the user to use the equality operator only. No -- (Default) Allow the user to use any relational operator, including =, <>, <, >, >=, and <=. Painter: Properties view, General tab, Equality Required option. |
In the painter
Set the values using the menus and Properties view as described in the table above.
string setting setting = dw1.Object.empname.Criteria.Dialog dw1.Object.empname.Criteria.Dialog= "Yes" setting = dw1.Describe("empname.Criteria.Dialog") dw1.Modify("empname.Criteria.Dialog=Yes") dw1.Modify("empname.Criteria.Override_Edit=Yes") dw1.Modify("empname.Criteria.Required=No") IF dw1.Describe("empname.Edit.Style") = "dddw" THEN dw1.Modify("empname.Criteria.Override_Edit=Yes") END IF
Settings for a DataWindow object whose presentation style is Crosstab.
Applies to
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"DataWindow.Crosstab.property { = value }"
Parameter |
Description |
property |
A property for a Crosstab DataWindow. Properties and their settings are listed in the table below. |
value |
A string expression listing the items to be assigned to the property. For Crosstab properties, value is always quoted and can be a DataWindow expression. |
Property for Crosstab |
Value |
Columns |
(exp) A string containing a comma- or tab-separated list of the names of columns that make up the columns of the crosstab. These are the columns that display across the top of the crosstab. Painter: Columns option. |
Rows |
(exp) A string containing a comma- or tab-separated list of the names of columns that make up the rows of the crosstab. Painter: Rows option. |
SourceNames |
(exp) A string containing a comma-separated list of column names to be displayed in the Crosstab Definition dialog box. The default names are the column names from the database. Painter: Source Data option. |
StaticMode |
A string indicating whether a dynamic crosstab should be put into a static mode. The dynamic crosstab remains in static mode until you set StaticMode to No. While the dynamic crosstab is in static mode, you can manipulate the properties of individual columns. Values are: Yes -- StaticMode is enabled No -- (Default) StaticMode is disabled Painter: Not set in painter. |
Values |
(exp) A string containing a comma- or tab-separated list of expressions that will be used to calculate the values of the crosstab. Painter: Values option. |
In the painter
For DataWindow objects with the Crosstab presentation style, set the values in the Crosstab Definition dialog box. To display the dialog box, right-click in the Design view to display the pop-up menu and select Crosstab.
setting = dw1.Object.DataWindow.Crosstab.Columns dw1.Object.DataWindow.Crosstab.Columns = "dept_id" setting = dw1.Describe("DataWindow.Crosstab.Columns") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Crosstab.Columns='dept_id'") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Crosstab.Rows='salary'") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Crosstab.SourceNames=" & + "'Order Number, Item Number, Price'") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Crosstab.Values='empname'") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Crosstab.StaticMode='yes'")
See also
CrosstabDialog function in the the section called “CrosstabDialog”
Settings that specify the physical path to which a generated CSS style sheet is published and the URL where the style sheet is located.
Obsolete property
CSSGen.property is obsolete and should not be used, because the Web DataWindow technology is obsolete.
The Web Generation tab and JavaScript Generation tab are preserved for the backward compatibility only.
Applies to
DataWindow objects
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"DataWindow.CSSGen.property { = ' value ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
property |
One of the following:
value |
(exp) PublishPath -- a string that specifies the physical path of the Web site folder to which PowerBuilder publishes the generated CSS style sheet (exp) ResourceBase -- a string that specifies the URL of the generated CSS style sheet to be referenced in a link element in the XHTML page (exp) SessionSpecific -- a boolean that when set to "yes" forces a session-specific ID to be applied to any generated document names that would otherwise be shared |
The PublishPath folder must correspond to the URL specified in the ResourceBase property. At runtime, after PowerBuilder generates the CSS style sheet to the PublishPath folder, it includes it in the final XHTML page by referencing it with the ResourceBase property in a <link> element.
Typically you share style (CSS), layout (XSLT), and control definitions (JS) for use by all clients; however, if you use dynamic DataWindow objects customized for specific clients, you can force generation of the DataWindow presentation-related document names to be specific to each client. You do this by setting the CSSGen.SessionSpecific property to "yes". This eliminates the possibility of server-side contention for presentation formats when the DataWindow generation is specific to the client.
In the painter
In the Web Generation tab in the Properties view for the DataWindow object, select CSS from the Format to Configure list, specify the Resource Base and Publish Path locations, and check the Session-specific CSS, XSLT and JS file names check box if you want to force generation of client-specific names.
These statements set the CSSGen.ResourceBase and CSSGen.PublishPath properties:
dw1.Object.DataWindow.CSSGen.ResourceBase= & 'http://www.myserver.com/xmlsource' dw1.Object.DataWindow.CSSGen.PublishPath= & 'C:\work\outputfiles\xmlsource'
This statement sets the CSSGen.SessionSpecific property for a JSP page:
dwGen.Modify ("DataWindow.CSSGen.SessionSpecific='Yes'");
A tab-separated list describing the data in the DataWindow object.
Applies to
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe argument:
string setting setting = dw1.Object.DataWindow.Data setting = dw1.Describe("DataWindow.Data")
A string containing HTML and JavaScript that represents data and presentation of the DataWindow object.
The data is presented in a read-only HTML table or data-entry form, depending on settings of other properties.
Obsolete property
Data.HTML is obsolete and should not be used, because the Web DataWindow technology is obsolete.
Applies to
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe argument:
When HTMLDW is set to False, the value of Data.HTML is the same as the value of HTMLTable -- a read-only HTML table that displays all retrieved rows.
When the HTMLDW property is set to True, the value of Data.HTML is a form that supports data input with client scripts for data validation and events. The generated string for Data.HTML includes:
HTML input elements
JavaScript for validating newly entered data based on validation rules in the DataWindow object
HTML and JavaScript for navigation based on DataWindow Button controls with scrolling actions
State information about the modification status of data items
JavaScript for navigation passes the state of the DataWindow back to the page server in two variables: objectname_action and objectname_context. It also passes back any page parameters defined in the HTMLGen.SelfLinkArgs property. All the HTMLGen.property values affect the way HTML is generated.
The resulting Web DataWindow is a client-side control for a Web page with events and methods that can cooperate with a server component for a Web-based data entry application.
If the DataWindow is in print preview mode, or there are no columns with non-zero tab order, the setting of HTMLDW is ignored and the generated HTML is a read-only table, not a data-entry form.
To generate a simple form without data entry methodality, you can use the GenerateHTMLForm method.
strHtml = dw1.Object.DataWindow.Data.HTML strHtml = dw1.Describe("DataWindow.Data.HTML")
The data in the DataWindow object described in HTML table format. This property is used in the process of dynamically creating Web pages from a database.
Obsolete property
Data.HTMLTable is obsolete and should not be used, because the Web DataWindow technology is obsolete.
Applies to
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe argument:
Some presentation styles translate better into HTML than others. The Tabular, Group, Freeform, Crosstab, and Grid presentation styles produce good results. The Composite, RichText, OLE 2.0, TreeView, and Graph presentation styles produce HTML tables based on the result set only and not on the presentation style. DataWindows with overlapping controls in them might not produce the desired results. Nested reports are ignored; they are not included in the generated HTML.
The generated HTML for Data.HTMLTable is a read-only HTML Table element that includes:
All retrieved rows
Hyperlinks for text, pictures, computed fields, and columns as defined in the HTML.property settings
Data.HTMLTable is not affected by the HTMLDW property and does not generate a client control with events and support for scripting in the Web page.
The values of HTMLGen.Browser and HTMLGen.Version affect the generated HTML. Setting these properties causes the generated HTML to be optimized for a specific level of HTML support or specific browser using style sheets and absolute positioning, if possible. For more information, see HTMLGen.property.
The resulting HTML table does not allow data entry. To produce HTML forms, see the Data.HTML property and the GenerateHTMLForm method.
An easy way to see a DataWindow in a Web browser
The HTML string that the Data.HTMLTable property returns is equivalent to the string that is saved when you use either the File>Save Rows As HTML Table option in the DataWindow painter workspace or the SaveAs method.
To see what a DataWindow will look like, save it as an HTML file and open the file in a Web browser such as Netscape.
In the painter
When HTMLDW is not selected, the Design>HTML Preview displays the value of Data.HTMLTable. Save an HTML file that you can use later in a browser with File>Save Rows As; set the Save As Type to HTML Table.
ls_html = dw1.Object.DataWindow.Data.HTMLTable ls_html = dw1.Describe("DataWindow.Data.HTMLTable")
A string containing the row data content of the DataWindow object in XHTML format.
Obsolete property
Data.XHTML is obsolete and should not be used, because the Web DataWindow technology is obsolete.
The Web Generation tab and JavaScript Generation tab are preserved for the backward compatibility only.
Applies to
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe argument:
If any of the Export.XHTML properties have been set, the string that is generated reflects the values of these properties.
The resulting XHTML string contains a <form> element that supports data input, which works with separate client scripts for data validation and events. This JavaScript is either dynamically generated and/or statically deployed. To generate static JavaScript, select HTML/XHTML from the Format to Configure drop-down list on the JavaScript Generation page in the DataWindow painter Properties view, specify names for the files you want to generate, and click the Generate File button.
The generated XHTML string also includes:
XHTML input elements
XHTML and JavaScript for navigation based on DataWindow button controls with scrolling actions
State information about the modification status of data items
JavaScript for navigation passes the state of the DataWindow back to the page server in two variables: objectname_action and objectname_context. It also passes back any page parameters defined in the HTMLGen.SelfLinkArgs property. All applicable HTMLGen.property values also affect the way the XHTML is generated.
The resulting XML Web DataWindow is a client-side control for a Web page, such as a JSP page, with events and methods that can cooperate with a server component for a Web-based data entry application.
The following statements set the template used by the DataWindow dw1 to t_report and return the generated XHTML document to the string ls_XHTML. To generate the string, the final statement invokes the XML Web DataWindow generator to generate the XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript components, applying the t_report template to the generated XHTML and CSS style sheet.
string strXHTML dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Export.XHTML.UseTemplate = 't_report'") strXHTML = dw1.Describe("DataWindow.Data.XHTML")
A string containing the row data content of the DataWindow object in XML format.
Applies to
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe argument:
If any of the Export.XML properties have been set, the string that is generated reflects the values of these properties.
If Export.XML.SaveMetaData is set to MetaDataExternal!, no metadata is generated in the string.
The following statements set the template used by the DataWindow dw1 to t_report, specify that metadata in the XMLSchema! format should be included in the generated XML, and return the generated XML document to the string ls_xml.
string ls_xml dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Export.XML.UseTemplate = 't_report'") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Export.XML.SaveMetaData = MetaDataInternal!") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Export.XML.MetaDataType = XMLSchema!") ls_xml = dw1.Object.DataWindow.Data.XML
A string containing the full document type definition (DTD) of the XML output for a DataWindow object.
Applies to
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe argument:
Use this property to return the full DTD of the XML output of a DataWindow object separately from the generated XML document itself. The export template used affects the generated DTD.
The following statements set the template used by the DataWindow dw1 to t_report and return the generated DTD to the string ls_xml_dtd.
string ls_xml_dtd dw1.Object.DataWindow.Export.XML.UseTemplate = 't_report' ls_xml_dtd = dw1.Object.DataWindow.Data.XMLDTD
A string containing the full schema of the XML output of a DataWindow object.
Applies to
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe argument:
Use this property to return the full schema of the XML output of a DataWindow object separately from the generated XML document itself. The export template used affects the generated schema.
The following statements set the template used by the DataWindow dw1 to t_report and return the XML schema to the string ls_xml_schema.
string ls_xml_schema dw1.Object.DataWindow.Export.XML.UseTemplate = 't_report' ls_xml_schema = dw1.Object.DataWindow.Data.XMLSchema
A string containing browser-specific JavaScript that performs the XSLT transformation on the browser after the XML Web DataWindow generator generates all necessary components.
Obsolete property
Data.XMLWeb is obsolete and should not be used, because the Web DataWindow technology is obsolete.
The Web Generation tab and JavaScript Generation tab are preserved for the backward compatibility only.
Applies to
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe argument:
If any of the Export.XHTML properties have been set, the string that is generated reflects the values of these properties.
The resulting XHTML string contains a <form> element that supports data input, which works with separate client scripts for data validation and events.
This JavaScript is either dynamically generated and/or statically deployed. To generate static JavaScript, select HTML/XHTML from the Format to Configure drop-down list on the JavaScript Generation page in the DataWindow painter Properties view, specify names for the files you want to generate, and click the Generate File button.
The generated XHTML string also includes:
XHTML input elements
XHTML and JavaScript for navigation based on DataWindow button controls with scrolling actions
State information about the modification status of data items
JavaScript for navigation passes the state of the DataWindow back to the page server in two variables: objectname_action and objectname_context. It also passes back any page parameters defined in the HTMLGen.SelfLinkArgs property. All applicable HTMLGen.property values also affect the way the XHTML is generated.
The resulting XML Web DataWindow is a client-side control for a Web page, such as a JSP page, with events and methods that can cooperate with a server component for a Web-based data entry application.
The following statements set the template used by the DataWindow dw1 to t_report and return the generated XSLT transformation to the string ls_transform. To generate the string, the final statement invokes the XML Web DataWindow generator to generate the XML, XSLT, CSS, and JavaScript components, applying the t_report template to the generated XSLT and CSS style sheet.
string ls_transform dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Export.XHTML.UseTemplate = 't_report'") ls_transform = dw1.Object.DataWindow.Data.XMLWeb
A string containing XSL Formatting Objects (XSL-FO) that represents the data and presentation of the DataWindow object.
Applies to
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe argument:
Use this property to return the data and presentation of a DataWindow object in XSL-FO format. The export template associated with the DataWindow object does not affect the generated string.
The following statements return the data and presentation of the DataWindow object dw1 to the string ls_xslfo in XSL-FO format.
string ls_xslfo ls_xslfo = dw1.Object.DataWindow.Data.XSLFO
The name of the DataWindow object that is the nested report within the main DataWindow object.
Applies to
Report controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"reportname.DataObject = 'dwname ' "
Parameter |
Description |
reportname |
The name of the Report control in the main DataWindow object for which you want to get or set the nested DataWindow object |
dwname |
A string naming a DataWindow object in the application's libraries that is the DataWindow object for the report within the main DataWindow object |
In the painter
Select the control and set the value in the Properties view, General tab, Report option.
setting = dw1.Object.rpt_1.DataObject dw1.Object.rpt_1.DataObject = "d_empdata" setting = dw1.Describe("rpt_1.DataObject") dw1.Modify("rpt_1.DataObject='d_empdata'")
The name of the database column but with the table alias in place of the table name, if any. This value can be used to construct the update DataWindow syntax dynamically when an alias name is used for a table.
Applies to
Column controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"columnname.dbAlias { = ' dbcolumnname ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
columnname |
The name of the column for which you want the name of the corresponding database column qualified with the table alias name |
dbcolumnname |
The name of the database column associated with columnname qualified with the alias of the table name |
DbAlias is the name of the database column in the format tablealiasname.columnname. The value of dbAlias does not include the quotes that can be part of the SQL syntax. This property can be used to construct update DataWindow syntax dynamically when an alias is used for a column name.
In the painter
You can specify an alias for a table in the SQL Select painter if you convert the SQL statement for a DataWindow object to syntax. Select Design>Data Source to open the SQL Select painter, then select Design>Convert to Syntax. In the text window that displays, add the alias name to the FROM clause using the syntax:
FROM tablename tablealiasname
Suppose a DataWindow object has the following SQL Select syntax, with the alias "emp" for the table "employee":
SELECT "emp"."emp_id", "emp"."emp_fname", "emp"."emp_lname" "emp"."dept_id" "emp"."salary" FROM "employee" "emp" WHERE ( "emp"."salary" > 50000 )
Then the following statements would return the string "employee.emp_id" in ls_name and the string "emp.emp_id" in ls_alias:
string ls_alias, ls_name ls_name = dw1.Object.emp_id.dbName ls_name = dw1.Describe("emp_id.dbName") ls_alias = dw1.Object.emp_id.dbAlias ls_alias = dw1.Describe("emp_id.dbAlias")
See also
The name of the database column. PowerBuilder uses this value to construct the update syntax.
Applies to
Column controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"columnname.dbName { = ' dbcolumnname ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
columnname |
The name of the column for which you want the name of the corresponding database column |
dbcolumnname |
The name of the database column associated with columnname |
DbName is the name of the database column in the format tablename.columnname. The value of dbName does not include the quotes that can be part of the SQL syntax.
In the painter
The Syntax view in the SQL Select painter displays the database column names (they can be shown with quotes).
dbcol = dw1.Object.emp_id.dbName dw1.Object.emp_id.dbName = "emp_id" dbcol = dw1.Describe("emp_id.dbName") dw1.Modify("emp_id.dbName='emp_id'")
See also
Properties that control the appearance and behavior of a column with the DropDownDataWindow edit style.
Applies to
Column controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"columnname.dddw.property { = value }"
Parameter |
Description |
columnname |
The name of a column that has the DropDownDataWindow edit style. |
property |
A property for the DropDownDataWindow column. Properties and their settings are listed in the table below. |
value |
The value to be assigned to the property. For dddw properties, value cannot be a DataWindow expression. |
Property for dddw |
Value |
AllowEdit |
Whether the user can type a value as well as choose from the DropDownDataWindow's list. Values are: Yes -- Typing is allowed. No -- (Default) Typing is not allowed. Call GetChild after setting dddw.AllowEdit to get a valid reference to the column's DropDownDataWindow. Painter: Allow Editing option. |
AutoHScroll |
Whether the DropDownDataWindow automatically scrolls horizontally when the user enters or deletes data. Values are: Yes -- (Default) Scroll horizontally automatically. No -- Do not scroll automatically. Painter: Auto Horizontal Scroll option. |
AutoRetrieve |
Whether the DropDownDataWindow data is retrieved when the parent DataWindow data is retrieved. Values are: Yes -- (Default) Data is automatically retrieved. No -- Data must be retrieved separately. Painter: AutoRetrieve option. |
Case |
The case of the text in the DropDownDataWindow. Values are: Any -- Character of any case allowed. Upper -- Characters converted to uppercase. Lower -- Characters converted to lowercase. Call GetChild after setting dddw.Case to get a valid reference to the column's DropDownDataWindow. Painter: Case option. |
DataColumn |
A string whose value is the name of the data column in the associated DropDownDataWindow. Value is quoted. Call GetChild after setting dddw.DataColumn to get a valid reference to the column's DropDownDataWindow. Painter: Data Column option, visible after selecting a DataWindow. |
DisplayColumn |
A string whose value is the name of the display column in the associated DropDownDataWindow. Value is quoted. Call GetChild after setting dddw.DisplayColumn to get a valid reference to the column's DropDownDataWindow. Painter: Display Column option, visible after selecting a DataWindow. |
HScrollBar |
Whether a horizontal scroll bar displays in the DropDownDataWindow. Values are: Yes -- Display a horizontal scroll bar. No -- Do not display a horizontal scroll bar. Painter: Horizontal Scroll Bar option. |
HSplitScroll |
Whether the horizontal scroll bar is split. The user can adjust the split position. Values are: Yes -- Split the horizontal scroll bar so the user can scroll the display and data columns separately. No -- The horizontal scroll bar is not split. Painter: Split Horizontal Scroll Bar option. |
Limit |
An integer from 0 to 32767 specifying the maximum number of characters that can be entered in the DropDownDataWindow. Zero means unlimited. Painter: Limit option. |
Lines |
An integer from 0 to 32767 specifying the number of lines (values) to display in the DropDownDataWindow. This property does not apply in Web pages because the browser controls how the DropDownDataWindow displays. Painter: Lines in DropDown option. |
Name |
A string whose value is the name of the DropDownDataWindow associated with the column. Call GetChild after setting dddw.Name to get a valid reference to the column's DropDownDataWindow. Painter: DataWindow option. |
NilIsNull |
Whether to set the data value of the DropDownDataWindow to null when the user leaves the edit box blank. Values are: Yes -- Make the Empty string null. No -- Do not make the empty string null. Painter: Empty String is null option. |
PercentWidth |
An integer specifying the width of the drop-down portion of the DropDownDataWindow as a percentage of the column's width. For example, 300 sets the display width to three times the column width. Call GetChild after setting dddw.PercentWidth to get a valid reference to the column's DropDownDataWindow. Painter: Width of DropDown option. |
Required |
Whether the column is required. Values are: Yes -- Required. No -- (Default) Not required. Painter: Required option. |
ShowList |
Whether the ListBox portion of the DropDownDataWindow displays when the column has focus. A down arrow does not display at the right end of the DropDownDataWindow when dddw.ShowList is yes. Values are: Yes -- Display the list whenever the column has the focus. No -- Do not display the list until the user selects the column. Painter: Always Show List option. |
UseAsBorder |
Whether a down arrow displays at the right end of the DropDownDataWindow. Values are: Yes -- Display the arrow. No -- Do not display the arrow. Note that if ShowList is set to Yes, the column ignores the UseAsBorder property and the arrow never displays. Painter: Always Show Arrow option. |
VScrollBar |
Whether a vertical scroll bar displays in the DropDownDataWindow for long lists. Values are: Yes -- Display a vertical scroll bar. No -- Do not display a vertical scroll bar. Painter: Vertical Scroll Bar option. |
DropDownDataWindows and GetChild
When you set some of the dddw properties, as noted in the table, references to the DropDownDataWindow become invalid. Call GetChild again after changing these properties to obtain a valid reference.
To retrieve a DropDownDataWindow when the AutoRetrieve property is set to "false", you can access the object data as follows:
DataWindowChild mgr_id dw1.GetChild ("dept_head_id", mgr_id) mgr_id.SetTransObject (SQLCA) mgr_id.Retrieve ( )
You can also pass a retrieval argument for the retrieve on the child DataWindow object.
Doing a reset to clear the data
When a DropDownDataWindow is retrieved, its data is kept with its own Data Object. If you retrieve the DropDownDataWindow and then set the AutoRetrieve property on the parent to "false", the data for the child is not cleared on a reset and re-retrieve of the parent.
To clear data from a DropDownDataWindow, you must call Reset on the child DataWindow object:
dw1.GetChild ("dept_head_id", mgr_id) mgr_id.reset ( )
In the painter
Select the control and set values in the Properties view, Edit tab, when Style Type is DropDownDW.
ls_data = dw1.Describe("emp_status.dddw.AllowEdit") dw1.Modify("emp_status.dddw.Case='Any'") dw1.Modify("emp_status.dddw.DataColumn='status_id'") dw1.Modify("emp_status.dddw.Limit=30") dw1.Modify("emp_status.dddw.Name='d_status'") dw1.Modify("emp_status.dddw.PercentWidth=120") dw1.Object.emp_status.dddw.Case = "Any" string ls_data ls_data = dw1.Object.emp_status.dddw.AllowEdit")
Properties that control the appearance and behavior of a column with the DropDownListBox edit style.
Applies to
Column controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"columnname.ddlb.property { = value }"
Parameter |
Description |
columnname |
The name of a column that has the DropDownListBox edit style. |
property |
A property for the DropDownListBox column. Properties and their settings are listed in the table below. |
value |
The value to be assigned to the property. For ddlb properties, value cannot be a DataWindow expression. |
Property for ddlb |
Value |
AllowEdit |
Whether the user can type a value as well as choose from the DropDownListBox's list. Values are: Yes -- Typing is allowed. No -- (Default) Typing is not allowed. Painter: Allow Editing option. |
AutoHScroll |
Whether the DropDownListBox automatically scrolls horizontally when the user enters or deletes data. Values are: Yes -- (Default) Scroll horizontally automatically. No -- Do not scroll automatically. Painter: Auto Horizontal Scroll option. |
Case |
The case of the text in the DropDownListBox. Values are: Any -- Character of any case allowed. Upper -- Characters converted to uppercase. Lower -- Characters converted to lowercase. Painter: Case option. |
Limit |
An integer from 0 - 32767 specifying the maximum number of characters that can be entered in the DropDownListBox. Zero means unlimited. Painter: Limit option. |
NilIsNull |
Whether to set the data value of the DropDownListBox to null when the user leaves the edit box blank. Values are: Yes -- Make the empty string null. No -- Do not make the empty string null. Painter: Empty string is null option. |
Required |
Whether the column is required. Values are: Yes -- Required. No -- (Default) Not required. Painter: Required option. |
ShowList |
Whether the ListBox portion of the DropDownListBox displays when the column has focus. A down arrow does not display at the right end of the DropDownListBox when ddlb.ShowList is yes. Values are: Yes -- Display the list whenever the column has focus. No -- Do not display the list until the user selects the column. Painter: Always Show List option. |
Sorted |
Whether the list in the DropDownListBox is sorted. Values are: Yes -- The list is sorted. No -- The list is not sorted. Painter: Sorted option. |
UseAsBorder |
Whether a down arrow displays at the right end of the DropDownListBox. Values are: Yes -- Display the arrow. No -- Do not display the arrow. Note that if ShowList is set to Yes, the column ignores the UseAsBorder property and the arrow never displays. Painter: Always Show Arrow option. |
VScrollBar |
Whether a vertical scroll bar displays in the DropDownListBox for long lists. Values are: Yes -- Display a vertical scroll bar. No -- Do not display a vertical scroll bar. Painter: Vertical Scroll Bar option. |
In the painter
Select the control and set the value in the Properties view, Edit tab, when Style Type is DropDownListBox.
ls_data = dw1.Describe("emp_status.ddlb.AllowEdit") dw1.Modify("emp_status.ddlb.Case='Any'") dw1.Modify("emp_status.ddlb.Limit=30") string ls_data ls_data = dw1.Object.emp_status.ddlb.AllowEdit dw1.Object.emp_status.ddlb.Case = "Any"
Specifies whether a button displays a default picture for the button's action.
Applies to
Button controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"buttonname.DefaultPicture { = ' value ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
buttonname |
The name of the button to which you want to assign an action. |
value |
Whether the action's default picture is used. Values are: Yes -- Use the default picture. No -- Do not use the default picture. |
Default pictures can be associated with all button action types.
You can add your own action pictures by setting the DefaultPicture property to False and setting the Filename property to the file name for the picture you want. You can use a URL instead of a complete path to qualify the file name, and you can leave off the URL server name, mapping prefix, and folder name if you set them in the HTMLGen.ResourceBase property.
A user-defined action does not have a default picture associated with it.
In the painter
Select the control and set the value in the Properties view, General tab, Action Default Picture option. When the DefaultPicture is not set, you can specify a picture file name in the Picture File property. Button pictures can be BMP, GIF, or JPEG files.
dw1.Object.b_name.DefaultPicture = "Yes" setting = dw1.Describe("b_name.DefaultPicture") dw1.Modify("b_name.DefaultPicture ='No'")
See also
The depth of a 3D graph.
Applies to
Graph controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"graphname.Depth { = ' depthpercent ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
graphname |
The graph control within the DataWindow for which you want to set the depth. |
depthpercent |
(exp) An integer whose value is the depth of the graph, specified as a percentage of the graph's width. Depthpercent can be a quoted DataWindow expression. |
In the painter
Select the control and set the value in the Properties view, General tab, Depth slider.
string setting setting = dw1.Object.graph_1.Depth dw1.Object.graph_1.Depth = 70 setting = dw1.Describe("graph_1.Depth") dw1.Modify("graph_1.Depth='70'")
The size of the bottom margin of the DataWindow's detail area.
Applies to
Style keywords
Style ( Detail_Bottom_Margin = value )
Parameter |
Description |
value |
An integer specifying the size of the bottom margin of the detail area in the units specified for the DataWindow. |
SQLCA.SyntaxFromSQL(sqlstring, & 'Style(...Detail_Bottom_Margin = 25 ...)', & errstring)
The size of the top margin of the DataWindow's detail area.
Applies to
Style keywords
Style ( Detail_Top_Margin = value )
Parameter |
Description |
value |
An integer specifying the size of the top margin of the detail area in the units specified for the DataWindow. |
SQLCA.SyntaxFromSQL(sqlstring, & 'Style(...Detail_Top_Margin = 25 ...)', & errstring)
See Bandname.property.
Settings for the appearance of various text components of a graph.
Applies to
Properties of Graph controls, as noted throughout this discussion
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"graphname.property.DispAttr.fontproperty { = value }"
Parameter |
Description |
graphname |
The Graph control in a DataWindow for which you want to get or set font appearance values. |
property |
A text component of the graph, such as an Axis keyword (Category, Series, or Values), Legend, Pie, or Title, specifying the graph component whose appearance you want to get or set. These properties have their own entries. These values are listed in the following table. You can also set font properties for the label of an axis with the following syntax: "graphname.axis.LabelDispAttr.fontproperty { = value }" |
fontproperty |
A property that controls the appearance of text in the graph. Properties and their settings are listed in the table below. |
value |
The value to be assigned to fontproperty. Value can be a quoted DataWindow expression. |
Property for DispAttr |
Value |
Alignment |
(exp) The alignment of the text. Values are: 0 -- Left 1 -- Right 2 -- Center Painter: Alignment option. Alignment for axis labels and text not supported by Render3D graph style. |
AutoSize |
(exp) Whether the text element should be autosized according to the amount of text being displayed. Values are: 0 -- Do not autosize 1 -- Autosize Painter: Autosize check box. |
BackColor |
(exp) A long value specifying the background color of the text. Painter: BackColor option. |
DisplayExpression |
An expression whose value is the label for the graph component. The default expression is the property containing the text for the graph component. The expression can include the text property and add other variable text. Painter: Display Expression option. |
Font.CharSet |
(exp) An integer specifying the character set to be used. Values are: 0 -- ANSI 1 -- The default character set for the specified font 2 -- Symbol 128 -- Shift JIS 255 -- OEM Painter: FontCharSet option. |
Font.Escapement |
(exp) An integer specifying the rotation for the baseline of the text in tenths of a degree. For example, a value of 450 rotates the text 45 degrees. 0 is horizontal. Painter: Escapement option. |
Font.Face |
(exp) A string specifying the name of the font face, such as Arial or Courier. Painter: FaceName option. |
Font.Family |
(exp) An integer specifying the font family (Windows uses both face and family to determine which font to use). Values are: 0 -- AnyFont 1 -- Roman 2 -- Swiss 3 -- Modern 4 -- Script 5 -- Decorative Painter: Family option. |
Font.Height |
(exp) An integer specifying the height of the text in the unit of measure for the DataWindow. To specify size in points, specify a negative number. Not available when AutoSize is checked. Painter: Size option, specified in points. |
Font.Italic |
(exp) Whether the text should be italic. Values are: 0 -- Not italic (default) 1 -- Italic Painter: Italic option. |
Font.Orientation |
Same as Escapement. |
Font.Pitch |
(exp) The pitch of the font. Values are: 0 -- The default pitch for your system 1 -- Fixed 2 -- Variable Painter: Pitch option. |
Font.Strikethrough |
(exp) Whether the text should be crossed out. Values are: 0 -- Not crossed out (default) 1 -- Crossed out Painter: Strikeout option. |
Font.Underline |
(exp) Whether the text should be underlined. Values are: 0 -- Not underlined (default) 1 -- Underlined Painter: Underline option. |
Font.Weight |
(exp) An integer specifying the weight of the text, for example, 400 for normal or 700 for bold. Painter: Set indirectly using the Bold option. |
Font.Width |
(exp) An integer specifying the width of the font in the unit of measure specified for the DataWindow. Width is usually unspecified, which results in a default width based on the other properties. Painter: Width option. |
Format |
(exp) A string containing the display format for the text. Painter: Format option. |
TextColor |
(exp) A long specifying the color to be used for the text. Painter: TextColor option. |
In the painter
Select the control and set values in the Properties view, Text tab. Settings apply to the selected item in the Text Object list box.
setting = dw1.Object.Category.LabelDispAttr.Font.Face dw1.Object.Category.LabelDispAttr.Font.Face = "Arial" setting = & dw1.Describe("Category.LabelDispAttr.Font.Face") dw1.Modify("gr_1.Category.LabelDispAttr.Font.Face= & 'Arial'") dw1.Modify("gr_1.Title.DispAttr.DisplayExpression=" & "'Title + ~"~n~" + Today()'")
The way the OLE Object control displays the OLE object it contains. It can display an icon or an image of the object's contents. The image is reduced to fit inside the OLE container.
Both the icon and the image are provided by the OLE server. If the OLE server does not support a contents view, PowerBuilder displays an icon even if DisplayType is set to contents.
Applies to
OLE Object controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"olecontrolname.DisplayType { = ' type ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
olecontrolname |
The name of the OLE Object control for which you want to get or set the type of display. |
type |
A number specifying whether the user will see an icon or an image of the OLE object's contents. Type can be a quoted DataWindow expression. Values are: 0 -- Icon 1 -- Content |
In the painter
Select the control and set the value in the Properties view, Options tab.
string ls_data ls_data = dw1.Object.ole_report.DisplayType dw1.Object.ole_report.DisplayType = 1 ls_data = dw1.Describe("ole_report.DisplayType") dw1.Modify("ole_report.DisplayType='1'")
Settings that affect the appearance and behavior of columns whose edit style is Edit.
Applies to
Column controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"columnname.Edit.property { = value }"
Column ( Edit.property = value )
Parameter |
Description |
columnname |
The column with the Edit edit style for which you want to get or set property values. You can specify the column name or a pound sign (#) and the column number. |
property |
A property for the column's Edit style. Properties and their settings are listed in the table below. The table identifies the properties you can use with SyntaxFromSql. |
value |
The value to be assigned to the property. For most Edit properties, you cannot specify a DataWindow expression. The exception is Edit.Format. |
Property for Edit |
Value |
AutoHScroll |
Whether the edit control scrolls horizontally automatically when data is entered or deleted. Values are: Yes -- Scroll horizontally automatically. No -- Do not scroll horizontally automatically. You can use AutoHScroll with SyntaxFromSql. The setting applies to all the columns in the generated syntax. Painter: Auto Horizontal Scroll option. |
AutoSelect |
Whether to select the contents of the edit control automatically when it receives focus. Values are: Yes -- Select automatically. No -- Do not select automatically. You can use AutoSelect with SyntaxFromSql. The setting applies to all the columns in the generated syntax. Painter: Auto Selection option. |
AutoVScroll |
Whether the edit box scrolls vertically automatically when data is entered or deleted. Values are: Yes -- Scroll vertically automatically. No -- Do not scroll vertically automatically. You can use AutoVScroll with SyntaxFromSql. The setting applies to all the columns in the generated syntax. Painter: Auto Vertical Scroll option. |
Case |
The case of the text in the edit control. Values are: Any -- Character of any case allowed. Upper -- Characters converted to uppercase. Lower -- Characters converted to lowercase. Painter: Case option. |
CodeTable |
Whether the column has a code table. Values are: Yes -- Code table defined. No -- No code table defined. Painter: Use Code Table option. |
DisplayOnly |
Whether the column is display only. Values are: Yes -- Do not allow the user to enter data; make the column display only. No -- (Default) Allow the user to enter data. Painter: Display Only option. For conditional control over column editing, use the Protect property. |
FocusRectangle |
Whether a dotted rectangle (the focus rectangle) surrounds the current row of the column when the column has focus. Values are: Yes -- Display the focus rectangle. No -- Do not display the focus rectangle. You can use FocusRectangle with SyntaxFromSql. The setting applies to all the columns in the generated syntax. Painter: Show Focus Rectangle option. |
Format |
(exp) A string containing the display format of the edit control. The value for Format is quoted and can be a DataWindow expression. Painter: Format option (do not use quotes around the value). |
HScrollBar |
Whether a horizontal scroll bar displays in the edit control. Values are: Yes -- Display the horizontal scroll bar. No -- Do not display the horizontal scroll bar. Painter: Horizontal Scroll Bar option. |
Limit |
A number specifying the maximum number of characters (0 to 32,767) that the user can enter. 0 means unlimited. Painter: Limit option. |
Name |
A string whose value is the name of the predefined edit style associated with the column. Named styles are defined in the Database painter and can be reused. Specifying a name that has not been previously defined associates the name with the column but does not define a new edit style. Painter: Style Name option. |
NilIsNull |
Whether to set the value of the edit control to null when the user leaves it blank. Values are: Yes -- Make the empty string null. No -- Do not make the empty string null. Painter: Empty String is Null option. |
Password |
Whether to assign secure display mode to the column. When the user enters characters, they display as asterisks (*). Values are: Yes -- Assign secure display mode to the column. No -- Do not assign secure-display mode to the column. If you change the Password property, you should also change the Format property to display the results you want (for example, *****). Painter: Password option. |
Required |
Whether the column is required. Values are: Yes -- It is required. No -- It is not required. Painter: Required option. |
Style |
(Describe only) Returns the edit style of the column. Painter: Style Type option. |
UseEllipsis |
Whether an ellipsis (three dots) displays when a column with the Edit edit style contains character data that is too long for the display column in the DataWindow. The ellipsis does not display when the column has focus. Values are: Yes -- Truncate the data and add an ellipsis. No -- Truncate the data. Do not add an ellipsis. The property is ignored if you:
Painter: Use Ellipsis check box on the Format page. |
ValidateCode |
Whether the code table will be used to validate user-entered values. Values are: Yes -- Use the code table. No -- Do not use the code table. Painter: Validate option, available when Use Code Table is selected. |
VScrollBar |
Whether a vertical scroll bar displays in the line edit. Values are: Yes -- Display vertical scroll bars. No -- Do not display vertical scroll bars. Painter: Vertical Scroll Bar option. |
In the painter
Select the control and set values in the Properties view, Edit tab, when Style Type is Edit.
string setting setting = dw1.Object.emp_name.Edit.AutoHScroll dw1.Object.emp_name.Edit.Required = "no" setting = dw1.Describe("emp_name.Edit.AutoHScroll") dw1.Modify("emp_name.Edit.Required=no") dw1.Object.col1.Edit.UseEllipsis = Yes dw1.Modify("col1.Edit.UseEllipsis=Yes")
Settings that affect the appearance and behavior of columns with the EditMask edit style.
Applies to
Column controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"columnname.EditMask.property { = value }"
Parameter |
Description |
columnname |
The column with the EditMask edit style for which you want to get or set property values. You can specify the column name or a pound sign (#) and the column number. |
property |
A property for the column's EditMask style. Properties and their settings are listed in the table below. |
value |
The value to be assigned to the property. For EditMask properties, you cannot specify a DataWindow expression. |
Property for EditMask |
Value |
AutoSkip |
Whether the EditMask will automatically skip to the next field when the maximum number of characters has been entered. Values are: Yes -- Skip automatically. No -- Do not skip automatically. Painter: AutoSkip option. |
CodeTable |
Whether the column has a code table. Values are: Yes -- Code table defined. No -- No code table defined. Painter: Code Table option. When selected, Display Value and DataValue are displayed for specifying code table entries. |
DDCalendar |
Whether a drop-down calendar control displays when a user clicks in a column with a Date or DateTime edit mask. Values are: Yes -- Drop-down calendar control displays. No -- (Default) Drop-down calendar control does not display. Painter: Drop-down Calendar option. |
DDCal_AlignRight |
Whether the drop-down calendar is aligned with the right side of the column. Values are: Yes -- Column is right aligned. No -- (Default) Column is left aligned. Painter: Drop Align Right option on Other page. |
DDCal_BackColor |
The background color of the drop-down calendar. The default is Window Background. This property is not supported on the Windows 7/8.1/10 operating system. Painter: CalendarBackColor option on Other page. |
DDCal_TextColor |
The color of text in the drop-down calendar. The default is Window Text. This property is not supported on the Windows 7/8.1/10 operating system. Painter: CalendarTextColor option on Other page. |
DDCal_TitleBackColor |
The background color of the title in the drop-down calendar. The default is Highlight. This property is not supported on the Windows 7/8.1/10 operating system. Painter: CalendarTitleBackColor option on Other page. |
DDCal_TitleTextColor |
The color of text in the title of the drop-down calendar. The default is Highlight Text. This property is not supported on the Windows 7/8.1/10 operating system. Painter: CalendarTitleTextColor option on Other page. |
DDCal_TrailingTextColor |
The color of trailing text (days in the previous and next months) in the drop-down calendar. The default is Disabled Text. This property is not supported on the Windows 7/8.1/10 operating system. Painter: CalendarTrailingTextColor option on Other page. |
FocusRectangle |
Whether a dotted rectangle (the focus rectangle) will surround the current row of the column when the column has focus. Values are: Yes -- (Default) Display the focus rectangle. No -- Do not display the focus rectangle. Painter: Show Focus Rectangle option. |
Mask |
A string containing the edit mask for the column. Painter: Mask option. |
ReadOnly |
Whether the column is read-only. This property is valid only if EditMask.Spin is set to Yes. Values are: Yes -- Do not allow the user to enter data; make the column read-only. No -- (Default) Allow the user to enter data. Painter: Read Only option. |
Required |
Whether the column is required. Values are: Yes -- It is required. No -- It is not required. Painter: Required option. |
Spin |
Whether the user can scroll through a list of possible values for the column with a spin control. Values are: Yes -- Display a spin control. No -- (Default) Do not display a spin control. Painter: Spin Control option. |
SpinIncr |
An integer indicating the amount to increment the spin control's values. The default for numeric values is 1; for dates, 1 year; and for time, 1 minute. Available for numeric, date, and time columns. For columns that are not numeric, date, or time, the spin control scrolls through values in an associated code table. If the EditMask.CodeTable property is No, the spin increment has no effect for these columns. Painter: Spin Increment option. |
SpinRange |
A string containing the maximum and minimum values for the column that will display in the spin control. The two values are separated by a tilde (~). This property is effective only if EditMaskSpin is True. Available for numeric, date, and time columns. Because the SpinRange string is within another quoted string, the tilde separator becomes four tildes in PowerBuilder, which reduces to a single tilde when parsed. The format for the string is: "EditMask.SpinRange = 'minval~~~~maxval ' " Painter: Spin Range group, Spin Min and Spin Max options. |
UseEllipsis |
Whether an ellipsis (three dots) displays when a column with the EditMask edit style contains character data that is too long for the display column in the DataWindow. The ellipsis does not display when the column has focus. Values are: Yes -- Truncate the data and add an ellipsis. No -- Truncate the data. Do not add an ellipsis. The property is ignored if you:
Painter: Use Ellipsis check box on the Format page. |
UseFormat |
Whether a Format Display mask is used for a column's display. A Format Display mask is used only when the column does not have focus. Values are: Yes -- Use a Format Display mask. No -- (Default) Do not use a Format Display mask. Painter: Use Format option. |
In the painter
Select the control and set values in the Properties view, Edit tab, when Style is EditMask.
setting = dw1.Describe("emp_status.EditMask.Spin") dw1.Modify("empBonus.EditMask.SpinIncr=1000") dw1.Modify("empBonus.EditMask.SpinRange='0~~~~5000'") string setting setting = dw1.Object.emp_status.EditMask.Spin dw1.Object.emp_bonus.EditMask.SpinIncr = 1000 dw1.Object.id.EditMask.SpinRange = "0~~~~10" dw1.Object.col1.EditMask.UseEllipsis = Yes dw1.Modify("col1.EditMask.UseEllipsis=Yes")
The elevation in a 3D graph.
Applies to
Graph controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"graphname.Elevation { = ' integer ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
graphname |
The name of the graph control in the DataWindow for which you want to get or set the elevation. |
integer |
(exp) An integer specifying the elevation of the graph. Elevation can be a quoted DataWindow expression. |
In the painter
Select the control and set the value in the Properties view, General tab, Elevationscroll bar (enabled when a 3D graph type is selected).
string setting setting = dw1.Object.graph_1.Elevation dw1.Object.graph_1.Elevation = 35 setting = dw1.Describe("graph_1.Elevation") dw1.Modify("graph_1.Elevation=35") dw1.Modify("graph_1.Elevation='10~tIf(...,20,30)'")
The radius of the vertical part of the corners of a RoundRectangle.
Applies to
RoundRectangle controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"rrectname.EllipseHeight { = ' integer ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
rrectname |
The name of the RoundRectangle control in the DataWindow for which you want to get or set the ellipse height. |
integer |
(exp) An integer specifying the radius of the vertical part of the corners of a RoundRectangle in the DataWindow's unit of measure. EllipseHeight can be a quoted DataWindow expression. |
In the painter
Select the control and set the value in the Properties view, General tab.
string setting setting = dw1.Object.rrect_1.EllipseHeight dw1.Object.rrect_1.EllipseHeight = 35 setting = dw1.Describe("rrect_1.EllipseHeight") dw1.Modify("rrect_1.EllipseHeight=35") dw1.Modify("rrect_1.EllipseHeight='10~tIf(...,20,30)'")
The radius of the horizontal part of the corners of a RoundRectangle.
Applies to
RoundRectangle controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"rrectname.EllipseWidth { = ' integer ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
rrectname |
The name of the RoundRectangle control in the DataWindow for which you want to get or set the ellipse width. |
integer |
(exp) An integer specifying the radius of the horizontal part of the corners of a RoundRectangle in the DataWindow's unit of measure. EllipseWidth can be a quoted DataWindow expression. |
In the painter
Select the control and set the value in the Properties view, General tab.
string setting setting = dw1.Object.rrect_1.EllipseWidth dw1.Object.rrect_1.EllipseWidth = 35 setting = dw1.Describe("rrect_1.EllipseWidth") dw1.Modify("rrect_1.EllipseWidth=35") dw1.Modify("rrect_1.EllipseWidth='10~tIf(...,20,30)'")
Determines whether a control in a DataWindow is enabled.
Applies to
Button, Computed Field, Graph, InkPicture, OLE Database Blob, OLE Object, Picture, and Text controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"buttonname.Enabled { = ' value ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
buttonname |
The name of the button that you want to enable or disable. |
value |
Whether the button is enabled. Values are: Yes -- (Default) The button is enabled. No -- The button is disabled. |
In the painter
Select the control and set the value in the Properties view General tab, Enabled option.
When the Enabled check box is cleared, or the Enabled property is otherwise set to false, the button control is grayed and its actions are not performed.
dw1.Object.b_name.Enabled = "No" setting = dw1.Describe("b_name.Enabled") dw1.Modify("b_name.Enabled ='No'")
Setting that enables you to specify the PostScript printer driver settings used when data is exported to PDF using the Distill! method.
Applies to
DataWindow objects
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"DataWindow.Export.PDF.Distill.CustomPostScript { = 'value' }"
Parameter |
Description |
value |
(exp) Whether the printer specified in the DataWindow.Printer property is used when data is exported to PDF. Values are:
The Distill! method performs a PostScript "print to file" before distilling to PDF. This property can be set to specify that you want to use a custom PostScript printer before you call the SaveAs method with PDF! as the SaveAsType or select File>Save Rows As with the file type PDF in the DataWindow painter.
Set this property if you want to use a PostScript printer driver for which you have set specific print options such as options for font and graphic handling. If this property is not set, a default PostScript printer driver specifically designed for distilling purposes is used.
This property has no effect if the Export.PDF.Method property is set to NativePDF! or XSLFOP!.
In the painter
In the Data Export tab in the Properties view for the DataWindow object, select "PDF" from the Format to Configure list and "Distill!" from the Method list, and then select "Distill Custom PostScript".
This example specifies an HP LaserJet PostScript printer as the printer to be used to export PDF with customized settings, and saves the data to a file called custom.pdf:
int li_ret dw1.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.Method = Distill! dw1.Object.DataWindow.Printer = "HP LaserJet 4Si/4Si MX PostScript" dw1.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.Distill.CustomPostScript="1" li_ret = dw1.SaveAs("custom.pdf", PDF!, true)
This example uses Modify to set the PDF export properties and specify a network printer:
dw1.Modify ("DataWindow.Export.PDF.Method = Distill!") dw1.Modify ("Printer = '\\print-server\pr-18' ") dw1.Modify ("DataWindow.Export.PDF.Distill.CustomPostScript = '1'")
See also
Setting that determines whether data is exported to PDF from a DataWindow object by printing to a PostScript file and distilling to PDF, by saving to PDF via PDFlib, or by saving in XSL Formatting Objects (XSL-FO) format and processing to PDF.
Applies to
DataWindow objects
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"DataWindow.Export.PDF.Method { = 'value' }"
This property can be set to specify the method used to export data to PDF before you call the SaveAs method with PDF! as the SaveAsType or select File>Save Rows As with the file type PDF in the DataWindow painter. If this property is not set, the distill method is used by default.
PDFMethod is an enumerated datatype that can hold the following values:
Enumerated value |
Numeric value |
Meaning |
Distill! |
0 |
Data is printed to a PostScript file and distilled to PDF (default). |
1 |
Data is saved as XSL-FO and processed to PDF. |
NativePDF! |
2 |
Data is saved to PDF using PDFlib. |
The distill method and the PDFlib method provides a robust solution that can save all types of DataWindow objects on the Windows platform. The XSL-FO method uses a platform-independent Java process, and is particularly useful for printing DataWindow objects in the server on a UNIX operating system.
Saving as XSL-FO
You can also save the data in a DataWindow object in XSL-FO format and customize the filters used to convert it to PDF and other output formats. To do so, use XSLFO! as the SaveAsType parameter when you call SaveAs, or select XSL-FO as the file type when you save rows in the DataWindow painter.
Deployment requirements
If your application uses the distill method, you must distribute the GNU Ghostscript files and default PostScript printer driver and related files (if using the default printer) with your application. If your application uses the XSL-FO method, you must distribute Apache FOP files and the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) with your application. For more information, see Deploying Applications and Components in Application Techniques.
In the painter
On the Data Export page in the Properties view for the DataWindow object, select "PDF" from the Format to Configure list and "Distill!", "NativePDF!", or "XSLFOP!" from the Method list.
This statement specifies that data is exported to PDF using XSL-FO:
dw1.Modify ("DataWindow.Export.PDF.Method = XSLFOP! ")
See also
the section called “Saving the data as PDF” in Users Guide
Setting that enables you to specify the author for the PDF file when you use the PDFlib method to save data from a DataWindow object to a PDF file.
Applies to
DataWindow objects
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe argument:
"DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.Author { = 'value' }"
In the painter
Input the author in the Data Export tab in the Properties view for the DataWindow object.
This example specifies the author for the PDF file, and saves the data to a file called custom.pdf:
int li_ret dw1.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.Method = NativePDF! dw1.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.author = "Kate M." dw1.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.subject = "Sales Data Report" dw1.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.keywords = "Product A" li_ret = dw1.SaveAs("custom.pdf", PDF!, true)
This example uses Modify to specify the author for the PDF file:
dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.Author = 'Kate M.'")
See also
Setting that enables you to specify the page orientation when you use the PDFlib method to save data from a DataWindow object to a PDF file.
Applies to
DataWindow objects
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe argument:
"DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.CustomOrientation { = 'value' }"
Parameter |
Description |
value |
(exp) An integer indicating the page orientation. Values are:
In the painter
Select an orientation mode from the Orientation list in the Data Export tab in the Properties view for the DataWindow object.
This example exports PDF in portrait mode, and saves the data to a file called custom.pdf:
int li_ret dw1.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.UsePrintSpec = 'No' dw1.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.Method = NativePDF! dw1.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.CustomOrientation = '2' li_ret = dw1.SaveAs("custom.pdf", PDF!, true)
This example uses Modify to export PDF in portrait mode:
dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.UsePrintSpec = No") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Export.PDF.Method = NativePDF!") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.CustomOrientation = '2'")
See also
Setting that enables you to specify the paper size when you use the PDFlib method to save data from a DataWindow object to a PDF file.
Applies to
DataWindow objects
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe argument:
"DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.CustomSize { = 'value' }"
Parameter |
Description |
value |
(exp) An integer indicating the paper size. Values are:
In the painter
Select a size from the Paper Size list in the Data Export tab in the Properties view for the DataWindow object.
This example exports PDF with A4 paper size, and saves the data to a file called custom.pdf:
int li_ret dw1.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.UsePrintSpec = 'No' dw1.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.Method = NativePDF! dw1.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.CustomSize = '0' li_ret = dw1.SaveAs("custom.pdf", PDF!, true)
This example uses Modify to set the PDF export properties:
dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.UsePrintSpec = No") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Export.PDF.Method = NativePDF!") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.CustomSize = '0'")
See also
Setting that enables you to select a format for the embedded images in the PDF file when you use the PDFlib method to save data from a DataWindow object to a PDF file.
Applies to
DataWindow objects
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe argument:
"DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.ImageFormat { = 'value' }"
Parameter |
Description |
value |
(exp) An integer indicating the file format of the embedded images in the DataWindow object. Values are:
The image format affects the speed of creating the PDF file and the size of the PDF file. In the order from the fastest to the lowest: JPG, BMP, PNG, GIF In the order from the smallest to the biggest: JPG, GIF, BMP, PNG |
This example saves the embedded image as JPG format, and saves the data to a file called custom.pdf:
int li_ret dw_1.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.Method = NativePDF! dw_1.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.ImageFormat = '1' //JPG li_ret = dw_1.SaveAs("c:\custom.pdf",PDF!, true)
This example uses Modify to set the PDF print properties:
dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Export.PDF.Method = NativePDF!") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.ImageFormat = '1'")
See also
Setting that enables you to specify the keywords for the PDF file when you use the PDFlib method to save data from a DataWindow object to a PDF file.
Applies to
DataWindow objects
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe argument:
"DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.Keywords { = 'value' }"
In the painter
Input the keywords in the Data Export tab in the Properties view for the DataWindow object.
This example specifies the keywords for the PDF file, and saves the data to a file called custom.pdf:
int li_ret dw1.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.Method = NativePDF! dw1.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.keywords = "Product A" li_ret = dw1.SaveAs("custom.pdf", PDF!, true)
This example uses Modify to specify the keywords for the PDF file:
dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.Keywords = 'Product A'")
See also
Setting that enables you to set a password for changing the security settings and permissions (copy/print/edit/etc.) of the generated PDF file, when you use the PDFlib method to save data from a DataWindow object to a PDF file. Therefore, this master password is also referred to as owner or permissions password.
Applies to
DataWindow objects
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe argument:
"DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.MasterPassword { = 'value' }"
Parameter |
Description |
value |
(exp) The password for the administration permissions of the generated PDF file. The value can be a string containing at least one character or no more than 37 characters. If more than 37 characters are set, the first 37 characters will be used as the password. The characters must be printable ASCII characters. Any unprintable ASCII characters will cause PB dot notation to throw an exception. |
Once you set the master password, the user with the master password automatically has the permission of opening the file and all other permissions (such as copying, printing, editing etc.) to the PDF file.
Once you set the master password, you can further control the access restrictions of the file, for example, restrict opening the file by setting the Export.PDF.NativePDF.UserPassword property, or restrict copying/printing/editing/etc. the file by setting the Export.PDF.NativePDF.Restrictions property. If the master password is empty, it indicates no master password or user password is required to open the file or copy/print/edit the file (which means any one can open the file and copy/print/edit the file with no restrictions).
The master password cannot be the same as the user password which is set by the Export.PDF.NativePDF.UserPassword property, otherwise SaveAs function will fail and return -1.
This property takes no effect for files created using PDF/A standard.
This example sets the user password and the master password, and saves the data to a file called custom.pdf:
int li_ret dw_1.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.Method = NativePDF! dw_1.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.UserPassword = '123' dw_1.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.MasterPassword = '456' li_ret = dw_1.SaveAs("c:\custom.pdf",PDF!, true)
This example uses Modify to set the user password and the master password:
dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Export.PDF.Method = NativePDF!") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.UserPassword='123'") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.MasterPassword='456'")
See also
Setting that enables you to select a PDF conformance level when you use the PDFlib method to save data from a DataWindow object to a PDF file.
Applies to
DataWindow objects
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe argument:
"DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.PDFStandard { = 'value' }"
Parameter |
Description |
value |
(exp) An integer indicating the level of PDF conformance. Values are:
In the painter
Select a value from the PDF Conformance list in the Data Export tab in the Properties view for the DataWindow object.
This example exports PDF using PDF/A-1a standard, and saves the data to a file called custom.pdf:
int li_ret dw_1.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.Method = NativePDF! dw_1.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.PDFStandard = '1' //PDF/A-1a li_ret = dw_1.SaveAs("c:\custom.pdf",PDF!, true)
This example uses Modify to set the PDF print properties:
dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Export.PDF.Method = NativePDF!") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.PDFStandard = '1'")
See also
Setting that enables you to specify the permission settings that restrict certain actions (such as copying/printing/editing) of the generated PDF file, when you use the PDFlib method to save data from a DataWindow object to a PDF file.
Applies to
DataWindow objects
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe argument:
"DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.Restrictions { = 'value' }"
Parameter |
Description |
value |
(exp) The password for opening the generated PDF file. The value can be a string containing one or more of the following values (separated by ","):
If you set the restrictions of the PDF file, you must also set the master password by the Export.PDF.NativePDF.MasterPassword property. There must be a value specified for the restriction property, otherwise syntax error may occur. If you do not want to set any restriction, please set Export.PDF.NativePDF.MasterPassword to empty, which indicates no master password or user password is required to open the file or copy/print/edit the file (which means any one can open the file and copy/print/edit the file with no restrictions).
If you set restrictions without setting the user password, a user can open the PDF file, and has the permissions specified by the restriction property.
This property takes no effect for files created using PDF/A standard.
This example prevents the PDF file being printed and copied, sets the master password, and saves the data to a file called custom.pdf:
int li_ret dw_1.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.Method = NativePDF! dw_1.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.Restrictions = 'noprint!,nocopy!' dw_1.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.MasterPassword = '456' li_ret = dw_1.SaveAs("c:\custom.pdf",PDF!, true)
This example uses Modify to set the restrictions and the master password:
dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Export.PDF.Method = NativePDF!") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.Restrictions='noprint!,nocopy!'") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.MasterPassword='456'")
See also
Setting that enables you to specify the subject for the PDF file when you use the PDFlib method to save data from a DataWindow object to a PDF file.
Applies to
DataWindow objects
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe argument:
"DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.Subject { = 'value' }"
In the painter
Input the subject in the Data Export tab in the Properties view for the DataWindow object.
This example specifies the subject for the PDF file, and saves the data to a file called custom.pdf:
int li_ret dw1.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.Method = NativePDF! dw1.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.author = "Kate M." dw1.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.subject = "Sales Data Report" dw1.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.keywords = "Product A" li_ret = dw1.SaveAs("custom.pdf", PDF!, true)
This example uses Modify to specify the subject for the PDF file:
dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.Subject = 'Sales Data Report'")
See also
Setting that enables you to set a password for opening the generated PDF file, when you use the PDFlib method to save data from a DataWindow object to a PDF file. Therefore, this user password is also referred to as open password.
Applies to
DataWindow objects
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe argument:
"DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.UserPassword { = 'value' }"
Parameter |
Description |
value |
(exp) The password for opening the generated PDF file. The value can be a string containing at least one character or no more than 37 characters. If more than 37 characters are set, the first 37 characters will be used as the password. The characters must be printable ASCII characters. Any unprintable ASCII characters will cause PB dot notation to throw an exception. When the value is empty, it indicates no password is required to open the file. |
If you set the user password for opening the PDF file, you must also set the master password by the Export.PDF.NativePDF.MasterPassword property. If the master password is empty, it indicates no master password or user password is required to open the file or copy/print/edit the file (which means any one can open the file and copy/print/edit the file with no restrictions).
If you set the user password without setting the restrictions, a user with the user password can open the PDF file for viewing only. You can use the Export.PDF.NativePDF.Restrictions property to set whether the user with the user password can have permissions of printing, copying, editing etc.
The user password and the master password cannot be the same, otherwise SaveAs function will fail and return -1.
If a PDF file requires a password to open, you can either input the user password or the master password. When inputting the user password, you will have the permissions set by the Export.PDF.NativePDF.Restrictions property; when inputting the master password, you automatically have access to all of the the permissions.
This property takes no effect for files created using PDF/A standard.
This example sets the user password and the master password, and saves the data to a file called custom.pdf:
int li_ret dw_1.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.Method = NativePDF! dw_1.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.UserPassword = '123' dw_1.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.MasterPassword = '456' li_ret = dw_1.SaveAs("c:\custom.pdf",PDF!, true)
This example uses Modify to set the user password and the master password:
dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Export.PDF.Method = NativePDF!") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.UserPassword='123'") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.MasterPassword='456'")
See also
Setting that enables you to use the page orientation and paper size settings in the Print Specifications tab or in the Print.Orientation and Print.Paper.Size properties, when you use the PDFlib method to save data from a DataWindow object to a PDF file.
Applies to
DataWindow objects
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe argument:
"DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.UsePrintSpec { = 'value' }"
Parameter |
Description |
value |
(exp) Whether to use the settings in the print specifications or not. Values are:
In the painter
Select the "Use Paper Size and Orientation Settings from Print Specifications" checkbox in the Data Export tab in the Properties view for the DataWindow object.
This example exports PDF with Letter paper size in Landscape mode, and saves the data to a file called custom.pdf:
int li_ret dw_1.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.UsePrintSpec = 'Yes' dw_1.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.Method = NativePDF! dw_1.Object.DataWindow.Print.Orientation = '1' //Landscape! dw_1.Object.DataWindow.Print.Paper.Size = '1' //1 – Letter 8 1/2 x 11 in li_ret = dw_1.SaveAs("c:\custom.pdf",PDF!, true)
This example uses Modify to set the PDF print properties:
dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.UsePrintSpec = Yes") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Export.PDF.Method = NativePDF!") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Export.Print.Orientation = '1'") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Export.Print.Paper.Size = '1'")
See also
Setting that enables you to send a DataWindow object directly to a printer using platform-independent Java printing when using the XSL-FO method to export to PDF. This is an option of the Apache FOP processor.
Applies to
DataWindow objects
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe argument:
"DataWindow.Export.PDF.XSLFOP.Print { = 'value' }"
Parameter |
Description |
value |
(exp) Whether the exported PDF is sent directly to the default printer. Values are:
Set this property if you are using the XSL-FO method to export a DataWindow object to a PDF file and you want to send the PDF file directly to a printer. The PDF file is always printed to the default system printer. The DataWindow.Printer property setting is ignored.
This property has no effect if the Export.PDF.Method property is set to NativePDF! or Distill!.
In the painter
On the Data Export page in the Properties view for the DataWindow object, select PDF from the Format to Configure list and XSLFOP! from the Method list, and then select Print Using XSLFOP.
This example specifies the XSLFOP! method for PDF export, sets the XSLFOP.Print property, and saves the data to a file called printed.pdf, which is sent directly to the default printer:
int li_ret dw1.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.Method = XSLFOP! dw1.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.xslfop.print='Yes' li_ret = dw1.SaveAs("printed.pdf", PDF!, true)
See also
The number of XHTML export templates associated with a DataWindow object.
Applies to
DataWindow objects
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe argument:
This property is used to get a count of the XHTML export templates associated with a DataWindow object. It returns a long specifying the number of XHTML export templates previously saved in the DataWindow painter for the specified DataWindow object. The count is used with the DataWindow.Export.XHTML.Template[ ].Name property to enable an application to select an export template at runtime.
This code in the open event of a window uses the TemplateCount property to get the number of templates associated with dw1. It then uses the number returned as the upper limit in a FOR loop that populates a drop-down list box with the template names, using the DataWindow.Export.XHTML.Template[ ].Name property.
string ls_template_name long l_template_count, i l_template_count = Long & (dw1.Object.DataWindow.Export.XHTML.TemplateCount) for i=1 to l_template_count) ls_template_name = & dw1.Object.DataWindow.Export.XHTML.Template[i].Name ddlb_1.AddItem(ls_template_name) next
Before generating the XHTML, set the export template using the text in the drop-down list box:
dw1.Object.DataWindow.Export.XHTML.UseTemplate = ddlb_1.text
See also
The name of an XHTML export template associated with a DataWindow object.
Applies to
DataWindow objects
PowerBuilder dot notation:
dw_control.Object.DataWindow.Export.XHTML.Template[ num ].Name
Describe argument:
"DataWindow.Export.XHTML.Template[ num ]Name"
This property returns the names of the XHTML export templates associated with a DataWindow object by index. The index can range from 1 to the value of the DataWindow.Export.XHTML.TemplateCount property. The order reflects the serialized storage order of all templates, which is a read-only setting. These properties, with DataWindow.Export.XHTML.UseTemplate, enable an application to select an export template dynamically at runtime.
See Export.XHTML.TemplateCount.
See also
Setting that optionally controls the logical structure of the XHTML generated by a DataWindow object from a DataWindow data expression using dot notation.
Applies to
DataWindow objects
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"DataWindow.Export.XHTML.UseTemplate { = 'value ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
value |
(exp) A string specifying the name of an XHTML export template previously saved in the DataWindow painter for the specified DataWindow object |
This property uses a template defined in the DataWindow painter to specify the logical structure and attribute overrides that PowerBuilder should use to generate XHTML from a DataWindow object. It is designed to be used with the data expression for the DataWindow object, and should be set before a data expression statement.
In the painter
In the Data Export tab in the Properties view for the DataWindow object, select XHTML from the Format to Configure list and select a template from the Use Template list.
This example stores the name of the export template used in dw1 in the string ls_template. If no template is selected in dw1, an empty string is returned.
string ls_template_name ls_template_name = dw1.Describe ("DataWindow.Export.XHTML.UseTemplate")
This example sets the name of the current XHTML export template used in dw1 to t_report. If t_report does not exist, the current template is not changed.
dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Export.XHTML.UseTemplate = 't_report' ")
See also
Setting that causes elements, attributes, and all other items above the Detail Start element in an XML export template for a group DataWindow to be iterated for each group in the exported XML.
Applies to
DataWindow objects
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"DataWindow.Export.XML.HeadGroups { = 'value ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
value |
(exp) Whether the contents of the header section in an export template iterate in the generated XML. Values are:
This property must be set for group DataWindow objects if you want elements and other items added to the header section of an XML export template to be repeated before each group in the exported XML. For DataWindow objects with multiple groups, each XML fragment in the header section between a Group Header element and the next Group Header element or Detail Start element is iterated.
In the painter
In the Data Export tab in the Properties view for the DataWindow object, select XML from the Format to Configure list and select Iterate header for Groups.
dw1.Object.DataWindow.Export.XML.HeadGroups = "Yes" dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Export.XML.HeadGroups = 'No' ")
Setting that determines whether the XML document is formatted by inserting whitespace characters (carriage returns, linefeeds, tabs, and spacebar spaces).
Applies to
DataWindow objects
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"DataWindow.Export.XML.IncludeWhitespace { = 'value ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
value |
(exp) Whether the generated XML is formatted with whitespace characters. Values are:
This property should be set before you export a DataWindow object if you want to view or verify the exported XML using a text editor.
In the painter
In the Data Export tab in the Properties view for the DataWindow object, select XML from the Format to Configure list and select Include Whitespace.
dw1.Object.DataWindow.Export.XML.IncludeWhitespace = "No" dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Export.XML.IncludeWhitespace = 'Yes' ")
Setting that controls the type of metadata generated with the XML exported from a DataWindow object using the SaveAs method or a .Data.XML expression.
Applies to
DataWindow objects
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"DataWindow.Export.XML.MetaDataType { = 'value ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
value |
(exp) A string specifying a value of the Export.XML.MetaDataType enumerated datatype |
This property must be set to specify the type of metadata generated before you call the SaveAs method with XML! as the SaveAsType to save data as an XML document, or use the .Data.XML expression to save data as an XML string. The metadata is saved into the exported XML itself or into an associated file, depending on the value of the Export.XML.SaveMetaData property.
The Export.XML.MetaDataType property is an enumerated datatype that can hold the following values:
Enumerated value |
Numeric value |
Meaning |
XMLNone! |
0 |
Metadata (XML Schema or DTD) is not generated when XML is exported |
XMLSchema! |
1 |
XML Schema is generated when XML is exported |
2 |
DTD is generated when XML is exported |
If the data item for a column is null or an empty string, an empty element is created when you export XML. If you select XMLSchema!, child elements with null data items are created with the content "xsi:nil='true'".
In the painter
In the Data Export tab in the Properties view for the DataWindow object, select XML from the Format to Configure list and select a value from the Meta Data Type list.
This statement specifies that no metadata will be generated when the DataWindow is exported to XML:
dw1.Object.DataWindow.Export.XML.MetaDataType = XMLNone!
These statements export the contents of dw1 to the file c:\myxml.xml using the XML export template called t_schema, and generate an external XML schema file at c:\myxml.xsd:
dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Export.XML.UseTemplate = 't_schema'") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Export.XML.MetaDataType = 1") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Export.XML.SaveMetaData = 1") dw1.SaveAs("c:\myxml.xml", XML!, false)
See also
Setting that controls the storage format for the metadata generated with the XML exported from a DataWindow object using the SaveAs method or a .Data.XML expression.
Applies to
DataWindow objects
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"DataWindow.Export.XML.SaveMetaData { = 'value ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
value |
(exp) A string specifying a value of the Export.XML.SaveMetaData enumerated datatype |
This property must be set to specify how to store the generated metadata before you call the SaveAs method with XML! as the SaveAsType to save data as an XML document, or use the .Data.XML expression to save data as an XML string. The metadata can be saved into the exported XML document or string or into an associated file.
If Export.XML.MetaDataType is set to XMLNone!, the value of the Export.XML.SaveMetaData property is not used.
The Export.XML.SaveMetaData property is an enumerated datatype that can hold the following values:
Enumerated value |
Numeric value |
Meaning |
MetaDataInternal! |
0 |
The metadata is saved into the generated XML document or string. To save metadata using the .Data.XML expression syntax, you must use this value. |
MetaDataExternal! |
1 |
With the SaveAs method, metadata is saved as an external file with the same name as the XML document but with the extension .xsd (for XMLSchema! type) or .dtd (for XMLDTD! type). A reference to the name of the metadata file is included in the output XML document. With .Data.XML, no metadata is generated in the XML string. |
In the painter
In the Data Export tab in the Properties view for the DataWindow object, select XML from the Format to Configure list and select a value from the Save Meta Data list.
dw1.Object.DataWindow.Export.XML.SaveMetaData = 0 dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Export.XML.SaveMetaData = & MetaDataExternal!")
See also
The number of XML export templates associated with a DataWindow object.
Applies to
DataWindow objects
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe argument:
This property is used to get a count of the XML export templates associated with a DataWindow object. It returns a long specifying the number of XML export templates previously saved in the DataWindow painter for the specified DataWindow object. The count is used with the DataWindow.Export.XML.Template[ ].Name property to enable an application to select an export template at runtime.
This code in the open event of a window uses the TemplateCount property to get the number of templates associated with dw1. It then uses the number returned as the upper limit in a FOR loop that populates a drop-down list box with the template names, using the DataWindow.Export.XML.Template[ ].Name property.
string ls_template_count, ls_template_name long i ls_template_count = dw1.Describe ("DataWindow.Export.XML.TemplateCount") for i=1 to Long(ls_template_count) ls_template_name = dw1.Object.DataWindow.Export.XML.Template[i].Name ddlb_1.AddItem(ls_template_name) next
Before generating the XML, set the export template using the text in the drop-down list box:
dw1.Object.DataWindow.Export.XML.UseTemplate = ddlb_1.text
See also
The name of an XML export template associated with a DataWindow object.
Applies to
DataWindow objects
PowerBuilder dot notation:
dw_control.Object.DataWindow.Export.XML.Template[num ].Name
Describe argument:
"DataWindow.Export.XML.Template[num ]Name"
This property is used to get the names of the XML export templates associated with a DataWindow object. It returns a string specifying the name of an export template previously saved in the DataWindow painter for the specified DataWindow object. The property is used with the DataWindow.Export.XML.TemplateCount property to enable an application to select an export template at runtime.
See also
Setting that optionally controls the logical structure of the XML exported from a DataWindow object using the SaveAs method or the .Data.XML property.
Applies to
DataWindow objects
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"DataWindow.Export.XML.UseTemplate { = 'value ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
value |
(exp) A string specifying the name of an export template previously saved in the DataWindow painter for the specified DataWindow object |
This property should be set to specify the logical structure of the XML generated before you call the SaveAs method with XML! as the SaveAsType to save data as an XML document, or use the .Data.XML expression to save data as an XML string.
In the painter
In the Data Export tab in the Properties view for the DataWindow object, select XML from the Format to Configure list and select a template from the Use Template list.
This example stores the name of the export template used in dw1 in the string ls_template. If no template is selected in dw1, an empty string is returned.
string ls_template_name ls_template_name = dw1.Describe("DataWindow.Export.XML.UseTemplate")
This example sets the name of the current XML export template used in dw1 to t_report. If t_report does not exist, the current template is not changed.
dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Export.XML.UseTemplate = 't_report' ")
See also
The expression for a computed field control in the DataWindow. The expression is made up of calculations and DataWindow expression functions. The DataWindow evaluates the expression to get the value it will display in the computed field.
Applies to
Computed field controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"computename.Expression { = 'string' }"
Parameter |
Description |
computename |
The name of the computed field control in the DataWindow for which you want to get or set the expression |
string |
A string whose value is the expression for the computed field |
In the painter
Select the control and set the value in the Properties view, General tab, Expression option. The More button displays the Modify Expression dialog, which provides help in specifying the expression. The Verify button tests the expression.
setting = dw1.Object.comp_1.Expression dw1.Object.comp_1.Expression = "avg(salary for all)" setting = dw1.Describe("comp_1.Expression") dw1.Modify("comp_1.Expression='avg(salary for all)'")
The file name containing the image for a Picture or Button control in the DataWindow. If no image is specified for a Button control, only text is used for the button label.
Applies to
Picture and Button controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"controlname.Filename { = ' filestring' }"
Parameter |
Description |
controlname |
The name of the Picture or Button control in the DataWindow for which you want to get or set the image file name. |
filestring |
(exp) A string containing the name of the file that contains the image. Filestring can be a quoted DataWindow expression. Button pictures can be BMP, GIF, or JPEG files. You can use a URL instead of a full path name, and if you set the HTMLGen.ResourceBase property to the URL address, you need to specify only a relative file name for this string. If you include the name of the file containing the image in the executable for the application, PowerBuilder will always use that image; you cannot use Modify to change the image. |
In the painter
For a Picture control, select the control and set the value in the Properties view, General tab, File Name option. For a Button control, select the control and set the value in the Properties view, General tab, Picture File option. The Action Default Picture check box must be cleared to set the value for the picture file.
Example for a Picture control:
setting = dw1.Object.bitmap_1.Filename dw1.Object.bitmap_1.Filename = "exclaim.bmp" setting = dw1.Describe("bitmap_1.Filename") dw1.Modify("bitmap_1.Filename='exclaim.bmp'")
Example for a Button control:
dw1.Object.b_name.FileName = "logo.gif" ls_data = dw1.Describe("b_name.FileName") dw1.Modify("b_name.FileName = 'logo.jpg'")
See also
The first row currently visible in the DataWindow.
Applies to
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe argument:
string setting setting = dw1.Object.DataWindow.FirstRowOnPage setting = dw1.Describe("DataWindow.FirstRowOnPage")
Whether a rectangle displays around the selected control.
Applies to
Column, Computed Field, Graph, OLE Object, OLE Database Blob, Picture, and Text controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"controlname.FocusRectangle = value"
Parameter |
Description |
controlname |
The name of the control for which you want to show or hide the focus rectangle |
value |
Whether the focus rectangle appears when the control has focus. Values are:
In the painter
Select the control and set the value in the Properties view, Edit tab, Show Focus Rectangle option.
String ls_DataObject string ls_focus, ls_focus1 ls_DataObject= dw_1.DataObject If ls_DataObject = "d_dept" Then dw_1.Modify("t_1.focusrectangle = " + "yes") ls_focus = dw_1.describe("t_1.focusrectangle") ls_focus1 = dw_1.object.t_1.focusrectangle Else dw_1.Modify("gr_1.focusrectangle = " + "yes") ls_focus = dw_1.describe("gr_1.focusrectangle") ls_focus1 = dw_1.object.gr_1.focusrectangle End If messagebox(ls_focus, ls_focus1)
The way fonts are manipulated in the DataWindow at runtime.
Applies to
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"DataWindow.Font.Bias { = biasvalue }"
Parameter |
Description |
biasvalue |
An integer indicating how the fonts will be manipulated at execution. Biasvalue cannot be a DataWindow expression. Values are: 0 -- As display fonts 1 -- As printer fonts 2 -- Neutral; no manipulation will take place |
string setting setting = dw1.Object.DataWindow.Font.Bias dw1.Object.DataWindow.Font.Bias = 1 setting = dw1.Describe("DataWindow.Font.Bias") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Font.Bias=1")
Settings that control the appearance of fonts within a DataWindow, except for graphs, which have their own settings (see DispAttr).
Applies to
Button, Column, Computed Field, GroupBox, and Text controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"controlname.Font.property { = ' value ' }"
Column(Font.property = value) Text(Font.property = value)
Parameter |
Description |
controlname |
The name of a column, computed field, or text control for which you want to get or set font properties. For a column, you can specify the column name or a pound sign (#) followed by the column number. When you generate DataWindow syntax with SyntaxFromSql, the Font settings apply to all columns or all text controls. |
property |
A property of the text. The properties and their values are listed in the table below. |
value |
The value to be assigned to the property. Value can be a quoted DataWindow expression. |
Property for Font |
Value |
CharSet |
(exp) An integer specifying the character set to be used. Values are: 0 -- ANSI 1 -- The default character set for the specified font 2 -- Symbol 128 -- Shift JIS 255 -- OEM Painter: Font tab, CharSet option. |
Escapement |
(exp) An integer specifying the rotation for the baseline of the text in tenths of a degree. For example, a value of 450 rotates the text 45 degrees. 0 is horizontal. Painter: Font tab, Escapement option. |
Face |
(exp) A string specifying the name of the font face, such as Arial or Courier. Painter: Font tab, FaceName option or StyleBar. |
Family |
(exp) An integer specifying the font family (Windows uses both face and family to determine which font to use). Values are: 0 -- AnyFont 1 -- Roman 2 -- Swiss 3 -- Modern 4 -- Script 5 -- Decorative Painter: Font tab, Family option. |
Height |
(exp) An integer specifying the height of the text in the unit measure for the DataWindow. To specify size in points, specify a negative number. Painter: Font tab, Size option (specified in points) or StyleBar or Expressions tab. |
Italic |
(exp) Whether the text should be italic. The default is no. Painter: Font tab, Italic check box or StyleBar. |
Pitch |
(exp) The pitch of the font. Values are: 0 -- The default pitch for your system 1 -- Fixed 2 -- Variable Painter: Font tab, Pitch option. |
Strikethrough |
(exp) Whether the text should be crossed out. The default is no. Painter: Font tab, Strikeout check box. |
Underline |
(exp) Whether the text should be underlined. The default is no. Painter: Font tab, Underline check box or StyleBar. |
Weight |
(exp) An integer specifying the weight of the text; for example, 400 for normal or 700 for bold. Painter: Set indirectly using the Font tab, Bold option or the StyleBar, Bold button. |
Width |
(exp) An integer specifying the average character width of the font in the unit of measure specified for the DataWindow. Width is usually unspecified, which results in a default width based on the other properties. Painter: Set indirectly using the font selection. |
In the painter
Select the control and set the value using the:
Properties view, Font tab
For some font settings, StyleBar
dw1.Object.emp_name_t.Font.Face dw1.Object.emp_name_t.Font.Face = "Arial" dw1.Describe("emp_name_t.Font.Face") dw1.Modify("emp_name_t.Font.Face='Arial'")
See also
See Bandname.property.
The display format for a column.
You can use the GetFormat and SetFormat methods instead of Describe and Modify to get and change a column's display format. The advantage to using Modify is the ability to specify an expression.
Applies to
Column and Computed Field controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"controlname.Format { = ' value ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
controlname |
The name of the column or computed field for which you want to get or set the display format. |
value |
(exp) A string specifying the display format. See the section called “Defining display formats” in Users Guide for information on constructing display formats. Value can be a quoted DataWindow expression. |
In the painter
Select the control and set the value in the Properties view, Format tab.
If you want to add text to a numeric display format and use a color attribute, you must include the escape character (\) before each literal in the mask. For example:
[red]\D\e\p\t\: ###
setting = dw1.Object.phone.Format dw1.Object."phone.Format = "[red](@@@)@@@-@@@@;'None'" setting = dw1.Describe("phone.Format") dw1.Modify( & "phone.Format='[red](@@@)@@@-@@@@;~~~'None~~~''")
See also
GetFormat function in the section called “GetFormat”
SetFormat function in the section called “SetFormat”
Settings that control the gradient display in a DataWindow object. Gradient display properties are not supported in RichText, Graph, or OLE DataWindow presentation styles.
Applies to
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"DataWindow.gradient.property { = value }"
Parameter |
Description |
property |
A property for the gradient. Properties and their settings are listed in the table that follows. |
value |
The value to be assigned to the property. For gradient properties, value can be a quoted DataWindow expression. |
Property for Gradient |
Value |
Angle |
An integer indicating the angle in degrees (values are 0 to 360) used to offset the color and transparency gradient. This property is used only when datawindow.brushmode takes values of 3 or 4. Painter: Background tab, Gradient group. |
Color |
The gradient color of the DataWindow. This property is only in effect when datawindow.brushmode takes values 1 through 5. Painter: Background tab, Gradient group |
Focus |
An integer in the range 0 to 100, specifying the distance (as a percentage) from the center where the background color is at its maximum. (For example, if the radial gradient is used and the value is set to 0, the color will be at the center of the background; if the value is set to 100, the color will be at the edges of the background.) Painter: Background tab, Gradient group |
Repetition.Mode |
Specifies the mode for determining the number of gradient transitions. Permitted values and their meanings are:
Painter: Background tab, Gradient group. |
Repetition.Count |
An integer specifying the number of gradient transitions for background color and transparency. A value of 0 indicates 1 transition. A value of 3 indicates 4 transitions. This property is used only when the datawindow.brushmode property takes values from 1 to 4 and when the when the datawindow.gradient.repetition.mode value is 0 (by count). The maximum is 10,000. Painter: Background tab, Gradient group. |
Repetition.Length |
A long specifying the number of gradient transitions. This property is used only when the datawindow.brushmode property takes values from 1 to 4 and the datawindow.gradient.repetition.mode property takes the value of 1 (by length). The units for the length that you assign for gradient transitions are set by the datawindow.units property. Painter: Background tab, Gradient group. |
Scale |
An integer in the range 0 to 100 specifying the rate of transition to the gradient color (as a percentage). Painter: Background tab, Gradient group |
Spread |
An integer in the range 0 to 100 indicating the contribution of the second color to the blend (as a percentage). Painter: Background tab, Gradient group |
Tranparency |
An integer in the range 0 to 100, where 0 means that the secondary (gradient) background is opaque and 100 that it is completely transparent. The gradient defines transitions between the primary and secondary transparency settings. Painter: Background tab, Gradient group |
In the painter
Select the DataWindow object and set the value on the Background tab of the Properties view.
If you save to an EMF or WMF, the properties on the Background tab are not saved with the DataWindow.
string ls_data ls_data = dw_1.Object.datawindow.brushmode dw_1.Object.datawindow.Brushmode = 5 ls_data = dw_1.Describe("datawindow.brushmode") dw_1.Modify("datawindow.Brushmode=6") dw_1.Modify("datawindow.Gradient.Transparency=75")
See also
The type of graph, such as bar, pie, column, and so on.
Applies to
Graph controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"graphname.GraphType { = ' typeinteger ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
graphname |
The graph control for which you want to get or change the type. |
typeinteger |
(exp) An integer identifying the type of graph in the DataWindow object. Typeinteger can be a quoted DataWindow expression. Values are: |
1 -- Area 2 -- Bar 3 -- Bar3D 4 -- Bar3DObj 5 -- BarStacked 6 -- BarStacked3DObj 7 -- Col 8 -- Col3D 9 -- Col3DObj |
10 -- ColStacked 11 -- ColStacked3DObj 12 -- Line 13 -- Pie 14 -- Scatter 15 -- Area3D 16 -- Line3D 17 -- Pie3D |
In the painter
Select the control and set the value in the Properties view, General tab.
string setting setting = dw1.Object.graph_1.GraphType dw1.Object.graph_1.GraphType = 17 setting = dw1.Describe("graph_1.GraphType") dw1.Modify("graph_1.GraphType=17")
Whether the user can rearrange columns by dragging.
Applies to
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"DataWindow.Grid.ColumnMove { = value } "
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Whether the user can rearrange columns. Values are: Yes -- The user can drag columns. No -- The user cannot drag columns. |
In the painter
Select the DataWindow object by deselecting all controls; then set the value in the Properties view, General tab, Grid group, Column Moving check box (available when the presentation style is Grid, Crosstab, or TreeView with the Grid Style option selected).
string setting setting = dw1.Object.DataWindow.Grid.ColumnMove dw1.Object.DataWindow.Grid.ColumnMove = No setting = dw1.Describe("DataWindow.Grid.ColumnMove") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Grid.ColumnMove=No")
The way grid lines display and print in a DataWindow whose presentation style is Grid, Crosstab, or TreeView.
Applies to
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"DataWindow.Grid.Lines { = value }"
Parameter |
Description |
value |
An integer specifying whether grid lines are displayed on the screen and printed. Values are: 0 -- Yes, grid lines are displayed and printed. 1 -- No, grid lines are not displayed and printed. 2 -- Grid lines are displayed, but not printed. 3 -- Grid lines are printed, but not displayed. |
In the painter
Select the DataWindow object by deselecting all controls; then set the value in the Properties view, General tab, Grid group, Display option (available when the presentation style is Grid, Crosstab, or TreeView with the Grid Style option selected).
string setting setting = dw1.Object.DataWindow.Grid.Lines dw1.Object.DataWindow.Grid.Lines = 2 setting = dw1.Describe("DataWindow.Grid.Lines") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Grid.Lines=2")
A comma-separated list of the columns or expressions that control the grouping of the data transferred from the DataWindow to the OLE object. When there is more than one grouping column, the first one is the primary group and the columns that follow are nested groups.
Applies to
OLE Object controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"olecontrolname.GroupBy { = ' columnlist ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
olecontrolname |
The name of the OLE Object control for which you want to get or set the grouping columns. |
columnlist |
(exp) A list of the columns or expressions that control the grouping. If there is more than one, separate them with commas. Columnlist can be a quoted DataWindow expression. |
Target and Range also affect the data that is transferred to the OLE object.
In the painter
Select the control and set the value in the Properties view, Data tab, Group By option.
ls_data = dw1.Object.ole_report.GroupBy dw1.Object.ole_report.GroupBy = "emp_state, emp_office" dw1.Object.ole_report.GroupBy = "year" ls_data = dw1.Describe("ole_report.GroupBy") dw1.Modify(" & ole_report.GroupBy='emp_state, emp_office'") dw1.Modify("ole_report.GroupBy='year'")
The size of the bottom margin of the DataWindow's header area. Header_Bottom_Margin is meaningful only when type is Grid or Tabular.
Applies to
Style keywords
Style ( Header_Bottom_Margin = value )
Parameter |
Description |
value |
An integer specifying the size of the bottom margin of the header area in the units specified for the DataWindow. The bottom margin is the distance between the bottom of the header area and the last line of the header. |
SQLCA.SyntaxFromSQL(sqlstring, & 'Style(...Header_Bottom_Margin = 25 ...)', & errstring)
The size of the top margin of the DataWindow's header area. Header_Top_Margin is meaningful only when type is Grid or Tabular.
Applies to
Style keywords
Style ( Header_Top_Margin = value )
Parameter |
Description |
value |
An integer specifying the size of the top margin of the header area in the units specified for the DataWindow. The top margin is the distance between the top of the header area and the first line of the header. |
SQLCA.SyntaxFromSQL(sqlstring, & 'Style(...Header_Top_Margin = 500 ...)', errstring)
See Bandname.property.
See Bandname.property.
The height of a control in the DataWindow.
Applies to
Button, Column, Computed Field, Graph, GroupBox, OLE, Oval, Picture, Rectangle, Report, RoundRectangle, TableBlob, and Text controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"controlname.Height { = ' value ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
controlname |
The control within the DataWindow whose height you want to get or set. |
value |
(exp) An integer specifying the height of the control in the unit of measure specified for the DataWindow. Value can be a quoted DataWindow expression. |
In the painter
Select the control and set the value in the Properties view, Position tab.
string setting setting = dw1.Object.empname.Height dw1.Object.empname.Height = 50 setting = dw1.Describe("empname.Height") dw1.Modify("empname.Height=50")
Whether the control's width should be held constant and its height adjusted so that all the data is visible. This property is for use with read-only controls and printed reports. It should not be used with data entry fields or controls.
Applies to
Column, Computed Field, Report, and Text controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"controlname.Height.AutoSize { = value }"
Parameter |
Description |
controlname |
The control for which you want to get or set the AutoSize property. |
value |
Whether the width or height of the control will be adjusted to display all the data. The height is limited to what can fit on the page. Values are: No -- Use the height defined in the painter. Yes -- Calculate the height so that all the data is visible. |
In the painter
Select the control and set the value in the Properties view, Position tab, Autosize Height check box.
Minimum height
The height of the column, computed field, or text will never be less than the minimum height (the height selected in the painter).
When the band has Autosize Height set to true, you should avoid using the RowHeight DataWindow expression function to set the height of any element in the row. Doing so can result in a logical inconsistency between the height of the row and the height of the element. For more information, see the RowHeight function description.
string setting setting = dw1.Object.empname.Height.AutoSize dw1.Object.empname.Height.AutoSize = "Yes" setting = dw1.Describe("empname.Height.AutoSize") dw1.Modify("empname.Height.AutoSize=Yes")
See also
Whether the column in a DataWindow object should maintain its minimum height, when its Autosize property is enabled. The property is false by default.
HasMinHeight only applies to columns that have Autosize enabled. When both Autosize height and HasMinHeight are true, the height value will be the max value between the auto height value (the calculated value when the Autosize height is set to true) and the value specified in the Height property.
Applies to
Column, Computed Field, and Text controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"controlname.Height.HasMinHeight { = value }"
Parameter |
Description |
controlname |
The control for which you want to get or set the HasMinHeight property. |
value |
Whether the column should maintain its minimum height, when its Autosize property is enabled. Values are: No -- (default) Do not use the minimum height. If the Autosize property is enabled, the column that contains no data will be completely hidden. Yes -- Use the minimum height (the height selected in the painter) for the column. |
In the painter
Can be set only in code, not in the painter.
string setting setting = dw1.Object.empname.Height.HasMinHeight dw1.Object.empname.Height.AutoSize = "Yes" dw1.Object.empname.Height.HasMinHeight = "Yes" setting = dw1.Describe("empname.Height.HasMinHeight") dw1.Modify("empname.Height.AutoSize=Yes") dw1.Modify("empname.Height.HasMinHeight=Yes")
See also
Settings for customizing the Help topics associated with DataWindow dialog boxes.
For more information about Help, see the section called “ShowHelp” in PowerScript Reference.
Applies to
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"DataWindow.Help.property { = value }"
Parameter |
Description |
property |
A property for specifying DataWindow Help. Help properties and their settings are listed in the table below. The File property must have a valid file name before the rest of the Help property settings can become valid. |
value |
The value to be assigned to the property. For Help properties, value cannot be a DataWindow expression. |
Property for Help |
Value |
Command |
An integer specifying the type of Help command that is specified in the following TypeID properties. Values are: 0 -- Index 1 -- TopicID 2 -- Search keyword |
File |
A string containing the fully qualified name of the compiled Help file (for example, C:\proj\MYHELP.HLP). When this property has a value, Help buttons display on the DataWindow dialog boxes at runtime. |
TypeID |
A string specifying the default Help command to be used when a Help topic is not specified for the dialog using one of the following eight dialog-specific properties listed in this table. |
TypeID.ImportFile |
A string specifying the Help topic for the Import File dialog box, which might display when the ImportFile method is called in code. |
TypeID.Retrieve.Argument |
A string specifying the Help topic for the Retrieval Arguments dialog box, which displays when retrieval arguments expected by the DataWindow's SELECT statement are not specified for the Retrieve method in code. |
TypeID.Retrieve.Criteria |
A string specifying the Help topic for the Prompt for Criteria dialog box, which displays when the Criteria properties have been turned on for at least one column and the Retrieve method is called in code. |
TypeID.SaveAs |
A string specifying the Help topic for the Save As dialog box, which might display when the SaveAs method is called in code. |
TypeID.SetCrosstab |
A string specifying the Help topic for the Crosstab Definition dialog box, which might display when the CrosstabDialog method is called in code. |
TypeID.SetFilter |
A string specifying the Help topic for the Set Filter dialog box, which might display when the SetFilter and Filter methods are called in code. |
TypeID.SetSort |
A string specifying the Help topic for the Set Sort dialog box, which might display when the SetSort and Sort methods are called in code. |
TypeID.SetSortExpr |
A string specifying the Help topic for the Modify Expression dialog, which displays when the user double-clicks on a column in the Set Sort dialog. |
In the painter
Can be set only in code, not in the painter.
string setting setting = dw1.Object.DataWindow.Help.Command dw1.Object.DataWindow.Help.File = "myhelp.hlp" dw1.Object.DataWindow.Help.Command = 1 setting = dw1.Describe("DataWindow.Help.Command") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Help.File='myhelp.hlp'") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Help.Command=1") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Help.TypeID.SetFilter = 'filter_topic'") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Help.TypeID.Retrieve.Criteria = 'criteria_topic'")
Shows or hides a gray line to indicate that a fixed page has been crossed when scrolling in a DataWindow with group headers.
Applies to
DataWindow control
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"DataWindow.HideGrayLine { = 'value ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
value |
(exp) Whether a gray line displays in the Preview view and at runtime. Values are: Yes -- The gray line is hidden. No -- The gray line displays (default). Value can be a quoted DataWindow expression. |
This property can be set in the open event for the window in which the DataWindow displays. Note that you cannot suppress the display of repeating group headers.
In the painter
Select the DataWindow object by deselecting all controls; then set the value in the Properties view, General tab. This option is enabled only for DataWindows with group headers.
dw1.Object.DataWindow.HideGrayLine = yes
Whether the control appears only once per page when you print the DataWindow using the newspaper columns format.
Applies to
Button, Column, Computed Field, Graph, GroupBox, Line, OLE, Oval, Picture, Rectangle, Report, RoundRectangle, TableBlob, and Text controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"controlname.HideSnaked { = ' value ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
controlname |
The name of the control for which you want to get or set the HideSnaked setting. |
value |
(exp) Whether the control appears once or multiple times in the printed output when the output has multiple columns (like a newspaper). Values are: 1 -- The control will appear only once on a page. 0 -- The control will appear in each column on a page. Value can be a quoted DataWindow expression. |
In the painter
Select the control and set the value in the Properties view, General tab, HideSnaked check box.
string setting setting = dw1.Object.graph_1.HideSnaked dw1.Object.text_title.HideSnaked = "1" setting = dw1.Describe("graph_1.HideSnaked") dw1.Modify("text_title.HideSnaked=1")
The space between columns in the detail area of the DataWindow object. Horizontal_Spread is meaningful only when type is Grid or Tabular.
Applies to
Style keywords
Style ( Horizontal_Spread = value )
Parameter |
Description |
value |
An integer specifying the space between columns in the detail area of the DataWindow object area in the units specified for the DataWindow |
SQLCA.SyntaxFromSQL(sqlstring, & 'Style(...Horizontal_Spread = 25 ...)', errstring)
The maximum width of the scroll box of the DataWindow's horizontal scroll bar. This value is set by PowerBuilder based on the layout of the DataWindow object and the size of the DataWindow control. Use HorizontalScrollMaximum with HorizontalScrollPosition to synchronize horizontal scrolling in multiple DataWindow objects.
Applies to
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe argument:
string setting setting = dw1.Object.DataWindow.HorizontalScrollMaximum setting = dw1.Describe("DataWindow.HorizontalScrollMaximum")
The maximum width of the second scroll box when the horizontal scroll bar is split (HorizontalScrollSplit is greater than 0). This value is set by PowerBuilder based on the content of the DataWindow. Use HorizontalScrollMaximum2 with HorizontalScrollPosition2 to synchronize horizontal scrolling in multiple DataWindow objects.
Applies to
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe argument:
string setting setting = dw1.Object.DataWindow.HorizontalScrollMaximum2 setting = dw1.Describe("DataWindow.HorizontalScrollMaximum2")
The position of the scroll box in the horizontal scroll bar. Use HorizontalScrollMaximum with HorizontalScrollPosition to synchronize horizontal scrolling in multiple DataWindow objects.
Applies to
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"DataWindow.HorizontalScrollPosition { = scrollvalue }"
Parameter |
Description |
scrollvalue |
An integer specifying the position of the scroll box in the horizontal scroll bar of the DataWindow |
string spos1 spos1 = dw1.Object.DataWindow.HorizontalScrollPosition string smax1, smax2, spos1, modstring integer pos2 smax1 = dw1.Describe( & "DataWindow.HorizontalScrollMaximum") spos1 = dw1.Describe( & "DataWindow.HorizontalScrollPosition") smax2 = dw_2.Describe( & "DataWindow.HorizontalScrollMaximum") pos2 = Integer(spos1) * Integer(smax2) / Integer(smax1) modstring = "DataWindow.HorizontalScrollPosition=" & + String(pos2) dw1.Modify(modstring)
The position of the scroll box in the second portion of the horizontal scroll bar when the scroll bar is split (HorizontalScrollSplit is greater than 0). Use HorizontalScrollMaximum2 with HorizontalScrollPosition2 to synchronize horizontal scrolling in multiple DataWindow objects.
Applies to
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"DataWindow.HorizontalScrollPosition2 { = scrollvalue }"
Parameter |
Description |
scrollvalue |
An integer specifying the position of the scroll box in the second portion of a split horizontal scroll bar of the DataWindow |
string spos spos =dw1.Object.DataWindow.HorizontalScrollPosition2 dw1.Object.DataWindow.HorizontalScrollPosition2 = 200 spos = dw1.Describe( & "DataWindow.HorizontalScrollPosition2") dw1.Modify( & "DataWindow.HorizontalScrollPosition2=200")
The position of the split in the DataWindow's horizontal scroll bar. If HorizontalScrollSplit is zero, the scroll bar is not split.
Applies to
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"DataWindow.HorizontalScrollSplit { = splitdistance }"
Parameter |
Description |
splitdistance |
An integer indicating where the split will occur in the horizontal scroll bar in a DataWindow object in the unit of measure specified for the DataWindow object |
string setting setting = dw1.Object.DataWindow.HorizontalScrollSplit dw1.Object.DataWindow.HorizontalScrollSplit = 250 str = dw1.Describe("DataWindow.HorizontalScrollSplit") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.HorizontalScrollSplit=250")
The way text in a button is horizontally aligned.
Applies to
Button controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"buttonname.HTextAlign { = ' value ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
buttonname |
The name of the button for which you want to align text. |
value |
An integer indicating how the button text is horizontally aligned. Values are: 0 -- Center 1 -- Left 2 -- Right |
In the painter
Select the control and set the value in the Properties view, General tab, Horizontal Alignment option.
dw1.Object.b_name.HTextAlign = "1" setting = dw1.Describe("b_name.HTextAlign") dw1.Modify("b_name.HTextAlign ='1'")
Settings for adding user-defined HTML syntax and hyperlinks to controls in a Web DataWindow.
Obsolete property
HTML.property is obsolete and should not be used, because the Web DataWindow technology is obsolete.
Applies to
Column, Computed Field, Picture, and Text controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"controlname.HTML.property { = ' value ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
controlname |
The name of the control whose HTML properties you want to get or set. |
property |
A property for generating HTML syntax and hyperlinks in a Web DataWindow. Properties and their values are listed in the table below. |
value |
The value to be assigned to the property. Value can be a quoted DataWindow expression only where noted. |
Property for HTML |
Value |
AppendedHTML |
HTML you want to append to the generated syntax for the rendering of a DataWindow control before the closing bracket of the HTML element for that control. |
Link |
(exp) A URL that is the target of a link (HTML anchor element) generated for each data item in the column or for the specified control. The text or user-visible part of the link will be the data value in the column, the value of the computed field, the text in the Text control, or the image of a Picture control. The URL can include parameters. Other properties, such as LinkArgs, can cause additional parameters to be added when the HTML is generated. |
LinkArgs |
A string in the form: argname='exp'{ | argname = 'exp' } ... Argname is a page parameter to be passed to the server. Exp is a DataWindow expression whose value is a string. It is evaluated and converted using URL encoding and included in the linkargs string. The evaluated LinkArgs string is appended to the HTML.Link property when HTML is generated to produce a hyperlink for each data item in a column or other DataWindow control. |
LinkTarget |
(exp) The name of a target frame or window for the hyperlink (HTML A element) specified in the Link property. The target is included using the TARGET attribute. You can use the LinkTarget property to direct the new page to a detail window or frame in a master/detail page design. If LinkTarget is null or an empty string (""), then no TARGET attribute is generated. |
ValueIsHTML (does not apply to Picture controls) |
(exp) A boolean that, if true, allows the control contents (data value in a read-only column, the value of a computed field that is not calculated on the client, or the text in a Text control) to be generated as HTML. For XHTML, the control contents must be well-formed XHTML. |
The Link properties are typically used to create master/detail Web pages where a link on a data item jumps to a detail DataWindow for that item. LinkArgs is used to pass a retrieval argument identifying the particular item.
The AppendedHTML property is used to specify attributes and event actions to add to the HTML rendered for Web DataWindow controls.
ScrollToRow emulation
The ValueIsHTML property allows you to include standalone HTML syntax or tags in the generated Web DataWindow. You can use this feature to add horizontal rules (<HR>) and anchor tags (<A HREF="home.htm">home</A>) to Web DataWindows. If you add row-specific anchor tags, you can use the Modify method or DataWindow expressions to generate conditional HTML for each row.
The HTML generator does not validate the HTML you append to or include in controls in DataWindow objects. If the HTML is invalid, the DataWindow might not display correctly. You must also be careful not to append an event name that is already generated for the control as a coded client-side event.
In the painter
Select the control and set the value in the Properties view, HTML tab.
// EMPID and PAGE are page parameters for the // page server's session object dw1.Object.empid.HTML.Link = "empform.html" dw1.Object.empid.HTML.LinkArgs = "EMPID = 'empid'" dw1.Object.empid.HTML.LinkTarget = "detail_win" dw1.Object.empid.HTML.ValueIsHTML = "true" dw1.Object.helpicon.HTML.Link = "help.html" dw1.Object.helpicon.LinkArgs = "PAGE = 'empform'" setting = dw1.Describe("DataWindow.HTML.Link") dw1.Modify("empid.HTML.Link = 'empform.html'")
Specifies whether HTML generated for the DataWindow object provides updates and interactivity.
Obsolete property
HTMLDW is obsolete and should not be used, because the Web DataWindow technology is obsolete.
Applies to
DataWindow objects
PowerBuilder dot notation:
dw_control.Object.DataWindow.HTMLDW = value
Describe and Modify argument:
"DataWindow.HTMLDW { = ' value ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
value |
The value to be assigned to the property. Value can be a quoted DataWindow expression. Values are:
When HTMLDW is set to Yes, the generated HTML supports data entry and takes advantage of browser features that enable user interaction when used with a page server (as described for the Data.HTML property). The generated HTML can be used to produce a page that displays a subset of retrieved rows and can include JavaScript code requesting additional pages with other subsets of the retrieved rows.
The resulting HTML can be used as a Web DataWindow control, which is a cooperation between a server component, a page server, and a client Web browser. The server component produces the HTML and the page server incorporates it into a Web page.
The user interacts with the DataWindow in the client browser, and actions produced by buttons in the DataWindow object are sent back to the page server. The page server calls methods of the server component to request processing for the data in the DataWindow object, including applying actions, updating data, and scrolling to other subsets.
To affect the level of DataWindow features in the resulting HTML, or to produce master/detail links between two Web DataWindow controls, see HTMLGen.property.
DataWindow features that will not be rendered into HTML include:
Graph, OLE, and RichText presentation styles and controls.
Client-side expressions that include aggregate functions. Aggregate functions cannot be evaluated in the browser. Instead, they will be evaluated on the server and the resulting value included in the HTML.
Resizable and movable controls.
Sliding of controls to fill empty space.
Autosizing of height or width.
EditMasks for column data entry.
In the painter
Select the DataWindow object by deselecting all controls; then select or clear the Web DataWindow check box on the General tab in the Properties view.
dw1.Object.DataWindow.HTMLDW = "yes" setting = dw1.Describe ("DataWindow.HTMLDW") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.HTMLDW = 'yes'")
Settings that control the level of features incorporated into HTML generated for the DataWindow.
Obsolete property
HTMLGen.property is obsolete and should not be used, because the Web DataWindow technology is obsolete.
The Web Generation tab and JavaScript Generation tab are preserved for the backward compatibility only.
Applies to
DataWindow objects
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"DataWindow.HTMLGen.property { = ' value ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
property |
A property that controls how HTML is generated for a DataWindow. Properties and their values are listed in the table below. |
value |
The value to be assigned to the property. Value can be a quoted DataWindow expression where noted. |
Property for HTMLGen |
Value |
Browser |
(exp) A string identifying the browser in which you want to display the generated HTML. The value should match the browser identifier part of the text string that the browser specifies in the HTTP header it sends to the server. This property is usually set dynamically on the server according to the HTTP header returned from the client. Recognized strings are listed in Browser recognition. |
ClientComputedFields |
(exp) Whether computed fields that reference column data are translated into JavaScript and computed in the client browser. Values are:
Regardless of this setting, if the computed field includes aggregation functions, the computed field is calculated on the server. For more information about this and the following properties, see Client properties |
ClientEvents |
(exp) Whether JavaScript code to trigger events is included in the generated HTML. Values are:
ClientFormatting |
(exp) Whether display formats are applied to data items that do not have focus. JavaScript for formatting the data is translated from display formats specified in the DataWindow painter. If you want to use regional settings, such as a period as a date separator and a comma as a decimal separator, you must set ClientFormatting to Yes. Values are:
ClientScriptable |
(exp) Whether client-side JavaScript can interact with the control. Values are:
This option adds approximately 20K to the size of the generated HTML. |
ClientValidation |
(exp) Whether JavaScript code to perform validation of user-entered data is included in the generated HTML. The validation code is translated from validation expressions specified in the DataWindow painter. Values are:
CommonJSFile |
(exp) Cache file name for common JavaScript functions required by Web DataWindows at runtime. If you set this property, the file is downloaded to the browser client once per session for use by all Web DataWindows. You can prefix the file name to a URL, or you can use the URL that you set with the HTMLGen.ResourceBase property. See JavaScript caching. |
DateJSFile |
(exp) Cache file name for common Web DataWindow functions that use a date format. If you set this property, the file is downloaded to the browser client once per session for use by all Web DataWindows. You can prefix the file name with a URL, or you can use the URL that you set with the HTMLGen.ResourceBase property. See JavaScript caching. |
EncodeSelfLinkArgs |
(exp) A switch to disable HTML 4 encoding of the evaluated HTMLGen.SelfLinkArgs expressions that are generated as hidden fields. The standard encoding limits character replacement to: ", &, <, and >. Disabling the standard encoding allows you to encode additional characters, but you must encode the argument expressions yourself. Values are:
GenerateDDDWFrames |
(exp) Specifies whether drop-down DataWindows are generated using inline frames (iFrames). The use of iFrames enhances the display so that the drop-down DataWindow displays in a Web application as it would in a Windows application. Using iFrames increases the volume of markup generated. Values are:
The use of the GenerateDDDWFrames option for drop-down DataWindows is supported only in the Internet Explorer browser. In other browsers, the HTML select element is always used. |
GenerateJavaScript |
(exp) Specifies whether to generate JavaScript if the browser is not recognized. Keep in mind that without JavaScript, updating of data is not available. Navigation links are still supported. Values are:
HTMLVersion |
(exp) The version of HTML to generate. Values are:
If the browser is recognized, this property is ignored and browser-specific HTML is generated. |
NetscapeLayers |
(exp) Formats the Web DataWindow for Netscape 4.0 or later using absolute positioning (in a manner similar to the formatting for Internet Explorer). See NetscapeLayers property. |
NumberJSFile |
(exp) Cache file name for common Web DataWindow functions that use a number format. If you set this property, the file is downloaded to the browser client once per session for use by all Web DataWindows. You can prefix the file name with a URL, or you can use the URL that you set with the HTMLGen.ResourceBase property. See JavaScript caching. |
ObjectName |
(exp) A string specifying a name used in generated code for the Web DataWindow client control, page parameters, and client-side events. You must specify a unique object name when there will be more than one Web DataWindow on a Web page so that names will not conflict. |
PageSize |
(exp) The number of rows of data to include in a generated Web page. If the Web page does not include all available rows, you can include button controls to navigate to the rest of the data. To include all available rows in the page, specify 0 for PageSize. If the HTMLDW property is set to Yes, PageSize is used. If it is set to No, PageSize is ignored and all rows in the result set are generated in a single page. |
PagingMethod |
A value of the WebPagingMethod enumerated variable that determines how paging is handled. Values are: PostBack! (0) -- (default) The control posts back to the server to perform paging operations. Callback! (1) -- The control calls a service on the client to perform paging operations. XMLClientSide! (2) -- The control retrieves the entire XML result set and performs paging operations on the client. This option is only available when the XML rendering format is used. See PagingMethod. |
ResourceBase |
(exp) The URL for included JavaScript files. If you set this property, you do not need to include a URL in the values for these other HTMLGen properties: CommonJSFile, DateJSFile, NumberJSFile, and StringJSFile. |
SelfLink |
(exp) A string specifying the URL for the current page. It cannot include parameters. Parameters specified in SelfLinkArgs can be added when HTML is generated. SelfLink is used to generate URLs for navigation buttons that obtain additional rows from the result set and for other buttons that reload the page, such as Update and Retrieve. |
SelfLinkArgs |
A string in the form: argname='exp'{ | argname = 'exp' } ... Argname is a page parameter to be passed to the server. Exp is a DataWindow expression whose value is a string. The DataWindow in the server component evaluates it, converts it using URL encoding, and includes it in the SelfLinkArgs string. The evaluated SelfLinkArgs expressions are included in the generated HTML as hidden fields. The arguments supply information that the server needs to render additional pages of the result set, such as retrieval arguments. |
StringJSFile |
(exp) Cache file name for common Web DataWindow functions that use a string format. If you set this property, the file is downloaded to the browser client once per session for use by all Web DataWindows. You can prefix the file name with a URL, or you can use the URL that you set with the HTMLGen.ResourceBase property. See JavaScript caching. |
TabIndexBase |
(exp) Sets the starting tab order number for a Web DataWindow. This property is useful for a Web page with multiple Web DataWindows when you can tab between columns of the DataWindows. Setting this property has no effect on page functionality when the page is viewed in a browser that does not support the tab index attribute. The maximum tab index allowed for a page is 32767. See TabIndexBase property. |
UserJSFile |
(exp) Cache file name for user-defined Web DataWindow functions. If you set this property, the file is downloaded to the browser client once per session for use by all Web DataWindows. You can prefix the file name to a URL, or you can use the URL that you set with the HTMLGen.ResourceBase property. See JavaScript caching. |
Most of these properties are considered only when the HTMLDW property is set to Yes.
The Browser and HTMLVersion properties are always considered when HTML is generated, regardless of the HTMLDW setting.
Browser identification strings are sent by the client to the server in the HTTP header. The server component can assign the HTTP_USER_AGENT value from the HTTP header to the Browser property. If the string specifies a browser that the DataWindow engine supports, the DataWindow will generate HTML optimized for that browser. Browser-specific HTML is generated only for Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape browsers.
If the browser is not recognized or not specified, then the generated HTML will use the HTMLVersion and GenerateJavaScript properties to decide what features to include. DataWindow HTML generation recognizes these browsers:
Browser |
HTTP header string |
HTML features used |
Netscape |
Mozilla/1.x ( |
No style sheets, no absolute positioning, no JavaScript. |
Mozilla/2.x ( Mozilla/3.x ( |
JavaScript. No style sheets, no absolute positioning, no regular expressions. |
Mozilla/4.x (
Style sheets, JavaScript, regular expressions. No absolute positioning. |
Microsoft Internet Explorer |
Mozilla/1.22 (compatible; MSIE 2.x; |
No style sheets, no absolute positioning, no tab order, no JavaScript. |
Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.x; |
Style sheets, tab order, JavaScript. No absolute positioning, no regular expressions. |
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.x, Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.x; Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.x; |
Style sheets, absolute positioning, tab order, regular expressions. |
Opera |
Mozilla/3.0 (compatible; Opera 3.x; |
JavaScript, regular expressions. No style sheets, no absolute positioning. |
Columns with RichText edit style
To save rich text formatting in columns with the RichText edit style, the HTMLGen.Browser property must be set to "Microsoft Internet Explorer" and the HTMLGen.HTMLVersion property to "4.0".
The ClientEvents, ClientFormatting, ClientValidation, ClientComputedFields, and ClientScriptable properties control the amount of JavaScript that is generated for the Web DataWindow, which impacts the size of the page that is downloaded to the browser. You can reduce the size of the generated HTML by setting one or more of the properties to No.
You can also reduce the size of the generated HTML by setting up cache files for common Web DataWindow client-side methods. You can generate these files using the JavaScript Generation wizard that you launch from a button on the JavaScript Generation tab of the Properties view in the DataWindow painter.
Once you generate these files, you can set the file names as values for the CommonJSFile, DateJSFile, NumberJSFile, and/or StringJSFile properties. When you set these properties, the methods defined in the referenced files will not be generated with the HTML in any Web DataWindow pages that are sent to the page server and client browser.
With JavaScript caching, you improve performance after the first Web DataWindow page is generated-as long as the browser on the client computer is configured to use cached files. With caching enabled, the browser loads the JS files from the Web server into its cache, and these become available for all the Web DataWindow pages in your application. There is no performance gain if the browser does not find the JS files in its cache since, in this case, it reloads the files from the Web server.
The PagingMethod property determines whether the control uses the client-side script callback mechanism introduced in the .NET Framework 2.0 to execute server-side code without posting and refreshing the current page.
The default is to post back to the server (PostBack!).
The Callback! option uses script callbacks to retrieve the next page of XML data. It corresponds to the Microsoft GridView control's EnableSortingAndPagingCallback property, but applies only to paging. Client-side sorting is handled by another mechanism.
For the XML rendering format, the design of the Callback! option requires that a reusable XSLT stylesheet be generated so that the browser can cache it. The benefit from this requirement is that only the XML data for the next requested page need be returned by the callback. This XML data is always trivial in size (about a 1 to 20 ratio), resulting in significant bandwidth savings. This is unlike other implementations, where the entire presentation is always regenerated and downloaded again from every callback.
The generated XSLT stylesheet is not reusable, and therefore cannot be cached by the browser, if the DataWindow layout is inconsistent page-to-page, or it does not contain a complete first page of data. In these scenarios, the Callback! option defers to PostBack! until a stylesheet can be generated that is reusable, and can therefore be cached in the browser.
The XMLClientSide! option is only available with the XML rendering format. It retrieves the entire XML result set and uses XSLT re-transformation of the cached stylesheet to perform paging on the client. This option can currently be used only if the presentation style is uniform from page to page. For example, it cannot handle a summary band on the last page.
When PagingMethod is set to XMLClientSide!, InsertRow, AppendRow, and DeleteRow actions do not require a postback or callback to the server. However, computed fields in the DataWindow that are dependent on the RowCount method are not refreshed until an action such as Update or Retrieve forces a postback to the server.
Even if you set the NetscapeLayers property to true, certain functionality in a Netscape browser using absolute positioning might not be identical to the functionality available with Internet Explorer. For example, you cannot tab between DataWindow columns using a Netscape browser on an NT machine (although you can do this using a Netscape browser on a Solaris machine).
If you add Web DataWindows to a page that already has a Web DataWindow on it, you can set the TabIndexBase property for each Web DataWindow you add.
For a page with two Web DataWindows, setting the tab index base for the second DataWindow to a number greater than the tab index for the last column of the first DataWindow allows the user (using an Internet Explorer browser) to tab through all the columns of the first DataWindow before tabbing to the second DataWindow. Otherwise, pressing the Tab key could cause the cursor and focus to jump from one DataWindow to another instead of tabbing to the next column in the DataWindow that initially had focus.
In the painter
Select the DataWindow object by deselecting all controls; then set the values in the Properties view, Web Generation tab or JavaScript Generation tab. Select HTML/XHTML from the Format to Configure list to display the properties.
dw1.Object.DataWindow.HTMLGen.HTMLVersion = "4.0" setting = dw1.Describe ("DataWindow.HTMLGen.Browser") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.HTMLGen.ClientValidation = 'no'") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.HTMLGen.PublishPath = 'C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\MyWebApp\generatedfiles'") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.HTMLGen.ResourceBase = '/MyWebApp/generatedfiles'")
This statement sets the XMLGen.Paging property so that the complete result set is downloaded to the client and paging takes place on the client:
This statement sets the HTMLGen.PagingMethod property to use script callbacks:
Settings for the display of DataWindow data when displayed in HTML table format. These settings simplify the transfer of data from a database to an HTML page. They are particularly useful when used to create HTML pages dynamically.
Obsolete property
HTMLTable.property is obsolete and should not be used, because the Web DataWindow technology is obsolete.
Applies to
DataWindow objects
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"DataWindow.HTMLTable.property { = ' value ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
property |
A property for a DataWindow to be displayed in HTML table format. Properties and their values are listed in the table below. |
value |
The value to be assigned to the property. Value can be a quoted DataWindow expression. |
Property for HTMLTable |
Value |
Border |
(exp) Border attribute for the HTMLTable element. The default is 1 (line around the table). |
CellPadding |
(exp) CellPadding attribute for the HTMLTable element. The default is 0. |
CellSpacing |
(exp) CellSpacing attribute for the HTMLTable element. The default is 0. |
GenerateCSS |
(exp) Controls whether the DataWindow HTMLTable property's Table element contains border, cellpadding, cellspacing, nowrap, and width attributes. Also controls whether elements within the table contain CLASS references that control style sheet use. The default is no. |
NoWrap |
(exp) NoWrap attribute for the HTMLTable element. The default is to include this attribute. |
StyleSheet |
(exp) HTML cascading style sheet generated for the DataWindow. |
Width |
Width attribute for the HTMLTable element. The default is 0. |
In the painter
Set the value using the Properties view, HTML Table tab.
dw1.Object.DataWindow.HTMLTable.Border = "2" setting = dw1.Describe ("DataWindow.HTMLTable.StyleSheet") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.HTMLTable.NoWrap = 'yes'")
The number of the column or TableBlob.
Applies to
Column and TableBlob controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
Parameter |
Description |
controlname |
The name of the column or TableBlob for which you want the ID number |
setting = dw1.Object.empname.ID setting = dw1.Describe("empname.ID")
Whether the database is to supply the value of the column in a newly inserted row. If so, the column is not updatable; the column is excluded from the INSERT statement.
Not all DBMSs support the identity property. For more information see the documentation for your DBMS.
Applies to
Column controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"columnname.Identity { = ' value ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
columnname |
A string containing the name of the column for which you want to get or set the identity property. |
value |
A string indicating whether a column's value in a newly inserted row is supplied by the DBMS: Yes -- The DBMS will supply the value of the column in a newly inserted row; the column is not updatable. No -- The column is updatable. |
dw1.Object.empid.Identity = "yes" dw1.Modify("empid.Identity='yes'")
Setting that determines whether import trace information is written to a log file.
Applies to
DataWindow objects
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"DataWindow.Import.XML.Trace { = ' value ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Whether trace information is written to a log file. Values are:
If you want to collect trace information, this property should be set before you call the ImportClipboard, ImportFile, or ImportString method to import data from an XML document. The trace information is appended to the file you specify using the Import.XML.TraceFile property. If no trace file is specified, trace information is appended to a file named pbxmltrc.log in the current directory.
In the painter
In the Data Import tab in the Properties view for the DataWindow object, select XML from the Format to Configure list, and type a file name in the Trace File Name text box.
This example specifies that trace information should be written to a file called xmltrace.log in the C:\temp directory.
dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Import.XML.Trace = 'yes' ") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Import.XML.TraceFile = 'C:\temp\xmltrace.log' ")
See also
Specifies the name and location of an import trace file.
Applies to
DataWindow objects
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"DataWindow.Import.XML.TraceFile { = ' value ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
value |
A string whose value is the name of the trace output file. If the file does not exist, it is created. |
If you want to collect trace information, the Import.XML.Trace property should be set before you call the ImportClipboard, ImportFile, or ImportString method to import data from an XML document. The trace information is appended to the file you specify using the Import.XML.TraceFile property. If no trace file is specified, trace information is appended to a file named pbxmltrc.log in the current directory.
In the painter
In the Data Import tab in the Properties view for the DataWindow object, select XML from the Format to Configure list, and type a file name in the Trace File Name text box.
This example specifies that trace information should be written to a file called xmltrace.log in the C:\temp directory.
dw1.Object.DataWindow.Import.XML.Trace = 'yes' dw1.Object.DataWindow.Import.XML.TraceFile = 'C:\temp\xmltrace.log'
See also
Setting that optionally controls the logical structure of the XML imported from an XML file into a DataWindow object using the ImportFile method.
Applies to
DataWindow objects
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"DataWindow.Import.XML.UseTemplate { = ' value ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
value |
(exp) A string specifying the name of an import template previously saved in the DataWindow painter for the specified DataWindow object |
This property should be set to specify the logical structure of the XML imported before you call the ImportFile method to import data from an XML document. An import template is not required if the XML document from which data is imported corresponds to the DataWindow column definition.
If an export template for a DataWindow object exists, it can be used as an import template. Only the mapping of column names to element attribute names is used for import. The order of elements within the template is not significant, because import values are located by name match and nesting depth within the XML document. All other information in the template, such as controls and comments, is ignored.
In the painter
In the Data Import tab in the Properties view for the DataWindow object, select XML from the Format to Configure list and select a template from the Use Template list.
This example sets the name of the current XML import template used in dw1 to t_import_report. If t_import_report does not exist, the current template is not changed.
dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Import.XML.UseTemplate = 't_import_report' ")
See also
The initial value of the column in a newly inserted row.
Applies to
Column controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"columnname.Initial { = ' initialvalue ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
columnname |
A string containing the name of the column for which you want to get or set the initial property. |
initialvalue |
A string containing the initial value of the column. Special values include: Empty -- A string of length 0 Null -- No value Spaces -- All blanks Today -- Current date, time, or date and time |
setting = dw1.Object.empname.Initial dw1.Object.empname.Initial = "empty" setting = dw1.Describe("empname.Initial") dw1.Modify("empname.Initial='empty'") dw1.Modify("empstatus.Initial='A'")
Properties that control the attributes of ink in an InkPicture control or a column with the InkEdit edit style.
Applies to
Column and InkPicture controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
dw_control.Object.inkpicname.Ink.property dw_control.Object.columnname.Ink.property
Describe and Modify argument:
"inkpicname.Ink.property { = value }" "columnname.Ink.property { = value }"
Parameter |
Description |
inkpicname |
The name of an InkPicture control. |
columnname |
The name of a column that has the InkEdit edit style. |
property |
A property for the InkPicture control or InkEdit column. Properties and their settings are listed in the table below. |
value |
The value to be assigned to the property. |
Property for Ink |
Value |
AntiAliased |
A drawing attribute that specifies whether the foreground and background colors along the edge of the drawn ink are blended (antialiased) to make the stroke smoother and sharper. Values are: true -- The ink stroke appears smoother and sharper (default) false -- The ink stroke is not antialiased Painter: InkAntiAliased option. |
Color |
A drawing attribute that specifies the current ink color. The default color is black. Painter: InkColor option. |
Height |
A drawing attribute that specifies the height of the side of the rectangular pen tip in HIMETRIC units (1 HIMETRIC unit = .01mm). The default is 1. Painter: InkHeight option. |
IgnorePressure |
A drawing attribute that specifies whether the drawn ink gets wider as the pressure of the pen tip on the tablet surface increases. Values are: true -- Pressure from the pen tip is ignored false -- The width of the ink increases with the pressure of the pen tip (default) Painter: IgnorePressure option. |
Pentip |
A drawing attribute that specifies whether the pen tip is round or rectangular. Values are: Ball (0) -- The pen tip is round (default) Rectangle (1) -- The pen tip is rectangular Painter: PenTip option. |
Transparency |
A drawing attribute that specifies the transparency of drawn ink. The range of values is from 0 for totally opaque (the default) to 255 for totally transparent. Painter: InkTransparency option. |
Width |
A drawing attribute that specifies the width of the side of the rectangular pen tip in HIMETRIC units (1 HIMETRIC unit = .01mm). The default is 53. Painter: InkWidth option. |
In the painter
Select the control and set values in the Properties view, Ink or InkPicture tab, InkAttributes section.
dw1.Object.inkpic1.Ink.Antialiased = true li_color = dw1.Describe("emp_status.Ink.Color")
See also
Properties that control the behavior of a column with the InkEdit edit style.
Applies to
Column controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"columnname.InkEdit.property { = value }"
Parameter |
Description |
columnname |
The name of a column that has the InkEdit edit style. |
property |
A property for the InkEdit column. Properties and their settings are listed in the table below. |
value |
The value to be assigned to the property. |
Property for InkEdit |
Value |
AutoSelect |
Whether to select the contents of the edit control automatically when it receives focus. Values are: Yes -- Select automatically (default). No -- Do not select automatically. You can use AutoSelect with SyntaxFromSql. The setting applies to all the columns in the generated syntax. Painter: Auto Selection option. |
DisplayOnly |
Specifies whether the text is display-only and cannot be changed by the user. Values are: true -- Text cannot be changed by user. false -- Text can be changed by user (default). Painter: Display Only option. |
Factoid |
Specifies a context for ink recognition. Set this property if the input data is of a known type, such as a date or Web address, to constrain the search for a recognition result. Possible values include digit, e-mail, Web, date, time, number, currency, percent, and telephone. For a list of values, see the table that follows. Painter: Factoid option. |
FocusRectangle |
Whether a dotted rectangle (the focus rectangle) will surround the current row of the column when the column has focus. Values are: Yes -- (Default) Display the focus rectangle. No -- Do not display the focus rectangle (default). You can use FocusRectangle with SyntaxFromSql. The setting applies to all the columns in the generated syntax. Painter: Show Focus Rectangle option. |
HScrollbar |
Whether a horizontal scroll bar displays in the edit control. Values are: Yes -- Display the horizontal scroll bar. No -- Do not display the horizontal scroll bar (default). Painter: Horizontal Scroll Bar option. |
InkMode |
Specifies whether ink collection is enabled and whether ink only or ink and gestures are collected. Values are: InkDisabled (0) -- Ink collection is disabled. CollectInkOnly (1) -- Only ink is collected. CollectInkAndGestures (2) -- Ink and gestures are collected (default). Painter: InkMode option. |
Limit |
A number specifying the maximum number of characters (0 to 32,767) that the user can enter. 0 means unlimited. Painter: Limit option. |
NilIsNull |
Whether to set the data value of the InkEdit to null when the user leaves the edit box blank. Values are: Yes -- Make the Empty string null. No -- Do not make the empty string null (default). Painter: Empty String is null option. |
RecognitionTimer |
Specifies the time period in milliseconds between the last ink stroke and the start of text recognition. The default is 2000 (two seconds). Painter: RecognitionTimer option. |
Required |
Whether the column is required. Values are: Yes -- Required. No -- (Default) Not required. Painter: Required option. |
UseMouseForInput |
Specifies whether the mouse can be used for input on a Tablet PC. Values are: true -- The mouse can be used for input false -- The mouse cannot be used for input (default) Painter: UseMouseForInput option. |
VScrollbar |
Whether a vertical scroll bar displays in the edit control. Values are: Yes -- Display a vertical scroll bar. No -- Do not display a vertical scroll bar (default). Painter: Vertical Scroll Bar option. |
The following values for Factoid are available. After the Default and None factoids, the drop-down list in the Properties view displays factoids for special formats in alphabetical order, followed by single-character factoids and Asian-language factoids. You can set multiple factoids by separating them with the pipe ( | ) character.
Factoid |
Description |
Default |
Returns recognizer to the default setting. For Western languages, the default setting includes the user and system dictionaries, various punctuation marks, and the Web and Number factoids. For Eastern languages, the default setting includes all characters supported by the recognizer. |
None |
Disables all factoids, dictionaries, and the language model. |
Currency |
Currency in pounds, dollars, euros, and yen. |
Date |
Dates written in English; for example 8/19/2005, Aug 19, 2005, or Friday, August 19, 2005. |
E-mail addresses. |
Filename |
Windows file name paths. The name cannot include the following characters: / : " < > | |
Number |
Numeric values, including ordinals, decimals, separators, common suffixes, and mathematical symbols. This factoid includes the Currency and Time factoids. |
Percent |
A number followed by the percent symbol. |
Postal Code |
Postal codes as written in English, for example 01730 or CT17 9PW. |
System Dictionary |
Words in the system dictionary only. |
Telephone |
Telephone numbers as written in English, for example (555) 555 5555 or +44 1234 123456. |
Time |
Times as written in English, for example 15:05 or 3:05 pm. |
Web |
Various URL formats. |
Word List |
Words on the word list associated with the recognizer context only. |
Digit |
A single digit (0-9). |
One Char |
A single ANSI character. |
Upper Char |
A single uppercase character. |
In addition, the following Asian-language factoids are available:
Bopomofo |
Kanji Common |
Hangul Common |
Katakana |
Hiragana |
Korean Common |
Jamo |
Simplified Chinese Common |
Japanese Common |
Traditional Chinese Common |
In the painter
Select the control and set values in the Properties view, Ink tab for properties relating to Ink, or the Edit tab for properties common to other edit styles. The Style Type on the Edit tab must be set to InkEdit.
string str str = dw1.Object.emp_name.InkEdit.Factoid dw1.Object.emp_name.InkEdit.Factoid = EMAIL str = dw1.Describe("emp_bd.InkEdit.Factoid") dw1.Modify("emp_bd.InkEdit.Factoid=EMAIL") string str str = dw1.Object.emp_name.InkEdit.AutoHScroll dw1.Object.emp_name.InkEdit.Required = "no"
See also
Properties that control the behavior of ink in an InkPicture control.
Applies to
InkPicture controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"inkpicname.InkPic.property { = value }"
Parameter |
Description |
inkpicname |
The name of an InkPicture control. |
property |
A property for the InkPicture control. Properties and their settings are listed in the table below. |
value |
The value to be assigned to the property. |
Property for InkPic |
Value |
AutoErase |
Specifies whether the auto erase feature available on some styluses is turned on. Values are: true -- AutoErase is turned on. false -- AutoErase is turned off (default). Painter: AutoErase option. |
BackColor |
Specifies the numeric value of the background color: -2 to 16,777,215. For more information about color, see the RGB function. Painter: BackColor option. |
CollectionMode |
Specifies whether ink only, gestures only, or ink and gestures are collected. Values are: InkOnly (0) -- Only ink is collected (default). GestureOnly (1) -- Only gestures are collected. InkAndGesture (2) -- Ink and gestures are collected. Painter: CollectionMode option. |
DynamicRendering |
Specifies whether the ink is rendered (displayed in the control) as it is drawn. The default is true. Painter: DynamicRendering option. |
EditMode |
Specifies whether the editing mode of the control is set for drawing, deleting, or selecting ink. Values are: InkMode (0) -- Ink is drawn (default). DeleteMode (1) -- Ink is deleted. SelectMode (2) -- Ink is selected. Painter: EditMode option. |
EraserMode |
Specifies whether ink is removed by stroke or point. Values are: StrokeErase (0) -- The entire ink stroke under the stylus is removed (default). PointErase (1) -- Only the ink under the stylus is removed. Painter: EraserMode option. |
EraserWidth |
Specifies the width of the eraser pen tip in HIMETRIC units (1 HIMETRIC unit = .01mm). The default is 212. This property applies when EditMode is set to DeleteMode and EraserMode is set to PointErase. Painter: EraserWidth option. |
HighContrastInk |
Specifies whether ink is rendered in a single color when the system is in high contrast mode and draws the selection rectangle and handles in high contrast. Values are: true -- Ink is rendered in a single color in high contrast mode (default). false -- Ink is not rendered in a single color in high contrast mode. Painter: HighContrastInk option. |
InkEnabled |
Specifies whether the InkPicture control collects pen input. Values are: true -- The control collects pen input (default). false -- The control does not collect pen input and no pen-related events fire. Painter: InkEnabled option. |
MarginX |
Specifies the x-axis margin around the control in PowerBuilder units. The default value is 0. Painter: MarginX option. |
MarginY |
Specifies the y-axis margin around the control in PowerBuilder units. The default value is 0. Painter: MarginY option. |
PictureSizeMode |
Specifies how the picture is displayed in the control. Values are: Center Image (1) -- The picture is centered in the control. Normal (2) -- The picture is displayed in the upper-left corner of the control and any part of the picture that does not fit in the control is clipped (default). Stretch (3) -- The picture is stretched to fill the control. Painter: PictureSizeMode option. |
In the painter
Select the control and set values in the Properties view, InkPicture tab.
dw1.Object.inkpic1.InkPic.InkEnabled = true li_color = dw1.Describe("inkpic1.InkPic.BackColor")
See also
The way the colors in a Picture control are displayed, either inverted or normal.
Applies to
Picture controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"bitmapname.Invert { = ' number ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
bitmapname |
The name of the Picture control in the DataWindow for which you want to invert the colors. |
number |
(exp) A boolean number indicating whether the colors of the picture will display inverted. Values are: 0 -- (Default) No; do not invert the picture's colors. 1 -- Yes; display the picture with colors inverted. Number can be a quoted DataWindow expression. |
In the painter
Select the control and set the value in the Properties view, General tab, Invert Image check box.
string setting setting = dw1.Object.bitmap_1.Invert dw1.Object.bitmap_1.Invert="0~tIf(empstatus='A',0,1)" setting = dw1.Describe("bitmap_1.Invert") dw1.Modify( & "bitmap_1.Invert='0~tIf(empstatus=~~~'A~~~',0,1)'")
Settings that specify the physical path to which generated JavaScript is published and the URL indicating the location of the generated JavaScript.
Obsolete property
JSGen.property is obsolete and should not be used, because the Web DataWindow technology is obsolete.
The Web Generation tab and JavaScript Generation tab are preserved for the backward compatibility only.
Applies to
DataWindow objects
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"DataWindow.JSGen.property { = ' value ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
property |
One of the following:
value |
(exp) PublishPath -- A string that specifies the physical path of the Web site folder to which PowerBuilder publishes the generated JavaScript. (exp) ResourceBase -- A string that specifies the URL of the generated JavaScript for performing client-side XSLT transformation and instantiation of client-side data. |
The PublishPath folder must correspond to the URL specified in the ResourceBase property. At runtime, after PowerBuilder generates JavaScript to the PublishPath folder, it includes it in the final XHTML page by referencing it with the value of the ResourceBase property in a <script> element.
In the painter
In the JavaScript Generation tab in the Properties view for the DataWindow object, select XHTML from the Format to Configure list and specify the ResourceBase and Publish Path locations.
These statements set the JSGen.ResourceBase and JSGen.PublishPath properties:
dw1.Object.DataWindow.JSGen.ResourceBase= & 'http://www.myserver.com/xmlsource' dw1.Object.DataWindow.JSGen.PublishPath= & 'C:\work\outputfiles\xmlsource'
Whether the column is part of the database table's primary key.
Applies to
Column controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"columnname.Key { = value }"
Parameter |
Description |
columnname |
The column for which you want to get or set primary key status. |
value |
Whether the column is part of the primary key. Values are: Yes -- The column is part of the primary key No -- The column is not part of the key |
In the painter
Set the value using the Rows menu, Update Properties.
string setting setting = dw1.Object.empid.Key dw1.Object.empid.Key = "Yes" setting = dw1.Describe("empid.Key") dw1.Modify("empid.Key=Yes")
An expression to be used as the key clause when retrieving the blob.
Applies to
TableBlob controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"tblobname.KeyClause { = ' keyclause ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
tblobname |
The name of the TableBlob for which you want to specify a key clause. |
keyclause |
(exp) A string that will be built into a key clause using the substitutions provided. The key clause can be any valid WHERE clause. Keyclause can be a quoted DataWindow expression. |
In the painter
Select the control and set the value in the Properties view, Definition tab, Key Clause option.
With the following setting, the value of key_col will be put in col2 when PowerBuilder constructs the WHERE clause for the SELECTBLOB statement:
dw1.Modify(blob_1.KeyClause='Key_col = :col2'")
Settings for a DataWindow whose presentation style is Label.
Applies to
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"DataWindow.Label.property { = value }"
DataWindow(Label.property = value)
Parameter |
Description |
property |
A property for the Label presentation style. Properties and their settings are listed in the table below. |
value |
The value to be assigned to the property. For Label properties, value cannot be a DataWindow expression. |
Property for Label |
Value |
Columns |
An integer indicating the number of columns of labels on a sheet. Painter: Label group, Labels Across option. |
Columns.Spacing |
An integer indicating the space between columns of labels in the units specified for the DataWindow object. Painter: Arrangement group, Between Columns option. |
Ellipse_Height |
An integer specifying the height of the rounded corners of a RoundRectangle label. This property is not valid for any other label shape. This value uses the same unit of measure specified for the DataWindow object. Painter: Not set in painter. |
Ellipse_Width |
An integer specifying the width of the rounded corners of a RoundRectangle label. This property is not valid for any other label shape. This value uses the same unit of measure specified for the DataWindow object. Painter: Not set in painter. |
Height |
An integer specifying the height of a label in the units specified for the DataWindow object. Painter: Label group, Height option. |
Name |
A string containing the name of a label. Painter: Predefined Label option. |
Rows |
An integer indicating the number of rows of labels on a sheet. Painter: Label group, Labels Down option. |
Rows.Spacing |
An integer indicating the space between rows of labels on a sheet in the units specified for the DataWindow object. Painter: Arrangement group, Between Rows option. |
Shape |
A string specifying the shape of a label. Values are: Rectangle RoundRectangle Oval Painter: Not set in painter. |
Sheet |
(Describe only) Whether the paper is sheet fed or continuous. Values are: Yes -- Sheet fed No -- Continuous Painter: Arrangement group, Paper option. |
TopDown |
(Describe only) Whether the labels will be printed from the top to the bottom or across the page. Values are: No -- Print labels across the page. Yes -- Print labels from top to bottom. Painter: Arrangement group, Arrange option. |
Width |
An integer specifying the width of a label in the units specified for the DataWindow object. Painter: Label group, Width option. |
In the painter
Select the DataWindow object by deselecting all controls; then set the value in the Properties view, General tab (when presentation style is Label).
string setting setting = dw1.Object.DataWindow.Label.Sheet dw1.Object.DataWindow.Label.Width = 250 setting = dw1.Describe("DataWindow.Label.Sheet") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Label.Width=250") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Label.Height=150") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Label.Columns=2") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Label.Width=250") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Label.Name='Address1'")
The last row currently visible in the DataWindow.
Applies to
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe argument:
string setting setting = dw1.Object.DataWindow.LastRowOnPage setting = dw1.Describe("DataWindow.LastRowOnPage")
The size of the left margin of the DataWindow object.
Applies to
Style keywords
Style ( Left_Margin = value )
Parameter |
Description |
value |
An integer specifying the size of the left margin in the units specified for the DataWindow |
SQLCA.SyntaxFromSQL(sqlstring, & 'Style( ... LeftMargin = 500 ... )', errstring)
The location of the legend in a Graph control in a DataWindow.
Applies to
Graph controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"graphname.Legend { = ' value ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
graphname |
The name of the graph control for which you want to specify the location of the legend. |
value |
(exp) A number indicating the location of the legend of a graph. Values are: 0 -- None 1 -- Left 2 -- Right 3 -- Top 4 -- Bottom Value can be a quoted DataWindow expression. |
In the painter
Select the control and set the value in the Properties view, General tab, Legend option (applicable when the graph has more than one series).
string setting setting = dw1.Object.graph_1.Legend dw1.Object.graph_1.Legend = 2 setting = dw1.Describe("graph_1.Legend") dw1.Modify("graph_1.Legend=2") dw1.Modify("graph_1.Legend='2~tIf(dept_id=200,0,2)'")
The grouping level.
Level is used in DataWindow syntax only for the Create method.
Applies to
Group keywords
Group ( BY( colnum1, colnum2, ... ) ... Level = n ... )
(RichText presentation style only) Whether the line of text that contains the input field for the column or computed field is removed when the input field is empty. LineRemove is similar to the SlideUp property for controls in other presentation styles.
Applies to
Column and Computed Field controls in the RichText presentation style
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"controlname.LineRemove { = ' value ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
controlname |
The name of the column or computed field whose line of text you want removed when the input field is empty. |
value |
(exp) Whether the line of text is removed so that the rest of the text slides up when the input field for controlname is empty. Values are:
Value can be a quoted DataWindow expression. |
string setting setting = dw1.Object.emp_street2.LineRemove dw1.Object.emp_street2.LineRemove = true setting = dw1.Describe("emp_street2.LineRemove") dw1.Modify("emp_street2.LineRemove=yes")
When the OLE Object control is linked, the method for updating the link information. If the user tries to activate the OLE object and PowerBuilder cannot find the linked file, which breaks the link, LinkUpdateOptions controls whether PowerBuilder automatically displays a dialog box prompting the user to find the file. If you turn off the automatic dialog box, you can reestablish the link by calling the LinkTo or LinkUpdateDialog in code.
Applies to
OLE Object controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"olecontrolname.LinkUpdateOptions { = 'updatetype ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
olecontrolname |
The name of the OLE Object control for which you want to get or set the link update method. |
updatetype |
A number specifying how broken links will be reestablished. Updatetype can be a quoted DataWindow expression. Values are:
In the painter
Select the control and set the value in the Properties view, Options tab, Link Update option.
string ls_data ls_data = dw1.Object.ole_report.LinkUpdateOptions dw1.Object.ole_report.LinkUpdateOptions = 0 ls_data = dw1.Describe("ole_report.LinkUpdateOptions") dw1.Modify("ole_report.LinkUpdateOptions='0'")
The title of the dialog box that displays when an error occurs.
Applies to
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"DataWindow.Message.Title { = ' titlestring ' }"
DataWindow(Message.Title = ' titlestring ' )
Parameter |
Description |
titlestring |
A string containing the title for the title bar of the DataWindow dialog box that displays when an error occurs |
setting = dw1.Object.DataWindow.Message.Title dw1.Object.DataWindow.Message.Title = "Mistake!" setting = dw1.Describe("DataWindow.Message.Title") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.Message.Title='Bad, Bad, Bad'") SQLCA.SyntaxFromSQL(sql_syntax, & "Style(...) & DataWindow(Message.Title='Sales Report' ...) ...", & ls_Errors)
Whether the specified control in the DataWindow can be moved at runtime. Moveable controls should be in the DataWindow's foreground.
Applies to
Button, Column, Computed Field, Graph, GroupBox, Line, OLE, Oval, Picture, Rectangle, Report, RoundRectangle, TableBlob, and Text controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"controlname.Moveable { = number }"
Parameter |
Description |
controlname |
The control within the DataWindow for which you want to get or set the Moveable property that governs whether the user can move the control |
number |
A boolean number specifying whether the control is movable. Values are: 0 -- False, the control is not movable. 1 -- True, the control is movable. |
In the painter
Select the control and set the value in the Properties view, Position tab.
string setting setting = dw1.Object.bitmap_1.Moveable dw1.Object.bitmap_1.Moveable = 1 setting = dw1.Describe("bitmap_1.Moveable") dw1.Modify("bitmap_1.Moveable=1")
(RichText presentation style) Whether the column or computed field can contain multiple lines. Multiline is effective only when Width.Autosize is set to No.
Applies to
Column and Computed Field controls in the RichText presentation style
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"controlname.Multiline { = ' value ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
controlname |
The name of the column or computed field that will contain multiple lines. |
value |
(exp) Whether the input field can contain multiline lines. Values are:
Value can be a quoted DataWindow expression. |
In the painter
Select the control and set the value in the Properties view, Input Field or Compute tab, MultiLine option.
To display the property sheet, click the input field (column or computed field) to select it. Then right-click and select Properties from the pop-up menu.
string setting setting = dw1.Object.emp_street2.Multiline dw1.Object.emp_street2.Multiline = true setting = dw1.Describe("emp_street2.Multiline") dw1.Modify("emp_street2.Multiline=yes")
The name of the control.
Applies to
Button, Column, Computed Field, Graph, GroupBox, InkPicture, Line, OLE, Oval, Picture, Rectangle, Report, RoundRectangle, TableBlob, and Text controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe argument:
Parameter |
Description |
controlname |
The control for which you want the name. For columns, you can specify the column number preceded by #. |
In the painter
Select the control and set the value in the Properties view, General tab, Name option.
setting = dw1.Object.#4.Name setting = dw1.Describe("#4.Name")
The values for the retrieval arguments of a nested report. The number of values in the list should match the number of retrieval arguments defined for the nested report.
Applies to
Report controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"reportname.Nest_Arguments { = list } "
Parameter |
Description |
reportname |
The name of the nested report for which you want to supply retrieval argument values. |
list |
A list of values for the retrieval arguments of the nested report. The format for the list is: ( ("arg1") {,("arg2") {,("arg3") {,... } } } ) |
The list is not a quoted string. It is surrounded by parentheses, and each argument value within the list is parenthesized, surrounded with double quotes, and separated by commas. If an argument is a literal string, use single quotes within the double quotes.
When changing the values for the retrieval arguments, you must supply values for all the retrieval arguments defined for the report. If you specify fewer or more arguments, an error will occur at runtime when the DataWindow retrieves its data.
To remove the report's retrieval arguments, specify empty parentheses. If no arguments are specified, the user is prompted for the values at runtime.
In the painter
Select the control and set the value in the Properties view, General tab.
setting = dw1.Object.rpt_1.Nest_Arguments dw1.Object.rpt_1.Nest_Arguments = & "((~"cust_id~"),(~"'Eastern'~"))" setting = dw1.Describe("rpt_1.Nest_Arguments") dw1.Modify("rpt_1.Nest_Arguments" "=((~"cust_id~"), (~"'Eastern'~"))") dw1.Modify("rpt_1.Nest_Arguments=()")
Whether the DataWindow contains nested DataWindows. Values returned are Yes or No.
Applies to
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe argument:
string setting setting = dw1.Object.DataWindow.Nested setting = dw1.Describe("DataWindow.Nested")
Whether a change in the value of a group column causes a page break.
Applies to
Group keywords
Group ( colnum1, colnum2 NewPage )
SQLCA.SyntaxFromSQL(sql_syntax, & "Style(Type=Group) " + & "Group(#3 NewPage ResetPageCount)", & ls_Errors)
Whether a nested report starts on a new page. NewPage applies only to reports in a composite DataWindow. Note that if the Trail_Footer property of the preceding report is set to No, the current report will be forced to begin on a new page regardless of the NewPage value.
Applies to
Report controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"reportname.NewPage { = value } "
Parameter |
Description |
reportname |
The name of the report control for which you want to get or set the NewPage property. |
value |
Whether the report begins a new page. Values are: Yes -- Start the report on a new page. No -- Do not start the report on a new page. |
In the painter
Select the Report control in the Composite presentation style and set the value in the Properties view, General tab, New Page check box.
string newpage_setting newpage_setting = dw1.Object.rpt_1.NewPage dw1.Object.rpt_1.NewPage = "Yes" newpage_setting = dw1.Describe("rpt_1.NewPage") dw1.Modify("rpt_1.NewPage=Yes")
Determines whether message boxes are displayed to the user during DataWindow processing.
Applies to
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"DataWindow.NoUserPrompt { = ' value ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
value |
A string specifying whether any message box requiring user intervention displays during DataWindow processing. Values are: Yes -- No message box displays. No -- (Default) Message boxes display when invoked during DataWindow processing. |
Set the NoUserPrompt property to yes if the DataWindow is to be used in a batch process when there is no possibility of end-user intervention. Dialog boxes you can prevent from displaying include the Error, Print, Retrieve, CrossTab, Expression, SaveAs, Import, Query, RichText, Filter, and Sort dialog boxes.
dw1.Object.DataWindow.NoUserPrompt = "yes" dw1.Modify("DataWindow.NoUserPrompt=no")
A list of the controls in the DataWindow object. The names are returned as a tab-separated list.
Applies to
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe argument:
setting = dw1.Describe("DataWindow.Objects")
Settings that some OLE server applications use to identify the client's information. The property values can be used to construct the title of the server window.
Applies to
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"DataWindow.OLE.Client.property { = ' value ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
property |
An OLE client property, as shown in the table below. |
value |
Values for the properties are shown in the table below. Value cannot be a DataWindow expression. |
Property for OLE.Client |
Value |
Class |
The client class for the DataWindow. The default is DataWindow. |
Name |
The client name for the DataWindow. The default is Untitled. |
In the painter
Select the control and set the value in the Properties view, Definition tab.
ls_data = dw1.Object.DataWindow.OLE.Client.Class dw1.Object.DataWindow.OLE.Client.Class = "PB" ls_data = dw1.Describe("DataWindow.OLE.Client.Class") dw1.Modify("DataWindow.OLE.Client.Class = 'PB'")
The name of the OLE class for the TableBlob control.
Applies to
TableBlob controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"tblobname.OLEClass { = 'oleclassname ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
tblobname |
The TableBlob column for which you want to get or set the class of server application. |
oleclassname |
(exp) A string specifying a class of an OLE server application installed on your system. Oleclassname is quoted and can be a DataWindow expression. |
In the painter
Select the control and set the value in the Properties view, Definition tab, OLE Class: Description option.
setting = dw1.Object.blob_1.OLEClass dw1.Object.blob_1.OLEClass = 'Word.Document' setting = dw1.Describe("blob_1.OLEClass") dw1.Modify("blob_1.OLEClass='Word.Document'")
The property specifies whether the width and height of the picture are set to their original values.
Applies to
Button and Bitmap controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"controlname.OriginalSize { = 'value'} "
Parameter |
Description |
controlname |
The control for which you want to set the value. |
value |
A string specifying whether the control's image is set to its original size. Values are: True -- The image displays at its original size. False -- The image height and width can be set to other measurements. |
In the painter
Select the control and then set the value in the Properties view, General tab, Original Size check box.
In scripts
The OriginalSize property takes a boolean value. The following line sets the OriginalSize property to false:
You should not try to change the width or height of a picture control when OriginalSize is set to true, because it can lead to unexpected behavior.
dw_1.Modify("p_empphoto.originalsize='true'") dw_1.Modify("p_product.originalsize='false'") dw_1.Modify("p_product.height='250'") dw_1.Modify("p_product.width='250'")
The percentage of overlap for the data markers (such as bars or columns) in different series in a graph.
Applies to
Graph controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"graphname.OverlapPercent { = ' integer ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
graphname |
The name of the graph control in the DataWindow object for which you want to get or set the percentage of overlap. |
integer |
(exp) An integer specifying the percent of the width of the data markers that will overlap. Integer can be a quoted DataWindow expression. |
In the painter
Select the control and set the value in the Properties view, General tab, OverlapPercent option (applicable when a series has been specified).
string setting setting = dw1.Object.graph_1.OverlapPercent dw1.Object.graph_1.OverlapPercent = 25 setting = dw1.Describe("graph_1.OverlapPercent") dw1.Modify("graph_1.OverlapPercent=25")
Settings for a line or the outline of a control.
Applies to
Line, Oval, Rectangle, and RoundRectangle controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"controlname.Pen.property { = value }"
Parameter |
Description |
controlname |
The name of the control whose Pen property you want to get or set. |
property |
A property that applies to the Pen characteristics of controlname, as listed in the table below. |
value |
The value of the property, as shown in the table below. Value can be a quoted DataWindow expression. |
Property for Pen |
Value |
Color |
(exp) A long specifying the color (the red, green, and blue values) to be used as the control's line color. Painter: Pen Color option. |
Style |
(exp) A number specifying the style of the line. Values are: 0 -- Solid 1 -- Dash 2 -- Dotted 3 -- Dash-dot pattern 4 -- Dash-dot-dot pattern 5 -- Null (no visible line) Painter: Pen Style option. |
Width |
(exp) A number specifying the width of the line in the unit of measure specified for the DataWindow. Painter: Pen Width option (not available when Style is a value other than Solid). |
In the painter
Select the control and set values in the Properties view, General tab.
string setting setting = dw1.Object.line_1.Pen.Width dw1.Object.line_1.Pen.Width = 10 setting = dw1.Describe("line_1.Pen.Width") dw1.Modify("line_1.Pen.Width=10")
The distance from the front of the window at which the graph appears.
Applies to
Graph controls
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"graphname.Perspective { = ' integer ' }"
Parameter |
Description |
graphname |
The name of the graph control in the DataWindow object for which you want to get or set the perspective. |
integer |
(exp) An integer between 1 and 100 specifying how far away the graph appears. The larger the number, the greater the distance and the smaller the graph appears. Integer can be a quoted DataWindow expression. |
In the painter
Select the control and set the value in the Properties view, General tab, Perspective scroll bar (available when a 3D graph type is selected).
string setting setting = dw1.Object.graph_1.Perspective dw1.Object.graph_1.Perspective = 20 setting = dw1.Describe("graph_1.Perspective") dw1.Modify("graph_1.Perspective=20")
Settings that control the background picture displayed in a DataWindow object. Picture properties are not supported in RichText, Graph, or OLE DataWindow presentation styles.
Applies to
PowerBuilder dot notation:
Describe and Modify argument:
"DataWindow.picture.property { = value }"
Parameter |
Description |
property |
A property for the picture background. Properties and their settings are listed in the table that follows. Picture properties are used only when the datawindow.brushmode value is 6. These properties are not available for RichText, Graph, or OLE DataWindow objects. |
value |
The value to be assigned to the property. For picture properties, value can be a quoted DataWindow expression. |
Property for Picture |
Value |
Clip.Bottom |
An integer specifying the percentage to clip from the bottom edge of the background picture. Painter: Background tab, Picture group. |
Clip.Left |
An integer specifying the percentage to clip from the left edge of the background picture. Painter: Background tab, Picture group. |
Clip.Right |
An integer specifying the percentage to clip from the right edge of the background picture. Painter: Background tab, Picture group. |
Clip.Top |
An integer specifying the percentage to clip from the top edge of the background picture. Painter: Background tab, Picture group. |
File |
Painter: Background tab, Picture group. A string indicating the pathname for the picture file to be used for the DataWindow background. Supported formats are BMP, GIF, JPEG, RLE, WMF, and PNG. |
Mode |
An integer indicating the orientation and size of the background picture, and whether it is tiled. Tiling also depends on the Scale.X and Scale.Y values. Values are: 0 -- Original Size 1 -- Fit to Width 2 -- Fit to Height 3 -- Preserve Aspect Ratio/Max to Rect 4 -- Stretch to Fit 5 -- Tile 6 -- Flip X 7 -- Flip Y 8 -- Flip XY Painter: Background tab, Picture group. |
Scale.X |
An integer from 0 to 100 that indicates the horizontal size of the bitmap in relation to the horizontal size of the DataWindow object. If you set the Scale.X and Scale.Y properties to 100, the background picture will cover the entire DataWindow object. This property is used only when picture.tilemode is set to 5, 6, 7, or 8. Painter: Background tab, Picture group. |
Scale.Y |
An integer from 0 to 100 that indicates the vertical size of the bitmap in relation to the vertical size of the DataWindow object. If you set the Scale.X and Scale.Y properties to 100, the background picture will cover the entire DataWindow object. This property is used only when picture.tilemode is set to 5, 6, 7, or 8. Painter: Background tab, Picture group. |
Tranparency |
An integer in the range 0 to 100, where 0 means that the background bitmap is opaque and 100 that it is completely transparent. Painter: Background tab, Picture group. |
In the painter
Select the DataWindow object and set the value on the Background tab of the Properties view.
If you save to an EMF or WMF, the properties on the Background tab are not saved with the DataWindow.
This table explains the values for Picture.Mode:
Value |
Description |
0 - Original Size |
The image is centered and not tiled to fit the DataWindow. |
1 - Fit to Width |
The image is stretched or compressed (depending on the aspect ratio) until its width matches that of the DataWindow control). |
2 - Fit to Height |
The image is stretch or compressed (depending on the the aspect ratio) until its height matches that of the DataWindow control. |
3 - Preserve Aspect Ratio/Max to Rect |
The image is stretched or compressed (without distortion) until its width or height matches that of the DataWindow control without either of them exceeding the bounds of the DataWindow control. |
4 - Stretch to Fit |
The image is stretched to fill the DataWindow control, without preserving the aspect ratio. |
5 - Tile |
The image is tiled to fill the DataWindow. The number of repetitions will be affected by the values of picture.scale.x, picture.scale.y, and the picture.clip properties. |
6 - Flip X |
The image is used to fill the DataWindow by tiling and then it is flipped horizontally as you move from one tile to the next in a row. The number of repetitions will be affected by the values of picture.scale.x, picture.scale.y, and the picture.clip properties. |
7 - Flip Y |
The image is used to fill the DataWindow by tiling and then it is flipped vertically as you move from one tile to the next in a column. The number of repetitions will be affected by the values of picture.scale.x, picture.scale.y, and the picture.clip properties. |
8 - Flip XY |
The image is used to fill the DataWindow by tiling and then it is flipped horizontally as you move along the rows and vertically as you move along the columns. The number of repetitions |