This method returns a string representing the context of the client-side control to be passed on a form submit.
Obsolete method
GetFullContext is obsolete and should not be used, because the Web DataWindow technology is obsolete.
Applies to
Web DataWindow client control
string dwcontrol.GetFullContext ( )
Return value
Use to host multiple DataWindows.
The following client side script transfers the context and action from one DataWindow to the DataWindow being submitted.
<SCRIPT> function dw_first_OnSubmit() { dw_first.submitForm.dw_second_context.value = dw_second.GetFullContext(); dw_first.submitForm.dw_second_action.value = ""; } function dw_second_OnSubmit() { dw_second.submitForm.dw_first_context.value = dw_first.GetFullContext(); dw_second.submitForm.dw_first_action.value = ""; } </SCRIPT>
To enable the second DataWindow to create the required fields on the submit form, each of the DataWindows must have two arguments defined in the SelfLinkArgs property:
dw_first must have dw_second_context and dw_second_action defined
dw_second must have dw_first_context and dw_first_action defined