- ADORelease
- AppDriverName
- AppName
- Async
- BindSPInput
- BinTxtBlob
- Block (ODBC, OLE DB, Oracle, and SNC)
- Block (DirectConnect and Adaptive Server Enterprise)
- CacheAuthentication
- CacheName (obsolete)
- CallEscape
- CharSet
- Client_Locale
- CnnPool
- CommandTimeout
- CommitOnDisconnect
- ConnectAs
- ConnectOption
- ConnectString
- CSIncr
- CSMax
- CSMin
- CursorLib
- CursorLock
- CursorScroll
- CursorType
- CursorUpdate
- Database
- DataLink
- DataSource
- Date
- DateFormat
- DateTime
- DateTimeAllowed
- DateTimeFormat
- DBConfigSection
- DBGetTime
- Db_Locale
- DBTextLimit
- DecimalSeparator
- DefaultProcOwner
- DelimitIdentifier
- DelimitIdentifierToDB
- DisableBind
- Driver
- DS_Alias
- DS_Copy
- DS_DitBase
- DS_Failover
- DS_Password
- DS_Principal
- DS_Provider
- DS_TimeLimit
- Encrypt
- EncryptionPass
- EncryptPassword
- FailoverPartner
- FoDelay
- FoDialog
- FoRetryCount
- FormatArgsAsExp
- GenerateEqualsNull
- GetConnectionOption (obsolete)
- HANotification
- HighSeverityError
- Hint
- Host
- HostReqOwner
- IdentifierQuoteChar
- Identity
- ImpersonationLevel
- Init_Prompt
- InsertBlock
- IntegratedSecurity
- Isolation
- KeepAlive
- Language
- Locale
- Location
- Log
- LoginTimeOut
- LowerCaseIdent
- MapDateToDateTime
- MaskPassword
- MaxConnect
- MaxFetchBuffer
- MixedCase
- Mode
- MsgTerse
- Namespace
- NCharBind
- NCharLiteral
- NLS_Charset
- NumbersInternal
- NumericFormat
- ObjectMode
- ODBCU_CONLIB (obsolete)
- OJSyntax
- OnlineIndex
- OraMTSConFlgs (obsolete)
- PackageProcs
- PacketSize (ODBC)
- PacketSize (ASE, DIR, SNC, SYC)
- PBCatalogOwner
- PBMaxBlobSize
- PBMaxTextSize
- PBNewSPInvocation
- PBNoCatalog
- PBTrimCharColumns
- PBUseProcOwner
- PersistEncrypted
- PersistSensitive
- PoolCreator
- Pooling
- PoolPwd
- Properties
- ProtectionLevel
- Provider
- ProviderString
- ProxyUserName (obsolete)
- PWDialog
- PWEncrypt
- PWExpDialog
- QualifyPublic
- RecheckRows
- Release
- ReleaseConnectionOption (obsolete)
- Request
- RPCRebind
- ReturnCommandHandle
- RTConnBalancing
- Scroll
- Sec_Channel_Bind
- Sec_Confidential
- Sec_Cred_Timeout
- Sec_Data_Integrity
- Sec_Data_Origin
- Sec_Delegation
- Sec_Keytab_File
- Sec_Mechanism
- Sec_Mutual_Auth
- Sec_Network_Auth
- Sec_Replay_Detection
- Sec_Seq_Detection
- Sec_Server_Principal
- Sec_Sess_Timeout
- ServerName
- ServiceComponents
- SessionHomogeneous
- ShowTempTables
- ShowWarnings
- SPCache
- SQLCache
- SQLQualifiers
- StatementCache
- StaticBind
- StmtCache
- StrByCharset
- StripParmNames
- SvrFailover
- SystemOwner
- SystemProcs
- TableCriteria
- ThreadSafe
- Time
- TimeFormat
- Timeout
- TimeStamp
- TraceFile
- TrimSpaces
- TrustedConnection
- TrustServerCertificate
- UnicharBind
- UseContextObject (obsolete)
- UseProcSyntax
- UTF8
The following table lists each supported database interface and the database parameters you can use with that interface in PowerBuilder. The database parameters are described in alphabetical order after the table.
Database interface |
DBParm parameters |
NCharBind (Oracle only) |
ASE SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise Release The Release database parameter must be set to 15 or higher to use the ASE interface.
DIR SAP DirectConnect |
IN9 Informix |
I10 Informix |
ODBC Using DBParms with ODBC These database parameters are supported by the PowerBuilder ODBC interface only if both the ODBC driver you are using and the back-end DBMS support the feature |
Block (ODBC, OLE DB, Oracle, and SNC) |
ORA Oracle (for 11g and later) O10 Oracle 10g Oracle 9.2 |
AppDriverName (ORA only) Block (ODBC, OLE DB, Oracle, and SNC) CnnPool (obsolete) CSIncr (ORA only) CSMax (ORA only) CSMin (ORA only) GetConnectionOption (obsolete) HANotification (O10 and later) NCharLiteral (O10 and later) |
PoolCreator (ORA only) Pooling (ORA only) PoolPwd (ORA only) ReleaseConnectionOption (obsolete) RTConnBalancing (ORA only) ServerName (ORA only) SessionHomogeneous (ORA only) StatementCache (O10 and later) |
SNC SQL Native Client for Microsoft SQL Server |
SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise Set Release The Release database parameter must be set to the version of your Open Client software (11 or higher) to use DS_* and Sec_* parameters. |
Specifies the version of the ADO.NET data provider that is in use on the client workstation.
When to specify ADORelease
You must specify a value for ADORelease before connecting to the database.
Applies to
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies the version of an ADO.NET data provider your application uses. For SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise, the optional values are:
For Oracle, the optional values are:
Default value
1.1.411.0 for Adaptive Server, for Oracle.
The ADORelease database parameter specifies the version of the ADO.NET database provider used for native connections to a database server using ADO.NET.
For Adaptive Server, specify Sybase.Data.AseClient as the Namespace in the Database Profile Setup dialog box for ADO.NET to display available versions of the SAP ASE ADO.NET Data Provider in the Release drop-down list.
The database provider is supplied in the .NET assemblies Sybase.PowerBuilder.Db.dll (for Adaptive Server 12.5.x and Oracle9i) and Sybase.PowerBuilder.DbExt.dll (for Adaptive Server 15.x and Oracle 10g). You must deploy the appropriate version of this DLL with your application.
For Oracle, specify Oracle.DataAccessClient as the Namespace in the Database Profile Setup dialog box for ADO.NET to display available versions of the Oracle Data provider for .NET (ODP.NET) in the Release drop-down list.
When you select a driver version, the ADO.NET interface attempts to load that driver. If the driver is redirected to a higher version of the driver, the higher driver is loaded, but only the features in the selected driver may be supported. For example with Oracle ODP.NET, if ADORelease is set to but the policy file on your computer redirects the driver to version, the ODP.NET driver is loaded. New features in ODP.NET are not supported.
To specify that your PowerBuilder application accesses an Adaptive Server 15 database using the ASE ADO.NET Data Provider:
Database profile
Select from the ADORelease drop-down list on the Connection page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
Allows you to set your own client driver name for the Oracle database connection.
Applies to
ORA Oracle (for 11g and later)
AppDriverName =value
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies the name of the driver to use for an Oracle database connection. |
Default value
The maximum length of the name is 8 characters. You can display the client driver name with the V$SESSION_CONNECT_INFO or GV$SESSION_CONNECT_INFO dynamic performance view queries.
To specify a client driver name:
Database profile
Type the driver name in the Application Driver Name text box on the System page of the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code where myDriver is a string for the name of the client driver:
If the DBMS supports it, specifies the application name you want to use when connecting to the database in PowerBuilder.
When to specify AppName
You must specify the AppName parameter before connecting to the database.
Applies to
ASE, SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
DIR SAP DirectConnect
SNC SQL Native Client for Microsoft SQL Server
Default value
For Adaptive Server and DirectConnect, PowerBuilder sets the CS_APPNAME connection property to PowerBuilder, as follows:
For SQL Server, there is no default value for AppName.
Adaptive Server databases
It is useful to specify a different AppName value for each of your Adaptive Server applications. If you are an administrator, you can query the MASTER.DBO.SYSPROCESSES table to determine which applications are running on the database server. The value specified for AppName displays in the program_name column of the MASTER.DBO.SYSPROCESSES table, making it easy to identify the applications.
Example 1
To set the application name to Test:
Database profile
Type the following in the Application Name box on the Network or System page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box:
Type the following in code:
Example 2
(Does not apply to DirectConnect) You can set the AppName and Host parameters in a single statement to specify both the application name and the host name. To set the application name to Sales and the host name to Fran:
Database profile
Type Sales in the Application Name box and Fran in the Workstation Name box on the Network page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
See also
(applies only to ASE and SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise)
Allows you to perform asynchronous operations on your database in PowerBuilder. If you have coded a RetrieveRow event for a DataWindow object or report, you can cancel the current database retrieval operation or start another (non-database) operation that does not use the same database connection before the current operation completes. You can also switch to another Windows process while the retrieval takes place.
By default, PowerBuilder operates synchronously.
Applies to
ASE, SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
DIR SAP DirectConnect
I10 Informix
IN9 Informix
ODBC (if driver and back-end DBMS support this feature)
O90 Oracle9i
O10 Oracle 10g
ORA Oracle (for 11g and later)
Parameter |
Description |
value |
A value specifying synchronous or asynchronous operation. Values are:
Default value
Enabling asynchronous operation in PowerBuilder is useful when you are executing a complex SQL statement that takes several minutes to return results. If the Async parameter is set to 1, you can do either of the following while the SQL statement is executing:
Work in another window
Cancel the statement before it retrieves the first row of data
When to set Async
If you are communicating with the database in code, you can reset the Async value at any time before or after the Transaction object has connected to the database.
How data is retrieved
When you retrieve data in a DataWindow object or report, the following steps occur in order:
The database server compiles and executes the SQL statement.
PowerBuilder retrieves (fetches) the first row of data.
PowerBuilder retrieves each subsequent row of data.
What happens before the first row is retrieved
While the server is compiling and executing the SQL statement and before PowerBuilder retrieves the first row of data, you must have done both of the following to enable asynchronous operation (allowing you to cancel the current operation before it retrieves the first row of data):
Coded a RetrieveRow event for the DataWindow object or report (the code can contain only a comment)
Set the Async parameter to 1
What happens after the first row is retrieved
After the first row of data is retrieved and between subsequent row fetches, you must have done only the following to enable asynchronous operation:
Coded a RetrieveRow event for the DataWindow object or report
After the first row is retrieved, PowerBuilder operates asynchronously without your having to set the Async parameter to 1, so you can cancel the current operation anytime after it retrieves the first row of data. Therefore, the Async parameter has no effect in PowerBuilder after the first row of data is retrieved.
Example 1
To enable asynchronous operation:
Database profile
Select the Asynchronous check box on the Transaction page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
Example 2
You can set the Async and DBGetTime parameters in a single statement. DBGetTime specifies the number of seconds you want PowerBuilder to wait for a response from the DBMS when you retrieve rows in a DataWindow object or report. To enable asynchronous operation and set the DBGetTime parameter to 20 seconds:
Database profile
Select the Asynchronous check box and type 20 in the Number Of Seconds To Wait box on the Transaction page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
See also
Specifies that PowerBuilder bind input parameters in dynamic SQL statements when executing a stored procedure.
Applies to
O90 Oracle9i
O10 Oracle 10g
SNC SQL Native Client for Microsoft SQL Server
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies whether you want to bind input parameters in dynamic SQL statements when executing stored procedures. Values are:
Default value
For SNC, when BindSPInput is set to 0, you can use the same syntax to declare a stored procedure in a script as you can when using the PowerBuilder OLE DB interface. When BindSPInput is set to 1, the SNC interface supports SQL Server large value datatypes as procedure IN/OUT parameters or function return values.
The syntax for declaring a procedure with SNC is:
DECLARE logical_procedure_name PROCEDURE FOR [@rc=]procedure_name {@param1=value1 [OUTPUT], @param2=value2 [OUTPUT], ...} {USING transaction_object};
[@rc=] indicates that you want to get the procedure's return value.
Use the keyword OUTPUT or OUT to indicate an output parameter if you want to get the output parameter's value.
If BindSPInput=0, value1, value2,... can be either PowerBuilder script variables or literal values. If BindSPInput=1, value1, value2,... must be PowerBuilder script variables. If you specify literal values, the interface returns a runtime error.
When you declare a dynamic SQL statement with a procedure, enter a question mark (?) for each IN/OUT parameter in the statement. Value substitution is positional. For examples, see Dynamic SQL Format 3 and 4 in the section called “Using dynamic SQL” in PowerScript Reference.
For Oracle, set BindSPInput to 1 to ensure that CLOB, NCLOB, and BLOB parameters work correctly as stored procedure parameters.
When BindSPInput is set to 1, parameter values must be PowerBuilder script variables, not literal values.
The IBM.Data.Informix driver (used to access an ADO.NET compliant Informix database) does not support the BindSPInput dbparm.
The ADO.NET Microsoft SQL Server interface does not support Text, NText, or Image parameters. Use VarChar(max) or VarBinary(max) instead.
Setting BindSPInput
To specify that PowerBuilder should bind parameters in dynamic SQL statements when executing a stored procedure:
Database profile
Select the Bind Procedure Parameters check box on the Transaction page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
Using the ADO.NET SQL Server interface
Consider the following two SQL statement fragments:
create procedure p_1 (@inparm1 TEXT) AS
The preceding statement does not work if BindSPInput is set to 1, because the SQL Server interface does not support Text.
create procedure p_2 (@inparm1 VARCHAR(MAX)) AS
The preceding statement can work with BindSPInput set to 1, because the SQL Server interface does support VARCHAR(MAX).
See also
Specifies that binary data or an ANSI string is to be submitted to or retrieved from a text column with UPDATEBLOB or SELECTBLOB.
Applies to
ASE, SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
I10 Informix
IN9 Informix
O90 Oracle9i
O10 Oracle 10g
ORA Oracle (for 11g and later)
SNC SQL Native Client for Microsoft SQL Server
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies that a PowerBuilder blob that is submitted to a text column in a database with UPDATEBLOB or retrieved with SELECTBLOB contains binary data or an ANSI string. Values are:
Default value
By default, when you use the UPDATEBLOB and SELECTBLOB SQL statements with a database column with a text datatype (long or clob for Oracle or text for Adaptive Server or OLE DB access to SQL Server), the PowerBuilder blob that is updated or selected is expected to contain a Unicode string. If the blob contains any other kind of data, such as binary data or an ANSI string, set the BinTxtBlob database parameter to 1 before calling SELECTBLOB or UPDATEBLOB. This prevents PowerBuilder or the database server from attempting to perform any conversion to or from Unicode.
Oracle O90, O10, and ORA
The Oracle database interfaces use a Unicode database handle. With the default setting (BinTxtBlob=0) and UPDATEBLOB, they send the data directly to the Oracle server and inform the server that the binary data contains Unicode strings. Any conversion needed is performed by the server. For SELECTBLOB, they get a Unicode string from the server.
When BinTxtBlob is set to 1, the value of the NLS_LANG environment variable determines the binding character set. The ANSI string or binary data is transferred directly to or from the server as in PowerBuilder 9 and previous releases.
To set BinTxtBlob to 1 with the O90 interface, you must use an Oracle 9.2 or later client, or you will receive an error.
If BinTxtBlob is set to 0, the OLE DB, SNC, ASE, and SYC interfaces perform any necessary conversion. If BinTxtBlob is set to 1, the data is passed to the server without conversion.
In code, before calling SELECTBLOB or UPDATEBLOB with a PowerBuilder blob that contains ANSI string data or binary data, set the BinTxtBlob parameter to 1:
Restore the default setting of 0 if an operation needs to be performed on a blob that contains Unicode string data.
For example, suppose a Unicode string "ABC" stored in client memory as "65 00 66 00 67 00" is updated to the database using UPDATEBLOB. If BinTxtBlob is set to 0, the data is converted to ANSI and stored in the database text column as "65 66 67". If BinTxtBlob is set to 1, no conversion occurs and the data is stored in its original form as "65 00 66 00 67 00".
For those interfaces that support it, Block specifies the cursor blocking factor when connecting to a database. The blocking factor determines the number of rows that a DataWindow object can fetch from the database at one time.
Using the Block parameter can improve performance when accessing a database in PowerBuilder.
Applies to
ODBC (if driver and back-end DBMS support this feature)
O90 Oracle9i
O10 Oracle 10g
ORA Oracle (for 11g and later)
SNC SQL Native Client for Microsoft SQL Server
Parameter |
Description |
blocking_factor |
The number of rows you want the DataWindow object to fetch from the database at one time. The blocking factor can be a number from 1 to 1000, inclusive. To turn off block fetching, set Block to 1. |
Default value
The default value for the Block parameter depends on the DBMS you are accessing, as summarized in the following table:
Block default value |
For most DataWindow objects, the Block default value is the following, up to a maximum of 32K per column: Block=1000 If you specified that the DataWindow object should retrieve only as many rows as needed from the database (Retrieve.AsNeeded property), the Block default value is the following, up to a maximum of 32K per column: Block=100 |
PowerBuilder sets the blocking factor to 1 |
Oracle |
PowerBuilder sets the blocking factor dynamically if one row size is too large. By default the blocking factor is 300 rows. |
Using the default blocking factor
You should not have to set a non-default value for Block. In most cases, the default blocking factor used by PowerBuilder should meet your needs.
Requirements for ODBC data sources
To use the Block database parameter with an ODBC data source, your ODBC driver must:
Be ODBC Version 2.0 compliant or higher, and
Support the SQLExtendedFetch API call
The SQL Anywhere ODBC driver that comes with PowerBuilder meets both of these requirements.
For information about whether your ODBC driver meets these requirements, see the documentation that comes with your driver.
Determining the Block value for ODBC data sources
PowerBuilder searches the following in this order to determine the Block value for ODBC data sources:
The section for your database profile in the registry or the value of the Transaction object property (in an application)
The section for your ODBC driver in the PBODB190 initialization file
If PowerBuilder does not find a Block value in these locations, it uses the default Block value for the DBMS you are accessing.
Turning off block fetching
To turn off block fetching for an ODBC data source or Oracle database, set the Block parameter to 1.
OLE DB and Microsoft SQL Server
When you use the OLE DB database interface with a Microsoft SQL Server database and retrieve data into a DataWindow or use an embedded SQL cursor in a SELECT statement, server-side cursors are used to support multiple command execution. If this has a negative impact on performance, try increasing the size of the Block database parameter to 500 or more, or adding the following line to the [Microsoft SQL Server] section in the PBODB190.ini file to turn off server-side cursors:
Oracle and MaxFetchBuffer
For Oracle, the Block parameter can be used in conjunction with the MaxFetchBuffer database parameter to improve performance when the size of a row is very large. The MaxFetchBuffer parameter has a default value of 5000000 bytes, which is sufficient for most applications. The size of the actual fetch buffer is the product of the value of the blocking factor and the size of the row.
If the fetch buffer required by the blocking factor and the row size is greater than the value of MaxFetchBuffer, the value of the blocking factor is adjusted so that the buffer is not exceeded. For example, if block=500 and the row size is 10KB, the fetch buffer is 5000KB, which equals the default maximum buffer size.
To set the blocking factor for DataWindow objects to 50 rows:
Database profile
Type 50 in the Retrieve Blocking Factor box on the Transaction page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box:
Type the following in code:
See also
Specifies the internal blocking factor used by the SAP Sybase Client Library (CT-Lib) interface when declaring a cursor. The blocking factor determines the number of rows fetched from the database at one time when CT-Lib makes a physical request for data.
The Block DBParm parameter applies only to declared cursors and not to DataWindow objects.
Applies to
ASE and SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
DIR SAP DirectConnect
Parameter |
Description |
blocking_factor |
The number of rows fetched from the database at one time when CT-Lib makes a physical request for data (default=100 rows) |
Default value
Example 1
To set the blocking factor to 1000 rows:
Database profile
Type the following in the Retrieve Blocking Factor box on the Transaction page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box:
Type the following in code:
Example 2
The following embedded SQL statements show how to set the blocking factor in code and use it to declare a cursor. These statements set the blocking factor to 1000 rows and declare a cursor that uses this internal blocking factor.
SQLCA.DBParm="Block=1000" DECLARE dept_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT dept_id, dept_name FROM department USING SQLCA; OPEN dept_cursor;
Specifies whether the OLE DB data provider can cache sensitive authentication information, such as a password, in an internal cache.
When to specify CacheAuthentication
You must specify the CacheAuthentication parameter before connecting to the database.
Applies to
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies whether the OLE DB data provider can cache authentication information. Values are:
Default value
To tell the OLE DB data provider to cache authentication information:
Database profile
Select the Cache Authentication check box on the Security page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
See also
Allows PowerBuilder to specify an EAServer connection cache by name. This database parameter applies only when a PowerBuilder custom class user object is deployed as an EAServer component.
Obsolete parameter
CacheName parameter is obsolete, because EAServer is no longer supported since PowerBuilder 2017.
Applies to
O90 Oracle9i
Default value
When you create a PowerBuilder custom class user object that uses an EAServer connection cache, you must specify a user name, password, server name, and connectivity library. However, if the "enable cache-by-name access" option has been enabled on EAServer, you just need to enter the connection cache name to specify the connection cache.
This parameter cannot be set dynamically. The value set when the connection is made remains in effect until it is disconnected.
On the EAServer page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box, select the Access Cache By Name check box and enter the EAServer cache name in the Cache Name box. The PowerScript syntax for the CacheName DBParm parameter displays on the Preview page:
Copy the syntax from the Preview page into your script.
See also
GetConnectionOption (obsolete)
Controls whether the ODBC interface uses call escape syntax for stored procedure calls (the default) or converts the calls to driver-specific native SQL syntax before sending the command to the ODBC driver.
Applies to
ODBC (if driver and back-end DBMS support this feature)
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Controls whether the ODBC interface uses call escape syntax for stored procedure calls or converts the calls to driver-specific native SQL syntax. Values are:
Default value
When to use
Set CallEscape to No if the ODBC driver you are using expects to receive stored procedure calls in native (driver-specific) SQL syntax instead of in call escape syntax.
For information about the stored procedure call syntax your ODBC driver expects, see your vendor's driver documentation.
Level 2 or higher ODBC driver required
To use the CallEscape parameter, your ODBC driver must meet Level 2 or higher API conformance requirements. CallEscape has no effect when you are using an ODBC driver that meets Core or Level 1 API conformance requirements.
Example of stored procedure call escape syntax
The following example shows a call to a stored procedure named sp_test that uses call escape syntax:
{call sp_test(1,1)}
To convert stored procedure calls to native SQL syntax before sending the command to your ODBC driver:
Database profile
Clear the Use Call Escape Syntax check box on the Syntax page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
Specifies the character set you want the SAP Sybase Open Client software to use when connecting to an SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise database or a database accessed through DirectConnect.
When to specify CharSet
You must specify the CharSet parameter before connecting to a database.
Applies to
ASE, SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
DIR SAP DirectConnect
Default value
When you specify a value for CharSet, PowerBuilder:
Allocates a CS_LOCALE structure for this connection
Sets the CS_SYB_CHARSET value to the character set you specify
Sets the SQL Server CS_LOC_PROP connection property with the new locale information
Overriding the Locale parameter
If you have previously set a value for the Locale parameter that includes settings for the language and character set you want to use, you can override the character set value by specifying a new value for the CharSet parameter and reconnecting to the database.
Unicode data access
PowerBuilder can access Unicode data in an Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 12.5 or later Unicode database or in Unicode columns in ASE 12.5 or later. PowerBuilder converts between double-byte character set (DBCS) data and Unicode automatically, provided that the CharSet and Language parameters are set with DBCS values (or the Locale parameter is set with DBCS values). For example:
CharSet='big5' Language='tchinese'
To set the character set to iso_1:
Database profile
Type the following in the Character Set box on the Connection page or Regional Settings page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box:
Type the following in code:
See also
Client_Locale identifies the locale that the client application uses.
When to specify Client_Locale
You must specify the Client_Locale parameter before connecting to a database.
Applies to
I10 Informix
Parameter |
Description |
language |
Two character name that represents the language for a specific locale, for example "en" for English. |
territory |
Two character name that represents the cultural conventions for a specific territory, for example "AU" for Australia. |
codeset |
Name of the code set that the locale supports, for example "utf8". |
Default value
Based on the operating system's locale.
The I10 native interface uses the Informix GLS (Global Language Support) API for global language support. Client_Locale specifies the value of the Informix environment variable CLIENT_LOCALE. The I10 interface uses this setting to access string data in an Informix database and to process SQL statements. If you do not set the DBParm, the default client locale value is based on the OS locale.
For example, to access a database that has a Japanese SJIS locale, Client_Locale should be set to ja_jp.sjis on the client system.
For more information about the Informix CLIENT_LOCALE and DB_LOCALE environment variables, see the IBM Informix GLS User's Guide, currently available at https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSGU8G_12.1.0/com.ibm.glsug.doc/glsug.htm.
To set the client locale to 'en_us.utf8':
Database profile
Type the following in the Client Locale box on the Regional Settings page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box:
Type the following in code:
See also
Specifies whether Oracle should maintain connections in a pool. An Oracle connection pool is a group of reusable physical connections spanning several sessions and managed by the Oracle Call Interface (OCI). The CNNPool DBParm is maintained in the ORA driver for backward compatibility only. It is ignored if you use the Pooling DBParm.
Applies to
O90 Oracle9i
O10 Oracle 10g
ORA Oracle (for 11g and later)
Default value
If CnnPool='Yes', the Oracle client creates a connection pool and can connect to Oracle9i, and Oracle 10g Server. The pool contains physical connections to Oracle Server and is managed by the OCI. The pool persists until PowerBuilder terminates or OCI.dll is unloaded.
PowerBuilder can connect to 10 different Oracle servers, as distinguished by service name, concurrently. There can be no more than 20 connections per pool. Each pool is created by the Oracle9i or later client and might also contain connections to Oracle8 and Oracle8i servers. Once a connection pool has been created, PowerBuilder maintains the physical connections until it terminates or OCI.DLL is unloaded.
To use connection pooling:
Database profile
Enter values in the following fields of the Connection page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box:
Profile Name -- Example value: 08i-pool
Server -- Provide the full net service name created by Oracle Net. Example value: adcora8i.appeon.com
Login ID -- Example value: scott
Connect as -- Choose an item from the drop-down menu. Example value: Normal
Make sure Use Connection Pool is selected.
Type the following in code where password, server_name, and login are the appropriate values for your connection:
SQLCA.DBMS="O90 Oracle9i (9.0.1)" SQLCA.LogPass=<password> SQLCA.ServerName="server_name" SQLCA.LogId="login" SQLCA.AutoCommit=False SQLCA.DBParm="CnnPool='Yes'"
See also
Specifies the number of seconds the interface should wait for a command to execute.
When to specify CommandTimeout
You must specify a value for CommandTimeout before connecting to the database.
Applies to
Default value
The default value for the CommandTimeout parameter is driver-specific.
When you use this parameter with an AdoTransaction object in DataWindow .NET, specify a value for this parameter in the second argument of the AdoTransaction constructor.
To set the CommandTimeout value to wait 60 seconds for a command to execute:
Database profile
Type 60 in the Command Timeout box on the System page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
Add the following to the second argument of the AdoTransaction constructor:
Specifies whether PowerBuilder should commit (the default) or roll back all previously uncommitted database updates before disconnecting from a data source.
When to specify CommitOnDisconnect
You must specify a value for CommitOnDisconnect before connecting to the database.
Applies to
All database interfaces
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies whether PowerBuilder should commit or roll back all previously uncommitted database updates before disconnecting from a data source. Values are:
Default value
Set CommitOnDisconnect to No if you want PowerBuilder to roll back uncommitted database updates (instead of automatically committing them when you disconnect from the database).
To tell PowerBuilder to roll back uncommitted database updates instead of committing them when disconnecting from the database:
Database profile
Clear the Commit On Disconnect check box on the Connection page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
Allows the user to connect to the Oracle Server with SYSOPER or SYSDBA system privileges. Supports proxy authentication with additional user names (ORA driver only) when connecting to Oracle 10.2 or higher database servers.
Applies to
O90 Oracle9i
O10 Oracle 10g
ORA Oracle (for 11g and later)
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Values are:
Default value
If ConnectAs='Normal', this parameter is not used. If ConnectAs ='SYSDBA' or ConnectAs ='SYSOPER', Oracle allows the user to connect with SYSDBA or SYSOPER privileges, respectively, provided that these privileges have been granted the user.
If you connect using ConnectAs ='SYSDBA', Oracle uses the SYS schema instead of the schema that might already be associated with the user ID. If you connect using ConnectAs ='SYSOPER', Oracle uses the PUBLIC schema.
The PowerBuilder ORA driver supports the proxy authentication feature that was introduced in Oracle 10.2. With proxy authentication, the end user typically authenticates to a middle tier (such as a firewall), that in turn logs into the database on the user's behalf as a proxy user. After logging into the database, the proxy user can switch to the end user's identity and perform operations using the authorization accorded to that user.
The ConnectAs DBParm parameter allows you to take advantage of this proxy connection feature. For example, if the user's Transaction object LogID is "Scott" and you set the ConnectAs DBParm parameter to "John", the OCI client logs in to database as the proxy user ("Scott"), then switches to the end user identity ("John").
If you are using connection or session pooling, the proxy user name is the connection or session pooling creator (which you can provide in the PoolCreator and PoolPwd DBParm parameters), and the Transaction object's LogID is ignored. No proxy session can be created if pooling is set to homogeneous session mode.
Do not use with CnnPool='Yes'
Connection pooling cannot be used with this parameter. Do not select Use Connection Pool in the Database Profile Setup dialog box or set CnnPool to 'Yes'.
Example 1
To use the SYS schema instead of the schema associated with the User ID:
Database profile
Select SYSDBA from the Connect As drop-down list on the Connection page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box, and make sure Use Connection Pool is deselected.
Type the following in code:
Example 2
To connect as a proxy user (Scott) for the end user named John:
Database profile
Type John in the Login ID text box on the Connection page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box, and type Scott in the Connect As drop-down list.
Type the following in code:
sqlca.logid = "scott" sqlca.dbparm = "ConnectAs='john'"
Sets driver-specific connection options when you are accessing an ODBC data source in PowerBuilder. These options specify the following:
How the ODBC driver prompts for additional connection information
What type of security to use for a Microsoft SQL Server connection
Whether the ODBC Driver Manager Trace is on or off and what trace file it uses
Whether cursors are closed or left open on a SQLTransact call
How temporary stored procedures are treated for a SQLPrepare call
Certain ConnectOption parameters apply to all ODBC drivers, whereas others apply only to particular ODBC drivers.
For information on each ConnectOption parameter and whether you can use it with your ODBC driver, see the table in the Syntax section.
When to specify ConnectOption
You must specify the ConnectOption parameter before connecting to an ODBC data source. The ConnectOption settings take effect when you connect to the database.
Applies to
ODBC (if driver and back-end DBMS support this feature)
The following table lists the applicable ODBC drivers, purpose, and values for each ConnectOption parameter.
Parameter |
Description |
Driver Any ODBC driver that supports the SQLDriverConnect API call. Purpose Specifies how the ODBC driver prompts for additional connection information (such as the user ID and password) when connecting to an ODBC data source. Values The values you can specify are:
Driver Microsoft SQL Server ODBC driver (not supplied with PowerBuilder). Purpose Specifies the type of connection to the Microsoft SQL Server database server. Values The values you can specify are:
Driver Any ODBC driver. Purpose Turns on or turns off the ODBC Driver Manager Trace in PowerBuilder to troubleshoot a connection to an ODBC data source. The ODBC Driver Manager Trace provides detailed information about the ODBC API function calls that PowerBuilder makes when connected to an ODBC data source. Values The values you can specify are:
Driver Any ODBC driver. Purpose Specifies the name of the trace file where you want PowerBuilder to send the output of the ODBC Driver Manager Trace. PowerBuilder appends the output to the trace file you specify until you stop the trace. To display the trace file, you can use the File Editor (in PowerBuilder) or any text editor (outside PowerBuilder). Values You can specify any filename for the trace file, following the naming conventions of your operating system. By default, if tracing is on and you have not specified a trace file, PowerBuilder sends ODBC Driver Manager Trace output to the file \SQL.LOG. |
Driver Microsoft SQL Server ODBC driver (not supplied with PowerBuilder). Purpose Specifies whether cursors are closed or left open on a SQLTransact call. Values The values you can specify are:
Driver Microsoft SQL Server ODBC driver (not supplied with PowerBuilder). Purpose Specifies how temporary stored procedures are treated for a SQLPrepare call. Values The values you can specify are:
Default value
Microsoft Server ODBC driver
The ConnectOption parameter applies only if you are accessing a SQL Server database with the Microsoft ODBC SQL Server driver.
You must obtain the Microsoft SQL Server ODBC driver from Microsoft Corporation. This driver is not supplied with PowerBuilder.
To specify nondefault options for the ConnectOption parameter:
Database profile
Complete the Options page in the Database Profile Setup - ODBC dialog box. Each ConnectOption parameter corresponds to an option in the dialog box, as follows:
ConnectOption parameter
Corresponding option
Connect Type
Integrated Security
Trace ODBC API Calls
Trace File
Preserve Cursors
Use Procedure for Prepare
Type the following in code:
Specifies the parameters required to connect to an ODBC data source. PowerBuilder uses these parameters to connect to the database.
Applies to
The ConnectString syntax displays on a single line. You must enclose the entire ConnectString in single quotes and separate parameters within the ConnectString with semicolons.
ConnectString='DSN=data_source_name; {UID=user_ID; PWD=password; driver_specific_parameters}'
Parameter |
Description |
data_source_name |
A name that identifies the data source. |
user_ID |
(Optional) The user ID required to connect to the data source. |
password |
(Optional) The password required by user_ID to connect to the data source. |
driver_specific_parameters |
(Optional) Any other driver-specific parameters required to connect. |
Default value
PowerBuilder generates the ConnectString automatically when you define an ODBC data source and copies it to the Preview box in the Database Profile Setup dialog box. This happens before you connect to the data source in PowerBuilder.
Therefore, you do not have to enter the ConnectString yourself when defining an ODBC data source. However, you might need to edit the ConnectString value in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
You can change the ConnectString parameter if necessary by editing it in the Database Profile Setup dialog box. For example, if you change the name of an existing ODBC data source, edit its database profile to update the connect string with the new DSN (data source name) value.
Example 1
This example shows a connect string for an ODBC data source that contains the data source name (DSN=Sales), user ID (UID=dba), and password (PWD=sql). Parameters within the connect string are separated by semicolons.
Database profile
On the Connection page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box, select Sales from the Data Source drop-down list, select the User ID check box and type dba, and select the Password check box and type sql.
Type the following in code:
SQLCA.DBParm="ConnectString ='DSN=Sales; UID=dba; PWD=sql'"
Specifies an integer for database connection increments per session.
Applies to
ORA Oracle (for 11g and later), O10 Oracle 10g, and Oracle 9.2 databases
CSIncr =value
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies an increment for the number of database connections in a connection or session pool. |
Default value
This value is ignored when the SessionHomogeneous DBParm is set to false.
The following example sets the increment for the number of database connections in a session pool to 10:
Database profile
Select Session Pooling from the Pooling Type drop-down list on the Pooling page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box, select the Homogeneous Session Pooling check box, and type 10 in the Increment text box on the same page.
Type the following in code:
my_trans.dbparm="Pooling='session',csincr = 10"
See also
Specifies the maximum number of database connections in a connection or session pool.
Applies to
ORA Oracle (for 11g and later), O10 Oracle 10g, and Oracle 9.2 databases
CSMax =value
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies the maximum number of database connections in a connection or session pool. |
Default value
This value is ignored when the SessionHomogeneous DBParm is set to false.
The following example limits the number of database connections in a connection pool to 15:
Database profile
Select Connection Pooling from the Pooling Type drop-down list on the Pooling page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box, and type 15 in the Maximum Number of Sessions text box on the same page.
Type the following in code:
my_trans.dbparm="pooling='connection',csmax = 15"
See also
Specifies the minimum number of database connections in a connection or session pool.
Applies to
ORA Oracle (for 11g and later), O10 Oracle 10g, and Oracle 9.2 databases
CSMin =value
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies the minimum number of database connections in a connection or session pool. |
Default value
This value is ignored when the SessionHomogeneous DBParm is set to false.
The following code keeps a minimum of 5 database connections open in a connection pool:
Database profile
Select Connection Pooling from the Pooling Type drop-down list on the Pooling page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box, and type 5 in the Minimum Number of Sessions text box on the same page.
Type the following in code:
my_trans.dbparm="pooling='connection',csmin = 5"
See also
Specifies the cursor library to use when connecting to an ODBC data source.
Applies to
ODBC (if driver and back-end DBMS support this feature)
Parameter |
Description |
value |
The cursor library to use when connecting to an ODBC data source. Values are:
Default value
To specify use of the ODBC Version 2.0 or higher cursor library when connecting to an ODBC data source:
Database profile
Select Cursor Library from the Cursor Library drop-down list on the Transaction page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
When used with the CursorScroll parameter, specifies locking options for cursors in ODBC data source.
The values you can set for CursorLock control two aspects of cursor locking:
Concurrent access
Ensures that multiple users can simultaneously access data that is accurate and current.
Collision detection
Detects collisions that occur when multiple users update the same data at the same time.
Applies to
ODBC (if driver and back-end DBMS support this feature)
Parameter |
Description |
lock_value |
Specifies the type of locking you want to use for ODBC cursors. Values are:
Default value
If you do not specify a value for CursorLock, PowerBuilder defaults to the cursor lock setting specified by your ODBC driver.
To set scrolling and locking options for cursors in an ODBC data source:
Database profile
On the Transaction page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box, select Dynamic Scrolling from the Scrolling Options drop-down list, and Optimistic Using Values from the Locking drop-down list.
Type the following in code:
SQLCA.DBParm = "CursorScroll='Dynamic',CursorLock='OptVal'"
See also
When used with the CursorLock parameter, specifies scrolling options for cursors in an ODBC data source.
The location of a cursor indicates the current position in the result set produced by a SQL statement. Scrolling allows a cursor to move through the data in a result set one row at a time.
Applies to
ODBC (if driver and back-end DBMS support this feature)
Parameter |
Description |
scroll_value |
Specifies the type of scrolling you want to use for ODBC cursors. Values are:
Default value
If you do not specify a value for CursorScroll, PowerBuilder defaults to the cursor scroll settings specified for your ODBC data source driver.
For large result sets, it might be impractical to use a keyset-driven cursor that requires the driver to save keys for the entire result set. Instead, you can use a mixed cursor by specifying a 32-bit integer value that is the number of rows in your keyset (see Example 2). This number is typically smaller than the result set. The default keyset size is 0.
A mixed cursor uses KeySet scrolling within the specified keyset and Dynamic scrolling outside the keyset.
Example 1
To set scrolling and locking options for cursors in an ODBC data source:
Database profile
Select Dynamic Scrolling from the Scrolling Options drop-down list and Optimistic Using Values from the Locking drop-down list on the Transaction page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
SQLCA.DBParm="CursorScroll='Dynamic', CursorLock='OptValue'"
Example 2
This example sets the number of rows in the keyset to 100. Assume that the entire result set has 1000 rows. When the cursor is opened, the driver saves keys for the first 100 rows of the result set. It then retrieves the next block of 100 keys until the entire result set is retrieved.
Database profile
Type 100 in the Scrolling Options box on the Transaction page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
See also
Supports the scrollable cursor feature introduced in Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.0, including directional scrolling (forwards and backwards) and sensitivity towards independent changes to table.
Applies to
ASE, SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (15.0 and later)
Parameter |
Description |
value |
A string that specifies whether database cursors are scrollable and whether they are sensitive to modifications in data. Values are:
Default value
Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.0 allows both scrollable and nonscrollable cursors, which can be either semi-sensitive or insensitive. "Scrollable" means that you can scroll through the cursor result set by fetching any, or many, rows, rather than one row at a time; you can also scan the result set repeatedly. A scrollable cursor allows you to set the position of the cursor anywhere in the cursor result set for as long as the cursor is open.
To use a scrollable cursor, you must use a DECLARE CursorName CURSOR SQL statement to declare it with a suitable SELECT statement, such as the PowerBuilder Dynamic SQL Format 3 and Dynamic SQL Format 4 statements, and you must have the query engine provided in Adaptive Server 15.0 or later.
For sensitive scrolling to work correctly, the table must have a clustered index or a clustered unique constraint, such as a clustered primary key.
All scrollable cursors are read-only and can only be used when the value of the CursorUpdate database parameter is 0 (the default). If you need an updatable cursor, set the CursorUpdate parameter to 1. When CursorUpdate is set to 1, the value of CursorType is ignored. All update cursors are nonscrollable.
If a scrollable cursor is moved to a position before the first row or after the last row, SQLCA.SQLCode returns 100 and no data is returned. However, users can continue to fetch data by using a suitable FETCH statement after receiving this SQLCode value.
Both client and server must be Adaptive Server 15.0 or higher.
To specify support for semi-sensitive scrollable cursors (data modifications are presented when scrolling forwards):
Database profile
Select Cursor Scrollable SemiSensitive from the Read Only Cursor Type drop-down list on the Transaction page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
See also
For those interfaces that support it, CursorUpdate specifies whether cursors in your target database are declared read-only or updatable.
Applies to
DIR SAP DirectConnect
ASE and SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
Parameter |
Description |
value |
A number that specifies whether database cursors are declared read-only or updatable. Values are:
Default value
Set the CursorUpdate parameter to 1 to declare updatable cursors if you plan to use either of the following SQL statements in your application (table represents the table name and cursor represents the cursor name):
If you are communicating with the database in a PowerBuilder script, you can reset the CursorUpdate value anytime before or after the Transaction object has connected to the database.
When you declare cursors updatable in a database accessed through DirectConnect, the cursor declaration you code must include a FOR UPDATE OF column_list clause.
When you use updatable cursors with the DIR interface and a Gatewayless connection to the mainframe, you must set Block=1 before executing the cursor. You can reset the Block parameter to its default of 100 after you close the cursor within your code.
To specify that database cursors are declared updatable:
Database profile
Select the Cursors Declared Updatable check box on the Transaction page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
Specifies the name of the database you want to connect to.
When to specify Database
You must specify the Database parameter before connecting to the database.
Applies to
SNC SQL Native Client for Microsoft SQL Server
Default value
To connect to the database "mydb":
Database profile
Enter mydb in the Database box on the Connection page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
Specifies that you want to create a file or use an existing file containing your connection information to connect to your data source.
When to specify DataLink
You must specify the DataLink parameter before connecting to the database.
Applies to
SNC SQL Native Client for Microsoft SQL Server
Default value
The Data Link option allows you to access Microsoft's Data Link API. The Data Link API allows you to define a file or use an existing file that contains your connection information. A Data Link file is identified with the suffix .udl.
To launch the API, double-click on Manage Data Links under OLE DB Utilities in the Installed Database Interfaces list or select the File Name check box on the Connection page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box and click the button next to the File Name box.
For more information on using the Data Link API, see Microsoft's Universal Data Access Web site.
Using a Data Link file versus setting other database parameters
If you use a Data Link file to connect to your data source with the ADO.NET or OLE DB interface, all other settings you make in the Database Profile Setup dialog box are ignored.
If you use a Data Link file to connect to your data source with the SNC interface, the setting in the ProviderString database parameter still takes effect. The SNC interface gets a connection string from the data link file, and then copies the contents of the ProviderString parameter into the connection string so that it contains the connection parameters from both the data link file and the ProviderString parameter. You might want to take advantage of this feature if you do not want to save the user name and password in the UDL file. You can specify them in the ProviderString parameter instead.
To use the file oledb.udl to connect to an OLE DB data provider:
Database profile
Select the File Name check box on the Connection page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box and enter a name for a new file or select an existing file.
Type the following in code:
Identifies the data source to which you want to connect. The data source can be a file, a database, or an ODBC data source depending on the OLE DB data provider you are using.
When to specify DataSource
You must specify the DataSource parameter before connecting to the database.
Applies to
Default value
For the SNC interface for SQL Server 2005, specifying a value for Server on the Connection page or specifying a value for SQLCA.ServerName in code is equivalent to setting this parameter.
The value of the Data Source parameter varies depending on the type of data source connection you are making. For example, if you are using Microsoft's OLE DB Provider for ODBC, you would enter the actual ODBC data source name for the Data Source value. If you are using Microsoft's OLE DB Provider for SQL Server, you would enter the actual Microsoft SQL Server server name for the Data Source value.
For more information, see the documentation provided by your OLE DB data provider.
Example 1
To use the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC to connect to the PB Demo DB:
Database profile
Enter PB Demo DB in the Data Source box on the Connection page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
SQLCA.DBParm="DataSource='PB Demo DB'"
Example 2
To use the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle to connect to an Oracle 8 database:
Database profile
Enter the Oracle 8 server name in the Data Source box on the Connection page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
See also
When you update data in the DataWindow painter, PowerBuilder builds a SQL UPDATE statement in the background. The Date parameter determines how PowerBuilder specifies a date datatype when it builds the SQL UPDATE statement.
Applies to
O90 Oracle9i
O10 Oracle 10g
ORA Oracle (for 11g and later)
The syntax you use to specify the Date parameter differs slightly depending on the database.
The Database Profile Setup dialog box inserts special characters (quotes and backslashes) where needed, so you can specify just the date format.
In a PowerBuilder application script, you must use the following syntax:
JDBC and ODBC syntax
PowerBuilder parses the backslash followed by two single quotes (\'') as a single quote when it builds the SQL UPDATE statement.
Date=' \''date_format\'' '
Oracle syntax
PowerBuilder parses each set of four consecutive single quotes ('''') as a single quote when it builds the SQL UPDATE statement.
Date=' ''''date_format'''' '
Parameter |
Description |
' \''
' '''' |
JDBC and ODBC syntax Type a single quote, followed by one space, followed by a backslash, followed by two single quotes. There is no space between the two single quotes and the beginning of the date format. Oracle syntax Type a single quote, followed by one space, followed by four single quotes. There is no space between the four single quotes and the beginning of the date format. |
date_format |
The date format you want PowerBuilder to use when it builds a SQL UPDATE statement to update a data source in the DataWindow painter. For more on display formats, see the the section called “Date display formats” in Users Guide. |
\'' '
'''' ' |
JDBC and ODBC syntax Type a backslash, followed by two single quotes, followed by one space, followed by a single quote. There is no space between the end of the date format and the backslash. Oracle syntax Type four single quotes, followed by one space, followed by a single quote. There is no space between the end of the date format and the four single quotes. |
Default value
The default value for Date depends on the DBMS you are accessing, as summarized in the following table:
Date default value |
If no value is specified for the Date database parameter, PowerBuilder looks for a date format in the section for your JDBC driver in the registry. If no date format is found in the registry, PowerBuilder uses the JDBC date format escape sequence. |
If no value is specified for the Date database parameter, PowerBuilder looks for a date format in the section for your ODBC driver in the PBODB190 initialization file. If no date format is found in the initialization file, PowerBuilder uses the ODBC date format escape sequence. |
Oracle |
The default Oracle date format. For information, see your Oracle documentation. |
About these examples
Assume you are updating a table named Employee by setting the Startdate column to 2006-04-23. This date is represented by the following date format:
Example 1 (JDBC and ODBC syntax)
To specify that PowerBuilder should use this format for the date datatype when it builds the SQL UPDATE statement:
Database profile
Type the following in the Date Format box on the Syntax page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box:
Type the following in code:
SQLCA.DBParm="Date=' \''yyyy-mm-dd\'' '"
What happens
PowerBuilder builds the following SQL UPDATE statement to update the table:
Example 2 (Oracle syntax)
To specify that PowerBuilder should use this format for the date datatype when it builds the SQL UPDATE statement:
Database profile
Type the following in the Date format box on the Syntax page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box:
Type the following in code:
SQLCA.DBParm="Date=' ''''yyyy-mm-dd'''' '"
What happens
PowerBuilder builds the following SQL UPDATE statement to update the table:
See also
When you update data in the DataWindow painter, PowerBuilder builds a SQL UPDATE statement in the background. The DateFormat parameter determines how PowerBuilder specifies a date datatype when it builds the SQL UPDATE statement.
Applies to
SNC SQL Native Client for Microsoft SQL Server
Parameter |
Description |
date_format |
The date format you want PowerBuilder to use when it builds a SQL UPDATE statement to update a data source in the DataWindow painter. For more on display formats, see the the section called “Date display formats” in Users Guide. |
Default value
If no value is specified for the DateFormat parameter, PowerBuilder does not use a date datatype.
When you call stored procedures, the database server might not accept the date format built by PowerBuilder. If this occurs, you can try to use another format. For example, for Microsoft SQL Server, try this format:
Assume you are updating a table named Employee by setting the Startdate column to 2006-04-23. This date is represented by the date format yyyy-mm-dd.
To specify that PowerBuilder should use this format for the date datatype when it builds the SQL UPDATE statement:
Database profile
Type the following in the Date Format box on the Syntax page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box:
Type the following in code:
What happens
PowerBuilder builds the following SQL UPDATE statement to update the table:
See also
When you update data in the DataWindow painter, PowerBuilder builds a SQL UPDATE statement in the background. The DateTime parameter determines how PowerBuilder specifies a DateTime datatype when it builds the SQL UPDATE statement. (A DateTime datatype contains both a date value and a time value.)
Applies to
O90 Oracle9i
O10 Oracle 10g
ORA Oracle (for 11g and later)
The syntax you use to specify the DateTime differs slightly depending on the database.
The Database Profile Setup dialog box inserts special characters (quotes and backslashes) where needed, so you can specify just the DateTime format.
In code, you must use the following syntax:
JDBC and ODBC syntax
PowerBuilder parses the backslash followed by two single quotes (\'') as a single quote when it builds the SQL UPDATE statement.
DateTime=' \''DateTime_format\'' '
Oracle syntax
PowerBuilder parses each set of four consecutive single quotes ('''') as a single quote when it builds the SQL UPDATE statement.
DateTime=' ''''DateTime_format'''' '
Parameter |
Description |
' \''
' '''' |
JDBC and ODBC syntax Type a single quote, followed by one space, followed by a backslash, followed by two single quotes. There is no space between the two single quotes and the beginning of the DateTime format. Oracle syntax Type a single quote, followed by one space, followed by four single quotes. There is no space between the four single quotes and the beginning of the date format. |
DateTime_format |
The DateTime format you want PowerBuilder to use when it builds a SQL UPDATE statement to update a data source in the painter. For more on display formats, see the the section called “Defining display formats” in Users Guide. |
\'' '
'''' ' |
JDBC and ODBC syntax Type a backslash, followed by two single quotes, followed by one space, followed by a single quote. There is no space between the end of the date format and the backslash. Oracle syntax Type four single quotes, followed by one space, followed by a single quote. There is no space between the end of the DateTime format and the four single quotes. |
Default value
The default value for DateTime depends on the DBMS you are accessing, as summarized in the following table:
Date default value |
If no value is specified for the DateTime database parameter, PowerBuilder looks for a DateTime format in the section for your JDBC driver in the registry. If no DateTime format is found in the registry, PowerBuilder uses the JDBC DateTime format escape sequence. |
If no value is specified for the DateTime database parameter, PowerBuilder looks for a DateTime format in the section for your ODBC driver in the PBODB190 initialization file. If no DateTime format is found in the initialization file, PowerBuilder uses the ODBC DateTime format escape sequence. |
Oracle |
The default Oracle DateTime format. For information, see your Oracle documentation. |
About these examples
Assume you are updating a table named Files by setting the Timestamp column to 4/2/06 3:45 pm. This DateTime is represented by the following DateTime format:
m/d/yy h:mm am/pm
Example 1 (JDBC, ODBC, and OLE DB syntax)
To specify that PowerBuilder should use this format for the DateTime datatype when it builds the SQL UPDATE statement:
Database profile
Type the following in the DateTime Format box on the Syntax page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box:
m/d/yy h:mm am/pm
Type the following in code:
SQLCA.DBParm="DateTime=' ''m/d/yy h:mm am/pm\'' '"
What happens
PowerBuilder builds the following SQL UPDATE statement to update the table:
Example 2 (Oracle syntax)
To specify that PowerBuilder should use this format for the DateTime datatype when it builds the SQL UPDATE statement:
Database profile
Type the following in the DateTime Format box on the Syntax page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box:
m/d/yy h:mm am/pm
Type the following in code:
SQLCA.DBParm="DateTime=' ''''m/d/yy h:mm am/pm'''''"
What happens
PowerBuilder builds the following SQL UPDATE statement to update the table:
See also
For those interfaces that support it, DateTimeAllowed controls whether columns having a DateTime datatype can appear as unique key columns in the WHERE clause of a SQL UPDATE or DELETE statement. PowerBuilder generates an UPDATE statement or a DELETE statement followed by an INSERT statement to update the database from a DataWindow object.
When you are working in the DataWindow painter, you specify which columns to include in the WHERE clause by selecting them from the Unique Key Columns list in the Specify Update Properties dialog box.
By default, DateTimeAllowed is set to 0 to prohibit DateTime columns from displaying in the Unique Key Columns list and consequently from appearing in the WHERE clause of an UPDATE or DELETE statement. When you set DateTimeAllowed to 1, any DateTime columns in your database table display in the Unique Key Columns list and can be selected to appear in the WHERE clause of an UPDATE or DELETE statement.
When to specify DateTimeAllowed
You must specify a value for DateTimeAllowed before connecting to the database.
Applies to
ASE, SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
DIR SAP DirectConnect
I10 Informix
IN9 Informix
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies whether you can use DateTime columns as unique key columns in a WHERE clause of a SQL UPDATE or DELETE statement generated by PowerBuilder to update the database. Values are:
Default value
When to set
To allow the use of DateTime columns as unique key columns in the WHERE clause of an UPDATE or DELETE statement when you are updating the database from a DataWindow object, set DateTimeAllowed to 1.
For instructions on using the Specify Update Properties dialog box to specify update characteristics for a DataWindow object, see Controlling Updates in DataWindow objects in Users Guide.
What happens when you save the DataWindow object
When you set DateTimeAllowed to 1, select a DateTime column to appear in the WHERE clause, and then save the DataWindow object, this column continues to display in the Unique Key Columns list even if you set DateTimeAllowed to 0 on a subsequent connection.
To allow the use of DateTime columns in the WHERE clause of an UPDATE or DELETE statement:
Database profile
Select the DateTime Datatype Allowed check box on the Syntax page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
When you update data in the DataWindow painter, PowerBuilder builds a SQL UPDATE statement in the background. The DateTimeFormat parameter determines how PowerBuilder specifies a DateTime datatype when it builds the SQL UPDATE statement. (A DateTime datatype contains both a date value and a time value.)
Applies to
SNC SQL Native Client for Microsoft SQL Server
Parameter |
Description |
datetime_format |
The datetime format you want PowerBuilder to use when it builds a SQL UPDATE statement to update a data source in the DataWindow painter. For more on display formats, see the the section called “Defining display formats” in Users Guide. |
Default value
If no value is specified for the DateTimeFormat parameter, PowerBuilder does not use a datetime datatype.
When you call stored procedures, the database server might not accept the DateTime format built by PowerBuilder. If this occurs, you can try to use another format. For example, for Microsoft SQL Server, try this format:
DateTimeFormat='\''yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.fff\'''
PowerBuilder parses the backslash followed by two single quotes (\'') as a single quote.
Assume you are updating a table named Files by setting the Timestamp column to 4/2/06 3:45 pm. This DateTime is represented by the following DateTime format:
m/d/yy h:mm am/pm
To specify that PowerBuilder should use this format for the DateTime datatype when it builds the SQL UPDATE statement:
Database profile
Type the following in the DateTime Format box on the Syntax page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box:
m/d/yy h:mm am/pm
Type the following in code:
SQLCA.DBParm="DateTimeFormat='\''m/d/yy h:mm am/pm\'''"
What happens
PowerBuilder builds the following SQL UPDATE statement to update the table:
See also
Specifies the section in a .NET configuration file to be used to specify custom configuration settings.
When to specify DBConfigSection
You must specify a value for DBConfigSection before connecting to the database.
Applies to
Parameter |
Description |
value |
A string that specifies the section in a .NET configuration file to be used to specify DBParm values and the syntax used to obtain the value of an identity column. The value is the name of a section you create in a .NET configuration file. |
Default value
You can use the standard select @@identity syntax to obtain the value of an identity column. You can also use an alternative syntax, such as select scope_identity(), by adding sections to a .NET configuration file for your application.
The configuration file resides in the same directory as the application and has the same name as the application with the extension .config. It can contain multiple custom configuration sections. Each has two attributes: dbParm and getIdentity. You can set either or both of these attributes. For Web applications, add the settings to the web.config file.
The dbParm value sets the value of the DBParm parameter of the transaction object. It has a maximum length of 1000 characters. If you set a value for a parameter in the configuration file, any value that you set in code or in the Database Profile Setup dialog box is overridden.
The getIdentity value specifies the syntax used to retrieve the value of an identity column. It has a maximum length of 100 characters. If you do not specify a value for getIdentity, the select @@identity syntax is used.
For more information about creating the configuration file, see the section called “Getting identity column values” in Connecting to Your Database.
To specify that your PowerBuilder application uses the custom configuration file called myconfig1:
Database profile
Specify myconfig1 in the ConfigSection Name in Configuration File box on the System tabpage in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
This sample configuration file for PowerBuilder is called pb190.exe.config. It contains three custom configurations. The <myconfig> element sets both the dbParm and getIdentity attributes. <myconfig1> sets getIdentity only, and <myconfig2> sets dbParm only. The <runtime> section is in the configuration file that ships with PowerBuilder but would not be included in the configuration file that you ship with your application, which would have the same name as your application with the extension exe.config. For .NET Web Service targets, you add the custom configurations to the web.config file. The <configSections> section should be added before any other application settings.
<configuration> <configSections> <sectionGroup name="dbConfiguration"> <section name="myconfig" type="Sybase.PowerBuilderDataWindow.Db.DbConfiguration, Sybase.PowerBuilderDataWindow.Db" /> <section name="myconfig1" type="Sybase.PowerBuilderDataWindow.Db.DbConfiguration, Sybase.PowerBuilderDataWindow.Db" /> <section name="myconfig2" type="Sybase.PowerBuilderDataWindow.Db.DbConfiguration, Sybase.PowerBuilderDataWindow.Db" /> </sectionGroup> </configSections> <runtime> <assemblyBinding xmlns= "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1"> <dependentAssembly> <assemblyIdentity name= "Sybase.PowerBuilder.Db"/> <codeBase href="file:///C:/Program Files/ Appeon/PowerBuilder 19.0/DotNET/bin/ Sybase.PowerBuilder.Db.dll"/> </dependentAssembly> <dependentAssembly> <assemblyIdentity name= "Sybase.PowerBuilder.WebService.WSDL"/> <codeBase href="file:///C:/Program Files/ Appeon/PowerBuilder 19.0/DotNET/bin/ Sybase.PowerBuilder.WebService.WSDL.dll"/> </dependentAssembly> <dependentAssembly> <assemblyIdentity name= "Sybase.PowerBuilder.WebService.Runtime"/> <codeBase href="file:///C:/Program Files/ Appeon/PowerBuilder 19.0/DotNET/bin/ Sybase.PowerBuilder.WebService. Runtime.dll"/> </dependentAssembly> <probing privatePath="DotNET/bin" /> </assemblyBinding> </runtime> <dbConfiguration> <myconfig dbParm="disablebind=0" getIdentity="select scope_identity()" /> <myconfig1 getIdentity="select scope_identity()" /> <myconfig2 = "Namespace='Oracle.DataAccess.Client', DataSource='ora10gen',DisableBind=1, NCharBind=1,ADORelease=''" /> </dbConfiguration> </configuration>
Specifies the number of seconds PowerBuilder waits for a response from the DBMS when you retrieve rows in a DataWindow object or query. When you set the Async parameter to 1 to enable asynchronous operation, you can also set the DBGetTime parameter for those DBMSs that support this parameter.
If DBGetTime is set to 0 (the default), PowerBuilder waits indefinitely for a DBMS response (the request never times out). If the DBGetTime value expires before the first row is retrieved, your request is automatically canceled.
Applies to
ASE, SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
DIR SAP DirectConnect
I10 Informix
IN9 Informix
ODBC (if driver and back-end DBMS support this feature)
O90 Oracle9i
O10 Oracle 10g
ORA Oracle (for 11g and later)
Parameter |
Description |
value |
The number of seconds PowerBuilder waits for a DBMS response while waiting to retrieve the first row of a DataWindow object, query, or report |
Default value
Requirements for using DBGetTime
To use the DBGetTime parameter, you must do both of the following:
Set the Async parameter to 1 to enable asynchronous operation, as shown in the Examples.
Code a RetrieveRow event for a DataWindow object or report.
To enable asynchronous operation and set the DBGetTime parameter to 20 seconds:
Database profile
Select the Asynchronous check box and type 20 in the Number Of Seconds To Wait box on the Transaction page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
See also
Db_Locale identifies the locale of the data in the database.
When to specify Db_Locale
You must specify the Client_Locale parameter before connecting to a database.
Applies to
I10 Informix
Parameter |
Description |
language |
Two character name that represents the language for a specific locale, for example "en" for English. |
territory |
Two character name that represents the cultural conventions for a specific territory, for example "AU" for Australia. |
codeset |
Name of the code set that the locale supports, for example "utf8". |
Default value
Client_Locale value.
The I10 native interface uses the Informix GLS (Global Language Support) API for global language support. Db_Locale specifies the value of the Informix environment variable DB_LOCALE. If you do not set the DBParm, the default Db_Locale value is the Client_Locale value.
Db_Locale specifies the language, territory, and code set that the database server needs to correctly interpret locale-sensitive datatypes such as NChar and NVarChar in a specific database. The code set specified in DB_LOCALE determines which characters are valid in any character column, as well as in the names of database objects such as databases, tables, columns, and views.
For more information about the Informix CLIENT_LOCALE and DB_LOCALE environment variables, see the IBM Informix GLS User's Guide, currently available at https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSGU8G_12.1.0/com.ibm.glsug.doc/glsug.htm.
To set the database locale to 'en_us.utf8':
Database profile
Type the following in the Database Locale box on the Regional Settings page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box:
Type the following in code:
See also
Specifies the maximum length of a text field that is returned when you include the text field in a SQL SELECT statement.
You can set the DBTextLimit parameter if you want to include a long text string in a DataWindow object without treating the text as a binary large object (blob) datatype.
Applies to
ASE and SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
DIR SAP DirectConnect
SNC SQL Native Client for Microsoft SQL Server
Parameter |
Description |
value |
The maximum length in bytes of a text field that is returned when you include the text field in a SQL SELECT statement. The range of valid values is from 0 bytes to 2 GB. When you set DBTextLimit to 0, the server returns the maximum length text field. |
Default value
The default value for DBTextLimit is the default specified for the DBTEXTLIMIT DB-Library or CS_TEXTLIMIT CT-Library connection property.
The text field length that DB-Library or CT-Library returns is the lesser of the DBTextLimit value and the setting for the global variable TEXTSIZE.
If the setting for TEXTSIZE is less than the value you specify for DBTextLimit, DB-Library or CT-Library returns the TEXTSIZE value.
To have DB-Library or CT-Library return a text field that is up to 32,000 bytes long when you include the text field in a SQL SELECT statement:
Database profile
Type 32000 in the Text Limit in SQL box (when using the ASE, or SYC interface), or Maximum Length of Long VarChar box (when using the DirectConnect interface) on the Syntax page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
Specifies the decimal separator setting used by the back-end DBMS that you are accessing in PowerBuilder. If your DBMS uses a decimal separator other than period (.), which is the default, set DecimalSeparator to the value for your DBMS to ensure that PowerBuilder correctly handles numeric strings returned from your database.
Applies to
DIR SAP DirectConnect
ODBC (if driver and back-end DBMS support this feature)
O90 Oracle9i
O10 Oracle 10g
ORA Oracle (for 11g and later)
SNC SQL Native Client for Microsoft SQL Server
Parameter |
Description |
value |
The decimal separator setting used by the back-end DBMS that you are accessing in PowerBuilder. Values are:
Default value
When to set DecimalSeparator
The DecimalSeparator parameter currently supports period (.) and comma (,) as valid values. Therefore, if the decimal separator setting for your DBMS is a comma, you should set the DecimalSeparator parameter to ',' (comma) to make sure PowerBuilder correctly handles numeric strings returned from your database.
Example using Oracle
Assume you are accessing an Oracle database in PowerBuilder and the decimal separator setting is a comma (,). Oracle returns to PowerBuilder the numeric string '123,50' containing a comma instead of a period as the decimal separator. PowerBuilder then sends this string to its decimal conversion routines.
By default, the PowerBuilder decimal conversion routines expect a period as the decimal separator. If you set the DecimalSeparator parameter to ',' (comma), PowerBuilder correctly handles this string and returns it as '123,50'.
To specify that your DBMS uses a comma (,) as the decimal separator setting:
Database profile
Type a comma (,) in the Decimal Separator box on the Syntax page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
See also
The DefaultProcOwner parameter lets you set a default owner for a stored procedure. The parameter takes effect only when the stored procedure is not qualified. For ODBC, the PBNewSPInvocation parameter must also be set.
Applies to
Parameter |
Description |
value |
A string specifying the name of the default owner of the stored procedure |
The parameter can be set dynamically at runtime after connecting to a database. You can also set it in your PBODB190.ini file if you want to create and retrieve data into a DataWindow with a stored procedure data source in the DataWindow painter. The runtime setting overrides the setting in PBODB190.ini.
You can also cancel the setting at runtime. If you do so, PowerBuilder uses the current user as the owner of a non-qualified stored procedure when it obtains the parameters of the stored procedure.
To set the default owner to proms in PBODB190.ini:
[SQL Anywhere] DefaultProcOwner='proms'
In code:
To cancel the setting:
Note that the single quotes in the previous example contain an empty string, not a space.
See also
Specifies whether you want PowerBuilder to enclose the names of tables, columns, indexes, and constraints in double quotes when it generates SQL statements. This affects the behavior of any PowerBuilder painter that generates SQL syntax.
Applies to
ASE, SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
DIR SAP DirectConnect
I10 Informix
IN9 Informix
ODBC (if driver and back-end DBMS support this feature)
O90 Oracle9i
O10 Oracle 10g
ORA Oracle (for 11g and later)
SNC SQL Native Client for Microsoft SQL Server
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies whether you want PowerBuilder to enclose table and column names in double quotes. Values are:
Default value
The default value for the DelimitIdentifier parameter depends on the DBMS you are accessing, as follows:
DelimitIdentifer default value |
DelimitIdentifier='Yes' for SQL Anywhere, Oracle, and DB2, 'No' for all other DBMSs. |
Informix |
DelimitIdentifier='No' |
Depends on the DelimitIdentifer setting in the registry |
Depends on the DelimitIdentifer setting in the PBODB190 initialization file |
Oracle |
DelimitIdentifier='Yes' |
Depends on the DelimitIdentifer setting in the PBODB190 initialization file |
DelimitIdentifier='No' |
SAP DirectConnect |
DelimitIdentifier='No' |
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise |
DelimitIdentifier='No' |
Informix database servers can create a log of database transactions in either ASCII or non-ASCII format. If the database is creating a non-ASCII log, the setting of the DelimitIdentifier is optional. If the database is creating an ASCII log, you must set DelimitIdentifier='Yes' to make the SQL syntax generated by PowerBuilder behave as expected.
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
When you set DelimitIdentifier to 'Yes', the "set quoted_identifier on" command is automatically sent to Adaptive Server to adjust your database connection on the server. Otherwise, the "set quoted_identifier off" command is sent to the server. This feature occurs with ASE, SYC, JDBC, ODBC, and OLE DB interfaces.
Microsoft SQL Server
When you set DelimitIdentifier to 'Yes', the "set quoted_identifier on" command is automatically sent to Microsoft SQL Server to adjust your database connection on the server when you use ODBC or OLE DB. Otherwise, the "set quoted_identifier off" command is sent to the server.
Sending "set quoted_identifier off" to the server can cause some SQL commands to fail if the SQL code contains quotation marks. To prevent PowerBuilder from sending this instruction to the server, set the DelimitIdentifierToDB parameter to "No" in the PBODB initialization file or the connection string.
The DelimitIdentifier parameter setting overrides the DelimitIdentifier setting specified for your JDBC driver in the registry and for your ODBC driver in the PBODB190 initialization file.
If you want to use mixed-case identifier names, you must set DelimitIdentifier='Yes'. Also, you must set LowerCaseIdent='No' to preserve case sensitivity of identifiers stored in the DB2 system catalog.
To specify that PowerBuilder should not enclose table and column names in double quotes when it generates SQL statements:
Database profile
Clear the Enclose Table And Column Names In Quotes check box on the Syntax page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
See also
Specifies whether PowerBuilder should send a "set quoted_identifier off" instruction to the server when the DelimitIdentifier parameter is not set.
Applies to
ODBC (if driver and back-end DBMS support this feature)
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies whether PowerBuilder sends a "set quoted_identifier off" instruction to the server when the DelimitIdentifier parameter is not set. Values are:
Default value
When you set DelimitIdentifier to 'Yes', the "set quoted_identifier on" command is automatically sent to the database server to adjust your database connection on the server when you use ODBC or OLE DB. Otherwise, the "set quoted_identifier off" command is sent to the server.
Sending "set quoted_identifier off" to the server can cause some SQL commands to fail if the SQL code contains quotation marks. To prevent PowerBuilder from sending this instruction to the server, set the DelimitIdentifierToDB parameter to 'No' in the PBODB initialization file or the connection string.
To specify that PowerBuilder should not send a set quoted_identifier instruction to the server, add the following to the appropriate section of your PBODB initialization file or your connection string:
See also
For those DBMSs that support bind variables, PowerBuilder can bind input parameters to a compiled SQL statement by default. The DisableBind parameter allows you to specify whether you want to disable this binding.
When you set DisableBind to 1 to disable the binding, PowerBuilder replaces the input variable with the value entered by the application user or specified in code.
Applies to
ASE, SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
I10 Informix
IN9 Informix
ODBC (if driver and back-end DBMS support this feature)
O90 Oracle9i
O10 Oracle 10g
ORA Oracle (for 11g and later)
SNC SQL Native Client for Microsoft SQL Server
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies whether you want to disable the binding of input parameters to a compiled SQL statement. Values are:
Default value
DisableBind=1 for ADO.NET, ASE, SYC, SNC, and OLE DB, DisableBind=0 for other interfaces
Bind variables
In a SQL statement, a bind variable is a placeholder for a column value. By default, PowerBuilder associates (binds) data from a variable defined in your application to the bind variable each time the SQL statement executes.
Using bind variables in SQL statements
For example, the following SQL statement retrieves those rows in the Books table about books written by Hemingway:
SELECT * FROM books WHERE author="Hemingway"
Suppose that you want to execute this statement to get information about books written by other authors. Instead of compiling and executing a new statement for each author, you can define a bind variable that represents the author's name. The user then supplies the author's actual name when the application executes. By using bind variables, you ensure that the statement is compiled only once and executed repeatedly with new values supplied by the user.
If your database supports bind variables and DisableBind is set to 0 to enable binding (the default for all database interfaces except ADO.NET, ASE, SYC, SNC, and OLE DB), PowerBuilder generates the statement with parameter markers (:bind_param) and passes the actual parameter value at execution time. For example:
SELECT * FROM books WHERE author=:bind_param
Bind variables and cached statements
Using bind variables in conjunction with cached statements can improve the performance of most applications, depending on the application. In general, applications that perform a large amount of transaction processing benefit the most from using bind variables and cached statements.
In order to use cached statements, make sure that DisableBind is set to 0. This enables the binding of input variables to SQL statements in PowerBuilder. (For more about using cached statements, see the description of the SQLCache parameter.)
Performance improvements
For SQL Anywhere and Oracle databases, bind variables improve performance by allowing PowerBuilder to insert and modify strings that exceed 255 characters.
Bind variables and default column values
When DisableBind is set to 0 to enable the use of bind variables, the DataWindow painter does both of the following to get maximum performance improvement from using bind variables when you add rows to a DataWindow object:
Generates a SQL INSERT statement that includes all columns (except identity and SQL Server timestamp)
Reuses this SQL INSERT statement for each row you add to the DataWindow object
For example, if a table named Order_T contains three columns named Order_ID, Order_Date, and Customer_ID, the DataWindow painter generates the following SQL INSERT statement when DisableBind is set to 0 (default binding enabled):
INSERT INTO Order_T(Order_ID, Order_Date, Customer_ID) VALUES(:bind_param1, :bind_param2, :bind_param3)
If one of these columns is null, the DataWindow painter sets a null value indicator for this column parameter and executes the statement. This behavior is important to understand if you want your back-end DBMS to set a default value for any columns in your DataWindow object.
To illustrate, suppose that your application users do not enter a value for the Order_Date column because they expect the back-end DBMS to set this column to a default value of TODAY. Then, they retrieve the row and find that a null value has been set for Order_Date instead of its default value. This happens because the SQL INSERT statement generated by the DataWindow painter specified a null value indicator, so the DBMS set the column value to null instead of to its default value as expected.
Setting a default column value when binding is enabled
If you are using bind variables (DisableBind set to 0) and want the back-end DBMS to set a column to its default value when your application user does not explicitly enter a value in a new row, you should set an initial value for the DataWindow object column that mirrors the DBMS default value for this column.
In the DataWindow painter, you can set or modify a column's initial value in the Column Specifications dialog box.
For more about the Column Specifications dialog box, see the section called “Working in the DataWindow painter” in Users Guide.
Setting a default column value when binding is disabled
If you are not using bind variables (DisableBind set to 1) and want the back-end DBMS to set a column to its default value when your application user does not explicitly enter a value in a new row, you do not need to set an initial value for the DataWindow column.
This is because with bind variables disabled, the DataWindow painter generates a SQL INSERT statement for each row added to the DataWindow object. If a column does not contain an explicit value, it is not included in the SQL INSERT statement.
Using the Order_T table example, if your application user enters 123 as the value for the Order_ID column and A-123 as the value for the Customer_ID column, the DataWindow painter generates the following SQL INSERT statement when DisableBind is set to 1 (binding disabled):
INSERT INTO Order_T(Order_ID, Customer_ID) VALUES(123, 'A-123')
Your back-end DBMS would then set the Order_Date column to its default value as expected, since a value for Order_Date is not explicitly set in the SQL INSERT statement generated by the DataWindow painter.
To specify that PowerBuilder should disable the binding of input parameters to a compiled SQL statement:
Database profile
Select the Disable Bind check box on the Transaction or System page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
See also
The JDBC driver your application uses to connect to the database.
When to specify Driver
You must specify the Driver database parameter before connecting to the database.
Applies to
Default value
The driver name identifies the Java class name for the particular driver you are using to connect to the database.
Example 1
To set the driver name of an SAP Sybase jConnect driver:
Database profile
Type the following in the Driver Name box on the Connection page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box:
Type the following in code:
Example 2
To set the driver name of an Oracle JDBC Driver:
Database profile
Type the following in the Driver Name box on the Connection page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
See also
When you access a SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise database in PowerBuilder through Open Client, DS_Alias is one of several parameters that you can set to enable network-based directory services in your application. (For other directory services parameters, see the See Also section.)
Some directory service providers and drivers support the creation of alias entries. An alias entry provides a link to a primary directory entry in a hierarchy, thereby giving users multiple ways to access the primary entry while searching the directory structure for a particular network entity.
For those directory service providers and drivers that support aliases, DS_Alias specifies whether the provider is allowed to follow links for (expand) alias entries while searching the directory hierarchy. The default behavior is to allow expansion of alias entries for providers that support this feature.
You must specify a value for DS_Alias before connecting to the database in PowerBuilder.
Using third-party directory service providers
For information about the third-party directory service providers and operating system platforms that SAP has tested with Open Client directory services, see the Open Client documentation.
Applies to
ASE, SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
Parameter |
Description |
value |
For those directory services providers and drivers that support aliases, specifies whether the provider is allowed to expand alias entries while searching a directory hierarchy. Values are:
Default value
When to use
To prevent access to your data through directory alias entries, set DS_Alias to 0. This prohibits directory service providers that support aliases from expanding alias entries during a directory search.
Set Release parameter
For this parameter to take effect, you must also set the Release parameter to 11 or higher to specify that your application should use the appropriate version of SAP Sybase Open Client Client-Library (CT-Lib) behavior. See the description of the Release parameter for more information.
Requirements for use
To use DS_Alias or any other parameter supporting Open Client directory services, you must meet certain requirements for using directory services in your PowerBuilder application. For details, see the section called “Requirements for using Open Client directory services” in Connecting to Your Database.
Corresponding CT-Lib connection property
Specifying a value for DS_Alias sets the corresponding SAP Sybase CT-Lib connection property named CS_DS_EXPANDALIAS.
To prohibit directory service providers that support aliases from expanding alias entries during a directory search:
Database profile
Clear the Directory Alias Entries check box on the Directory Services page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
See also
When you access a SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise database in PowerBuilder through Open Client, DS_Copy is one of several parameters that you can set to enable network-based directory services in your application. (For other directory services parameters, see the See Also section.)
Some directory service providers and drivers support the use of caching. Caching allows a directory service provider to use cached information while searching a directory instead of making a request to the directory server agent for information.
For those directory service providers and drives that support caching, DS_Copy specifies whether the provider is allowed to use cached information during a directory search. The default behavior is to allow providers that support this feature to use cached information.
You must specify a value for DS_Copy before connecting to the database in PowerBuilder.
Using third-party directory service providers
For information about the third-party directory service providers and operating system platforms that SAP has tested with Open Client directory services, see the Open Client documentation.
Applies to
ASE, SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
Parameter |
Description |
value |
For those directory services providers and drivers that support caching, specifies whether the provider is allowed to use cached information when making a directory search. Values are:
Default value
When to use
Allowing providers to use cached information during directory searches makes the searches faster, but does not ensure that the provider is using the most up-to-date directory information.
To ensure that the application gets the most recent changes to directory entries when it requests directory information, set DS_Copy to 0 to prohibit providers that support caching from using cached information during a directory search.
Set Release parameter
For this parameter to take effect, you must also set the Release parameter to 11 or higher to specify that your application should use the appropriate version of SAP Sybase Open Client Client-Library (CT-Lib) behavior. See the description of the Release parameter for more information.
Requirements for use
To use DS_Copy or any other parameter supporting Open Client directory services, you must meet certain requirements for using directory services in your PowerBuilder application. For details, see the section called “Requirements for using Open Client directory services” in Connecting to Your Database.
Corresponding CT-Lib connection property
Specifying a value for DS_Copy sets the corresponding SAP Sybase CT-Lib connection property named CS_DS_COPY.
To prohibit directory service providers that support caching from using cached information during a directory search:
Database profile
Clear the Use Caching check box on the Directory Services page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
See also
When you access an SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise database in PowerBuilder through Open Client, DS_DitBase is one of several parameters that you can set to enable network-based directory services in your application. (For other directory services parameters, see the See Also section.)
When you use Open Client directory services, a default (active) directory information tree base (DIT base) is specified in the Open Client/Server Configuration utility. The DIT base is the directory node where directory searches start. This is analogous to the current working directory in MS-DOS file systems.
DS_DitBase lets you specify the name of the directory node where you want searches for directory entries to start. The DS_DitBase value you specify must be a fully qualified name that uses the syntax required by your directory service provider and driver (see the Examples section for illustrations).
The default value for DS_DitBase is the DIT base currently specified as active in the Open Client/Open Server Configuration utility.
You must specify a value for DS_DitBase before connecting to the database in PowerBuilder.
Using third-party directory service providers
For information about the third-party directory service providers and operating system platforms that SAP has tested with Open Client directory services, see the Open Client documentation.
Applies to
ASE, SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
Parameter |
Description |
dit_base |
The name of the directory node where you want directory searches to start. By default, this is the DIT base currently specified as active in the Open Client/Open Server Configuration utility. The value for dit_base must be a fully qualified name that uses the syntax required by your directory service provider and driver. The syntax for specifying the DIT base varies for different providers; see your provider's documentation for details. For examples of how to specify dit_base for different directory service providers, see the Examples section. |
Default value
The default value for DS_DitBase is the DIT base currently specified as active in the Open Client/Open Server Configuration utility.
When to use
Set DS_DitBase to specify a starting node for directory searches other than the DIT base node specified as active in the Open Client/Open Server Configuration utility. For instructions on using the Open Client/Open Server Configuration utility, see your SAP Sybase Open Client/Server configuration guide.
Set Release parameter
For this parameter to take effect, you must also set the Release parameter to 11 or higher to specify that your application should use the appropriate version of SAP Sybase Open Client Client-Library (CT-Lib) behavior. See the description of the Release parameter for more information.
Requirements for use
To use DS_DitBase or any other parameter supporting Open Client directory services, you must meet certain requirements for using directory services in your PowerBuilder application. For details, see the section called “Requirements for using Open Client directory services” in Connecting to Your Database.
Corresponding CT-Lib connection property
Specifying a value for DS_DitBase sets the corresponding SAP Sybase CT-Lib connection property named CS_DS_DITBASE.
About these examples
The examples that follow show how to specify a DS_DitBase value for different directory service providers.
See your directory service provider's documentation for complete information about the format your provider requires for specifying the DIT base.
Example 1 (Windows NT Registry)
This example shows the syntax for DS_DitBase if your directory service provider is the Windows NT Registry:
Node name: SALES:software\sybase\server\SYS11NT
DS_DitBase: SALES:software\sybase\server
To set DS_DitBase:
Database profile
Type the following in the DIT Base box on the Directory Services page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box. Do not end the DS_DitBase value with a backslash (\):
Type the following in code. Do not end the DS_DitBase value with a backslash (\):
SQLCA.DBParm = "DS_DitBase='SALES:software\sybase\server'"
Example 2 (DCE/CDS)
This example shows the syntax for DS_DitBase if your directory service provider is Distributed Computing Environment Cell Directory Services (DCE/CDS):
Node name: /.../boston.sales/dataservers/sybase/SYS11
DS_DitBase: /.../boston.sales/dataservers
To set DS_DitBase:
Database profile
Type the following in the DIT Base box on the Directory Services page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box. Do not end the DS_DitBase value with a slash (/):
Type the following in code. Do not end the DS_DitBase value with a slash (/):
SQLCA.DBParm = "DS_DitBase='/.../boston.sales/dataservers'"
Example 3 (Novell NDS)
This example shows the syntax for DS_DitBase if your directory service provider is Novell NetWare Directory Services (NDS):
Node name: CN=SYS11.OU=miami.OU=sales.O=sybase
DS_DitBase: OU=miami.OU=sales.O=sybase
To set DS_DitBase:
Database profile
Type the following in the DIT Base box on the Directory Services page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box:
To specify DS_DitBase in code, type the following:
SQLCA.DBParm = "DS_DitBase='OU=miami.OU=sales.O=sybase'"
See also
When you access an SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise database in PowerBuilder through Open Client, DS_Failover is one of several parameters that you can set to enable network-based directory services in your application. (For other directory services parameters, see the See Also section.)
SAP Sybase Open Client Client-Library (CT-Lib) requires a directory to map logical server names to network addresses. The source for this directory can be either the SAP Sybase Interfaces file or a network-based directory service provider (such as DCE Cell Directory Services or the Windows Registry).
If you want an application to use a directory source other than the Interfaces file, CT-Lib must be able to load the appropriate directory driver. If CT-Lib cannot load the required driver, you can set DS_Failover to specify whether CT-Lib should silently default (fail over) to using the Interfaces file as the directory source.
By default, DS_Failover specifies that CT-Lib should use the Interfaces file as the directory source if it cannot load the requested directory driver.
You must specify a value for DS_Failover before connecting to the database in PowerBuilder.
Using third-party directory service providers
For information about the third-party directory service providers and operating system platforms that SAP has tested with Open Client directory services, see the Open Client documentation.
Applies to
ASE, SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies whether SAP Sybase CT-Lib should silently default (fail over) to using the Interfaces file as the directory source if it cannot load the requested directory driver. Values are:
Default value
When to use
To prevent CT-Lib from using the Interfaces file as the directory source if it cannot load the requested directory driver, set DS_Failover to 0.
If DS_Failover is set to 0 to prevent use of the Interfaces file and CT-Lib cannot load the requested directory driver, the connection's directory source is undefined. This causes certain operations requiring directory access to fail.
Set Release parameter
For this parameter to take effect, you must also set the Release parameter to 11 or higher to specify that your application should use the appropriate version of SAP Sybase Open Client Client-Library (CT-Lib) behavior. See the description of the Release parameter for more information.
Requirements for use
To use DS_Failover or any other parameter supporting Open Client directory services, you must meet certain requirements for using directory services in your PowerBuilder application. For details, see the section called “Requirements for using Open Client directory services” in Connecting to Your Database.
Corresponding CT-Lib connection property
Specifying a value for DS_Failover sets the corresponding SAP Sybase CT-Lib connection property named CS_DS_FAILOVER.
To prohibit CT-Lib from using the Interfaces file as the directory source if it cannot load the requested directory driver:
Database profile
Clear the Enable Failover check box on the Directory Services page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
See also
When you access an SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise database in PowerBuilder through Open Client 12.5 or higher software, DS_Password is one of several parameters that you can set to enable network-based directory services in your application. (For other directory services parameters, see the See Also section.)
Some directory service providers and drivers require an authenticated principal (user ID) name and password to control an application's access to directory entries. For those providers and drivers, DS_Principal and DS_Password specify the principal name and password your application should use to identify you to the directory service provider.
You must specify a value for DS_Password before connecting to the database in PowerBuilder.
Applies to
ASE, SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
Parameter |
Description |
password |
The password associated with the principal (user ID) name you specified in the DS_Principal parameter. |
Default value
PowerBuilder does not set DS_Password or the corresponding SAP Sybase Open Client Client-Library (CT-Lib) connection parameter CS_DS_PASSWORD if you do not specify a value.
When to use
If your directory service provider requires an authenticated principal name for directory access, set DS_Password to the password that goes with your directory service principal name.
Set Release parameter
For this parameter to take effect, you must also set the Release parameter to 11 or higher to specify that your application should use the appropriate version of SAP Sybase Open Client Client-Library (CT-Lib) behavior. See the description of the Release parameter for more information.
Requirements for use
To use DS_Password or any other parameter supporting Open Client 12.5 directory services, you must meet certain requirements for using directory services in your PowerBuilder application. For details, see the section called “Requirements for using Open Client directory services” in Connecting to Your Database.
Corresponding CT-Lib connection property
Specifying a value for DS_Password sets the corresponding SAP Sybase CT-Lib connection property named CS_DS_PASSWORD.
To specify MYPASS as your application's password:
Database profile
Type the following in the Password box on the Directory Services page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box:
Type the following in code:
To specify MYPASS as your application's password, type MYPASS in the Password box on the Directory Services page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
See also
When you access an SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise database in PowerBuilder through Open Client, DS_Principal is one of several parameters that you can set to enable network-based directory services in your application. (For other directory services parameters, see the See Also section.)
Some directory service providers and drivers require an authenticated principal (user ID) name to control an application's access to directory entries. For those providers and drivers, DS_Principal and DS_Password specify the principal name and password your application should use to identify you to the directory service provider.
You must specify a value for DS_Principal before connecting to the database in PowerBuilder.
Using third-party directory service providers
For information about the third-party directory service providers and operating system platforms that SAP has tested with Open Client directory services, see the Open Client documentation.
Applies to
ASE, SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
Parameter |
Description |
principal_name |
The principal (user ID) name your application should use to identify you to the directory service provider. |
Default value
PowerBuilder does not set DS_Principal or the corresponding SAP Sybase Open Client Client-Library (CT-Lib) connection parameter CS_DS_PRINCIPAL if you do not specify a value.
When to use
If your directory service provider requires an authenticated principal name for directory access, set DS_Principal to the principal (user ID) name that goes with your directory service password.
Set Release parameter
For this parameter to take effect, you must also set the Release parameter to 11 or higher to specify that your application should use the appropriate version of SAP Sybase Open Client Client-Library (CT-Lib) behavior. See the description of the Release parameter for more information.
Requirements for use
To use DS_Principal or any other parameter supporting Open Client directory services, you must meet certain requirements for using directory services in your PowerBuilder application. For details, see the section called “Requirements for using Open Client directory services” in Connecting to Your Database.
Corresponding CT-Lib connection property
Specifying a value for DS_Principal sets the corresponding SAP Sybase CT-Lib connection property named CS_DS_PRINCIPAL.
To specify JSMITH as your application's principal name:
Database profile
Type the following in the Principal Name box on the Directory Services page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box:
Type the following in code:
See also
When you access an SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise database in PowerBuilder through Open Client, DS_Provider is one of several parameters that you can set to enable network-based directory services in your application. (For other directory services parameters, see the See Also section.)
When you use Open Client directory services, you must specify your directory service provider names in the Open Client/Open Server Configuration utility so that the required drivers can be loaded for each provider. The default directory service provider is the one currently specified as active in the Configuration utility.
DS_Provider lets you specify a directory service provider name listed in the Open Client/Open Server Configuration utility other than the default (active) provider. The default value for DS_Provider is the provider name currently specified as active in the Configuration utility.
You must specify a value for DS_Provider before connecting to the database in PowerBuilder.
Using third-party directory service providers
For information about the third-party directory service providers and operating system platforms that SAP has tested with Open Client directory services, see the Open Client documentation.
Applies to
ASE, SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
Parameter |
Description |
provider_name |
The directory service provider name you want to use for directory services. The provider name is case sensitive. You must specify it exactly as it appears in the Open Client/Open Server Configuration utility. |
Default value
The default value for DS_Provider is the provider name currently specified as active in the Open Client/Open Server Configuration utility.
When to use
Set DS_Provider to use a directory service provider specified in the Open Client/Open Server Configuration utility other than the default (active) provider. For instructions on using the Open Client/Open Server Configuration utility, see your SAP Sybase Open Client/Server configuration guide.
Set Release parameter
For this parameter to take effect, you must also set the Release parameter to 11 or higher to specify that your application should use the appropriate version of SAP Sybase Open Client Client-Library (CT-Lib) behavior. See the description of the Release parameter for more information.
Requirements for use
To use DS_Provider or any other parameter supporting Open Client directory services, you must meet certain requirements for using directory services in your PowerBuilder application. For details, see the section called “Requirements for using Open Client directory services” in Connecting to Your Database.
Corresponding CT-Lib connection property
Specifying a value for DS_Provider sets the corresponding SAP Sybase CT-Lib connection property named CS_DS_PROVIDER.
To specify NTREGISTRY as the directory service provider name:
Database profile
Type the following in the Provider box on the Directory Services page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box:
Type the following in code:
To specify NTREGISTRY as the directory service provider name, type NTREGISTRY in the Provider box on the Directory Services page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
See also
When you access an SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise database in PowerBuilder through Open Client, DS_TimeLimit is one of several parameters that you can set to enable network-based directory services in your application. (For other directory services parameters, see the See Also section.)
Some directory service providers and drivers support the use of time limits for a directory search. For those providers and drivers, DS_TimeLimit specifies the maximum number of seconds that a directory search lasts.
By default, DS_TimeLimit specifies that there is no time limit for a directory search.
You must specify a value for DS_TimeLimit before connecting to the database in PowerBuilder.
Using third-party directory service providers
For information about the third-party directory service providers and operating system platforms that SAP has tested with Open Client directory services, see the Open Client documentation.
Applies to
ASE, SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies the maximum number of seconds that you want a directory search to last. You can also specify 'no_limit' (the default) to indicate that there is no time limit for the directory search. If the specified time limit expires and the target has not been found, the directory search is unsuccessful and the PowerBuilder connection fails. |
Default value
Set Release parameter
For DS_TimeLimit to take effect, you must also set the Release parameter to 11 or higher to specify that your application should use the appropriate version of SAP Sybase Open Client Client-Library (CT-Lib) behavior. See the description of the Release parameter for more information.
Requirements for use
To use DS_TimeLimit or any other parameter supporting Open Client directory services, you must meet certain requirements for using directory services in your PowerBuilder application. For details, see the section called “Requirements for using Open Client directory services” in Connecting to Your Database.
Corresponding CT-Lib connection property
Specifying a value for DS_TimeLimit sets the corresponding SAP Sybase CT-Lib connection property named CS_DS_TIMELIMIT.
To specify that you want the directory search to last a maximum of 120 seconds (2 minutes):
Database profile
Type 120 in the Directory Search Time Limit box on the Directory Services page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
See also
Specifies that data should be encrypted before sending it over the network.
When to specify Encrypt
You must specify the Encrypt parameter before connecting to the database.
Applies to
SNC SQL Native Client for Microsoft SQL Server
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies whether data should be encrypted. This parameter is used in conjunction with the TrustServerCertificate DBParm. Values are:
Default value
SQL Server 2005 always encrypts network packets associated with logging in to the server. If no certificate is provided on the server when it starts up, SQL Server generates a self-signed certificate that is used to encrypt login packets.
SQL Server Configuration Manager can be used to configure the SQL Native Client to request an encrypted connection using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), and to accept a self-signed certificate without validation. You can also request encryption by setting the Encrypt DBParm to 1, which sets the SQL Native Client connection string keyword Encrypt. To enable encryption to be used when a certificate has not been provided on the server, set both Encrypt and TrustServerCertificate. The value of TrustServerCertificate is ignored if Encrypt is not set.
To specify that PowerBuilder should encrypt data:
Database profile
Select the Encrypt Data check box on the System page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
See also
Specifies a password for encrypting and decrypting data.
When to specify EncryptionPass
You must specify the EncryptionPass parameter before connecting to the database.
Applies to
I10 Informix
Parameter |
Description |
value |
A string that will be used as the password for encrypting and decrypting data. |
Default value
In IDS 10.0 and later, the SQL statement SET ENCRYPTION PASSWORD can improve the confidentiality of data and support data integrity by defining or resetting a password for encryption and decryption of data at the column level.
You can set the EncryptionPass and Hint static DBParms on the System tab page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box for I10 connections to specify a password and an optional hint to help you remember the password. The password does not display in the database Profile Setup dialog box and is encrypted in the database profile in the registry. The application uses built-in Informix functions to encrypt and decrypt character data.
To specify Archimedes as the password for data encryption and Eureka as the hint to help you remember the password:
Database profile
Enter Archimedes in the Encryption Password box and Eureka in the Hint box on the System page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
SQLCA.DBParm="EncryptionPass='Archimedes', Hint='Eureka'"
See also
Specifies whether you want PowerBuilder to encrypt your password automatically when connecting to an OLE DB data provider.
When to specify EncryptPassword
You must specify the EncryptPassword parameter before connecting to the database.
Applies to
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies whether you want PowerBuilder to encrypt your password. Values are:
Default value
To tell PowerBuilder to encrypt your password when connecting to Microsoft SQL Server or an OLE DB data provider:
Database profile
Select the Encrypt Password check box on the Security page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
See also
Specifies the name of a mirror server, allowing you to maintain database availability if a failover event occurs.
Applies to
SNC SQL Native Client for Microsoft SQL Server
FailoverPartner =value
Default value
When failover occurs, the existing PowerBuilder connection to SQL Server is lost. The SNC driver releases the existing connection and tries to reopen it. If reconnection succeeds, PowerBuilder triggers the DBNotification event.
The following conditions must be satisfied for PowerBuilder to trigger the failover event:
The FailoverPartner DBParm is supplied at connect time
The SQL Server database is configured for mirroring
PowerBuilder is able to reconnect successfully when the existing connection is lost
When failover occurs:
PowerBuilder returns an error code (998) and triggers the DBNotification event with notification type DBFailover!
Existing cursors cannot be used and should be closed
Any failed database operation can be tried again
Any uncommitted transaction is lost. New transactions must be started
The following example sets the name of a mirror server for failover events:
Database profile
Type the mirror server name in the Failover Partner text box on the System page of the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
Specifies the amount of time (in milliseconds) you want PowerBuilder to wait between attempts to fail over to another database server if the current database server goes down.
When to specify FoDelay
You must specify the FoDelay parameter before connecting to the database.
Applies to
O90 Oracle9i
O10 Oracle 10g
ORA Oracle (for 11g and later)
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies the amount of time in milliseconds you want PowerBuilder to wait between attempts to fail over to an another database server. |
Default value
You can enter a failover delay value only if you have enabled failover.
This parameter cannot be set dynamically. The value set when the connection is made remains in effect until it is disconnected.
To tell PowerBuilder to wait 20 milliseconds between attempts to fail over:
Database profile
Type 20 in the Delay box on the Network page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
See also
Specifies whether PowerBuilder displays a runtime dialog box indicating when a failover occurs.
When to specify FoDialog
You must specify the FoDialog parameter before connecting to the database.
Applies to
ASE, SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
O90 Oracle9i
O10 Oracle 10g
ORA Oracle (for 11g and later)
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies whether you want PowerBuilder to display a runtime dialog box indicating when a failover occurs. Values are:
Default value
You can display a runtime dialog box only if you have enabled failover. The dialog box does not display in COM+.
This parameter cannot be set dynamically. The value set when the connection is made remains in effect until it is disconnected.
To tell PowerBuilder to display a runtime dialog box when a failover occurs:
Database profile
Select the Display Runtime Dialog When Failing Over check box on the Network page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
See also
Specifies the number of times you want PowerBuilder to try to fail over to an another database server if the current database server goes down.
When to specify FoRetryCount
You must specify the FoRetryCount parameter before connecting to the database.
Applies to
O90 Oracle9i
O10 Oracle 10g
ORA Oracle (for 11g and later)
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies the number of times you want PowerBuilder to try to fail over. |
Default value
You can enter a failover retry value only if you have enabled failover.
This parameter cannot be set dynamically. The value set when the connection is made remains in effect until it is disconnected.
To tell PowerBuilder to try 20 times to fail over:
Database profile
Enter the value 20 in the Retry Count box on the Network page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
See also
Controls whether PowerBuilder converts a DataWindow object retrieval argument of decimal datatype to scientific (exponential) notation if the argument exceeds 12 digits but has fewer than 16 digits. If FormatArgsAsExp is set to Yes (the default), PowerBuilder performs this conversion.
When to specify FormatArgsAsExp
You must specify a value for FormatArgsAsExp before connecting to the database.
Applies to
ASE and SYC, SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
DIR SAP DirectConnect
ODBC interface
O90 Oracle9i
O10 Oracle 10g
ORA Oracle (for 11g and later)
FormatArgsAsExp= 'value'
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies whether you want PowerBuilder to convert a DataWindow or report retrieval argument of decimal datatype to scientific (exponential) notation if the argument exceeds 12 digits but has fewer than 16 digits. Values are:
Default value
When to use
The setting of FormatArgsAsExp might affect the speed of data retrieval in your DataWindow objects, especially if you are accessing large databases.
If FormatArgsAsExp is set to Yes, PowerBuilder converts retrieval arguments of type decimal to scientific notation if the argument exceeds 12 digits but has fewer than 16 digits. Some DBMS optimizers might interpret the resulting scientific notation as a different datatype and scan all rows in the table to find it. This can slow data retrieval if, for example, you are accessing a DB2 database with many large tables.
Setting FormatArgsAsExp to No tells PowerBuilder to leave the retrieval argument as a decimal and not convert it to scientific notation. This speeds data retrieval for large databases.
Retrieval argument size limited
The FormatArgsAsExp parameter is relevant only if a retrieval argument of type decimal has fewer than 16 digits.
To tell PowerBuilder to convert a retrieval argument exceeding 12 digits but with fewer than 16 digits to scientific notation:
Database profile
Check the Format Arguments in Scientific Notation check box on the Syntax page (or Transaction page in the case of the DIR interface) in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
Specifies how DataWindows generate =null and <> null expressions in retrieval arguments.
Applies to
All database interfaces
GenerateEqualsNull= 'value'
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Default value
When to use
When a DataWindow retrieves data from tables that contain null columns, most DBMS interfaces expect expressions of the form, IS NULL and IS NOT NULL. Expressions that reference null data as values, such as Where column = NULL, can cause the DBMS to reject the retrieval. For this reason, such expressions in DataWindows are normally converted to the standard ANSI syntax during retrieval.
If your DataWindow retrieves null data from a DBMS that supports expressions of the =null or <> null form, and you want to suppress the conversion of those expressions to standard syntax, you can set the GenerateEqualsNull DBParm to true.
Consider these two statements:
SELECT "a1"."c1" FROM "a1" WHERE "a1"."c2" = :p1 SELECT "a1"."c1" FROM "a1" WHERE "a1"."c2" <> :p1
If GenerateEqualsNull is set to false, the statements are generated as:
SELECT "a1"."c1" FROM "a1" WHERE "a1"."c2" is null SELECT "a1"."c1" FROM "a1" WHERE "a1"."c2" is not null
If GenerateEqualsNull is set to true, the statements are generated as:
SELECT "a1"."c1" FROM "a1" WHERE "a1"."c2" = null SELECT "a1"."c1" FROM "a1" WHERE "a1"."c2" <> null
Specifies how EAServer should behave if all connections in a cache are being used. This parameter applies only when a PowerBuilder custom class user object is deployed as an EAServer component.
Obsolete parameter
GetConnectionOption parameter is obsolete, because EAServer is no longer supported since PowerBuilder 2017.
Applies to
O90 Oracle9i
O10 Oracle 10g
ORA Oracle (for 11g and later)
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies how EAServer should behave if all connections in a cache are being used. Values are:
Default value
This parameter cannot be set dynamically. The value set when the connection is made remains in effect until it is disconnected.
On the EAServer page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box, select JAG_CM_NOWAIT from the Get Connection Option drop-down list. The PowerScript syntax for the GetConnectionOption parameter displays on the Preview page:
Copy the syntax from the Preview page into your script.
See also
Specifies whether a High Availability (HA) client connected to an RAC database will be notified if the database server shuts down.
Applies to
O10 Oracle 10g
Parameter |
Description |
value |
A value specifying whether the client will be notified if the database server shuts down. Values are:
Default value
Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) is a cluster database that uses a shared cache architecture. In Oracle 10g Release 2, a High Availability (HA) client connected to an RAC database can register a callback to indicate that it wants the server to notify it in case of a database failure event that affects a connection made by the client. The DBNotification event on the Transaction object is triggered when the client is notified that such an event has occurred.
The HANotification database parameter must be set to 'Yes' for the DBNotification event to be triggered when the database server shuts down. If HANotification is set to 'Yes', the Oracle client and server must both be Oracle 10g version or higher or the connection will fail.
This database parameter is not supported by MTS/COM+ and will be ignored in PowerBuilder component connections on MTS/COM+.
To specify that the HA client should be notified when the database server shuts down:
Database profile
Select the HANotification check box on the System page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
Determines whether the first error or the highest severity error is reported when more than one error is raised during the connection or attempted connection to the database
Applies to
SNC SQL Native Client for Microsoft SQL Server
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies the error to be reported when multiple errors are raised. Values are:
Default value
When you set this DBParm to 1, PowerBuilder chooses the error with the highest severity code to pass back to the caller.
To have PowerBuilder report the error with the highest severity code, use the following DBParm setting:
Specifies a hint to assist in remembering the password specified for encrypting and decrypting data.
When to specify Hint
You must specify the Hint parameter before connecting to the database.
Applies to
I10 Informix
Parameter |
Description |
value |
A string that will be used as a hint to help you remember the password used for encrypting and decrypting data. |
Default value
In IDS 10.0 and later, the SQL statement SET ENCRYPTION PASSWORD can improve the confidentiality of data and support data integrity by defining or resetting a password for encryption and decryption of data at the column level.
You can set the EncryptionPass and Hint static DBParms on the System tab page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box for I10 connections to specify a password and an optional hint to help you remember the password. The password does not display in the database Profile Setup dialog box and is encrypted in the database profile in the registry. The application uses built-in Informix functions to encrypt and decrypt character data.
To specify Archimedes as the password for data encryption and Eureka as the hint to help you remember the password:
Database profile
Enter Archimedes in the Encryption Password box and Eureka in the Hint box on the System page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
SQLCA.DBParm="EncryptionPass='Archimedes', Hint='Eureka'"
See also
If your DBMS supports it, specifies the workstation name when connecting to the database in PowerBuilder. The Host parameter lets you assign any 10-character label to identify the process you are about to create when you connect to the database. This label helps you distinguish your process from others running on the database server.
When to specify Host
You must specify the Host parameter before connecting to the database in PowerBuilder.
Applies to
ASE, SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
SNC SQL Native Client for Microsoft SQL Server
Default value
For Adaptive Server, when you specify a value for Host, PowerBuilder sets the CS_HOSTNAME connection property to the workstation name you specify.
The value you specify for the Host parameter displays in the hostname column of the MASTER.DBO.SYSPROCESSES table in a SQL Server database. How you use the Host parameter depends on the design of your PowerBuilder application.
For example, many sites want to secure their production tables so that updates are possible only through a specific application. To do this, you can grant explicit authority to the PowerBuilder application but not to users. The application prompts the user for an authorization ID and password, verifies it, and then connects to the database through a single application login ID. Only this application login ID has authorization to update production tables.
In this scenario, you can use the Host parameter to store the name of the user running the application.
Example 1
To set the host name to Alan:
Database profile
Type the following in the Workstation Name box on the Network page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box:
Type the following in code:
Example 2
You can use the Host and AppName parameters together to specify both the host name and the application name. To set the host name to Jane and the application name to Sales:
Database profile
Type Jane in the Workstation Name box and Sales in the Application Name box on the Network page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
Example 3
The Host name in the preceding examples is hard coded. You can get the name dynamically using the Windows GetComputerNameW function. There is no PowerScript equivalent for this function. Here is the external function declaration:
FUNCTION boolean GetComputerNameW(ref string cname,ref long nbuf) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
The following code in the Open event of the application uses an external function call to get the host name and set its value in the Host parameter. You must allocate sufficient space for the returned host name:
string ls_compname long ll_buf ll_buf=25 ls_compname=space(ll_buf) GetComputerNameA(ls_compname, ll_buf) // Profile mysyb SQLCA.DBMS="SYC Adaptive Server Enterprise" SQLCA.Database="mydata" SQLCA.LogPass="mylogpass" SQLCA.ServerName="mysybsvr" SQLCA.LogId="mylogid" SQLCA.AutoCommit=False SQLCA.DBParm="Host='" + ls_compname + "'" Connect using SQLCA;
See also
Specifies the name of the host request library defined in a DB2/MVS database.
When to specify HostReqOwner
You must specify the HostReqOwner parameter before connecting to the database.
Applies to
DIR SAP DirectConnect (applies only to Access Service for DB2/MVS and Open ServerConnect)
Default value
The host request library is a special DB2 table that stores host-resident requests. A host-resident request is a SQL statement that a client application can execute as a procedure. If you do not use SAP as the owner name for this host request library, you should set the HostReqOwner parameter to an appropriate name for your site.
TRS Support
The HostReqOwner parameter is not applicable to DirectConnect TRS connections.
To set the name of your host request library to Stratus:
Database profile
Type Stratus in the Host Request Lib Owner box on the System page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
See also
Specifies the single quote character you want PowerBuilder to use to delimit the names of identifiers (tables, columns, indexes, and constraints) when it generates SQL statements. PowerBuilder uses the quote character you specify instead of the default quote character returned by your driver or data provider.
DelimitIdentifier must be set to Yes
In order for IdentifierQuoteChar to take effect, the DelimitIdentifier parameter must be set to Yes. Otherwise, PowerBuilder's default behavior is not to delimit identifiers in SQL statements and to ignore any value specified for IdentifierQuoteChar.
Applies to
ODBC (if driver and back-end DBMS support this feature)
IdentifierQuoteChar = 'quote_character'
Parameter |
Description |
quote_character |
The single character you want PowerBuilder to use instead of your driver's or data provider's default quote character to delimit the names of identifiers in SQL statements. |
Default value
PowerBuilder searches the following in this order to determine the IdentifierQuoteChar value:
The section for your database profile in the PowerBuilder initialization file (in the development environment) or the value of the Transaction object DBParm property (in a PowerBuilder application)
The section for your ODBC driver in the PBODB190 initialization file or the section for your JDBC driver in the registry
If PowerBuilder does not find an IdentifierQuoteChar value in these locations, it makes a SQLGetInfo call to your driver to return the default SQL_IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_CHAR value.
When using the OLE DB interface
If no value is specified for the IdentifierQuoteChar parameter, PowerBuilder does not use a quote character.
By default, some drivers return quote characters that do not work with PowerBuilder's parsing routines, such as the backquote character (`). As a result, delimiting is turned off for these drivers in PowerBuilder.
However, if you paint SQL statements containing identifiers that require delimiters, syntax errors can occur if you are using a driver for which delimiting is turned off. To avoid such errors, set IdentifierQuoteChar to override the driver's default quote character.
To specify c as the quote character you want PowerBuilder to use to delimit identifiers in SQL statements:
Database profile
Type c in the Identifier Quote Character box on the Syntax page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
See also
Specifies the syntax the SNC database interface uses to obtain the identity value of a new row in a database table.
When a DataWindow update request inserts a new row into a Microsoft SQL Server table that contains an IDENTITY column, the DataWindow engine calls the SNC interface to obtain the identity value of the newly inserted row. The Identity database parameter allows you to define how this request is implemented.
Applies to
SNC SQL Native Client for Microsoft SQL Server
Parameter |
Description |
value |
A value specifying the syntax for obtaining the identity value of a newly inserted row. Values are:
Default value
By default, the SNC interface issues SELECT @@identity to obtain the IDENTITY column value of the newly inserted row. It returns the last IDENTITY value produced on a connection, regardless of the table that produced the value, and regardless of the scope of the statement that produced the value.
SELECT IDENT_CURRENT('tablename') returns the last IDENTITY value produced in a table, regardless of the connection that created the value, and regardless of the scope of the statement that produced the value.
SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() returns the last IDENTITY value produced on a table and by a statement in the same scope, regardless of the table that produced the value.
Because Identity is a dynamic database parameter, it can be set and reset at any time during an application.
To specify the syntax for obtaining the identity value of a newly inserted row:
Database profile
Select SCOPE_IDENTITY() from the DataWindow Identity Value drop-down list on the Syntax page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
Specifies the level of impersonation that the data server is allowed to use when impersonating its OLE DB data provider and PowerBuilder. This parameter applies only to network connections other than Remote Procedure Call (RPC) connections.
When to specify ImpersonationLevel
You must specify the ImpersonationLevel parameter before connecting to the database.
Applies to
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies the level of impersonation. Values are:
Default value
ImpersonationLevel='Not set'
To set a level of impersonation to anonymous:
Database profile
On the Security page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box, select Anonymous from the Impersonation Level drop-down list.
Type the following in code:
See also
Specifies the Informix DBPATH setting. The DBPATH environment variable identifies a list of directories that contain Informix databases. INET_DBPATH typically specifies the location of Informix databases if this is other than in a directory on the database server.
Applies to
I10 Informix
IN9 Informix
Default value
By default, PowerBuilder uses the value specified for DBPATH in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Informix\Environment registry key.
Example 1
To specify that the directory /HOME/Informix contains Informix databases:
Database profile
Type the following in the Database Path box on the Network page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box:
Type the following in code:
Example 2
You can specify values for INET_DBPATH, INET_PROTOCOL, and INET_SERVICE together. To specify that the directory /Informix contains Informix databases, and that you want to connect using the turbo service and the olsoctcp network protocol:
Database profile
Type /Informix in the Database Path box, turbo in the Service Name box, and olsoctcp in the Protocol Type box on the Network page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following on a single line in code:
See also
Specifies the network protocol that the Informix client software uses to communicate with a remote Informix database server.
Applies to
I10 Informix
IN9 Informix
INET_PROTOCOL='network_protocol '
Parameter |
Description |
network_protocol |
A string that specifies the name of the network protocol used by the Informix client software. For information about the correct network protocol for your site, see your Informix system administrator. |
Default value
By default, PowerBuilder uses the network protocol specified in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Informix\SqlHosts registry key.
Example 1
To specify that Informix client software uses the Novell IPX/SPX network protocol:
Database profile
Type ipx in the Protocol Type box on the Network page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
Example 2
You can specify values for INET_DBPATH, INET_PROTOCOL, and INET_SERVICE together. To specify that the directory /Informix contains Informix databases, and that you want to connect using the turbo service and the olsoctcp network protocol:
Database profile
Type /Informix in the Database Path box, turbo in the Service Name box, and olsoctcp in the Protocol Type box on the Network page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following on a single line in code:
See also
Specifies the name of the service that a remote Informix database server uses to listen to all incoming requests from client applications.
Applies to
I10 Informix
IN9 Informix
Parameter |
Description |
service_name |
A string that specifies the name of the service that a remote Informix database server uses to listen to incoming requests For information about the correct service name for your site, see your Informix system administrator. |
Default value
By default, PowerBuilder uses the service name specified in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Informix\SqlHosts registry key.
Example 1
To specify that your Informix database server uses the sqlexec service name:
Database profile
Type sqlexec in the Service Name box on the Network page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
Example 2
You can specify values for INET_DBPATH, INET_PROTOCOL, and INET_SERVICE together. To specify that the directory /Informix contains Informix databases, and that you want to connect using the turbo service and the olsoctcp network protocol:
Database profile
Type /Informix in the Database Path box, turbo in the Service Name box, and olsoctcp in the Protocol Type box on the Network page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following on a single line in code:
See also
Specifies whether you want to be prompted during initialization.
When to specify Init_Prompt
You must specify the Init_Prompt parameter before connecting to the database.
Applies to
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies whether you want to be prompted during initialization. Values are:
Default value
Init_Prompt='Not set'
To specify that you want always to be prompted during initialization:
Database profile
Select Always from the Prompt drop-down list on the System page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
See also
Specifies the number of rows that you want the Data Pipeline in PowerBuilder to insert at one time into a table in the destination database.
For instructions on using the Data Pipeline, see Working with Data Pipelines in Users Guide.
Applies to
ODBC (only in Data Pipeline if driver and back-end DBMS support this feature)
Parameter |
Description |
insert_blocking_factor |
The number of rows that you want the Data Pipeline to insert at one time into a table in the destination database, up to a maximum of 100 rows (Default=100 rows). To turn off block inserting for an ODBC data source in the Data Pipeline, set InsertBlock to 1 or DisableBind to 1 in the database profile of the destination database. |
Default value
Requirements for using InsertBlock
To use the InsertBlock parameter, all of the following must be true:
You are using an ODBC driver to access the destination database in the Data Pipeline.
The destination database supports the use of bind variables. (For more about bind variables, see DisableBind.)
The DisableBind parameter is not set to 1 (the default is 0) in the database profile of the destination database. This enables the default binding of input parameters to a compiled SQL statement in PowerBuilder.
Maximum Errors is set to 1 in the Data Pipeline.
The SQL Anywhere ODBC driver meets the first two requirements.
To determine whether your ODBC driver meets these requirements, see the documentation that comes with your driver.
Determining the InsertBlock value
PowerBuilder searches the following in this sequence to determine the value for InsertBlock:
The section for your database profile in the PowerBuilder initialization file
The section for your ODBC driver in the PBODB190 initialization file
If PowerBuilder does not find an InsertBlock value in these locations, it defaults to an insert blocking factor of 100 rows.
What happens
When PowerBuilder finds a value for InsertBlock, the Data Pipeline batches the specified number of rows and inserts them with a single call to the ODBC driver you are using to access the destination database.
If you specify an InsertBlock value or Data Pipeline commit factor of fewer than 100 rows, the Data Pipeline batches and inserts the specified number of rows into the destination database. If you specify more than 100 rows, the Data Pipeline batches and inserts at most only 100 rows at one time.
The insert blocking factor that the Data Pipeline actually uses depends on the size of the data in each column inserted in the destination database. In addition, the Data Pipeline does not exceed 64K of data in the buffer for any one column.
Turning off block inserting
To turn off block inserting for an ODBC data source in the Data Pipeline, you can do any of the following in the database profile of the destination database:
Set the InsertBlock parameter to 1
Set the DisableBind parameter to 1 (to disable default binding of input parameters to a compiled SQL statement)
In the Data Pipeline, set Maximum Errors to a value other than 1
To set the insert blocking factor in the Data Pipeline to 50 rows:
Database profile
Type 50 in the Insert Blocking Factor box on the Transaction page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
To set the insert blocking factor in the Data Pipeline to 50 rows, type 50 in the Insert Blocking Factor box on the Transaction page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
See also
Specifies the name of the authentication service used by the data server to identify the user.
If this parameter is specified, none of the other OLE DB authentication parameters (CacheAuthentication, EncryptPassword, MaskPassword, PersistEncrypted, and PersistSecurityInfo) are needed and are ignored if specified.
When to specify IntegratedSecurity
You must specify the IntegratedSecurity parameter before connecting to the database.
Applies to
Parameter |
Description |
value |
A string specifying the name of the authentication service. If NULL, the default authentication service is used. |
Default value
To use an authentication service such as the Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI) for Windows NT:
Database profile
Type the name of the authentication service in the Integrated Security box on the Security page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
Sets the isolation level to use when connecting to the database.
In multiuser databases, transactions initiated by different users can overlap. If these transactions access common data in the database, they can overwrite each other or collide.
To prevent concurrent transactions from interfering with each other and compromising the integrity of your database, you can set the isolation level when you connect to the database. Isolation levels are used by .NET Framework data providers when performing a transaction.
PowerBuilder uses the Isolation database parameter to allow you to set various database lock options. Each value corresponds to an isolation level defined in the .NET Framework.
When to specify the Isolation value
You must set the Isolation value before you connect to the database. The Isolation value takes effect only when the database connection occurs. Changes made to the Isolation value after the connection occurs have no effect on the current connection.
Applies to
Parameter |
Description |
value |
A string specifying the isolation level. Values correspond to members of the .NET Framework IsolationLevel enumeration:
Default value
The default lock value depends on how your database is configured. For information, see your DBMS documentation.
Example 1
To set the Isolation value to RC (Read Committed):
Development environment
Select Read Committed from the Isolation Level drop-down list in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following:
Using the example in code
If you specify Isolation Level in your database profile, the syntax displays on the Preview page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box. You can copy the syntax from the Preview page into your code.
Determines whether packets are sent to the database to ensure that the connection is still active.
When to specify KeepAlive
You must specify the KeepAlive parameter before connecting to the database.
Applies to
ASE, SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies whether the Open Client/Server CS_CON_KEEPALIVE property is set for your connection. Values are:
Default value
KeepAlive sets the value of the SAP Sybase CT-Lib connection property CS_CON_KEEPALIVE to true or false. The default setting ensures that your connection is alive by sending packets to the database when the connection is idle. Set the value of this property to false for mobile clients that do not maintain constant connections.
To set the KeepAlive value to 0 when you do not want to maintain a connection:
Database profile
Clear the Keep Connection Alive check box on the Network page.
Type the following in code:
For those interfaces that support it, specifies the language you want to use when connecting to your target database.
When to specify Language
You must specify the Language parameter before connecting to the database. The Language setting takes effect when you connect to the database.
Applies to
ASE, SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
DIR SAP DirectConnect
Default value
When you specify a value for Language, PowerBuilder:
Allocates a CS_LOCALE structure for this connection
Sets the CS_SYB_LANG value to the language you specify
Sets the SQL Server CS_LOC_PROP connection property with the new locale information
If you have previously set a value for the Locale parameter, which includes settings for the language and character set you want the Open Client software to use, you can override the language value by specifying a new value for the Language parameter and reconnecting to the database.
Unicode data access
PowerBuilder can access Unicode data in an Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 12.5 or higher Unicode database or in Unicode columns in ASE 12.5 or higher. PowerBuilder converts between double-byte character set (DBCS) data and Unicode automatically, provided that the Language and CharSet parameters are set with DBCS values (or the Locale parameter is set with DBCS values).
For example:
Language='tchinese' CharSet='big5'
To set the Language parameter to French:
Database profile
Type French in the Language box on the Connection page or Regional Settings page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
See also
Specifies the locale identifier that you want the OLE DB data provider to use.
When to specify LCID
You must specify the LCID parameter before connecting to the database.
Applies to
Default value
You specify the locale identifier at initialization. This provides a way for the data server to determine PowerBuilder's preferred locale language and character set. However, setting this parameter does not guarantee that all text returned to PowerBuilder is translated according to the locale ID.
To set the locale to US English:
Database profile
Type 1033 in the LCID box on the System page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
See also
Specifies the locale name that you want the SAP Sybase Open Client software to use when connecting to an SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise database or a database accessed through DirectConnect in PowerBuilder.
When to specify Locale
You must specify the Locale parameter before connecting to the database.
Applies to
ASE, SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
DIR SAP DirectConnect
Default value
The default locale defined in your LOCALES.DAT file
Locales are stored as entries in a file named LOCALES.DAT. The LOCALES.DAT file contains information about the languages and character sets you are using with the SAP Sybase Open Client software. The SAP Sybase Open Client installation places the LOCALES.DAT file in the $SYBASE\LOCALES directory.
An entry in the LOCALES.DAT file has the following format:
locale=locale_name, language_name, character_set_name
For example:
locale=default, us_english, cp850 locale=enu, us_english, cp850 locale=fra, french, cp850
Why set Locale parameter
Setting a value for the Locale parameter lets you use a locale other than the default locale when accessing an Adaptive Server Enterprise or DirectConnect database. If you do not set a value for Locale, SAP Sybase Open Client uses the default locale defined in your LOCALES.DAT file.
What happens
When you specify a value for the Locale parameter, PowerBuilder:
Allocates a CS_LOCALE structure for this connection
Sets the CS_LC_ALL value to the locale name you specify
Sets the SQL Server CS_LOC_PROP connection property with the new locale information
Overriding Locale parameter
If you have previously set a value for the Locale parameter that includes settings for the language and character set you want to use, you can override the language or character set values by specifying new values for the Language or CharSet parameter and reconnecting to the database.
Unicode data access
PowerBuilder can access Unicode data in an ASE 12.5 or later Unicode database or in Unicode columns in ASE 12.5 or later. PowerBuilder converts between double-byte character set (DBCS) data and Unicode automatically, provided that the Locale parameter is set with DBCS values. For example, the Locale parameter should be set to chs or cht.
To set the locale to fra:
Database profile
Type the following in the Locale box on the Regional Settings page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box:
Type the following in code:
What happens
Setting the Locale parameter to fra has the same effect as individually setting both the Language and CharSet parameters as follows:
Language='French' CharSet='cp850'
See also
Specifies the location of the data source to which you want your OLE DB data provider to connect. Typically the location is the database server name.
When to specify Location
You must specify the Location parameter before connecting to the database.
Applies to
Default value
Implementation of the Location parameter varies depending on the OLE DB data provider you are using. For specific information, see the data provider documentation provided by the OLE DB vendor.
Specifies whether the database server should log updates of text and image data in the transaction log. By default, the database server logs updates of text and image data in the transaction log.
Applies to
ASE and SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
Parameter |
Description |
value |
A value that specifies whether the database server should log updates of text and image data in the transaction log. Values are:
Default value
You should set the Log parameter to 0 only if your database server allows you to disable logging.
To specify that PowerBuilder should not log text and image updates in the transaction log:
Database profile
Clear the Log Text and Image Updates check box on the System page or Transaction page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
To specify that PowerBuilder should not log text and image updates in the transaction log, clear the Log Text and Image Updates check box on the System page or Transaction page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Specifies the number of seconds the JDBC or ODBC driver should wait for a login request to a JDBC database or an ODBC data source.
Applies to
ODBC (if driver and back-end DBMS support this feature)
Default value
ODBC: LoginTimeOut=15; JDBC: LoginTimeOut=0
If you set LoginTimeOut to 0, PowerBuilder does not call the JDBC or ODBC driver to set the LoginTimeOut value and instead waits the number of seconds specified by the JDBC or ODBC driver's client software. If you set LoginTimeOut to a value greater than 0, PowerBuilder does call the JDBC or ODBC driver to set the LoginTimeOut value.
To set the LoginTimeOut value to wait 60 seconds for a login request:
Database profile
Type 60 in the Login Timeout box on the Network page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
Specifies whether PowerBuilder displays identifier names in lowercase.
Applies to
DIR SAP DirectConnect (applies only to DB2/MVS)
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies whether you want PowerBuilder to display identifier names in lowercase. Values are:
Default value
PowerBuilder displays identifier names in uppercase (the way they are stored in the database). The LowerCaseIdent parameter can be set only if the DelimitIdentifier parameter is set to No, indicating that PowerBuilder should not enclose table and column names in double quotes. If you try to enclose a table and column names in double quotes with identifier names in lowercase, the LowerCaseIdent parameter value is reset to the default value, and you receive a warning message.
Migrating PBMDI and PBNET applications to PBDIR
If you are migrating an application that previously used the InformationConnect DB2 Gateway or Net-Gateway for DB2 interface to the DirectConnect for DB2/MVS database interface, you should set the LowerCaseIdent parameter value to Yes. This enables you to continue to use the Select painter to edit DataWindows.
To have PowerBuilder display identifier names in lowercase:
Database profile
Select the Display Identifiers In Lower Case check box on the Syntax page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
Maps the Oracle Date datatype to the DateTime datatype to enable the time part of the data to be retrieved.
Applies to
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies whether the Oracle Date datatype is mapped to the DateTime datatype. Values are:
Default value
The Oracle Date datatype stores both date and time data. When you connect to Oracle using the Oracle JDBC Thin Driver, only the date part of the data is retrieved. To retrieve the time part of the data, set the MapDateToDateTime database parameter to map the datatype of Oracle Date columns to the DateTime datatype.
To retrieve both date and time data from an Oracle Date column:
Database profile
Select the Map Date to DateTime check box on the Transaction page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
Specifies whether you want PowerBuilder to mask your password automatically when connecting to an OLE DB data provider.
When to specify MaskPassword
You must specify the MaskPassword parameter before connecting to the database.
Applies to
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies whether you want PowerBuilder to mask your password. Values are:
Default value
To tell PowerBuilder to mask your password when connecting to an OLE DB data provider:
Database profile
Select the Mask Password check box on the Security page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
See also
Sets the maximum number of simultaneous connections you want to make when accessing a database.
The default is 25 simultaneous connections. You can override this default by setting MaxConnect up to the maximum number of simultaneous connections configured on the database server.
When to specify MaxConnect
You must specify a value for the MaxConnect parameter before connecting to the database.
Applies to
ASE, SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
DIR SAP DirectConnect
Parameter |
Description |
value |
The maximum number of simultaneous connections you want to make when accessing a database |
Default value
DirectConnect, ASE, and SYC
MaxConnect sets the SAP Sybase CT-Lib connection property CS_MAX_CONNECT to the number of simultaneous database connections you specify for a single CT-Lib context.
To set the MaxConnect value to a maximum of 50 simultaneous database connections:
Database profile
Type 50 in the Maximum Client Library Connections box (when using the ASE or SYC interface) or the Maximum Connections For This Context box (when using the DIR interface). This check box is on the Network page.
Type the following in code:
Sets the maximum size of the buffer into which theDataWindow object can fetch rows from the database. Using the MaxFetchBuffer parameter with the Block parameter can improve performance when accessing a database in PowerBuilder.
Applies to
O90 Oracle9i
O10 Oracle 10g
ORA Oracle (for 11g and later)
Default value
5000000 (bytes)
Using the default buffer size
You should not have to set a non-default value for MaxFetchBuffer. In most cases, the default buffer size should meet your needs.
You can use the MaxFetchBuffer database parameter in conjunction with the Block database parameter to improve performance when the size of a row is very large.
The size of the actual fetch buffer is the product of the value of the blocking factor and the size of the row. If the fetch buffer required by the blocking factor and the row size is greater than the value of MaxFetchBuffer, the value of the blocking factor is adjusted so that the buffer is not exceeded.
For example, if block=500 and the row size is 10KB, the fetch buffer is 5000KB, which equals the default maximum buffer size.
You can set Block and MaxFetchBuffer dynamically in code after connecting to the database. MaxFetchBuffer cannot be set in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
The following example sets the maximum fetch buffer size to 6000KB and the blocking factor to 500:
SQLCA.DBParm = "MaxFetchBuffer=6000000,block=500"
See also
Specifies whether you want connections to an Oracle database to be case sensitive or case insensitive.
By default, MixedCase is set to 0. This setting specifies a case-insensitive connection and assumes that all identifiers are uppercase. To make the Oracle connection case sensitive, set the MixedCase parameter to 1.
Applies to
O90 Oracle9i
O10 Oracle 10g
ORA Oracle (for 11g and later)
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies whether an Oracle database connection is case sensitive or case insensitive. Values are:
Default value
When you set the MixedCase parameter to 1 and define a primary key for a table in an Oracle database, all of the following must contain only uppercase letters:
The name of the primary key
The name of the table containing the primary key
The names of any foreign keys that reference the primary key
To make an Oracle database connection case sensitive:
Database profile
Select the Case Sensitive check box on the Connection page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
Specifies access permission to the OLE DB data provider.
When to specify Mode
You must specify the Mode parameter before connecting to the database.
Applies to
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies access permission to the OLE DB data provider. Values are:
Default value
To allow other users read/write access to the OLE DB data provider:
Database profile
On the Transaction page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box, select Read/Write from the Mode list box.
Type the following in code:
See also
Specifies whether PowerBuilder should display terse error messages for JDBC or ODBC drivers. A terse error message is one without the SQLSTATE=nnnn prefix, where nnnn is the number of the error message.
By default, PowerBuilder displays JDBC and ODBC error messages with the SQLSTATE prefix. To display error messages without the SQLSTATE prefix, set MsgTerse to 'Yes'.
Applies to
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies whether PowerBuilder should display error messages without the SQLSTATE prefix. Values are:
Default value
You can set the MsgTerse parameter to 'Yes' to display shorter JDBC or ODBC error messages in PowerBuilder. This might be useful if space on your screen is limited.
For example, suppose you are using the Data Pipeline in PowerBuilder to pipe data to a SQL Anywhere ODBC database, and errors occur while you are executing the pipeline. If MsgTerse is set to 'No' (the default value), pipeline errors display in an Error dialog box with the SQLSTATE prefix (for example, SQLSTATE=23000).
If you specify MsgTerse='Yes' in the database profile of the SQL Anywhere destination database, the Data Pipeline displays terse ODBC error messages without the SQLSTATE prefix.
For instructions on using the Data Pipeline, see the Working with Data Pipelines in Users Guide.
To specify that PowerBuilder should display terse error messages without the SQLSTATE prefix:
Database profile
Select the Display Terse Error Messages check box on the System page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
Specifies the .NET Framework data provider to be used to access data.
When to specify Namespace
You must specify the Namespace parameter before connecting to the database.
Applies to
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies a namespace to be used as the data provider for an ADO.NET connection. Supported namespaces can be selected from the drop-down list. |
Default value
The .NET Framework data provider for a given DBMS describes a collection of classes used to access a data source in that format in the managed space.
To specify that PowerBuilder should use the System.Data.OleDb namespace to connect to a database:
Database profile
Select System.Data.OleDb from the Namespace drop-down list on the General page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
Specifies whether PowerBuilder binds input string parameters to the Char or NChar datatype.
Applies to
ADO.NET (Oracle.DataAccess.Client only)
O90 Oracle9i
O10 Oracle 10g
ORA Oracle (for 11g and later)
SNC SQL Native Client for Microsoft SQL Server
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies whether PowerBuilder binds string input parameters to the Char or NChar datatype. Values are:
Default value
NCharBind=1 for SNC, NCharBind=0 for other interfaces
For Oracle, the default NcharBind=0 setting is recommended for binding Char, Varchar, Long and Clob data. NcharBind=1 is recommended for binding Nchar, Nvarchar2 and Nclob data.
For SNC, the default NcharBind=1 is recommended for binding Nchar, Nvarchar, Ntext and Nvarchar(max) data. It encodes the string data as Unicode. NcharBind=0 is recommended for binding Char, Varchar, Text and Varchar(max) data. This setting converts the data to the ANSI string determined by the current operating system code page.
DisableBind must be set to 0
For NcharBind to take effect, the DisableBind parameter must be set to 0. DisableBind=1 overrides the NcharBind setting.
To specify that string arguments should be bound as the NChar datatype:
Database profile
Select the NCharBind box on the Transaction page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
See also
Specifies whether the NChar literal replacement feature in the Oracle client is enabled. This feature replaces string literals on the client that are prefaced with the letter N with an internal format. The internal format is decoded to Unicode by the database server when the statement is executed.
When to specify NCharLiteral
You must specify the NCharLiteral parameter before connecting to the database.
Applies to
O10 Oracle 10g
ORA Oracle (for 11g and later)
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies whether PowerBuilder replaces string literals prefaced with the letter N in SQL command text. Values are:
Default value
The NCharLiteral database parameter requires Oracle 10.2 or higher on both the client and the database server.
By default, in a SQL statement, the text of any literal is encoded in the same character set as the rest of the statement. The character set on the client is determined by the client character set defined in NLS_LANG. When the statement is executed, the character set on the client is converted to the character set on the database server.
Data in string literals is lost in the conversion if the character set on the database server does not contain the characters used on the client. NChar string literals are most affected by this issue because they are designed to be independent of the character set on the database server.
To avoid this data loss, add the letter N before string literals that should be replaced with an internal format and set the NCharLiteral database parameter to 'Yes'. This setting causes the Oracle client to encode all literals prefixed with N in statements on the client with an internal format. The database server decodes the literals to Unicode when the statement is executed.
For example, when NCharLiteral is set to 'Yes', the string "some unicode data" in the following SQL statement is transferred from the client to the server with no data loss:
insert into table1 (id, ncharcol) values(1, N'some unicode data')
Setting NCharLiteral to 'Yes' has no effect on DataWindow functions.
To specify that string literals prefixed by the letter N should be replaced with an internal format on the client:
Database profile
Select the NChar Literal box on the Connection page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
Specifies the client-side character set for the current environment handle.
Applies to
O90 Oracle9i
O10 Oracle 10g
ORA Oracle (for 11g and later)
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies the client-side character set for the current environment handle. Values are:
Default value
When you specify a value for NLS_Charset, PowerBuilder sets the OCI NLS_CHARACTERSET property in the current connection. NLS_CHARACTERSET is a database parameter that specifies the character set encoding used to store CHAR, VARCHAR2, LONG, and CLOB datatypes. The value you set corresponds to the character set defined by the NLS_LANG client-side parameter. NLS_LANG defines the character set encoding of text that OCI gets from or sends to applications in bind or define variables or as SQL statements to be executed by the server.
For the national character set NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET, the Oracle database interfaces always use the UTF-16 character set. If you are using pooling with the ORA driver, and two Oracle connections are connected to the same Oracle server but use different character sets, the connections must reside in different connection or session pools. All pooling-related DBParm parameters must be set before the initial database connection.
For COM+ connections, you can use only Local.
To specify that the OCI client should use the current character set defined by the NLS_LANG parameter on the local computer to store string datatypes:
Database profile
Select Local from the NLS Charset drop-down list on the System page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
See also
Specifies that numbers should be retrieved from the database using Oracle's internal 21-byte binary NUMBER datatype format instead of using OCI strings. The NumbersInternal parameter is relevant only when you are accessing an Oracle database configured with an EBCDIC character set or other non-ASCII character set.
When to specify NumbersInternal
You must specify the NumbersInternal parameter before connecting to the database.
Applies to
O90 Oracle9i
O10 Oracle 10g
ORA Oracle (for 11g and later)
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies that numbers should be retrieved using Oracle's internal 21-byte binary NUMBER datatype format. Values are:
Default value
In addition to specifying that numbers be retrieved from the database using Oracle's internal 21-byte binary NUMBER datatype format, the NumbersInternal parameter also provides an internal algorithm for deciphering the result.
To specify that you want numbers to be retrieved using Oracle's internal format:
Database profile
Select the Retrieve Numbers in Internal Format check box on the Syntax page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
If supported by the DBMS or back-end database, setting NumericFormat tells the driver to do special formatting of numeric strings in SQL syntax. This formatting affects how PowerBuilder generates numeric values in the SQL syntax it internally builds in DataWindow objects and sends to your database.
Applies to
The syntax you use depends on the back-end DBMS you are accessing and how you want to format the numeric string.
The following are typical syntax examples for Oracle databases that format a numeric string with a comma as the decimal separator. (See the Examples section for information about how PowerBuilder generates numeric values in the SQL syntax it builds and sends to the database.)
In the PowerBuilder development environment, the Database Profile Setup dialog box inserts special characters (quotes) where needed, so you can specify just the NumericFormat value (%s in this example).
In code, you must use the following syntax:
IBM DB2 syntax
If you are accessing an IBM DB2 database through the ODBC interface, use the following syntax for NumericFormat. Note the use of one single quote at the beginning and end of the string:
Oracle JDBC or ODBC syntax
If you are accessing an Oracle database through the JDBC or ODBC interface, use the following syntax for NumericFormat. Note the use of three single quotes at the beginning and end of the string:
Parameter |
Description |
"' |
IBM DB2 syntax Type a single open quote. PowerBuilder returns no open quote in the SQL syntax it builds and sends to the database, as required by IBM DB2 databases. Oracle, JDBC, or ODBC syntax Type three single open quotes. PowerBuilder parses the second and third quotes as one single open quote in the SQL syntax it builds and sends to the database. |
%s |
Represents one or more digits to the left of the decimal in the numeric string. PowerBuilder substitutes this value with the digits to the left of the decimal when it builds the SQL syntax. |
, |
Represents the decimal separator character (in this case a comma). |
%s |
Represents one or more digits to the right of the decimal in the numeric string. PowerBuilder substitutes this value with the digits to the right of the decimal when it builds the SQL syntax. |
''' |
IBM DB2 syntax Type one single closed quote. PowerBuilder returns no closed quote in the SQL syntax it builds and sends to the database, as required by IBM DB2 databases. Oracle, JDBC, or ODBC syntax Type three single closed quotes. PowerBuilder parses the first and second quotes as one single closed quote in the SQL syntax it builds and sends to the database. |
Default value
When to set NumericFormat
In general, you should not need to set the NumericFormat parameter. Most back-end DBMSs do not require that the driver do special formatting of numeric strings in SQL syntax. However, some databases might require special formatting, such as an IBM DB2/MVS database server configured to use a comma as the decimal separator.
In these cases, setting NumericFormat allows you to generate numeric values with special formatting in the SQL syntax that PowerBuilder builds in DataWindow objects and sends to your database. For example, if the decimal separator for your DBMS is a comma, you might want to set NumericFormat as shown in the Examples section below to use a comma as the decimal delimiter in the SQL syntax sent to your database.
Example 1 (IBM DB2 syntax)
This example shows how to specify that you want PowerBuilder to generate two numeric values in the format 125,50 and 4,0. PowerBuilder uses the comma as a decimal separator in the SQL syntax it builds in DataWindow objects and sends to an IBM DB2 database.
Database profile
Type the following in the Numeric Format box on the Syntax page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box:
Type the following in code:
What happens
PowerBuilder internally builds the following SQL INSERT statement in the DataWindow object and sends the syntax to your database. PowerBuilder returns no quotes in the SQL syntax.
INSERT INTO MYTABLE (a, b) VALUES (125,50, 4,0)
Example 2 (Oracle, JDBC, or ODBC syntax)
This example shows how to specify that you want PowerBuilder to generate two numeric values in the format '125,50' and '4,0'. PowerBuilder uses the comma as a decimal separator in the SQL syntax it builds in DataWindow objects and sends to an Oracle database.
Database profile
Type the following in the Numeric Format box on the Syntax page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box:
Type the following in code:
What happens
PowerBuilder internally builds the following SQL INSERT statement in the DataWindow object and sends the syntax to your database. PowerBuilder returns single quotes in the SQL syntax.
INSERT INTO MYTABLE (a, b) VALUES ('125,50', '4,0')
See also
Allows PowerBuilder to turn off the Oracle Call Interface (OCI) object mode. By default, PowerBuilder sets the mode parameter of OCIInitialize(), the first OCI call in any OCI application, to OCI_OBJECT. When object mode is on, your application can define and use new database object types.
Applies to
O90 Oracle9i
O10 Oracle 10g
ORA Oracle (for 11g and later)
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies whether object mode is enabled or not. Values are:
Default value
To turn ObjectMode off, clear the ObjectMode check box on the Connection page of the Database Profile Setup dialog box, or set ObjectMode to 'No' in a script.
To specify that you want ObjectMode disabled:
Database profile
Deselect the ObjectMode check box on the Connection page of the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
To specify that you want ObjectMode disabled, clear the ObjectMode check box on the Connection page of the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Specifies whether EAServer establishes an ODBC connection cache in ANSI or Unicode mode.
This parameter applies only when a PowerBuilder custom class user object is deployed to EAServer.
Obsolete parameter
ODBCU_CONLIB parameter is obsolete, because EAServer is no longer supported since PowerBuilder 2017.
Applies to
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies whether EAServer establishes an ODBC connection cache in ANSI or Unicode mode. Values are:
Default value
Set this parameter to 1 to specify that the EAServer JAG_CM_CONLIB connection cache property should be set to ODBCU to establish an ODBC connection in Unicode mode.
To specify that you want a Unicode connection cache:
Database profile
Select the Enable Unicode Connection check box on the EAServer/COM+ page of the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
Specifies how PowerBuilder formats the SQL syntax for outer joins for the database back end you are accessing.
Applies to
ASE, SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
I10 Informix
IN9 Informix
O90 Oracle9i
O10 Oracle 10g
SNC SQL Native Client for Microsoft SQL Server
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies how you want SQL syntax to be formatted. Values are:
Default value
OJSyntax=ANSI for IN9, SNC, ASE, and SYC, OJSyntax=ANSI_ESCAPE for ADO.NET, JDBC, ODBC, and OLE DB, OJSyntax=PB for O90 and O10.
All PowerBuilder database interfaces provide support for ANSI SQL-92 outer join SQL syntax generation. PowerBuilder supports both left and right outer joins in graphics mode and full outer and inner joins in syntax mode.
You must set the OJSyntax parameter to indicate the version of outer join SQL syntax you want PowerBuilder to generate. For ADO.NET, JDBC, ODBC, and OLE DB, the default is ANSI_Escape and can be reset to ANSI or PB (native). For IN9, SNC, ASE, and SYC, the default is ANSI and can be reset to PB. For O90 and O10, the default is PB, which means use Oracle native outer join syntax, and can be reset to ANSI.
OJSyntax is a dynamic parameter in all database drivers that support it. It can therefore be changed at any time during the life of a database connection with a statement such as:
Define outer joins in the SQL Select painter for portability
When you define an outer join SELECT statement graphically in the SQL Select painter, the DataWindow object stores the SQL in pseudocode. At runtime, the outer join syntax is generated based on the current OJSyntax parameter setting. This provides some degree of portability for DataWindow objects among multiple DMBSs.
When you define an outer join SELECT statement in syntax mode, the DataWindow object stores the SQL as syntax. This syntax is used without modification at runtime. The OJSyntax parameter setting does not affect the SQL.
Using native outer join syntax
The option PB generates native outer join syntax. It is available for ODBC and OLE DB only if PBOuterJoin and PBOuterJoinOperator syntax entries are set in the appropriate SYNTAX section for your DBMS in the %Appeon%\Shared\PowerBuilder\pbodb190.ini or %Appeon%\Shared\PowerBuilder\x64\pbodb190.ini file.
The PB option is available for JDBC only if PBOuterJoin and PBOuterJoinOperator syntax entries are set in the Windows registry in the appropriate key for your DBMS in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Sybase\PowerBuilder\19.0\pbjdbc key. This key is not installed by default. See the egreg.txt file in %Appeon%\Shared\PowerBuilder for an example of a registry file you could execute to add or change PowerBuilder JDBC settings for your DBMS.
When you upgrade applications from PowerBuilder 7 and earlier versions of PowerBuilder, using ANSI outer join syntax might produce errors, depending on how the joins were defined in the painter. If a table is joined to multiple other tables with right outer joins, a valid ANSI outer join statement cannot be generated.
For more information about outer joins, see the section on using ANSI outer joins in the the section called “Using ANSI outer joins” in Users Guide.
OJSyntax does not apply to DIR
For one database interface, DIR, the database connection always uses ANSI outer join SQL syntax.
To set the value of OJSyntax:
Database profile
Select the appropriate value from the Outer Join Syntax drop-down list on the Syntax page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
Specifies that the Database painter should use the ONLINE keyword when you create or drop an index on a table so that the index can be created or dropped without locking the table.
When to specify OnlineIndex
You must specify the OnlineIndex parameter before connecting to the database.
Applies to
I10 Informix
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies that the Database painter should use the ONLINE keyword when you create or drop an index. Values are:
Default value
In IDS 10.0 and later, the SQL syntax of CREATE INDEX and DROP INDEX supports the ONLINE keyword to create or drop an index in an online environment where the database and its tables are continuously available. When you use the ONLINE keyword to create or drop an index, data definition language (DDL) operations execute without applying an exclusive lock on the table on which the specified index is defined.
If you use CREATE INDEX ONLINE to create an index on a table that other users are accessing, the index is not available until no users are updating the table. If you issue DROP INDEX ONLINE to drop an index, no users can reference the index, but concurrent data manipulation language (DML) operations can use the index until the operations terminate. Dropping the index is deferred until no users are using the index.
You can set the OnlineIndex static DBParm on the System tab page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box for I10 connections to specify that the Database painter should use the ONLINE keyword when you create or drop an index.
Clustered index not supported
You cannot create a clustered index using online mode because it is not supported by IDS.
To specify that the Database painter use the ONLINE keyword when you create or drop an index in the Database painter:
Database profile
Select the Create or Drop Non-Clustered Indexes Without Dropping Tables check box on the System page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
Specifies the behavior of a transactional PowerBuilder component deployed to COM+. This parameter applies only when a PowerBuilder custom class user object is deployed as a COM+ component and is connecting to an Oracle 8.1.5 or higher database.
Obsolete DBParm
You can no longer deploy components from PowerBuilder to COM+ servers. The OraMTSConFlgs DBParm is maintained for backward compatibility to existing PowerBuilder components on COM+ servers. For new development, deploy components as .NET projects instead.
Applies to
O90 Oracle9i
O10 Oracle 10g
ORA Oracle (for 11g and later)
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies the behavior of a transactional component deployed to COM+. Values are:
Default value
If a transactional PowerBuilder component deployed to COM+ uses a PowerBuilder native interface to connect to an Oracle 8.1.5 or higher database, COM+ attempts to obtain a pooled connection and enlist the connection in a transaction. You can specify different behavior by selecting one or more of the available options.
When the Oracle database interface is running under COM+, ThreadSafe mode is enabled by default and the value of the ThreadSafe parameter is ignored.
This parameter cannot be set dynamically. The value set when the connection is made remains in effect until it is disconnected.
These values are not mutually exclusive. They are chained using the pipe character in the parameter.
Requirements for COM+ transactional support
Oracle Services for COM+ must be installed and configured.
To obtain an enlisted connection using the INTERNAL account:
Type the following in code (use | to signify a logical OR of the flags):
Specifies that the stored procedures and functions encapsulated in an Oracle database package should be appended to the lists of Oracle standalone stored procedures and functions displayed in the DataWindow object and Database painters.
When to specify PackageProcs
You must specify the PackageProcs parameter before connecting to the database.
Applies to
O90 Oracle9i
O10 Oracle 10g
ORA Oracle (for 11g and later)
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies that package-stored procedures and functions should be appended to the lists of stored procedures and functions. Values are:
Default value
A package is an encapsulated collection of related program objects (such as procedures, functions, variables, and cursors) stored together in an Oracle database. Listing the objects contained in a package might impose a performance penalty on your Oracle database connection. When displayed in the DataWindow painter, only those objects that contain a REF CURSOR or SELECT statement parameter are listed. When displayed in the Database painter, all objects are listed. The text source displayed is that of the entire package.
To specify that you want Oracle package objects appended to the lists of stored procedures and functions:
Database profile
Select the List Package Subprograms check box on the System page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
Specifies the network packet size in bytes when you access an ODBC data source in PowerBuilder.
Many back-end DBMSs either do not support the PacketSize option or can return only the current network packet size. For information about whether the DBMS you are accessing supports PacketSize, see your DBMS documentation.
When to specify PacketSize
If your back-end DBMS supports it, you must specify the PacketSize parameter before connecting to the database.
Applies to
ODBC (if ODBC 2.0 or higher driver and back-end DBMS support this feature)
Default value
The default value for PacketSize is the default for your back-end DBMS.
If the PacketSize value you specify is larger than the maximum network packet size or smaller than the minimum network packet size, your ODBC driver substitutes the maximum or minimum value for the value you specified.
To set the network packet size for an ODBC data source to 2048 bytes:
Database profile
Type the following in the Packet Size box on the Network page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box:
Type the following in code:
When connecting to a database, specifies the packet size in bytes that you want the server to set for transferring data to and from your PowerBuilder application. A packet is a fixed-size chunk of data for sending information over a network.
If the server has space limitations, it sets the packet size to less than the specified PacketSize value. Otherwise, it sets the size equal to the PacketSize value. The default value is 512 bytes.
When to specify PacketSize
You must specify the PacketSize parameter before connecting to the database.
Applies to
ASE, SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
DIR SAP DirectConnect
SNC SQL Native Client for Microsoft SQL Server
Parameter |
Description |
value |
A value specifying the packet size in bytes that a database server sets for transferring data to and from your application. The value must be a multiple of 512 bytes (default=512 bytes). |
Default value
PacketSize=512 (4096 for SNC)
When to set
If your PowerBuilder application sends or receives large amounts of text or image data from the server, setting the PacketSize value larger than the default 512 bytes might speed performance by causing fewer network read and write operations.
Adaptive Server Enterprise and DirectConnect
Before setting PacketSize for use with an Adaptive Server Enterprise or DirectConnect database, you or your system administrator must set the following configuration variables on the server for PacketSize to take effect:
Additional netmem
Sets the maximum size of additional memory that can be used for network packets larger than the default size.
Maximum network packet size
Sets the maximum network packet size for all database users.
For instructions on setting these configuration variables, see your database documentation.
To specify that the database server should set the packet size equal to or less than 2048 bytes:
Database profile
Type the following in the Packet Size box on the Network page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box:
Type the following in code:
Specifies a nondefault owner for the extended attribute system tables. These five tables contain default extended attribute information for your database.
When you specify a PBCatalogOwner name that is different from the default owner for your DBMS, PowerBuilder creates a new set of tables with the owner name you specify.
When to specify PBCatalogOwner
You must specify the PBCatalogOwner parameter before connecting to the database.
Applies to
ASE and SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
DIR SAP DirectConnect
I10 Informix
O90 Oracle9i
O10 Oracle 10g
ORA Oracle (for 11g and later)
SNC SQL Native Client for Microsoft SQL Server
Parameter |
Description |
owner_name |
Specifies the owner of the extended attribute system tables. For DB2 databases If you use the DB2SYSPB.SQL script to create the extended attribute system tables in a DB2 database and replace all instances of PBOwner in the script with the name of a nondefault table owner, owner_name must be the same as the owner specified in the DB2SYSPB.SQL script. |
Default value
The default value for PBCatalogOwner depends on the DBMS you are accessing, as follows:
PBCatalogOwner default value |
If a value for PBCatalogOwner is not specified in the database profile or in the registry, the default value is the user ID specified in the database profile. |
Informix |
PBCatalogOwner='informix' |
If a value for PBCatalogOwner is not specified in the database profile or in the registry, the default value is the user ID specified in the database profile. |
If a value for PBCatalogOwner is not specified in the database profile or in the PBODBn0 initialization file, the default value is the user ID specified in the database profile. |
If a value for PBCatalogOwner is not specified in the database profile or in the registry, the default value is the user ID specified in the database profile. |
Oracle |
PBCatalogOwner='SYSTEM' |
PBCatalogOwner='dbo' |
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise |
PBCatalogOwner='dbo' |
SAP DirectConnect |
PBCatalogOwner='sqlca.logid' |
When to set
When you specify a nondefault owner for the extended attribute system tables, you are in effect creating alternative tables. This is useful if you want to test new validation rules or display formats without overwriting the extended attributes currently in the default tables.
Informix databases
For ANSI-compliant databases, the owner name that you specify must be unique but the table name does not have to be unique. You can create multiple sets of catalog tables prefaced with different user names. However, if the database is not ANSI-compliant, the table name must be unique, so that only one set of catalog tables can be created with an assigned owner name.
JDBC databases
When you connect to a JDBC database and a value for PBCatalogOwner is set in both the database profile and the registry, the setting in the profile overrides the setting in the registry.
ODBC data sources
When you connect to an ODBC data source and a value for PBCatalogOwner is set in both the database profile and the PBODB190 initialization file, the setting in the profile overrides the setting in the PBODB190 initialization file.
DB2 databases
When you connect to a DB2 database, you can use the DB2SYSPB.SQL script to create the extended attribute system tables. If you use the DB2SYSPB.SQL script, keep the following in mind:
You can edit the script to change all instances of PBOwner to another name, or leave the table owner as PBOwner in the script (the default).
Specifying SYSIBM is prohibited
DB2 prohibits you from specifying SYSIBM as the table owner.
You can set the PBCatalogOwner parameter to the owner you specified in this script or to PBOwner if you did not edit the script.
This parameter cannot be set dynamically. The value set when the connection is made remains in effect until it is disconnected.
This example shows how to create a new set of extended attribute system tables with the owner TEST. The names of the new tables have the prefix TEST, such as TEST.pbcatcol, TEST.pbcatedt, and so on.
Database profile
Type the following in the PB Catalog Table Owner box on the System page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box:
Type the following in code:
Specifies the maximum blob size that PowerBuilder can read into memory.
When to specify PBMaxBlobSize
You must specify a value for the PBMaxBlobSize parameter before connecting to the database.
Applies to
SNC SQL Native Client for Microsoft SQL Server
Default value
PowerBuilder does not restrict the maximum blob size. Instead, the maximum blob size is determined by the machine on which the application is running. If the blob size exceeds the available memory on the machine on which the application is running, PowerBuilder reads the blob in chunks if the data provider supports the ISequentialStream interface. If the blob size exceeds the default value and the data provider does not support the ISequentialStream interface, PowerBuilder truncates it and reports an out-of-memory error. Use the PBMaxBlobSize parameter to specify larger maximum blob sizes.
To set the PBMaxBlobSize value to 200000:
Database profile
Type the following in the Maximum In-Memory Blob Size box on the Transaction page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box:
Type the following in code:
Specifies the maximum length of text or large value datatypes returned when you include them in a DataWindow.
You can set the PBMaxTextSize parameter if you want to include a long text string in a DataWindow object without treating the text as a binary large object (blob) datatype.
Applies to
SNC SQL Native Client for Microsoft SQL Server
Parameter |
Description |
value |
The maximum length in bytes of text or large value datatypes returned when you include them in a DataWindow. The DataWindow can be created by a procedure. The range of valid values is from 10,000 bytes to 1,000,000 bytes. |
Default value
The SQL Native Client OLE DB Provider for SQL Server automatically sets the SQL Server TEXTSIZE property to 2147483647 when connecting. The size of data fetched depends on the PBMaxTextSize parameter. If a result set includes a large value type, the blocking factor will be set to 1.
To have SQLServer return text or large datatypes that are up to 48,000 bytes long when you include them in a SQL SELECT statement:
Database profile
Type 48000 in the Maximum String Size in DataWindow box on the Transaction page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
Uses an alternative method to invoke a stored procedure.
Applies to
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies whether the standard method or an alternative method is used to invoke a stored procedure. Values are:
Default value
Output parameters might not be returned when you use an embedded SQL command to call a stored procedure. You can set PBNewSPInvocation to 'Yes' to use an alternative method to invoke a stored procedure. The behavior of the PowerBuilder ODBC driver when this parameter is set is consistent with the default behavior of the OLE DB and JDBC drivers.
If PBNewSPInvocation is set to 'Yes', the alternative method is used when you retrieve data into a DataWindow object that uses a stored procedure. This parameter has no effect when you use RPC to invoke a stored procedure.
When PBNewSPInvocation is set to 'Yes', the values of the PBUseProcOwner and CallEscape parameters are ignored.
To set the parameter for all connections, add the following line to every relevant section (such as ;IBM DB2/NT 2.1 DB2CLI for a DB2 connection on Windows) in your pbodb190.ini file:
For more information about editing pbodb190.ini, see the Appendix in Connecting to Your Database.
You can also set the parameter at runtime. For example:
The value that is set at runtime overrides the value in the pbodb190.ini file.
To obtain the value of the stored procedure's output parameter, use the OUTPUT or OUT keyword. For example:
If the stored procedure contains result sets, you must fetch the result sets first. If the stored procedure has a return value and you want to obtain it, use the format RC=SP1:
See also
Specifies that PowerBuilder will not check for the existence of catalog tables when creating a DataWindow object at runtime.
When to specify PBNoCatalog
You must specify the PBNoCatalog parameter before connecting to the database.
Applies to
O90 Oracle9i
O10 Oracle 10g
ORA Oracle (for 11g and later)
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies that PowerBuilder will not check for the existence of catalog tables when creating a DataWindow object at runtime. |
Default value
When a DataWindow object is created dynamically using SyntaxFromSQL and modified so that it can use stored procedure updates, PowerBuilder looks for the PowerBuilder catalog tables. If PBCatalogOwner is not set, PowerBuilder looks for the catalog tables under the owner SYSTEM. The DataWindow created may be different depending on whether PBCatalogOwner was set, and errors may be generated if the tables do not exist under the owner SYSTEM. To prevent PowerBuilder from using the catalog tables, set the PBNoCatalog parameter to true.
This parameter can also be set in the PBODB initialization file for connection to Oracle through the ODBC and OLE DB drivers.
This parameter cannot be set dynamically. The value set when the connection is made remains in effect until it is disconnected.
To tell PowerBuilder not to use catalog tables, type the following in code:
See also
Specifies whether PowerBuilder should trim trailing spaces from data values retrieved from the following datatypes: Char, Char for Bit Data, VarChar, and VarChar for Bit Data.
Applies to
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies whether PowerBuilder should trim trailing spaces from data of type Char, Char for Bit Data, and VarChar for Bit Data. Values are:
Default value
This parameter can only be set in the pbodb190.ini file. For ODBC, you can set the TrimSpaces parameter in the Database Profile Setup dialog box or in code to perform the same function.
By default, PowerBuilder trims spaces from the following datatypes: Char, Char for Bit Data, VarChar, and VarChar for Bit Data.
If your DBMS makes a distinction between Char data with trailing spaces and Char data without trailing spaces when evaluating a WHERE clause expression, you might receive the message Row changed between retrieve and update when your DataWindow object's update properties are set to "Key and updateable columns". To prevent this, change your DataWindow object's update properties. In embedded SQL, you can check Sqlca.Sqlnrows after each update to determine if the update took place. Avoid using Char data columns in the WHERE clause of an UPDATE or DELETE statement when PBTrimCharColumns='YES'.
To specify that PowerBuilder should trim trailing spaces, add the following line to the section for the database you are accessing:
See also
When you access a database through the ODBC interface and define a DataWindow object that uses a stored procedure as its data source, PBUseProcOwner specifies whether PowerBuilder should qualify the stored procedure with the owner name in the SQL EXECUTE statement passed to the driver.
PowerBuilder qualifies the stored procedure with an owner only if the owner associated with the stored procedure is different from the ID of the current user (the developer building the DataWindow object or the user running the application containing the DataWindow object).
Applies to
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies whether PowerBuilder should qualify the stored procedure with its owner name in the SQL EXECUTE statement built by the DataWindow object and passed to the driver. Values are:
Default value
Determining the PBUseProcOwner value
PowerBuilder searches the following in this order to determine the PBUseProcOwner value:
The section for your database profile in the PowerBuilder initialization file (in the development environment) or the value of the transaction object's DBParm property (in an application).
The section for your ODBC driver in the PBODB190 initialization file.
If PowerBuilder does not find a PBUseProcOwner value in these locations, it defaults to a value of 'No'.
If DBA owns the SQL Anywhere stored procedure
DBA (database administrator) is a reserved word in SQL Anywhere syntax.
If you define a DataWindow object with a SQL Anywhere stored procedure as its data source and DBA owns the stored procedure, the painter passes the following SQL EXECUTE statement to the ODBC driver if PBUseProcOwner is set to 'Yes':
This statement generates a syntax error because it includes the DBA reserved word.
If DBA owns the SQL Anywhere stored procedure you are using, you can avoid this syntax error by setting PBUseProcOwner to No so that PowerBuilder does not qualify the stored procedure with DBA.
In some situations, however, you must qualify the stored procedure with the DBA owner. For example, the DBA might want to grant execute permission to another user ID. In this case, you can avoid errors by editing the SQL EXECUTE syntax to enclose DBA in quotes, like this:
To specify that PowerBuilder should qualify the stored procedure with its owner name in the SQL EXECUTE statement:
Database profile
Select the Qualify Stored Procedures With Owner Name check box on the Transaction page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
Specifies whether the data source you are accessing through the OLE DB interface is allowed to save your encrypted password.
When to specify PersistEncrypted
You must specify the PersistEncrypted parameter before connecting to the database.
Applies to
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies whether the data source can save your encrypted password. Values are:
Default value
To tell the data source you are accessing through OLE DB that it can save your password:
Database profile
Select the Persist Encrypted check box on the Security page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
See also
Specifies whether the data source you are accessing through the OLE DB interface is allowed to save sensitive authentication information, such as a password, along with other authentication information.
When to specify PersistSensitive
You must specify the PersistSensitive parameter before connecting to the database.
Applies to
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies whether the data source can save your authentication information. Values are:
Default value
To tell the data source you are accessing through OLE DB that it can save your authentication information:
Database profile
Select the Persist Security Info check box on the Security page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
See also
Specifies the user name used to create a connection or session pool.
Applies to
ORA Oracle (for 11g and later)
PoolCreator =value
Parameter |
Description |
value |
String to specify the name of the connection or session pooling creator. |
Default value
Use in conjunction with the PoolPWD DBParm. If no value is provided for this DBParm, the LogID value is used to create the connection or session pool.
The following example sets the name for a connection pool creator to Scott:
Database profile
Select Connection Pooling from the Pooling Type drop-down list on the Pooling page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box, type Scott in the Pool Creator text box, and Scott's password in the Password text box on the same page.
Type the following in code:
my_trans.dbparm = "pooling='connection',poolcreator= 'Scott',poolpwd='scottspass'"
See also
Specifies the type of pooling to use with an Oracle database.
Applies to
ORA Oracle (for 11g and later)
Pooling =value
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies whether to use pooling, and if so, what kind of pooling. Values are:
Default value
No pooling.
With the ORA driver you specify the type of pooling you want with the Pooling DBParm. The O90 and O10 database drivers that you can use in PowerBuilder to connect to the 9.x and 10.x versions of the Oracle DBMS support connection pooling with the DBParm parameter CNNPool. For backward compatibility purposes, the CNNPool parameter is also supported by the ORA driver. However, if you set the Pooling parameter with the ORA driver, the CNNPool parameter is ignored.
If you are using connection or session pooling, the proxy user name is the connection or session pooling creator (which you can provide in the PoolCreator and PoolPwd DBParm parameters), and the Transaction object's LogID is ignored.
If you select session pooling, you can enter a value for the SessionHomogeneous DBParm to authenticate all sessions in the pool with the user name and password in effect when the session pool was created. No proxy session can be created if pooling is set to homogeneous session mode.
The following example creates a connection pool:
Database profile
Select Connection Pooling from the Pooling Type drop-down list on the Pooling page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
See also
Specifies the password used to create a connection or session pool.
Applies to
ORA Oracle (for 11g and later)
PoolCreator =value
Parameter |
Description |
value |
String to specify the name of the connection or session pooling creator. |
Default value
Use in conjunction with the PoolCreator DBParm. If no value is provided for this DBParm, the LogPass value of the Transaction object is used to create the connection or session pool.
The following example creates a session pool with the user name "Scott", and the password "mypass":
Database profile
Select Session Pooling from the Pooling Type drop-down list on the Pooling page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box, type Scott in the Pool Creator text box, and mypass in the Password text box on the same page.
Type the following in code:
my_trans.dbparm = "pooling='session',poolcreator= 'Scott',poolpwd='mypass'"
See also
Sets properties specific to the particular JDBC driver you are using to connect to the database.
Applies to
Default value
The Driver-Specific Properties box allows you to set properties specific to a particular driver.
For information about the properties supported by your JDBC driver, see the vendor's documentation.
Define User ID and Password
If properties are defined, you must also define the user ID and password in the properties box.
To set a property for the SAP Sybase jConnect driver:
Database profile
Type the following in the Driver-Specify Properties box on the Connection page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box:
SQLINITSTRING=set TextSize 32000; user=sa;password=manager
Type the following in code:
SQLCA.DBParm="Properties='SQLINITSTRING=set TextSize 32000;user=sa;password=manager'"
See also
Specifies the level of protection applied to data sent between PowerBuilder and the data server through the OLE DB data provider. This parameter applies only to network connections other than Remote Procedure Call (RPC) connections. Similar levels of protection can be specified for authenticated RPC connections.
When to specify ProtectionLevel
You must specify the ProtectionLevel parameter before connecting to the database.
Applies to
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies the level of protection applied to data sent between PowerBuilder and the data server. Values are:
Default value
Not set
To set a level of protection for the data sent between PowerBuilder and the data server:
Database profile
On the Security page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box, select Connect from the Protection Level drop-down list.
Type the following in code:
See also
Identifies the data provider you want to use to connect to your data source.
When to specify Provider
You must specify the Provider parameter before connecting to the database.
Applies to
SNC SQL Native Client for Microsoft SQL Server
Default value
Select a data provider from the list of installed data providers displayed in the Provider drop-down list. For example, if you are using Microsoft's OLE DB Provider for ODBC, select MSDASQL as the Provider value. If you are using Microsoft's OLE DB Provider for SQL Server, select SQLOLEDB as the Provider value.
For more information, see the documentation provided by your OLE DB or ADO.NET data provider.
SNC SQL Native Client driver
The Provider DBParm parameter for the Microsoft SQL Native Client (SNC) interface allows you to select the SNC version that you want to use for a database connection. You can set this parameter in script to SQLNCLI (for the SNC 9.0 driver that connects to SQL Server 2005) or to SQLNCLI10 (for the SNC 10.0 driver that connects to SQL Server 2008) or to SNC 11 (for the SNC 11 driver that connects to SQL Server 2012 or later). Otherwise, you can select one of these providers on the Connection tab of the Database Profile Setup dialog box for the SNC interface.
If you do not set or select a provider, the default selection is SQLNCLI (SNC 9.0 for SQL Server 2005). This allows existing SNC interface users to be able to upgrade to the current release of PowerBuilder without any modifications. If PowerBuilder fails to connect with the SQLNCLI provider, it will attempt to connect to SQLNCLI10 provider. However, if you explicitly set the provider and the connection fails, PowerBuilder displays an error message.
Example 1
To use the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC to connect to the PB Demo DB:
Database profile
Select MSDASQL from the Provider drop-down list on the Connection page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box for OLE DB.
Type the following in code:
Example 2
To use the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle to connect to an Oracle 8 database:
Database profile
Select MSDAORA from the Provider drop-down list on the Connection page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
Example 3
To use the SAP Sybase Oracle8 ADO Provider to connect to an Oracle 8 database:
Database profile
Select Sybase.Oracle8ADOProvider from the Provider drop-down list on the Connection page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box for ADO.NET.
Type the following in code:
Example 4
To use the Microsoft SNC Provider to connect to a Microsoft SQL Server 2016 database:
Database profile
Select SQLNCLI11 from the Provider drop-down list on the Connection page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
See also
A string containing provider-specific extended connection information. Use of this database parameter requires that you know how this string will be interpreted and used by the provider. You should use this parameter only for provider-specific connection information that cannot be explicitly described by other database parameters.
When to specify ProviderString
You must specify the ProviderString parameter before connecting to the database.
Applies to
SNC SQL Native Client for Microsoft SQL Server
Default value
OLE DB applications can initialize data source objects using two methods: IDBInitialize::Initialize and IDataInitialize::GetDataSource.
Using IDBInitialize::Initialize, a provider string can be used to initialize connection properties by setting the DBPROP_INIT_PROVIDERSTRING property in the DBPROPSET_DBINIT property set. An initialization string can also be passed to the IDataInitialize::GetDataSource method to initialize connection properties.
For the OLE DB interface, the ProviderString parameter is used with IDBInitialize::Initialize. For the SNC interface, the ProviderString parameter is used with IDataInitialize::GetDataSource.
Both methods initialize the same OLE DB connection properties, but they use different sets of keywords. For lists of keywords, see the information about OLE DB provider connection string keywords in the Microsoft documentation at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/native-client/applications/using-connection-string-keywords-with-sql-server-native-client#ole-db-provider-connection-string-keywords.
Since Microsoft SQL Server supports multiple instances of a database on a single server, you must identify the specific database to which you want to connect by entering the database name. For the ADO.NET and SNC interfaces, you should set the Database parameter on the Connection page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box. For OLE DB, you can use the ProviderString parameter.
To identify a specific Microsoft SQL Server database named ts3:
Database profile
Enter the following in the Extended Properties box on the Connection page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box for OLE DB:
Type the following in code for an OLE DB connection:
See also
Specifies that you want EAServer to retrieve a connection from a connection cache by proxy.
This parameter applies only when a PowerBuilder custom class user object is deployed as an EAServer component.
Obsolete parameter
ProxyUserName parameter is obsolete, because EAServer is no longer supported since PowerBuilder 2017.
Applies to
Default value
Regardless of whether you access a cache by user or name, you can retrieve a connection by proxy. Retrieving a connection by proxy means that you can assume the identity and privileges of another user by providing an alternative login name.
This feature can be used with any database that recognizes the SQL command set session authorization. In order for user A to use the ProxyUserName parameter to assume the identity of another user B, user A must have permission to execute this statement. For example, for SQL Anywhere, user A must have DBA authority, and for Adaptive Server Enterprise, user A must have been granted permission to execute set session authorization by a System Security Officer.
On the EAServer page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box, enter the alternative login name in the Proxy User Name box. The PowerScript syntax for the ProxyUserName parameter displays on the Preview page:
Copy the syntax from the Preview page into your script.
See also
Controls whether a Password Expired dialog box displays in an application at runtime if a user's password has expired.
When PWDialog is set to 1, the Password Expired dialog box prompts users to change their passwords if they attempt to log in to the database with an expired password. By default, PWDialog is set to 0 to specify that the Password Expired dialog box does not display in your application at runtime.
The setting of PWDialog affects applications only at runtime. It has no effect in the development environment because, regardless of the PWDialog setting, the Change Password dialog box displays in the development environment to prompt users to change an expired password.
When to specify PWDialog
You must specify a value for PWDialog before connecting to the database.
Applies to
ASE, SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
O90 Oracle9i
O10 Oracle 10g
ORA Oracle (for 11g and later)
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies whether the Password Expired dialog box displays in an application at execution time to prompt the user to change an expired login password. Values are:
Default value
When to use
Setting PWDialog to 1 to display the Password Expired dialog box in your application provides a convenient way for you to notify your users that a password has expired and allow them to change it.
What happens
When the Password Expired dialog box displays in your application at runtime, it notifies users that the password for their login ID has expired and prompts them to supply a new password. For example, for Adaptive Server Enterprise, the sp_password system stored procedure runs to set the new password. Once the password has been changed, the database connection succeeds.
If the user clicks Cancel to close the Password Expired dialog box without changing the password, the database connection fails and a message displays indicating that the password has expired.
To display the Password Expired dialog box when needed in your application:
Database profile
Although the setting of PWDialog has no effect in the development environment, you might want to set it in your database profile to generate connection syntax on the Preview page that you can copy into your code. Select the Display Runtime Dialog When Password Expires check box (for ASE or SYC connections) or the Password Expiration Dialog check box (for Oracle connections) on the Connection page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
PWEncrypt specifies whether you want Open Client to automatically encrypt your password when connecting to an SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise database in PowerBuilder.
When to specify PWEncrypt
You must specify the PWEncrypt parameter before connecting to the database.
Applies to
ASE, SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies whether you want the Open Client software to encrypt your password. Values are:
Default value
To tell Open Client not to encrypt your password when connecting to an SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise database in PowerBuilder:
Database profile
Clear the Encrypt Password check box on the Network page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
Controls whether an informational dialog box displays in an application at runtime if a user's password is about to expire.
When PWExpDialog is set to 1, a dialog box displays advising users that their passwords will expire in a given number of days. By default, PWExpDialog is set to 0 to specify that the dialog box does not display in your application at runtime.
When to specify PWExpDialog
You must specify a value for PWExpDialog before connecting to the database.
Applies to
ASE, SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
O90 Oracle9i
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies whether an informational dialog box displays in an application at runtime to advise the user that a login password will expire in a given number of days. Values are:
Default value
When this parameter is set to 1, the Oracle ORA-28002 and ORA-28011 and the Adaptive Server 4023 informational messages display.
To display the dialog box when needed in your application, type the following in code:
Specifies that the PUBLIC qualifier prepended to Oracle synonyms belonging to the public schema or user group is retained in the SQL Select table list.
When to specify QualifyPublic
You must specify the QualifyPublic parameter before connecting to the database.
Applies to
O90 Oracle9i
O10 Oracle 10g
ORA Oracle (for 11g and later)
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies that the PUBLIC qualifier should be retained in the SQL Select table list. Values are:
Default value
PowerBuilder's default behavior has been to discard the PUBLIC qualifier so that the object reference is generalized in the generated SQL statement, facilitating the deployment of an application from a development database instance to a production database. However, in certain DataWindow objects, the absence of the PUBLIC qualifier breaks the association of the synonym with its extended attributes, preventing these attributes from being used. The QualifyPublic parameter allows you to specify whether the PUBLIC qualifier should be retained.
To specify that you want the PUBLIC qualifier to be retained in the SQL Select table list:
Database profile
Select the Qualify Public Synonyms check box on the System page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
Rechecks the number of rows affected by an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE command and returns it in the SQLNRows property of the Transaction object.
Applies to
SNC SQL Native Client for Microsoft SQL Server
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies whether the value of the Microsoft SQL Server @@rowcount property is checked and returned in the SQLNRows property of the Transaction object. Values are:
Default value
In Microsoft SQL server, if a table has an insert, update, or delete trigger, the number of affected rows returned to the SQLNRows property of the Transaction object after an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE command depends on the driver. With an ADO.NET driver, the value returned is the sum of the rows affected by the command itself and the trigger.
When you are connected to Microsoft SQL Server using ADO.NET or OLE DB, you can set the RecheckRows runtime database parameter to 1 to recheck how many rows of data were affected by the INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE command itself and return that value in the SQLNRows property.
Setting RecheckRows to 1 before issuing an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE command causes a SELECT @@ROWCOUNT command to be executed. To improve performance, you should set it only when required, and reset it to the default value of 0 after use.
To set RecheckRows to 1, type the following in code:
Specifies what version of SAP Sybase Open Client Client-Library (CT-Lib) software is in use on the client workstation.
When to specify Release
You must specify a value for Release before connecting to the database.
Applies to
ASE, SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies the version of Open Client Client-Library your application uses. The value corresponds to the value of the CS_VERSION property that is used to allocate a context structure for the client. Multiple values that specify the same client context are provided for backwards compatibility. Release number 15 or higher for ASE. Release number 15 or lower for SYC:
Default value
Release='15' for ASE, Release='11' for SYC
The Release parameter must correspond to the version of Open Client software installed on the client workstation. For example, do not specify 12.5 or 12.5.1 if your Open Client version is 12.0, even if your Adaptive Server version is 12.5 or 12.5.1.
To use Adaptive Server 15, you must install Open Client version 15 on the client computer and set the Release parameter to 15 to establish an Open Client 15 client context.
The Open Client context is allocated by the first PBSYC190.dll database connection. This context acts as the parent context for all subsequent PBSYC190.dll connections. Therefore, you must specify the same value for the Release parameter for all your connections.
If the client library is not loaded, the version that corresponds to the value of Release is loaded.If the value of Release is 15 and that version is not available on the client, the library fails to load. If the value of Release is less than 15 and that version is not available, PBSYC190.dll attempts to load version 15 of the client library and fails only if neither the requested version nor version 15 is available. If there is no active client context, PBSYC190.dll connects using the value of the Release parameter. If there is an active client context, the new connection fails if the value of the Release parameter is higher than the current client context. The new connection succeeds if the value of the Release parameter is the same as or lower than the current client context.
The SYC driver links to the appropriate version of the client libraries dynamically and the Open Client context is released when all connections are closed. If you open multiple connections, the first Open Client context established is used for all of them. If you need to establish a new Open Client context in the development environment, close all open connections and establish a new connection with the Release parameter set to the context you require.
During each database login, PBSYC190.dll automatically determines the version of Adaptive Server being accessed. It customizes its behavior to optimize performance and features for the combination of the Adaptive Server version and the Open Client context specified in the Release parameter. Specifying a value for Release that does not correspond to the Open Client software on the client can cause unpredictable results.
The values 12.5 and 12.5.1 both open an Open Client 12.5 context. However, you should always specify Release='12.5' if you are using Open Client 12.5 and Release='12.5.1' if you are using Open Client 12.5.1. This ensures that PBSYC190.dll correctly handles the following scenarios that require Open Client 12.5.1 and Adaptive Server 12.5.1:
Use the Date and Time datatypes introduced in Adaptive Server 12.5.1 in RPC calls that explicitly call for these datatypes in the stored procedure argument list.
Use the Date and Time datatypes in Update where current of and Delete where current of statements.
Retrieval, insert, update, and delete processing work correctly against Date and Time datatypes using any Open Client software and Adaptive Server 12.5.1 or later. In the Database painter, the Date and Time datatypes display in the list of metadata types when you are connected to an Adaptive Server 12.5.1 server in any Open Client context.
Certain other features are supported only when you access a specified version of a SQL Server 10/11 or Adaptive Server Enterprise database using its associated Open Client software. For example, you must:
Set the Release parameter to 11 or higher and use Open Client 11.x or higher and Adaptive Server 11.x or higher to take advantage of network-based security and directory services in your application.
Set Release to 12.5 and use Open Client 12.5 or higher and Adaptive Server 12.5 or higher to access Char and VarChar columns with more than 255 characters.
Set Release to 15 and use Open Client 15 or higher and Adaptive Server 15 or higher to access the UniText and 64-bit integer (BigInt) SQL datatypes added in version 15 of Adaptive Server.
Set Release to 15.5 and use Open Client 15.5 or higher to access the BIGTIME and BIGDATETIME SQL datatypes added in version 15.5 of Adaptive Server.
To specify that your PowerBuilder application accesses an Adaptive Server Enterprise 15 database using an Open Client Client-Library 15 context:
Database profile
Select 15 from the Release drop-down list on the Connection page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
Specifies how EAServer should behave when it releases control of a connection. This parameter applies only when a PowerBuilder custom class user object is deployed as an EAServer component.
Obsolete parameter
ReleaseConnectionOption parameter is obsolete, because EAServer is no longer supported since PowerBuilder 2017.
Applies to
O90 Oracle9i
O10 Oracle 10g
ORA Oracle (for 11g and later)
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies how EAServer should behave when it releases control of a connection. Values are:
Default value
Use JAG_CM_DROP to destroy a connection when errors have made it unusable. This parameter cannot be set dynamically. The value set when the connection is made remains in effect until it is disconnected.
On the EAServer page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box, select JAG_CM_DROP from the Release Connection Option drop-down list. The PowerScript syntax for the ReleaseConnectionOption parameter displays on the Preview page:
Copy the syntax from the Preview page into your script.
See also
Specifies whether to allocate new transaction resources each time the client application sends a request and then release those resources after each request.
Applies to
DIR SAP DirectConnect (applies only to Access Service for DB2/MVS)
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies whether you want to release transaction resources after each request. Values are:
Default value
Requirements for using the Request parameter
Setting the Request parameter to 1 to release resources has an effect only when you do both of the following:
Set the AutoCommit database preference to True to specify that PowerBuilder should issue SQL statements outside the scope of a transaction. (See the description of AutoCommit.)
Specify the value for Request before connecting to a database.
What happens
When you set the Request parameter to 1, transaction resources are allocated for each request and released when the request finishes. This might slow the performance of your application, but it allows more simultaneous users of the system.
To specify that you want to release resources after each request:
Database profile
Select the Release Transaction Resources After Each Request check box on the Transaction page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
See also
Specifies whether you want PowerBuilder to rebind Remote Procedure Call (RPC) parameters.
When to specify RPCRebind
If your back-end DBMS supports it, you must specify the RPCRebind parameter before connecting to the database.
Applies to
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies whether you want PowerBuilder to rebind RPC parameters. Values are:
Default value
For those DBMSs that support RPC calls, PowerBuilder binds the parameters for the call based on the size of the variables bound to the parameters.
Some drivers require rebinding of the parameters so the parameter size (as returned from the back-end database) is used instead of the variable size. Failure to do this might result in an error or truncation for string parameters. However, some drivers always expect the binding to reflect the variable size. The RPCRebind parameter allows you to specify whether you want to rebind the parameters when RPCs are executed.
To specify that PowerBuilder should rebind RPC parameters:
Database profile
Select the RPC Rebind check box on the Transaction page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
Specifies whether you want PowerBuilder to return a handle to a session object or a data source object when you call the DBHandle function.
Applies to
ReturnCommandHandle =value
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies whether you want PowerBuilder to return a handle to a session object or a data source object. Values are:
Default value
DBHandle takes a transaction object as a parameter and returns a long variable that is an interface pointer to a data source object or a session object. By default the OLE DB interface returns the handle of a data source object. If ReturnCommandHandle is set to 1, the OLE DB interface returns the handle of a session object. This handle can then be passed to an external program and instantiated for use in enlisting the connection in a Microsoft DTC (Distributed Transaction Coordinator) transaction.
For an example, see the section called “OLE DB SQL functions” in Connecting to Your Database.
Supports the runtime connection load balancing feature.
Applies to
ORA Oracle (for 11g and later)
RTConnBalancing =value
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies whether the load balancing feature is used. Values are:
Default value
True, but this value is ignored if session pooling is not set.
Runtime connection load balancing routs work requests to the sessions in a session pool that best serve the work. Runtime connection load balancing is enabled by default when an Oracle 11.1 or higher client is connected to a release 10.2 or higher Oracle server using OCI session pooling.
The following code disables the load balancing feature in a session pool:
Database profile
Select Session Pooling from the Pooling Type drop-down list on the Pooling page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box and clear the Runtime Connection Load Balancing for Session Pooling check box on the same page.
Type the following in code:
my_trans.dbparm ="pooling='session', rtconnbalancing='No'"
See also
Specifies whether you want to use a scroll cursor when connecting to an Informix database in PowerBuilder. When you fetch rows in an Informix table, using a scroll cursor enables you to fetch the next row, previous row, first row, or last row.
By default, PowerBuilder does not use scroll cursors in an Informix database connection.
Applies to
I10 Informix
IN9 Informix
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies whether you want to use a scroll cursor when connecting to an Informix database in PowerBuilder. Values are:
Default value
To specify that you want to use a scroll cursor when connecting to an Informix database in PowerBuilder:
Database profile
Select the Use A Scroll Cursor check box on the Transaction page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
When you access an SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise database in PowerBuilder through Open Client, Sec_Channel_Bind is one of several parameters that support login authentication for network-based security services. (For other login authentication parameters, see the See Also section.)
Sec_Channel_Bind controls whether your connection's security mechanism performs channel binding. When Sec_Channel_Bind is set to 1, both SAP Sybase Open Client Client-Library (CT-Lib) and the server provide a network channel identifier to the security mechanism before connecting. The channel identifier contains the network addresses of the client and server.
When Sec_Channel_Bind is set to 0 (the default), no channel binding is performed.
You must specify a value for Sec_Channel_Bind before connecting to the database.
Using third-party security mechanisms
For information about the third-party security mechanisms and operating system platforms that SAP has tested with Open Client security services, see the Open Client documentation.
Applies to
ASE, SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies whether your connection's security mechanism performs channel binding. Values are:
Default value
Not supported with CyberSafe Kerberos
Sec_Channel_Bind is not supported if your security mechanism is CyberSafe Kerberos.
Set Release parameter
For this parameter to take effect, you must also set the Release parameter to 11 or higher to specify that your application should use the appropriate version of SAP Sybase Open Client Client-Library (CT-Lib) behavior. See the description of the Release parameter for more information.
Requirements for use
To use Sec_Channel_Bind or any other parameter supporting Open Client, you must meet certain requirements for using security services in your PowerBuilder application. For details, see the section called “Requirements for using Open Client security services” in Connecting to Your Database.
Corresponding CT-Lib connection property
Specifying a value for Sec_Channel_Bind sets the corresponding SAP Sybase CT-Lib connection property named CS_SEC_CHANBIND.
To specify that your connection's security mechanism performs channel binding:
Database profile
Select the Enable Channel Binding check box on the Security page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
See also
When you access an SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise database in PowerBuilder through Open Client, Sec_Confidential is one of several parameters that support per-packet security for network-based security services. (For other per-packet security parameters, see the See Also section.)
Sec_Confidential controls whether transmitted data is encrypted. When Sec_Confidential is set to 1, all requests sent to the server and all results returned by the server are encrypted.
When Sec_Confidential is set to 0 (the default), transmitted data is not encrypted.
You must specify a value for Sec_Confidential before connecting to the database in PowerBuilder.
Using third-party security mechanisms
For information about the third-party security mechanisms and operating system platforms that SAP has tested with Open Client security services, see the Open Client documentation.
Applies to
ASE, SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies whether transmitted data is encrypted. Values are:
Default value
When to use
Encryption can protect your data if you are sending it over a public network to a nonsecure server. In a networked environment, you might want to set Sec_Confidential to 1 to ensure that all requests sent to the server and all results returned by the server are encrypted.
Set Release parameter
For this parameter to take effect, you must also set the Release parameter to 11 or higher to specify that your application should use the appropriate version of SAP Sybase Open Client Client-Library (CT-Lib) behavior. See the description of the Release parameter for more information.
Requirements for use
To use Sec_Confidential or any other parameter supporting Open Client security services, you must meet certain requirements for using security services in your PowerBuilder application. For details, see the section called “Requirements for using Open Client security services” in Connecting to Your Database.
Corresponding CT-Lib connection property
Specifying a value for Sec_Confidential sets the corresponding SAP Sybase CT-Lib connection property named CS_SEC_CONFIDENTIALITY.
To specify that transmitted data is encrypted:
Database profile
Select the Encrypt All Results check box on the Security page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
See also
When you access an SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise database in PowerBuilder through Open Client, Sec_Cred_Timeout is one of several parameters that support login authentication for network-based security services. (For other login authentication parameters, see the See Also section.)
Some security mechanisms allow applications to set credential timeout values for connections that use network-based login authentication. Sec_Cred_Timeout specifies the number of seconds remaining before a user's network credentials expire and become invalid. Users obtain network credentials when they log in to the network.
By default, Sec_Cred_Timeout specifies that there is no credential timeout limit -- the credentials do not expire.
You must specify a value for Sec_Cred_Timeout before connecting to the database in PowerBuilder.
Using third-party security mechanisms
For information about the third-party security mechanisms and operating system platforms that SAP has tested with Open Client security services, see the Open Client documentation.
Applies to
ASE, SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies the number of seconds remaining before a user's network credentials expire and become invalid. You can also specify 'no_limit' (the default) to specify that the credentials not expire. A credential timeout value set by the security system's administrator supersedes any value you specify for Sec_Cred_Timeout. |
Default value
CyberSafe Kerberos
If your security mechanism is CyberSafe Kerberos, Sec_Cred_Timeout cannot override the installation default value set for credential timeout.
Set Release parameter
For this parameter to take effect, you must also set the Release parameter to 11 or higher to specify that your application should use the appropriate version of SAP Sybase Open Client Client-Library (CT-Lib) behavior. See the description of the Release parameter for more information.
Requirements for use
To use Sec_Cred_Timeout or any other parameter supporting Open Client security services, you must meet certain requirements for using security services in your PowerBuilder application. For details, see the section called “Requirements for using Open Client security services” in Connecting to Your Database.
Corresponding CT-Lib connection property
Specifying a value for Sec_Cred_Timeout sets the corresponding SAP Sybase CT-Lib connection property named CS_SEC_CREDTIMEOUT.
To specify 120 seconds (2 minutes) remaining before a user's network credentials expire:
Database profile
Type 120 in the Credential Timeout box on the Security page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
See also
When you access an SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise database in PowerBuilder through Open Client, Sec_Data_Integrity is one of several parameters that support per-packet security for network-based security services. (For other per-packet security parameters, see the See Also section.)
Sec_Data_Integrity controls whether your connection's security mechanism checks the integrity of data transmitted to and from the server. When Sec_Data_Integrity is set to 1, the security mechanism analyzes all packets to ensure that their content was not modified during transmission.
When Sec_Data_Integrity is set to 0 (the default), no integrity checking is performed.
You must specify a value for Sec_Data_Integrity before connecting to the database in PowerBuilder.
Using third-party security mechanisms
For information about the third-party security mechanisms and operating system platforms that SAP has tested with Open Client security services, see the Open Client documentation.
Applies to
ASE, SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies whether your connection's security mechanism performs integrity checking on data transmitted to and from the server. Values are:
Default value
When to use
Your connection's security mechanism can check data integrity only when your connection is also using network-based login authentication. For information, see your SAP Sybase Open Client/Server documentation.
Set Release parameter
For this parameter to take effect, you must also set the Release parameter to 11 or higher to specify that your application should use the appropriate version of SAP Sybase Open Client Client-Library (CT-Lib) behavior. See the description of the Release parameter for more information.
Requirements for use
To use Sec_Data_Integrity or any other parameter supporting Open Client security services, you must meet certain requirements for using security services in your PowerBuilder application. For details, see the section called “Requirements for using Open Client security services” in Connecting to Your Database.
Corresponding CT-Lib connection property
Specifying a value for Sec_Data_Integrity sets the corresponding SAP Sybase CT-Lib connection property named CS_SEC_INTEGRITY.
To specify that your connection's security mechanism checks data integrity:
Database profile
Select the Ensure Data Integrity check box on the Security page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
See also
When you access an SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise database in PowerBuilder through Open Client, Sec_Data_Origin is one of several parameters that support per-packet security for network-based security services. (For other per-packet security parameters, see the See Also section.)
Sec_Data_Origin controls whether your connection's security mechanism performs data origin stamping. When Sec_Data_Origin is set to 1, the security mechanism attaches a digital signature to each packet that verifies the packet's origin and contents.
When Sec_Data_Origin is set to 0 (the default), no data origin stamping is performed.
You must specify a value for Sec_Data_Origin before connecting to the database in PowerBuilder.
Using third-party security mechanisms
For information about the third-party security mechanisms and operating system platforms that SAP has tested with Open Client security services, see the Open Client documentation.
Applies to
ASE, SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies whether your connection's security mechanism performs data origin stamping. Values are:
Default value
Not supported with CyberSafe Kerberos
Sec_Data_Origin is not supported if your security mechanism is CyberSafe Kerberos.
Set Release parameter
For this parameter to take effect, you must also set the Release parameter to 11 or higher to specify that your application should use the appropriate version of SAP Sybase Open Client Client-Library (CT-Lib) behavior. See the description of the Release parameter for more information.
Requirements for use
To use Sec_Data_Origin or any other parameter supporting Open Client security services, you must meet certain requirements for using security services in your PowerBuilder application. For details, see the section called “Requirements for using Open Client security services” in Connecting to Your Database.
Corresponding CT-Lib connection property
Specifying a value for Sec_Data_Origin sets the corresponding SAP Sybase CT-Lib connection property named CS_SEC_DATAORIGIN.
To specify that your connection's security mechanism performs data origin stamping:
Database profile
Select the Verify Packet Origin check box on the Security page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
See also
When you access an SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise database in PowerBuilder through Open Client, Sec_Delegation is one of several parameters that support login authentication for network-based security services. (For other login authentication parameters, see the See Also section.)
For applications that are using network-based login authentication to connect to an SAP Sybase Open Server gateway, Sec_Delegation controls whether the gateway server is allowed to connect to a remote SQL Server using delegated credentials. When Sec_Delegation is set to 1, the gateway can connect to a remote server using the client's delegated credentials. The remote server must also be using network-based authentication and an identical security mechanism.
When Sec_Delegation is set to 0 (the default), the gateway server cannot connect to a remote server using delegated credentials.
You must specify a value for Sec_Delegation before connecting to the database in PowerBuilder.
Using third-party security mechanisms
For information about the third-party security mechanisms and operating system platforms that SAP has tested with Open Client security services, see the Open Client documentation.
Applies to
ASE, SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies whether the SAP Sybase Open Server gateway is allowed to connect to a remote SQL Server using the client's delegated credentials. Values are:
Default value
Not supported with CyberSafe Kerberos
Sec_Delegation is not supported if your security mechanism is CyberSafe Kerberos.
Set Release parameter
For this parameter to take effect, you must also set the Release parameter to 11 or higher to specify that your application should use the appropriate version of SAP Sybase Open Client Client-Library (CT-Lib) behavior. See the description of the Release parameter for more information.
Requirements for use
To use Sec_Delegation or any other parameter supporting Open Client security services, you must meet certain requirements for using security services in your PowerBuilder application. For details, see the section called “Requirements for using Open Client security services” in Connecting to Your Database.
Corresponding CT-Lib connection property
Specifying a value for Sec_Delegation sets the corresponding SAP Sybase CT-Lib connection property named CS_SEC_DELEGATION.
To allow the Open Server gateway to connect to a remote server using delegated credentials:
Database profile
Select the Use Delegated Credentials check box on the Security page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Type the following in code:
See also
When you access an SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise database in PowerBuilder through Open Client, Sec_Keytab_File is one of several parameters that support login authentication for network-based security services. (For other login authentication parameters, see the See Also section.)
Sec_Keytab_File applies only to connections using Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) Kerberos as their security mechanism and requesting network-based login authentication. For those connections, Sec_Keytab_File specifies the name of the keytab file containing the security key for the DCE user.
You must set Sec_Keytab_File if the login ID specified in the database profile or Application is different from the user name of the DCE user currently running the application.
You must specify a value for Sec_Keytab_File before connecting to the database in PowerBuilder.
Using third-party security mechanisms
For information about the third-party security mechanisms and operating system platforms that SAP has tested with Open Client security services, see the Open Client documentation.
Applies to
ASE, SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
Parameter |
Description |
keytab_filename |
The name of the keytab file containing the security key for the DCE user |
Default value
PowerBuilder does not set Sec_Keytab_File or the corresponding SAP Sybase Open Client Client-Library (CT-Lib) connection parameter CS_SEC_KEYTAB if you do not specify a value.
Supported only with Distributed Computing Environment
Only Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) security servers and clients support the use of keytab files. Therefore, Sec_Keytab_File is supported only when your security mechanism is DCE Kerberos.
When to use
If you want your application to be able to connect to a server with a different user name (login ID) than the DCE user currently running the application, set Sec_Keytab_File to specify the name of the keytab file containing the security key for the appropriate user. For details, see the section called “Requirements for using Open Client security services” in Connecting to Your Database.
Set Release parameter
For this parameter to take effect, you must also set the Release parameter to 11 or higher to specify that your application should use the appropriate version of SAP Sybase Open Client Client-Library (CT-Lib) behavior. See the description of the Release parameter for more information.
Requirements for use
To use Sec_Keytab_File or any other parameter supporting Open Client security services, you must meet certain requirements for using security services in your PowerBuilder application. For details, see the section called “Requirements for using Open Client security services” in Connecting to Your Database.
Corresponding CT-Lib connection property
Specifying a value for Sec_Keytab_File sets the corresponding SAP Sybase CT-Lib connection property named CS_SEC_KEYTAB.
To specify C:\DCE_KEY as the name of the DCE keytab file:
Database profile
Type the following in the Keytab File box on the Security page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box:
Type the following in code:
See also
When you access an SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise database in PowerBuilder through Open Client, Sec_Mechanism is one of several parameters that support login authentication for network-based security services. (For other login authentication parameters, see the See Also section.)
When you use Open Client security services, you must specify the name of the security mechanism you want to use in the Open Client/Open Server Configuration utility so that the required drivers can be loaded. The default security mechanism is the one currently specified as active in the Configuration utility.
Sec_Mechanism lets you specify a security mechanism name listed in the Open Client/Open Server Configuration utility other than the default (active) mechanism.
You must specify a value for Sec_Mechanism before connecting to the database in PowerBuilder.
Using third-party security mechanisms
For information about the third-party security mechanisms and operating system platforms that SAP has tested with Open Client security services, see the Open Client documentation.
Applies to
ASE, SYC SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
Parameter |
Description |
mechanism_name |
The security mechanism name you want to use to establish a connection. The security mechanism name is case sensitive. You must specify it exactly as it appears in the Open Client/Open Server Configuration utility. |
Default value
The default value for Sec_Mechanism is the security mechanism name currently specified as active in the Open Client/Open Server Configuration utility. If there is no security mechanism specified, no security service is used to establish the connection.
When to use
Set Sec_Mechanism to use a security mechanism specified in the Open Client/Open Server Configuration utility other than the default (active) security mechanism. For instructions on using the Open Client/Open Server Configuration utility, see your SAP Sybase Open Client/Server configuration guide.
Set Release parameter
For this parameter to take effect, you must also set the Release parameter to 11 or higher to specify that your application should use the appropriate version of SAP Sybase Open Client Client-Library (CT-Lib) behavior. See the description of the Release parameter for more information.
Requirements for use
To use Sec_Mechanism or any other parameter supporting Open Client security services, you must meet certain requirements for using security services in your PowerBuilder application. For details, see the section called “Requirements for using Open Client security services” in Connecting to Your Database.
Corresponding CT-Lib connection property
Specifying a value for Sec_Mechanism sets the corresponding SAP Sybase CT-Lib connection property named CS_SEC_MECHANISM.
To specify KERBEROS as your security mechanism name:
Database profile
Type the following in the Security Mechanism box on the Security page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box:
Type the following in code:
See also