Web application is very slow if use SQL Anywhere 10 and PowerServer for .NET

When using PowerServer for .NET, SQL Anywhere 10 users will encounter performance difficulty in data manipulation.

Cause: The problem is caused by ADO.NET driver.

Solution: To resolve the performance issue you need to enable ODBC connection pooling in ODBC DataSource Administrator with the instructions below:

Step 1: GO to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > ODBC DataSource Administrator and Select the Connection Pooling tab page.

Step 2: Select SQL Anywhere 10 and click the Enable option in the PerfMon frame.

Figure 41. Connection Pooling

Connection Pooling

Step 3: Click the Apply button to make this configuration take effort.

Step 4: Double click the SQL Anywhere 10 and Enable Pool Connection for this driver as shown below.

Figure 42. Set Connection Pooling Attributes

Set Connection Pooling Attributes