"Error loading command string"

While running Features Analysis, or Application Deployment, an error message box pops up and displays "Error loading command string".

Cause: This error typically occurs when the DataWindow syntax is not in the expected PowerBuilder 2019 R2 format.

  • The application has not been built or upgraded with PowerBuilder 2019 R2.

  • When the application is upgraded with a higher PowerBuilder version, some "old" syntax may still be included. This is because PowerBuilder provides backwards compatibility, but Appeon may not support the "old" syntax.

Solution A: Follow the steps below to fix the problem.

Step 1: Verify that no unsupported identifiers are used in the application.

Step 2: Remove or modify the problematic object(s) that contains "old" syntax from the PowerBuilder application by following the instructions in How to locate problematic objects in an application.

Step 3: Terminate PowerServer Toolkit. Terminate the EonADT[xx].exe process if they are still running in the Windows Task Manager.

Step 4: Run Feature Analysis/Application Deployment again.

Solution B: Try the following steps if the problem is not resolved using Solution A.

Step 1: Delete the application profile in PowerServer Toolkit Configuration.

Step 2: Delete the entire application folder under the PowerServer Toolkit installation directory: \Appeon\PowerServer\Toolkit\Project\ApplicationName (indicating the application profile name).

Step 3: Terminate the EonADT[xx].exe processes if they are still running in Windows Task Manager.

Step 4: Recreate the application profile in PowerServer Toolkit Configuration.

Step 5: Perform the desired Appeon function (Feature Analysis/Application Deployment) on the application profile again.

Solution C: If the problem is not resolved with Solution B, try the following steps.

Step 1: Uninstall PowerServer Toolkit from Windows Control Panel > Add/Remove programs, or run the Uninstall program.

Step 2: Delete the entire PowerServer Toolkit folder where PowerServer Toolkit is installed, for example, C:\Program Files\Appeon\PowerServer\Toolkit.

Step 3: Reinstall PowerServer Toolkit and reconfigure PowerServer Toolkit's settings in PowerServer Toolkit Configuration, such as the application profiles, server profiles and deployment profiles.

Step 4: Set the transaction object mapping to the correct data sources for the application in AEM > Application > Transactions > Transaction Objects.

Step 5: Verify that PowerServer is running and accepting connections.

Step 6: Perform the desired Appeon function (Feature Analysis/Application Deployment) on the application profile again.