Task 1: Prepare the machine

The simplest scenario will be used in this tutorial, which requires 1 Windows PC and 1 mobile device.

  • 1 Windows PC: used as the development machine, the application server (PowerServer), and the synchronization server (MobiLink Server)

  • 1 mobile device: in this tutorial, 1 Android device is used as the mobile client

The PowerServer Mobile for .NET edition will be used to walk you through this tutorial, so please prepare the environment according to the following requirements.

Software requirements for Windows PC:

Software requirements for the Android device:

  • Google Android 6.x (32-bit), 7.x, 8.x, 9.x, or 10.x

  • Appeon Workspace

    See Task 3: Install Appeon Workspace (on the Android device).

  • UltraLite 17 or SQLite 3.x database

    The database will be automatically downloaded from the server to the mobile device when the application is installed, if you have successfully configured the database in PowerServer Toolkit and deployed it along with the application to server. See Task 3: Configure the offline settings in Tutorial 4 for how to configure the UltraLite or SQLite database in PowerServer Toolkit.