Known Issues

The following known issues exist in PowerBuilder 2017 R3 (Build 1858):

Known issues with RESTClient

RESTClient object has changed the declaration of its Retrieve function, from "By reference" in 2017 R2 to "By value" in 2017 R3, therefore, you might need to do the following in order for the source code to work properly after migrated from R2 to R3.

  • If you have overloaded the RESTClient Retrieve function in your source code, make sure you manually remove the "ref" declaration and then full build the source code.

  • If you have called the RESTClient Retrieve function but not overloaded it in your source code, make sure you full build the source code after migrated from R2 to R3.

The following table lists the RESTClient Retrieve function declaration in 2017 R2 and R3. Note that there is no "ref" declaration in 2017 R3.

Retrieve Function Definitions in 2017 R2

Retrieve Function Definitions in 2017 R3

public function long retrieve (ref datastore ds, string urlname)

public function long retrieve (ref datastore ds, string urlname, blob data)

public function long retrieve (ref datastore ds, string urlname, string data)

public function long retrieve (ref datawindow dw, string urlname)

public function long retrieve (ref datawindow dw, string urlname, blob data)

public function long retrieve (ref datawindow dw, string urlname, string data)

public function long retrieve (datastore ds, string urlname)

public function long retrieve (datastore ds, string urlname, blob data)

public function long retrieve (datastore ds, string urlname, string data)

public function long retrieve (datawindow dw, string urlname)

public function long retrieve (datawindow dw, string urlname, blob data)

public function long retrieve (datawindow dw, string urlname, string data)

Data volume for ImportJSON and ExportJSON

Considering that the computer memory is limited, ImportJSON and ExportJSON functions may have a limit on the amount of data it can handle. Our tests show that the maximum data volume is 110,000 rows x 16 columns when importing/exporting the standard-format JSON, or 160,000 rows x 16 columns when importing/exporting the simple-format JSON. When there are more columns, there are less rows the function can handle.

Known issues with deployment capabilities

The capabilities to do Web and/or mobile deployments are constrained by both PowerServer Toolkit and PowerServer server. For example,

  • PowerServer Toolkit 2017 R3 can deploy the Web and/or mobile application to PowerServer server 2017 R3;

  • PowerServer Toolkit 2017 R3 can deploy the mobile application to PowerServer server 2017 R2 (or 2017), but not the Web application (because PowerServer server 2017 R2 (or 2017) does not support the Web deployment); you will receive an error message when using PowerServer Toolkit 2017 R3 to deploy the Web app to PowerServer server 2017 R2 (or 2017);

  • PowerServer Toolkit 2017 R2 (or 2017) can deploy the mobile application to PowerServer server 2017 R3, but not the Web application (because PowerServer Toolkit 2017 R2 (or 2017) does not support the Web deployment); you will receive an error message when using PowerServer Toolkit 2017 R2 (or 2017) to deploy the Web app to PowerServer server 2017 R3.

Known issues with license

Issue 1: (PowerBuilder online license renewal) Although you have set the "remind me every N days" in the Reminder for Renewal window, if you have not renewed your subscription, the window will pop up every time you log in PowerBuilder. Workaround: Disable the "Sign out on exit" option in Account Management so that you do not need to log in every time you start PowerBuilder.

Issue 2: (PowerBuilder offline license renewal) If you have renewed your offline license in 2017 or 2017 R2, and then if you renew your offline license again after PowerBuilder 2017 R3 is installed, your offline license becomes expired when you log into PowerBuilder next time. This is caused by an internal change to the offline license renewal file name. To resolve this issue, you activate and renew the offline license again in the PowerBuilder IDE.

Issue 3: (PowerServer license activation) AEM cannot connect with the license backup server ( through a proxy server; which means PowerServer license cannot be processed by the license backup server when a proxy server is used for Internet connection.

Known issues with RichTextEdit control

(For the built-in rich-text control) PowerBuilder IDE crashes, when executing the InsertDocument function in the RichTextEdit control under the preview mode.

Richtext edit-style DataWindow does not support to save image to the PDF file.

Known issues with crash

When you right-click the PowerBar area (to bring up the popup menu) for about 10 times, PowerBuilder IDE may crash or throw a runtime error.

Known issues with anti-virus tools

The anti-virus tools that have been certified to work with PowerBuilder and PowerServer are AVG, Avira, McAfee, Avast, and Kaspersky. Other anti-virus tools that are not listed here may block the installation program or runtime files of PowerBuilder or PowerServer. If this happens, please contact the Appeon Support team for help.

Known issues with opening objects

The object (such as Menu, User Object) opens slowly in the PowerBuilder 2017 R3 IDE, especially for large complex applications.

Performing a full build of the application can greatly improve the opening speed of the object.