Appeon PowerBuilder® 2017 R2
DOCUMENT ID: DC37787-01-1700-01
LAST REVISED: May 02, 2018
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Table of Contents
- PowerBuilder System Objects and Controls
- System Object Properties, Events, and Functions
- ADOResultSet object
- Animation control
- Application object
- ArrayBounds object
- CheckBox control
- ClassDefinition object
- CommandButton control
- Connection object (obsolete)
- ContextInformation object
- ContextKeyword object
- CORBACurrent object (obsolete)
- CORBAObject object (obsolete)
- DataStore object
- DataWindow control
- DataWindowChild object
- DatePicker control
- DropDownListBox control
- DropDownPictureListBox control
- DynamicDescriptionArea object
- DynamicStagingArea object
- EditMask control
- EnumerationDefinition object
- EnumerationItemDefinition object
- Environment object
- Error object
- ErrorLogging object
- Exception object
- Graph object
- grAxis object
- grDispAttr object
- GroupBox control
- HProgressBar control
- HScrollBar control
- HTrackBar control
- HTTPClient object
- Inet object
- InkEdit control
- InkPicture control
- InternetResult object
- JSONGenerator object
- JSONParser object
- Line control
- ListBox control
- ListView control
- ListViewItem object
- mailFileDescription object
- mailMessage object
- mailRecipient object
- mailSession object
- MDIClient object
- Menu object
- MenuCascade object
- Message object
- MLSync object
- MLSynchronization object
- MonthCalendar control
- MultiLineEdit control
- OLEControl control
- OLECustomControl control (OCX)
- OLEObject object
- OLEStorage object
- OLEStream object
- OLETxnObject object
- Oval control
- Picture control
- PictureButton control
- PictureHyperLink control
- PictureListBox control
- Pipeline object
- ProfileCall object
- ProfileClass object
- ProfileLine object
- ProfileRoutine object
- Profiling object
- RadioButton control
- Rectangle control
- RESTClient object
- ResultSet object
- ResultSets object (obsolete)
- RichTextEdit control
- RoundRectangle control
- RuntimeError object
- ScriptDefinition object
- SimpleTypeDefinition object
- SingleLineEdit control
- SSLCallBack object (obsolete)
- SSLServiceProvider object (obsolete)
- StaticHyperLink control
- StaticText control
- SyncParm object
- Tab control
- Throwable object
- Timing object
- TraceActivityNode object
- TraceBeginEnd object
- TraceError object
- TraceESQL object
- TraceFile object
- TraceGarbageCollect object
- TraceLine object
- TraceObject object
- TraceRoutine object
- TraceTree object
- TraceTreeError object
- TraceTreeESQL object
- TraceTreeGarbageCollect object
- TraceTreeLine object
- TraceTreeNode object
- TraceTreeObject object
- TraceTreeRoutine object
- TraceTreeUser object
- TraceUser object
- Transaction object
- TransactionServer object
- TreeView control
- TreeViewItem object
- TypeDefinition object
- ULSync object
- UserObject object
- VariableCardinalityDefinition object
- VariableDefinition object
- VProgressBar control
- VScrollBar control
- VTrackBar control
- Window control
- WSConnection object
- Property Descriptions and Usage
- Accelerator
- AccessibleDescription
- AccessibleName
- AccessibleRole
- Activation
- AdditionalOpts
- Alignment
- AllowEdit
- AnimationName
- AnimationTime
- AuthenticateParms
- AutoArrange
- AutoHScroll
- Automatic
- AutoPlay
- AutoReadData
- AutoScale
- AutoSize
- AutoSkip
- AutoVScroll
- BackColor
- BeginX
- BeginY
- BoldSelectedText
- Border
- BorderColor
- BorderStyle
- BottomMargin
- BringToTop
- ButtonHeader
- Cancel
- CalendarBackColor
- CalendarTextColor
- CalendarTitleBackColor
- CalendarTitleTextColor
- CalendarTrailingTextColor
- Category
- CategorySort
- Center
- Checked
- CloseAnimation
- CollectionMode
- ColumnsPerPage
- ContentsAllowed
- ControlCharsVisible
- ControlMenu
- CornerHeight
- CornerWidth
- CreateOnDemand
- CustomFormat
- DataObject
- DataSource
- DataType
- DBPass
- DBUser
- Default
- DeleteItems
- Depth
- DisabledName
- DisableDragDrop
- DisableNoScroll
- DisplayEveryNLabels
- DisplayExpression
- DisplayName
- DisplayOnly
- DisplayType
- DocumentName
- DragAuto
- DragIcon
- DropDownCalendar
- DropDownRight
- DropLines
- EditLabels
- EditMode
- Elevation
- Enabled
- EncryptionKey
- EndX
- EndY
- ErrorText
- Escapement
- ExtendedOpts
- ExtendedSelect
- FaceName
- Factoid
- FillColor
- FillPattern
- FirstDayOfWeek
- FixedLocations
- FixedWidth
- FocusOnButtonDown
- FocusRectangle
- FontCharSet
- FontFamily
- FontPitch
- FontWeight
- Format
- Frame
- FreeDBLibraries
- GraphType
- HasButtons
- HasLines
- HeaderFooter
- Height
- HideSelection
- Host
- HScrollBar
- HSplitScroll
- HTextAlign
- Icon
- IgnoreDefaultButton
- IgnorePressure
- Increment
- Indent
- InkAntiAliased
- InkColor
- InkEnabled
- InkHeight
- InkMode
- InkWidth
- InputFieldBackColor
- InputFieldNamesVisible
- InputFieldsVisible
- InsertAsText
- Invert
- Italic
- Item[ ]
- ItemPictureIndex[ ]
- Label
- LabelWrap
- LargePictureHeight
- LargePictureMaskColor
- LargePictureName[ ]
- LargePictureWidth
- LayoutRTL
- LeftMargin
- LeftText
- Legend
- Limit
- LineColor
- LinesAtRoot
- LinesPerPage
- LineStyle
- LinkUpdateOptions
- LiveScroll
- LogFileName
- LogOpts
- MajorGridLine
- MajorDivisions
- MajorTic
- Map3DColors
- Mask
- MaskDataType
- MaxBox
- MaximumValue
- MaxDate
- MaxPosition
- MaxSelectCount
- MaxValDateTime
- MenuName
- MinBox
- MinDate
- MinimumValue
- MinMax
- MinorDivisions
- MinorGridLine
- MinorTic
- MinPosition
- MinValDateTime
- MLPass
- MLServerVersion
- MLUser
- Modified
- MonthBackColor
- MultiSelect
- Multiline
- ObjectRevision
- OpenAnimation
- OriginalSize
- OriginLine
- OverlapPercent
- PaperHeight
- PaperOrientation
- PaperWidth
- Password
- PerpendicularText
- Perspective
- PicturesAsFrame
- PictureHeight
- PictureIndex
- PictureMaskColor
- PictureName
- PictureName[ ]
- PictureOnRight
- PictureWidth
- Pointer
- PopMenu
- Port
- Position
- PowerTipText
- PowerTips
- PrimaryLine
- ProcessOption
- ProgressWindowName
- Publication
- RaggedRight
- RecognitionTimer
- Render3D
- Resizable
- ReturnCode
- ReturnsVisible (obsolete)
- RightMargin
- RightToLeft
- Rotation
- RulerBar
- RoundTo
- RoundToUnit
- ScaleType
- ScaleValue
- Scrolling
- ScrollRate
- SecondaryLine
- SecureProtocol
- SelectedStartPos
- SelectedTab
- SelectedTextLength
- Series
- SeriesSort
- SetStep
- ShadeBackEdge
- ShowList
- ShowHeader
- ShowPicture
- ShowText
- ShowUpDown
- SmallPictureHeight
- SmallPictureMaskColor
- SmallPictureName[ ]
- SmallPictureWidth
- Sorted
- SortType
- SpacesVisible (obsolete)
- Spacing
- Spin
- StatePictureHeight
- StatePictureMaskColor
- StatePictureName[ ]
- StatePictureWidth
- Status
- StdHeight
- StdWidth
- SyncRegistryKey
- TabBackColor
- TabOrder
- TabPosition
- TabStop[ ]
- TabTextColor
- TabsVisible (obsolete)
- Tag
- Text
- TextCase
- TextColor
- TextSize
- ThreeState
- ThirdState
- TimeOut
- Title
- TitleBackColor
- TitleBar
- TitleTextColor
- TodayCircle
- TodaySection
- ToolbarAlignment
- ToolbarHeight
- ToolbarVisible
- ToolbarWidth
- ToolbarX
- ToolbarY
- ToolBar
- TopMargin
- TrailingTextColor
- Transparency
- Transparent
- ULTrans
- Underline
- UndoDepth (obsolete)
- UnitsPerColumn
- UnitsPerLine
- UseCodeTable
- UseLogFile
- UseMouseForInput
- UseWindow
- Value
- View
- Visible
- VScrollBar
- VTextAlign
- WeekNumbers
- Weight
- Width
- WindowDockOptions
- WindowDockState
- WindowObject
- WindowState
- WindowType
- WordWrap
- X
- Y
- About Display Formats and Scrolling