A line drawing object is a single straight solid or dashed line.
Line property |
Datatype |
Description |
Integer |
Specifies the X position of one end of the line (the distance from the left edge of the window), in PowerBuilder units. |
Integer |
Specifies the Y position of one end of the line (the distance from the top of the window), in PowerBuilder units. |
ClassDefinition |
PowerObject |
An object of type PowerObject containing information about the class definition of the object or control. |
Integer |
Specifies the X position of the other end of the line (the distance from the left edge of the window), in PowerBuilder units. |
Integer |
Specifies the Y position of the other end of the line (the distance from the top of the window), in PowerBuilder units. |
Long |
Specifies the numeric value of the line color: -2 to 16,777,215. For more information about color, see the section called “RGB” in PowerScript Reference. |
LineStyle (enumerated) |
Specifies the style of the line. Values are: Continuous! Dash! DashDot! DashDotDot! Dot! Transparent! |
LineThickness |
Integer |
Specifies the thickness of the line, in PowerBuilder units. If LineThickness is greater than one pixel (about three PowerBuilder units), the LineStyle is Continuous!. |
String |
Specifies the tag value assigned to the control. |
Boolean |
Specifies whether the control is visible. Values are: TRUE -- Control is visible. FALSE -- Control is not visible. |
Error event |
Occurs |
Constructor in PowerScript Reference |
When the user object is created. |
Destructor in PowerScript Reference |
When the user object is destroyed. |
Line function |
Datatype returned |
Description |
ClassName in PowerScript Reference |
String |
Returns the name assigned to the control |
GetContextService in PowerScript Reference |
Integer |
Creates a reference to a context-specific instance of the specified service |
GetParent in PowerScript Reference |
PowerObject |
Returns a reference to the name of the parent object |
Hide in PowerScript Reference |
Integer |
Makes the control invisible |
Move in PowerScript Reference |
Integer |
Moves the control to a specified location |
Resize in PowerScript Reference |
Integer |
Changes the length of the control (changes the settings of the BeginX BeginY, EndX, and EndY properties) |
Show in PowerScript Reference |
Integer |
Makes the control visible |
TypeOf in PowerScript Reference |
Object |
Returns the type of the control |