
This section lists several errors that may occur during the preparing and installing process.

  1. There is an error saying "'jar' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.", during executing the commands entered, as shown in the following figure.

    Cause: This is because the corresponding environment variable is not configured.

    Solution: Right-click Computer, choose Properties > Advanced system settings > Advance > Environment Variables, find and select Path in the Variable column of the System variables group box, then click Edit... to add the path "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_24\bin" to it (make sure to change the jdk version "1.6.0_24" to the version you actually installed on your computer), and then click OK to close the windows.

    Figure 7. "jar" is not recognized

    "jar" is not recognized

  2. A message box pops up saying "The Appeon Workspace IPA/APK file does not exist!..." when downloading the Appeon Workspace.

    Cause: This is because the generated appeonmobile.war file is not deployed to the application server.

    Solution: Deploy the generated appeonmobile.war file to the application server.

    Figure 8. Download error

    Download error

  3. A message box pops up saying "Unable to Download Application -- "Mobile2017R2 AWS" could not be downloaded at this time." when installing the Appeon Workspace.

    Cause: This is because the IP address or the port number you entered is not correct during executing the gen.bat or file.

    Solution: Execute the gen.bat or file again and make sure to enter the correct IP address and port number.

    Figure 9. Unable to download the application

    Unable to download the application