Table 4. Error list
Errors |
Priorities |
Error Messages |
10001 |
1 |
Cannot find the transaction object named %1 in sessions. Please verify that the request is correct before send it out. |
2 |
Internal error. Please contact the system administrator. |
10015 |
2 |
Error in connecting to AppeonDB. |
10016 |
2 |
The running PowerServer does not support the Appeon Xcelerator deployment option in this version (version %1). |
2 |
Session is terminated by the Appeon system. |
10502 |
2 |
Session is terminated by AEM. |
10504 |
2 |
The Web application you attempt to run was removed from the server. It cannot be run. |
2 |
Transaction has timed out. The transaction is rolled back: %1. |
10506 |
2 |
Session failed. |
10507 |
1 |
The server status is %1. |
10999 |
1 |
Keyword not supported: 'dsn'. |
1 |
Session has timed out. |
11001 |
1 |
Cannot find the cluster service provider! |
11002 |
0 |
Error in reading the cluster service provider configuration file! |
1 |
A fatal IOException occurred when retrieving the status of the server %1. |
11007 |
0 |
The Appeon configuration file cannot be empty! |
11008 |
1 |
A fatal IOException occurred when retrieving the configuration file from the remote server: %1. |
11009 |
0 |
A ClassNotFoundException occurred when casting the remote Appeon configuration file content to a String array. |
11010 |
0 |
An unexpected exception occurred when replicating Appeon configuration files! |
11011 |
0 |
A FileNotFoundException occurred when constructing the FileOutputStream: %1. |
11012 |
0 |
A SecurityException occurred when denying write access to the file: %1. |
11013 |
1 |
A fatal IOException occurred when writing %1 to the local disk. |
11014 |
0 |
An unexpected exception occurred and caused failure to write Appeon configuration files to the local disk! |
11015 |
1 |
A fatal IOException occurred when communicating with servlet I/O. |
11016 |
0 |
An unexpected Exception occurred and caused failure to read the local Appeon configuration files! |
11017 |
1 |
A fatal IOException occurred when reading the specified file: %1. |
11020 |
0 |
A fatal IOException occurred when synchronizing the method: %1. The remote server called is: %2. |
11021 |
0 |
An unexpected exception occurred and caused failure to synchronize the method: %1. |
11022 |
1 |
A fatal IOException occurred when synchronizing method: %1! |
11023 |
0 |
A ClassNotFoundException occurred when synchronizing method: %1. |
11024 |
0 |
An unexpected exception occurred and caused failure to synchronize method: %1. |
11025 |
1 |
A fatal IOException occurred when calling the specified remote server: %1. |
11026 |
0 |
An unexpected exception occurred and caused the ClusterNotify thread to stop! |
11027 |
1 |
An unexpected exception occurred and resulted in failure to retrieve status of the server: %1. |
11028 |
10 |
Application server connection error! |
11029 |
10 |
PowerServer is in the process to start. Please wait... |
11030 |
10 |
The cluster list is empty. Failed to get the cluster information. |
11501 |
0 |
Failed to clear the cluster configuration information from the specified server %1! |
11502 |
0 |
Failed to get session information from the specified server %1. |
11503 |
0 |
Failed to get transaction information from the specified server %1. |
11508 |
0 |
The PowerServer is already configured in AEM. |
11509 |
1 |
AEM could not interface with the specified PowerServer. Please verify that your PowerServer is running and that the settings are correct. |
11510 |
0 |
The specified server has already been in another cluster. |
11511 |
1 |
Failed to synchronize AEM settings on the following clustered servers: %1. Please restart or remove these servers to ensure the cluster runs normally! |
0 |
Error occurred when updating AEM settings on the local machine. Please read the log for more details. |
11513 |
0 |
Please add the IP address or name of the local PowerServer first! |
11514 |
0 |
Please enter the IP address or machine name of the PowerServer. |
11515 |
0 |
Please enter the port number of the PowerServer. |
11516 |
0 |
Please input a valid port number with a range from 0 to 65535. |
11517 |
0 |
IP address or machine name cannot be localhost or! |
11518 |
0 |
Please remove the local PowerServer from the cluster last! |
11519 |
0 |
The interval should be a positive integer, greater than 0 and less than 2147483648. |
11520 |
0 |
You must select one option between "Enable Remote Backup" and "Enable Local Backup". |
11521 |
1 |
Errors occurred when synchronizing AEM configuration information to the specified remote server: %1. The method is: %2. |
11522 |
1 |
Errors occurred in calling the remote method. The method is: *; the remote server is: * |
11523 |
2 |
It exceeds the CPU count in the license. |
11524 |
2 |
The license of the remote PowerServer does not match with the license on the local server. |
11525 |
2 |
The license of the remote PowerServer is not a cluster version. |
12001 |
10 |
Failed to get the transaction information from the PowerServer configuration file (transaction object name = %1). Please make sure you have configured this transaction object in AEM correctly. |
12006 |
1 |
Failed to load the cluster configuration information from file! |
12007 |
1 |
Failed to save the cluster configuration information into file! |
12008 |
0 |
Application name is null. |
12009 |
0 |
Property %1 has already been defined. |
12010 |
0 |
Argument cannot be null or empty string. |
12011 |
1 |
Error occurred when loading the application configuration file! |
12012 |
1 |
Error occurred when loading the server configuration information! |
12013 |
1 |
Error occurred when loading %1 file! |
12014 |
1 |
Error occurred when reading the mapping file: %1! |
12015 |
0 |
ServerConfig object is null. |
12016 |
0 |
ApplicationsConfig is null. |
12017 |
1 |
Errors occurred when writing the server-config.xml. |
12018 |
1 |
Errors occurred when writing the application-config.xml. |
12019 |
1 |
Errors occurred when loading application configuration! |
12020 |
1 |
Failed to load the ServerConfig object! |
12021 |
1 |
Failed to load the ThreadQueues Config object from file %1! |
12022 |
1 |
Failed to load the mapping object of cluster-mapping.xml. |
12025 |
1 |
The selected application %1 does not exist in the PowerServer. |
12026 |
2 |
The application number exceeds the license limit %1. |
12501 |
10 |
Post data is null! |
12502 |
10 |
Session is not found! |
12503 |
10 |
Cannot read the Msg's total! |
12504 |
10 |
Call parseAndExecuteCommand: Cannot read FuctionType! |
2 |
Authority is required! |
12506 |
10 |
The input function type (%1) is invalid. No code can be found to match this type! |
12507 |
10 |
%1: Cannot read the parameter count! |
12508 |
10 |
%1: Parameter count mismatch! |
12509 |
10 |
%1: Cannot read the parameter length! |
12510 |
10 |
%1: Cannot read the Parameter value! |
12511 |
10 |
PowerServer is in the process to start. Please wait... |
13001 |
0 |
The original DataWindow parameters are not compatible with the client parameters. |
13002 |
0 |
Unsupported stored procedure syntax: %1. |
13003 |
10 |
Unsupported PowerBuilder data type (type=%1). |
13004 |
0 |
Cannot find the specified argument %1 in the argument list. |
13005 |
0 |
Stored procedure syntax cannot be empty or null. |
13006 |
0 |
Failed to analyze the stored procedure syntax, due to %1. |
13007 |
0 |
Register parameter error: index = %1, jdbcType = %2, value = %3. |
13008 |
0 |
Client parameter of the UpdateBlob statement cannot be null. |
13009 |
0 |
Both the PB type and JDBC type of the parameter are invalid. |
13010 |
10 |
DataObject name cannot be empty. |
13011 |
0 |
This column's data type %1 requires the use of an embedded SQL statement. |
13012 |
0 |
User SQL cannot have parameters in Verify SQL Command. |
13013 |
2 |
Failed to parse the result meta of the Select statement, due to %1. |
13014 |
2 |
Failed to parse parameter meta of stored procedure, due to %1 |
10 |
Failed to get DataWindow SQL from PowerServer (Application = %1, DataObject = %2, DBType = %3). Please make sure you have deployed your application correctly. |
10 |
Cannot find the following embedded SQL in AppeonDB: ApplicationName =%1 and SQLKey =%2. |
13017 |
10 |
The value of Application Name is empty or null. |
13018 |
10 |
The value of DataWindow Name is empty or null. |
13019 |
10 |
The value of DWSyntaxString is empty or null. |
13020 |
10 |
Call an unused method. |
13021 |
10 |
Errors in deleting all DataWindows. |
13022 |
1 |
The application %1 is being deployed by another user. |
13023 |
10 |
The value for SqlKey cannot be empty or null. |
13024 |
10 |
The value for embedded SQL cannot be empty or null. |
13025 |
2 |
Cannot find the following DataWindow syntax in AppeonDB: ApplicationName =%1 and DataWindowName =%2. |
13026 |
2 |
Parameter error: the value for %1 is empty or null. |
13027 |
10 |
Unsupported database type. The DBMS code is %1. |
13028 |
2 |
Blob or Clob variable for UpdataBlob cannot be empty. |
14001 |
2 |
License has expired on %1. |
14002 |
2 |
Unable to validate license key "%1". The number has exceeded the limit of your current license. |
14003 |
2 |
Error in validating license signature! |
14004 |
2 |
Missing license file. |
2 |
Invalid software license file %1. |
14006 |
2 |
Unable to validate the current license file. |
14009 |
2 |
Error in validating hash code! |
14016 |
2 |
The license file installed to the machine hosting PowerServer allows only %1 CPU(s), but %2 CPUs are detected. |
14017 |
2 |
PowerServer is configured for the network card with physical address %1, but the network card on the PowerServer is %2. |
14018 |
2 |
Your PowerServer %1-day trial license expired on %2. |
14019 |
2 |
Cannot connect to AppeonDB. PowerServer failed to start. |
14020 |
2 |
The application cannot be run because the product license information cannot be found. |
14021 |
2 |
An error occurred when validating the license for cluster version. |
14022 |
2 |
Server failed to start, because the CPU number exceeds the license limit. |
14023 |
2 |
The remote PowerServer is not a cluster version. |
14024 |
2 |
The license of the remote PowerServer does not match with the license of the local server. |
14025 |
2 |
The license in use is for the %1 platform. |
14026 |
2 |
The license is not for the application server %1. |
14027 |
2 |
The current operating system is %1. But the license is for the platform other than Windows, Solaris, AIX, Red-Linux, and HP-Unix. |
14028 |
2 |
The remote PowerServer is a cluster version. |
14501 |
10 |
System error. |
14502 |
1 |
The specified HTTP header does not exist. |
15001 (Obsolete) |
2 |
Failed to connect to EAServer. Please check connection settings. |
15002 |
2 |
Data source name cannot be null. |
15003 |
2 |
Failed to add/modify data source. |
15004 |
2 |
Failed to get the specified data source information. |
15005 |
2 |
Failed to delete the specified data source. |
15006 |
2 |
Failed to refresh the specified data source. |
15007 |
2 |
Failed to get all data source names. |
15008 |
2 |
Failed to connect to WebLogic. Please check the connection settings. |
15009 |
2 |
Failed to add the data source. |
15010 |
2 |
Failed to modify the data source. |
15011 |
2 |
Failed to get the specified data source information. |
15012 |
2 |
Failed to delete the specified data source. |
15013 |
2 |
Failed to refresh the specified data source. |
15014 |
2 |
Failed to get all data source names. |
15015 |
2 |
Failed to test the data source. |
15016 |
2 |
Failed to test the data source. |
15017 |
2 |
Failed to import NVO components. |
15018 |
2 |
Failed to export NVO components. |
15019 (Obsolete) |
2 |
Failed to get all EAServer packages. |
15020 |
2 |
Failed to get all components from the specified package. |
15021 |
2 |
Failed to delete the specified component. |
15022 |
2 |
Failed to import the AEM configuration settings. |
15023 |
2 |
Failed to export the AEM configuration settings. |
15051 |
2 |
Failed to add the transaction object. |
15052 |
2 |
Failed to delete the transaction object. |
15053 |
2 |
Failed to modify the transaction object. |
15054 |
2 |
Failed to get all transaction objects. |
15055 |
2 |
Failed to get the specified transaction object information. |