The "Error launching LoadConfig" message is displayed when the user changes the settings in PowerServer Toolkit Configuration or performs Task 2 of the Deploy Wizard.
Cause: There is one of two possibilities that can occur.
1. The EonADT50.exe cannot be loaded. This can happen when the developer machine does not meet the minimum hardware requirements specified in Installation Guide for Appeon PowerServer.
2. The EonADT50.exe is loaded but fails to read the .DAT files.
Solution A: Follow the steps below to fix the problem.
Step 1: End the EonADT50.exe process in the Windows Task Manager
Step 2: Delete the application profile in PowerServer Toolkit Configuration
Step 3: Recreate the application profile and run Appeon Application Deployment/PowerServer Toolkit Configuration.
Solution B: If the problem persists, follow these steps to rectify it.
Step 1: Delete the application profile in PowerServer Toolkit Configuration.
Step 2: Delete the application folder in the PowerServer Toolkit install directory: \Appeon\PowerServer\Toolkit\Project\ApplicationName.
Step 3: Recreate the application profile and run Appeon Application Deployment/PowerServer Toolkit Configuration.