Run the Appeon setup program and install Appeon Server Web Component to the document root of the Apache HTTP Server, for example, %Apache%\htdocs\.
If you have installed Appeon Server Web Component to another location, then you should copy the entire appeon folder from the installation directory of Appeon Server Web Component to the Apache document root.
Under the installation directory of Appeon Server Web Component (for example, C:\Inetpub\wwwroot/appeon), there is an IISSupport folder which contains two sub-folders: modules and conf. Each contains files or components, provided by Appeon, which help Apache 2.0 or 2.2 work with Appeon Server.
Files in the "conf" folder
appeoncache.conf -- The configuration file for the DataWindow Data Cache feature.
easinit.conf -- The configuration file for the redirector plug-in.
Components in the "modules" folder
mod_cache2.dll (or modcache22.dll) and (or -- These components are for the DataWindow Data Cache feature.
Copy the zipped Apache redirector file with the redirector-common-files.jar file from the %EASERVER%\WebRedirectors folder to any folder in the Apache machine and unzip it to the %Apache%\modules folder.
Note: %EASERVER% indicates the installation directory of EAServer. %Apache%\ indicates the installation path of Apache 2.0 or 2.2.
Copy the easinit.conf file from Apache2xSupport\conf to the %Apache%\conf folder.
Edit the file and specify the name and port of Appeon Server to receive requests from Apache Web server.
The syntax is:
Connector.WebApp servlet,imagefile,reportfile,dwfile,AEM=http://EaserverName:Port Connector.LogLevel inform
EAServerName stands for the IP address or the name of the EAServer hosting Appeon Server. Port stands for the HTTP port number of the EAServer.
Note: If you have selected the Customized Location option in AEM (AEM Console > Application > Client Features > Client Storage Location (Web Only)), once the default settings of the Temporary Files Path have been changed, you should add the directory of the temporary files path to the easinit.conf file. For example, if the directory of temporary file path is changed to "/test", the syntax in easinit.conf should be changed accordingly to:
Connector.WebApp test,servlet,imagefile,reportfile,dwfile,AEM=http://EaserverName:Port
Open the httpd.conf file in the %Apache%\conf directory.
Verify that the "DocumentRoot" directive in the httpd.conf file is set to the document root of the Apache Web server (for example, %Apache%\htdocs).
Specify an appropriate timeout period in the "Timeout" script in the httpd.conf file. The default value is 300 seconds.
Add the following scripts to the httpd.conf file:
LoadModule easredirector_module modules/libjeas2_mod.dll EASConfigFile "%Apache%/conf/easinit.conf" <LocationMatch /servlet/*|/dwfile/*|/reportfile/*|/imagefile/*|/AEM/*> SetHandler eas-handler </LocationMatch> # End of EAServer redirector configuration #
Add the full path of the %Apache%\modules folder to the PATH system environment variable.
Under the installation directory of Appeon Server Web Component (for example, C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\appeon), there are Apache20Support and Apache22Support folders.
Copy the appeoncache.conf file from Apache20Support\conf or Apache22Support\conf to the %Apache%\conf folder.
The cachesize property is 100MB by default (and minimum). If you set the size to a value smaller than 100MB, the cache size will still be regarded as 100MB. For the Web server cache to keep enough DataWindow data, the larger the cache size, the better, but you need to make sure the cache size is no larger than the available memory on the server.
The cache_temp_dir property is "C:\tmp" by default. Make sure "C:\tmp" exists on your computer, or change the default value to the physical path of an existing directory.
The encoding formats for the cached data include UTF-8 and UTF-16LE. If you use the plug-in from the application server, DataWindow Data Cache will fail to cache data in UTF-8 and UTF-16LE at the same time, and requires you to set the encoding format. If the Appeon cluster plug-in is used, you must comment out the setting as shown in the code example below, so that DataWindow Data Cache can cache data in UTF-8 and UTF-16LE at the same time.
Data cannot be cached properly unless Transfer Encoding settings in AEM match with the encoding settings in this configuration file.
#cache capacity, unit is M Bytes, must larger than 100ca chesize 100 #the switcher for print log info or not, on for use log, off close log; log on ## Working directory for temporary files and the compression cache ## if not specified, the following default values are used: ## [Win32=c:\tmp], [UNIX=/tmp], the directory must exist ## this item just for apache cache_temp_dir /tmp ## encoding type , it can be utf-8 or utf-16le, the default value is utf-8; ## if you use Appeon’s cluster plug-in, you should comment the setting encoding utf-8
Copy the modcache2.dll or modcache22.dll file from the Apache2xSupport\modules folder to the %Apache%\modules folder.
Add the following scripts to the httpd.conf file in the %Apache%\conf folder:
# Cache Module Appeon Data Cache function, AX only #------mod_cache for web cache configuration-------# LoadModule data_cache_module modules/modcache2x.dll <IfModule mod_cache.c> include conf/appeoncache.conf </IfModule> #-----------------End configuration----------------#
The scripts load the modcache2.dll or modcache22.dll file and include the appeoncache.conf file.
Install Appeon Server Web Component to the document root of the Apache HTTP Server, for example, $APACHE/htdocs/, by following the instructions in Installation Guide for Appeon for PowerBuilder.
If you have installed Appeon Server Web Component to another location, then you should copy the entire appeon folder from the installation directory of Appeon Server Web Component to the Apache document root.
Copy the zipped Apache redirector file (for example, redirector-apache-2.0-61014-dce_sun_svr4.tar.gz for Apache 2.0 in UNIX or redirector-apache-2.0-61014-linux.tar.gz for Apache 2.0 in LINUX) ) with the redirector-common-files.tar.gz file from the $EASERVER/WebRedirectors folder to any folder in the Apache machine and unzip it to the $APACHE/modules folder.
Note: $EASERVER indicates the installation directory of EAServer. $APACHE indicates the installation path of Apache.
Create the configuration file "conn_config" in the $APACHE/conf directory.
Add the following script to the conn_config file. Modify the "Connector.WebApp" directive by replacing EAServerName with the IP address or the name of the EAServer hosting Appeon Server and Port with the HTTP port number of the EAServer.
The syntax is:
Connector.WebApp servlet, gzip, imagefile, reportfile, dwfile, AEM=http://EAServerName:Port Connector.LogLevel inform Connector.RetryAfter 10
Open the httpd.conf file in the $APACHE/conf directory.
Set the "DocumentRoot" directive in the file to the document root of the Apache Web server (for example, $APACHE/htdocs).
Specify an appropriate timeout period in the "Timeout" script in the httpd.conf file. The default value is 300 seconds.
Add the following script to the httpd.conf file. Modify the "ServerName" directive by replacing WebServerIPAddress with the IP address of the Web server.
LoadModule easredirector_module modules/ EASConfigFile $APACHE2/conf/conn_config ServerName WebServerIPAddress <LocationMatch /servlet/*|/dwfile/*|/reportfile/*|/imagefile/*|/AEM/*> SetHandler eas-handler </LocationMatch>
Edit the apachectl shell script in the $APACHE/bin directory, and set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to include $APACHE/modules. For example:
Note: EAServer 6.x provides no redirector plugin for Apache 1.3.
Run the Appeon setup program and install Appeon Server Web Component to the Web root of the Apache HTTP Server, for example, %Apache%\htdocs\.
If you have installed Appeon Server Web Component to another location, then you should copy the entire "appeon" folder from the installation directory of Appeon Server Web Component to the Apache document root.
Under the installation directory of Appeon Server Web Component (for example, C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\appeon), there is an IISSupport folder which contains three sub-folders: modules, conf and Appeon Cluster plugin. Each contains files or components, provided by Appeon, that help Apache 1.3 run with Appeon Server.
files in the conf folder:
appeoncache.conf -- The configuration file for the DataWindow Data Cache feature.
ApbCluster.cfg -- The configuration file for the Appeon Cluster feature.
components in the modules folder:
AppDataBuf.dll -- The component for the DataWindow Data Cache feature.
ApbCluster.dll -- The 32-bit component for Appeon Cluster feature.
ApbCluster64.dll -- The 64-bit component for Appeon Cluster feature.
files in the Appeon Cluster plugin folder are for installing and configuring the Appeon Server cluster only. You will not need to use them in this section.
Copy the following libraries from the %EASERVER%\dll\ folder to the %Apache%\modules\ folder:
Copy the easinit.conf file from Apache13Support\conf to the %Apache%\conf folder.
Edit the file. Specify the name and port of Appeon Server to receive requests from Apache Web Server. The syntax is:
Connector.WebApp servlet,imagefile,reportfile,dwfile,AEM=http://EaserverName:Port Connector.LogLevel inform
EAServerName stands for the IP address or name of the EAServer hosting Appeon Server. Port stands for the HTTP port number of the EAServer.
Note: If you have selected the Customized Location option in AEM (AEM Console > Application > Client Features > Client Storage Location (Web Only)), once the default settings of the Temporary Files Path have been changed, you should add the directory of the temporary files path to the easinit.conf file. For example, if the directory of temporary file path is changed to "/test", the syntax in easinit.conf should be changed accordingly to:
Connector.WebApp test,servlet,imagefile,reportfile,dwfile,AEM=http://EaserverName:Port
Open the httpd.conf file in the %Apache%\conf directory.
Verify that the "DocumentRoot" directive in the httpd.conf file is set to the document root of the Apache Web server (for example, %Apache%\htdocs).
Specify an appropriate timeout period in the "Timeout" script in the httpd.conf file. The default value is 300 seconds.
Add the following script to the httpd.conf file:
# EAServer redirector configuration # LoadModule easredirector_module modules/libjeas_mod.dll EASConfigFile "%Apache%/conf/easinit.conf" <LocationMatch /servlet/*|/dwfile/*|/reportfile/*|/imagefile/*|/AEM/*> SetHandler eas-handler </LocationMatch> # End of EAServer redirector configuration #
Add the full path of the %Apache%\modules folder into the PATH system environment variable.
Under the installation directory of Appeon Server Web Component (for example, C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\appeon), there is an Apache13Support folder.
Copy the appeoncache.conf file from Apache13Support\conf to the %Apache%\conf folder.
The cachesize property is 100MB by default (and minimum). If you set the size to a value smaller than 100MB, the cache size will still be regarded as 100MB. For the Web server cache to keep enough DataWindow data, the larger the cache size, the better, but you need to make sure the cache size is no larger than the available memory on the server.
The cache_temp_dir property is "C:\tmp" by default. Make sure "C:\tmp" exists on your computer, or change the default value to the physical path of an existing directory.
Copy the modcache.dll file from the Apache13Support\modules folder to the %Apache%\modules folder.
Add the following scripts to the httpd.conf file in the %Apache%\conf folder:
# Cache Module Appeon Data Cache function, AX only #------mod_cache for web cache configuration-------# LoadModule data_cache_module modules/modcache.dll <IfModule mod_cache.c> include conf/appeoncache.conf </IfModule> #-----------------End configuration----------------#
The scripts load the modcache.dll file and include the appeoncache.conf file.
Note: EAServer 6.x provides no redirector plugin for Apache 1.3.
Install Appeon Server Web Component to the document root of the Apache HTTP Server, for example, $APACHE/htdocs/, by following the instructions in Installation Guide for Appeon for PowerBuilder.
If you have installed Appeon Server Web Component to another location, then you should copy the entire appeon folder from the installation directory of Appeon Server Web Component to the Apache document root.
Copy the following libraries from the $EASERVER/lib_sol6x directory (if using the Sun Solaris version 6.x compiler) or the $EASERVER/lib_sol4x directory (if using the Sun Solaris version 4.x compiler) to the $APACHE/libexec folder. $EASERVER denotes the installation directory of EAServer for Sun Solaris. $APACHE denotes the installation directory of the Apache 1.3 Web server in use.
Open the httpd.conf file in the $APACHE/conf directory.
Set the "DocumentRoot" directive in the file to the document root of the Apache Web server (for example, $APACHE/htdocs).
Specify an appropriate timeout period in the "Timeout" script in the httpd.conf file. The default value is 300 seconds.
Add the following script to the httpd.conf file. Modify the "ServerName" directive by replacing WebServerIPAddress with the IP address of the Web server.
LoadModule easredirector_module libexec/ EASConfigFile $APACHE/conf/conn_config ServerName WebServerIPAddress <LocationMatch /servlet/*|/dwfile/*|/reportfile/*|/imagefile/*|/AEM/*> SetHandler eas-handler </LocationMatch>
Create the configuration file "conn_config" in the $APACHE/conf directory.
Add the following script to the conn_config file. Modify the "Connector.WebApp" directive by replacing EAServerName with the IP address or the name of the EAServer hosting Appeon Server and Port with the HTTP port number of the EAServer.
The syntax is:
Connector.WebApp servlet, gzip, imagefile, reportfile, dwfile, AEM=http://EAServerName:port Connector.LogLevel inform Connector.RetryAfter 10
Edit the apachectl shell script in the $APACHE/bin directory, and set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to include $APACHE/libexec. For example: