Appeon® for PowerBuilder® 2015
LAST REVISED: November 27, 2015
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Table of Contents
- Web RAD with PowerBuilder and Appeon
- Migration Process
- Introduction
- Installing required softwares
- Understanding the general limitations of the Appeon solution
- Defining migration objective
- Upgrading the original application
- Preparing the target application
- Pre-configuring for the Web applications
- Modifying unsupported features
- Enhancing the application with Web or Appeon features
- Trial deployments and debugging
- Fine-tuning the runtime performance
- Go-live deployment
- Go live
- Migration FAQ
- How do I rapidly build a new Web application with Appeon for PowerBuilder?
- Does Appeon support every PowerBuilder feature?
- Do Appeon-deployed Web applications support external resources?
- Why classify my application into types?
- What are the different application types?
- What are the recommendations for converting the different application types?
- What are the basic requirements for rewriting complex applications?
- When would I need to modularize my application?
- What are the benefits of modularizing my application?
- What are the basic principles for modularizing an application?
- Can you give an example of the modularization process?
- Building and Migrating Distributed Applications (EAServer Windows only)
- Enhancing an application with Web or Appeon features
- Processing PFC Applications
- Auto-Sensing Environment
- Suggested Modifications to PFC
- Unsupported user objects
- Unsupported standard class objects
- Unsupported object properties
- Unsupported object functions
- Unsupported object events
- Unsupported system functions
- Unsupported Shared variables
- Unsupported Function not found
- Unsupported calls
- Differently behaved features
- Migration Tutorial
- Index