Table 242.
DataWindow operators |
Supported |
Arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /, ( ), ^ Relational operators: =, >, <, <>, >=, <=, BETWEEN...AND, IN, LIKE, and any of these operators in combination with NOT Logical operators for all data types: NOT, AND, OR Concatenation for string data types: + |
Unsupported |
Subtraction (-). The setting of the DashesInIdentifiers property is ignored. For example, "A-B" always means subtract B from A. |
Operator precedence in DataWindow expressions |
Difference from PowerBuilder |
The precedence of "AND" is higher than that of "OR" (in PowerBuilder, "AND" and "OR" have the same precedence). The operators >, <, <=, >= are of higher precedence than = and <> (in PowerBuilder, the operators >, <, <=, >=, =, <> are of the same precedence). Note: You can use parentheses to make sure the Web application has correct precedence effect as in the PowerBuilder application. Original expression: a OR b AND c Modified expression: (a OR b) AND c |
Supported & Unsupported expressions |
Supported |
Conditional expressions for property values (such as Visible, X, Y, Width, Height, BackgroundColor, TextColor) Expressions for computed fields Validation rules Filter and sort criteria Note: The information on the limitations for these types of expressions is provided in the Specific Requirements for Using Expressions. |
Unsupported |
Series and values in graphs Columns, rows, and values in crosstabs |
Functions used in DataWindow expressions |
Supported |
Abs |
Acos |
Asc |
Asin |
Atan |
Avg |
Bitmap |
Ceiling |
Describe |
Char |
Case |
Cos |
Count |
CrosstabAvg |
CrosstabCount |
CrosstabMax |
CrosstabMin |
CrosstabSum |
CumulativePercent |
CumulativeSum |
CurrentRow |
Date |
DateTime |
Day |
DayName |
DayNumber |
DaysAfter |
Exp |
Fact |
Fill |
First |
GetText |
GetRow |
Hour |
If |
Int |
Integer |
IsDate |
IsNull |
IsNumber |
IsRowModified |
IsRowNew |
IsSelected |
IsTime |
Last |
Large |
LastPos |
Left |
LeftTrim |
Len |
Log |
LogTen |
Long |
LookUpDisplay |
Lower |
Match |
Max |
Median |
Mid |
Min |
Minute |
Mod |
Month |
Now |
Number |
Page |
PageCount |
Percent |
Pi |
Pos |
Rand |
Real |
RelativeDate |
RelativeTime |
Replace |
Right |
RightTrim |
Round |
RowCount |
Second |
SecondsAfter |
Sign |
Sin |
RowHeight |
Small |
Space |
Sqrt |
Stdevp |
Stdev |
String |
Sum |
Tan |
Time |
Today |
Trim |
Truncate |
Upper |
WordCap |
Year |
In addition to the above functions, User functions can be used in DataWindow expressions. |
Unsupported |
Mode |
PageAcross |
PageCountAcross |
ProfileInt |
ProfileString |
Var |
VarP |
In addition to the above functions, System functions and External functions cannot be used in DataWindow expressions. |
Specific Requirements for Using Expressions
Rule for all DataWindow expressions
Expressions involving Null values may arrive at different values in JavaScript from their values in PowerScript. For more details, please refer to the Null Values section.
Expressions cannot contain "~~t".
Expressions cannot be used in cursor or stored procedure arguments.
For nested structures, please verify that:
It is supported to have single quotes nested with single quotes or double quotes nested with single quotes.
It is unsupported to have single quotes nested with double quotes or double quotes nested with double quotes.
A multi-layer nested structure may cause problems.
If using user-defined global functions in DataWindow expressions,
Arguments and returned values can only be simple data tapes: Int/Integer, Boolean, String, Character, Long, UnsignedLong, UnsignedInteger.
Arguments cannot be references.
If the computed field expression is a computed field or global function, the formatting for the computed field will not take effect on the Web.
Sort and Filter expressions
Unsupported functions: Avg, Count, Max, Min & Sum.
Behavioral difference: In a Web application, if a Find, Filter or Sort expression contains any special characters (for example, ".", "", "/"), the execution result may differ from PowerBuilder. In a Web application, the DataWindow rows may display in a different order from PowerBuilder.
Property expressions
Overlapped quotes, for example, "sdf~"sdf", "dfg'sdf".
In the Web application, modifying a DataWindow property in a DataWindow expression may conflict with the settings in the application's source code.
String expressions
Operands in the string expression cannot a mix of constants and variables.
Decimal Precision in DataWindow expression
28-digit Decimal is only supported in the following DataWindow expressions: Abs, Avg, CamulativeSum, Median, Sign, and Sum.