Work around Unsupported Features
Appeon supports N-Tier NVOs as well as the distributed DataWindow technique, which synchronizes a DataWindow control on a client with a DataStore on a server using GetFullState, SetFullState, GetChanges and SetChanges. These features can be applied to work around most unsupported features as well as connectivity to Web Services, Java Corba, EJB, C/C++ DLLs (Windows only), and ActiveX components, etc.
The basic requirement for migrating distributed PowerBuilder applications is as follows: all components directly called by the PowerBuilder client must be hosted in one Appeon Server that is used for Web deployment of the PowerBuilder client, and the component type must be a PowerBuilder NVO or a Java Corba component.
The N-Tier NVO that is hosted in one Appeon Server can serve as a "bridge" to call different kinds of middle-tier components that are hosted in different servers.
For instance, if your application calls both .NET components in Web Services and some Java components in EAServer, add an intermediate layer of PowerBuilder NVO components to EAServer: Encapsulate the .NET components and deploy them to EAServer as N-tier NVOs. Modify the application so that it can call the deployed NVO in EAServer instead of directly invoking the .NET components.
Distributed applications involve the use of the PowerBuilder Connection object. Refer to Connection object for information on supported and unsupported features.