The following are the system objects that Appeon does not support:
Table 191.
ADOResultSet |
ArrayBounds |
ClassDefinition |
ClassDefinitionObject |
ConnectionInfo |
ConnectObject |
ContextInformation |
ContextKeyword |
CORBABadTypeContext |
CORBABadInvorder |
CORBABadOperation |
CORBABadParam |
CORBABadTypeCode |
CORBACommFailure |
CORBACurrent |
CORBADataConversion |
CORBAFreeMem |
CORBAImpLimit |
CORBAInitialize |
CORBAInternal |
CORBAIntFrePos |
CORBAInvalidTransaction |
CORBAInvFlag |
CORBAInvIdentInvOBJRef |
CORBAMarshal |
CORBANoImplement |
CORBANoMemory |
CORBANoPermission |
CORBANoResources |
CORBANoResponse |
CORBAObjectNoTexist |
CORBAPersistStore |
CORBASystemException |
CORBATransactionRequired |
CORBATransactionRolledback |
CORBATranslent |
CORBAUnion |
CORBAUnknown |
CORBAUserException |
CPlusPlus |
DivideByZeroError |
DWRuntimeError |
EnumerationDefinition |
EnumerationItemDefinition |
Error |
ErrorLogging |
Exception |
ExtObject |
JaguarORB |
NullObjectError |
OLERuntimeError |
OLEStorage |
OLEStream |
OLETxnObject |
OMControl |
OMCustomControl |
OMEmbeddedControl |
OMObject |
OMStorage |
OMStream |
PBTocppObject |
Pipeline |
ProfileCall |
ProfileClass |
ProfileLine |
ProfileRoutine |
Profiling |
RemoteObject |
ResultSet |
ResultSets |
RuntimeError |
ScriptDefinition |
Service |
SimpleTypeDefinition |
SSLCallBack |
SSLServiceProvider |
SystemFunctions |
Throwable |
TraceActivityNode |
TraceBeginEnd |
TraceError |
TraceESQL |
TraceFile |
TraceGarbageCollect |
TraceLine |
TraceObject |
TraceRoutine |
TraceTree |
TraceTreeError |
TraceTreeESQL |
TraceTreeGarbageCollect |
TraceTreeLine |
TraceTreeNode |
TraceTreeObject |
TraceTreeRoutine |
TraceTreeUser |
TraceUser |
TransactionServer |
Transport |
TypeDefinition |
VariableCardinalityDefinition |
VariableDefinition |