

Gets the settings (such as pictures loaded via URL or deployment version, DataWindow SQLPreview, HTTP request header etc.) of the PowerClient- or PowerServer-deployed applications.


Integer CloudAppGet (string n, ref string v)




The name of the setting that is case insensitive. The setting can be:

  • picturecachepath -- The directory where pictures are cached after downloaded from Web. The default value is "/picturecache". The leading forward slash (/ or //) indicates the root of the current application directory.

    Both the relative path and absolute path are supported. The path can also contain the system environment variable such as %appdata%\picturecache.

  • clearpicturecacheonclose -- Whether to delete pictures from the cache directory when the application is closed.

  • checkpictureforupdate -- Whether to check updates for the existing pictures. If pictures on Web have been updated, they will be downloaded again to the cache directory, otherwise, the picture in the cache directory will be used.

    The file size of the picture on Web will be obtained and compared with the file size of the picture in the cache directory. If the size is different, it indicates the picture has been updated on Web, and the picture will be downloaded again to the cache directory.

  • deploymentversion -- The deployment version number of the PowerClient- or PowerServer-deployed applications.

  • enablesqlpreview -- Whether to fully or partially support DataWindow SQLPreview, considering the tradeoff with performance under the PowerServer architecture.

  • multipartformdataminsize -- The HTTP request header (multipart/form-data or application/json) in the PowerServer calls.


The value of the setting that is obtained.

Return value


Returns 1 if the function succeeds and the following negative value if an error occurs.

-1 The application is not a PowerClient- or PowerServer-deployed app.

-2 The name of the setting is invalid.


CloudAppGet ("picturecachepath", strValue1);
CloudAppGet ("clearpicturecacheonclose", strValue2);
CloudAppGet ("checkpictureforupdate", strValue3);
CloudAppGet ("deploymentversion", strValue4);
CloudAppGet ("enablesqlpreview", strValue5)
CloudAppGet ("multipartformdataminsize", strValue6);

See also
