Appeon PowerBuilder® 2025
DOCUMENT ID: DC37664-01-1900-01
LAST REVISED: March 19, 2025
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Table of Contents
- Using ORCA
- What is ORCA?
- Installing ORCA
- ORCA and the Library painter
- About ORCA functions
- Functions for managing the ORCA session
- Functions for managing PowerBuilder libraries
- Functions for importing and compiling PowerBuilder objects
- Functions for querying PowerBuilder objects
- Functions for creating executables and dynamic libraries
- Functions for deploying components to EAServer (Obsolete)
- Functions for managing source control operations
- About ORCA callback functions
- Writing ORCA programs
- Removing obsolete ORCA functions
- ORCA Functions
- About the examples
- ORCA return codes
- PBORCA_ApplicationRebuild
- PBORCA_BuildProject (Obsolete)
- PBORCA_BuildProjectEx (Obsolete)
- PBORCA_BuildProjectWithOverrides (Obsolete)
- PBORCA_CompileEntryImport
- PBORCA_CompileEntryImportList
- PBORCA_CompileEntryRegenerate
- PBORCA_ConfigureSession
- PBORCA_DeployWinFormProject
- PBORCA_DynamicLibraryCreate
- PBORCA_ExecutableCreate
- PBORCA_LibraryCommentModify
- PBORCA_LibraryCreate
- PBORCA_LibraryDelete
- PBORCA_LibraryDirectory
- PBORCA_LibraryEntryCopy
- PBORCA_LibraryEntryDelete
- PBORCA_LibraryEntryExport
- PBORCA_LibraryEntryExportEx
- PBORCA_LibraryEntryInformation
- PBORCA_LibraryEntryMove
- PBORCA_ObjectQueryHierarchy
- PBORCA_ObjectQueryReference
- PBORCA_SccClose
- PBORCA_SccConnect
- PBORCA_SccConnectOffline
- PBORCA_SccExcludeLibraryList
- PBORCA_SccGetConnectProperties
- PBORCA_SccGetLatestVersion
- PBORCA_SccRefreshTarget
- PBORCA_SccResetRevisionNumber
- PBORCA_SccSetTarget
- PBORCA_SessionClose
- PBORCA_SessionGetError
- PBORCA_SessionOpen
- PBORCA_SessionSetCurrentAppl
- PBORCA_SessionSetLibraryList
- PBORCA_SetDebug
- PBORCA_SetExeInfo
- ORCA Callback Functions and Structures
- Callback function for compiling objects
- PBORCA_COMPERR structure
- Callback function for deploying components to EAServer (Obsolete)
- PBORCA_BLDERR structure
- Callback function for PBORCA_LibraryDirectory
- Callback function for PBORCA_ObjectQueryHierarchy
- Callback function for PBORCA_ObjectQueryReference
- Callback function for PBORCA_ExecutableCreate
- PBORCA_LINKERR structure
- Callback function for PBORCA_SccSetTarget