These functions allow you to import new objects into a library from a text listing of their source code and to compile entries that already exist in a library.
Entries in a library have both a source code representation and a compiled version. When you import a new object, PowerBuilder compiles it. If there are errors, it is not imported.
You must set the library list and current application before calling these functions.
Listed here are the compilation functions (which all have the prefix PBORCA_), the purpose of each, and their equivalents in the PowerBuilder Library painter:
Function (prefix PBORCA_) |
Purpose |
Equivalent in Library painter |
CompileEntryImport |
Imports an object and compiles it |
Entry>Import |
CompileEntryImportList |
Imports a list of objects and compiles them |
No correspondence |
CompileEntryRegenerate |
Compiles an object |
Entry>Regenerate |
ApplicationRebuild |
Compiles all the objects in all the libraries associated with an application |
Design>Incremental Rebuild or Design>Full Rebuild |
Compilation functions are not the functions that create an executable from a library. See Functions for creating executables and dynamic libraries.