For PDFTextLayout object

Applies to

PDFTextLayout object


Gets or sets the text alignment in the PDF document

Data type


The PDFTextAlignment is an enumerated datatype that can hold the following values:

Enumerated Value Meaning
PDFTextAlignLeft! Left aligned.
PDFTextAlignCenter! Center aligned.
PDFTextAlignRight! Right aligned.
PDFTextAlignJustify! Justify aligned (Space is added between words so that the edges of all lines are aligned with the margins).



In scripts

The Alignment property sets the alignment of the text or text block in a PDF document.

The following example uses the PDFTextLayout object to set the layout of a PDFMultilineText object:

lpdf_mtext = create PDFmultilinetext
lpdf_layout = create PDFtextlayout

lpdf_layout.leftindent = 100
lpdf_layout.rightindent = 100
lpdf_layout.charspacing = 10
lpdf_layout.firstlineindent = 100
lpdf_layout.linespacing = 500
lpdf_layout.alignment= PDFTextAlignCenter!

lpdf_mtext.width = lpdf_page.getwidth( )
lpdf_mtext.content="The PDFDocument object allows to import data from a DataWindow object, a DataWindowChild object or a DataStore object, or an existing PDF document to a new PDF document and save the document."
lpdf_mtext.layout = lpdf_layout