
Applies to



Sets the orientation of document pages inside the control by switching the values for PaperHeight and PaperWidth.


In scripts

The PaperOrientation property takes an OrientationType enumerated value. Permitted values are PaperPortrait! and PaperLandscape!.

If you set the value to PaperPortrait! and the current PaperWidth is larger than the current PaperHeight, PowerBuilder switches these values so that the PaperHeight is larger. If you set the value to PaperPortrait! and the current PaperWidth is smaller than the current PaperHeight, PowerBuilder does not exchange these values.

If you set the value to PaperLandscape! and the current PaperHeight is larger than the current PaperWidth, PowerBuilder switches these values so that the PaperWidth is larger. If you set the value to PaperLandscape! and the current PaperHeight is smaller than the current PaperWidth, PowerBuilder does not exchange these values.

The following line sets the display orientation of a RichTextEdit to landscape.

rte_1.PaperOrientation = PaperLandscape!

By default, the value you set for PaperOrientation is used for printing as well as for screen display. The value in the Orientation drop-down list on the Print Specifications page of the Rich Text Object dialog box changes to the orientation value that you set for this property. Application users can modify print specifications from the Rich Text Object dialog box at runtime, but only if you set the PopMenu property of the rich text object to true.