

Specifies the single quote character you want PowerBuilder to use to delimit the names of identifiers (tables, columns, indexes, and constraints) when it generates SQL statements. PowerBuilder uses the quote character you specify instead of the default quote character returned by your driver or data provider.

DelimitIdentifier must be set to Yes

In order for IdentifierQuoteChar to take effect, the DelimitIdentifier parameter must be set to Yes. Otherwise, PowerBuilder's default behavior is not to delimit identifiers in SQL statements and to ignore any value specified for IdentifierQuoteChar.

Applies to


ODBC (if driver and back-end DBMS support this feature)



IdentifierQuoteChar = 'quote_character'




The single character you want PowerBuilder to use instead of your driver's or data provider's default quote character to delimit the names of identifiers in SQL statements.

Default value


PowerBuilder searches the following in this order to determine the IdentifierQuoteChar value:

  1. The section for your database profile in the PowerBuilder initialization file (in the development environment) or the value of the Transaction object DBParm property (in a PowerBuilder application)

  2. The section for your ODBC driver in the PBODB initialization file

If PowerBuilder does not find an IdentifierQuoteChar value in these locations, it makes a SQLGetInfo call to your driver to return the default SQL_IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_CHAR value.

When using the OLE DB interface

If no value is specified for the IdentifierQuoteChar parameter, PowerBuilder does not use a quote character.


By default, some drivers return quote characters that do not work with PowerBuilder's parsing routines, such as the backquote character (`). As a result, delimiting is turned off for these drivers in PowerBuilder.

However, if you paint SQL statements containing identifiers that require delimiters, syntax errors can occur if you are using a driver for which delimiting is turned off. To avoid such errors, set IdentifierQuoteChar to override the driver's default quote character.


To specify c as the quote character you want PowerBuilder to use to delimit identifiers in SQL statements:

  • Database profile

    Type c in the Identifier Quote Character box on the Syntax page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.

  • Application

    Type the following in code:


See also
