Imports the source code for a list of PowerBuilder objects into libraries and compiles them. The name of each object to be imported is held in an array. Other arrays hold the destination library, object type, comments, and source code. The arrays must have an element for every object.
INT PBORCA_CompileEntryImportList ( PBORCA hORCASession, LPTSTR far *pLibraryNames, LPTSTR far *pEntryNames, PBORCA_TYPE far *otEntryTypes, LPTSTR far *pComments, LPTSTR far *pEntrySyntaxBuffers, LONG far *pEntrySyntaxBuffSizes, INT iNumberOfEntries, PBORCA_ERRPROC pCompErrorProc, LPVOID pUserData );
Argument |
Description |
hORCASession |
Handle to previously established ORCA session. |
*pLibraryNames |
Pointer to an array of strings whose values are the file names of libraries into which you want to import the corresponding objects. |
*pEntryNames |
Pointer to an array of strings whose values are the names of objects to be imported into the corresponding libraries. |
*otEntryTypes |
*pComments |
Pointer to an array of strings whose values are the comments for the corresponding objects. |
*pEntrySyntaxBuffers |
Pointer to an array of strings whose values are the source code for the corresponding objects. |
*pEntrySyntaxBuffSizes |
Pointer to an array of longs whose values are the lengths of the strings pointed to by *pEntrySyntaxBuffers |
iNumberOfEntries |
Number of entries to be imported, which is the same as the array length of all the array arguments. |
pCompErrorProc |
Pointer to the PBORCA_CompileEntryImportList callback function. The callback function is called for each error that occurs when imported objects are compiled. The information ORCA passes to the callback function is error level, message number, message text, line number, and column number, stored in a structure of type PBORCA_COMPERR. The object name and script name are part of the message text. If you don't want to use a callback function, set pCompErrorProc to 0. |
pUserData |
Pointer to user data to be passed to the PBORCA_CompileEntryImportList callback function. The user data typically includes the buffer or a pointer to the buffer in which the callback function formats the error information as well as information about the size of the buffer. If you are not using a callback function, set pUserData to 0. |
Return value
INT. Typical return codes are:
Return code |
Description |
Operation successful |
Invalid parameter list |
Bad library name, library not found, or object couldn't be saved in the library |
Library not in list |
Library I/O error |
Compile error |
Name does not follow PowerBuilder naming rules |
The current application has not been set |
You must set the library list and current Application object before calling this function.
PBORCA_CompileEntryImportList is useful for importing several interrelated objects -- for example, a window, its menu, and perhaps a user object that it uses.
How imported objects are processed
ORCA imports all the objects in the list, compiling each object type definition. If no errors occur, then ORCA compiles all the objects in all the listed libraries.
Object dependencies
In the list of objects to be imported, put ancestor objects before their descendant objects so that the ancestors are imported first.
In the list of objects, put a user object before objects that refer to that user object so that the referenced object is imported first.
If objects refer to each other, call PBORCA_ApplicationRebuild to get an error-free compilation.
Populating the information arrays for imported objects
The information for each imported object is contained in several parallel arrays. For example, if a DataWindow named d_labels is the third element in the object name array (subscript 2), then a pointer to the name of its destination library is the third element in the library name array; its object type is the third element in the object type array; and the pointer to its source code buffer is the third element in the syntax buffer array.
Using PBORCA_BINARY to specify entry type
This value of the PBORCA_TYPE enumerated data type should be used when importing or exporting entries that contain embedded binary information such as OLE objects. The binary information is imported from a buffer previously filled on export with the hexascii representation of the binary data.
For sample code demonstrating using PBORCA_BINARY on import, see Examples.
When errors occur
When errors occur during importing, the object is brought into the library but may need editing. An object with minor errors can be opened in its painter for editing. If the errors are severe enough, the object can fail to open in the painter, and you will have to export the object, fix the source code, and import it again. If errors are due to the order in which the objects are compiled, you can call the PBORCA_ApplicationRebuild function after all the objects are imported.
When you import an entry with the same name as an existing entry, the old entry is deleted before the import takes place. If an import fails, the old object will already have been deleted.
Processing errors in the callback function
For each error that occurs during compiling, ORCA calls the callback function pointed to in pCompErrorProc. How that error information is returned to your calling program depends on the processing you provide in the callback function. ORCA passes information to the callback function about an error in the structure PBORCA_COMPERR. The callback function can examine that structure and store any information it wants in the buffer pointed to by pUserData.
Because you do not know how many errors will occur, it is hard to predict the size of the pUserData buffer. It is up to your callback function to keep track of the available space in the buffer.
This example builds the arrays required to import three objects into two libraries (the example assumes that source code for the objects has already been set up in the variables szWindow1, szWindow2, and szMenu1) and imports the objects.
Each time an error occurs, PBORCA_CompileEntryImportList calls the callback CompileEntryErrors. In the code you write for CompileEntryErrors, you store the error messages in the buffer pointed to by lpUserData. In the example, the lpUserData buffer has already been set up:
LPTSTR lpLibraryNames[3]; LPTSTR lpObjectNames[3]; PBORCA_TYPE ObjectTypes[3]; LPTSTR lpObjComments[3]; LPTSTR lpSourceBuffers[3]; long BuffSizes[3]; PBORCA_ERRPROC fpError; int nReturnCode; fpError = (PBORCA_ERRPROC) ErrorProc; // Indicate Unicode source encoding lpORCA_Info->pConfig->eImportEncoding = PBORCA_UNICODE; PBORCA_ConfigureSession(lpORCA_Info->hORCASession, lpORCA_Info->pConfig); // specify the library names lpLibraryNames[0] = _TEXT("c:\\appeon\\pb2019\\demo\\windows.pbl"); lpLibraryNames[1] = _TEXT("c:\\appeon\\pb2019\\demo\\windows.pbl"); lpLibraryNames[2] = _TEXT("c:\\appeon\\pb2019\\demo\\menus.pbl"); // specify the object names lpObjectNames[0] = _TEXT("w_ancestor"); lpObjectNames[1] = _TEXT("w_descendant"); lpObjectNames[2] = _TEXT("m_actionmenu"); // set up object type array ObjectTypes[0] = PBORCA_WINDOW; ObjectTypes[1] = PBORCA_WINDOW; ObjectTypes[2] = PBORCA_MENU; // specify object comments lpObjComments[0] = _TEXT("Ancestor window"); lpObjComments[1] = _TEXT("descendant window"); lpObjComments[2] = _TEXT("Action menu"); // set pointers to source code lpSourceBuffers[0] = (LPTSTR) szWindow1; lpSourceBuffers[1] = (LPTSTR) szWindow2; lpSourceBuffers[2] = (LPTSTR) szMenu1; // Set up source code lengths array BuffSizes[0] = _tcslen(szWindow1)*2; //Unicode source buffer BuffSizes[1] = _tcslen(szWindow2)*2; //Size is always in bytes BuffSizes[2] = _tcslen(szMenu1)*2; nReturnCode = PBORCA_CompileEntryImportList( lpORCA_Info->hORCASession, lpLibraryNames, lpObjectNames, ObjectTypes, lpObjComments, lpSourceBuffers, BuffSizes, 3, fpError, lpUserData );
For more information about setting up the data buffer for the callback, see Content of a callback function and the example for PBORCA_LibraryDirectory.
In these examples, session information is saved in the data structure ORCA_Info, shown in About the examples.
See also