This function is obsolete because EAServer is no longer supported since PowerBuilder 2017.
Deploys an EAServer component according to the specifications of the project object, but forces overrides based on argument values you specify. This method is similar to PBORCA_BuildProjectEx, however, it requires additional input values for the server login ID and password, and it uses these values to override any values set in the server profile or the project object.
INT PBORCA_BuildProjectWithOverrides ( HPBORCA hORCASession, LPTSTR lpszLibraryName, LPTSTR lpszProjectName, PBORCA_BLDPROC pBuildErrProc, LPTSTR lpszServerName, INT iPort, LPTSTR lpszUserid, LPTSTR lpszPassword, LPVOID pUserData );
Argument |
Description |
hORCASession |
Handle to previously established ORCA session. |
lpszLibraryName |
File name of the library containing project entry. |
lpszProjectName |
Project object containing deployment information. |
pBuildErrProc |
Pointer to the PBORCA_BuildProject error callback function. If you don't want to use a callback function, set pBuildErrProc to NULL. |
lpszServerName |
Server name for EAServer deployment. This value overrides the server property in the project object. |
iPort |
Port number for EAServer deployment. This value overrides the server property in the project object. |
lpszUserid |
Login ID for the server. This value overrides the login ID in the project object. |
lpszPassword |
Password for the server. This value overrides the login password in the project object. |
pUserData |
Pointer to user data to be passed to the callback function. |
Return value
INT. Typical return codes are:
Return code |
Description |
Operation successful. |
Invalid parameter list. |
Component Builder class not created. |
Initialization of EAServer connection failed. |
Deployment failed with errors. |
See also