The simplest scenario will be used in this guide, which requires 1 Windows PC and 1 Android device.
1 Windows PC: used as the development machine and the server
1 Android or iOS device: in this tutorial, an Android device is used as the mobile client
The 32-bit version of PowerServer Mobile for .NET edition will be used to walk you through this guide, so please prepare the environment according to the following requirements.
Software requirements for Windows PC:
Windows 10 (32-bit or 64-bit)
PowerServer Mobile 32-bit version can be installed to the 64-bit OS without any special considerations. But if you have installed Appeon PowerServer 64-bit version before please uninstall it first. See Task 1.2: Uninstall previous version of 64-bit PowerServer.
Internet Explorer 11
(Optional) SAP SQL Anywhere (32-bit engine) 11.0, 12.0, 16.0, or 17 (for running the demos included with the PowerServer installation)
.NET Framework 4.x
IIS 10
PowerBuilder 2019 R2 & PowerServer Mobile 2020
It is recommended that you install PowerBuilder 2019 R2 CloudPro Edition. The universal edition includes the installation of PowerBuilder IDE, PowerServer (PB Edition), and PowerServer Toolkit.
See Task 2: Install PowerBuilder and PowerServer for installation instructions.
Software requirements for the Android device:
Google Android 6.x (32-bit), 7.x, 8.x, 9.x, or 10.x
Appeon Workspace
See Task 3: Install Appeon Workspace (on the Android device)