
Applies to

TabPage objects and UserObjects when they are tab pages


The TabTextColor property allows you to select the color for the tab's text.


In a painter

To add your own colors to the color drop-down list, select Design>Custom Colors before displaying the Properties view.

To change the tab text color:

  1. Select the desired tab page on the tab control.

  2. Select the TabPage tab in the Properties view.

  3. Select the desired color in the TabTextColor drop-down list.

In scripts

The TabTextColor property takes a long value (-2 to 16,777,215) that specifies the numerical value of a color. The TabTextColor value is a combination of values for the red, green, and blue components of the color.

If you do not know the long value for the color, choose Design>Custom Colors to determine the red, green, and blue values and then call the RGB function to specify the color in a script.

The following example sets yellow as the text color for a tab.

tab_1.tabpage_2.TabTextColor = RGB(255, 255, 0)