Sometimes the Windows language settings can affect the characters displayed in the Appeon Web application. To avoid any such display issues, verify that:
The language of the data in the database used by the application matches the Windows language settings on the machine where PowerServer is installed.
The language of the data in the database used by the application matches the Windows language settings on each client machine where the Web application will be viewed.
The language of the data in the database used by the Appeon-deployed Web application matches Windows language settings on the machine where PowerServer Toolkit is installed.
To set the language settings in Windows:
Step 1: Open Windows Start Menu and select Settings | Control Panel.
Step 2: Double-click Regional Options.
Step 3: Select the appropriate language from the Your locale DropDownListBox.
Step 4: Click the Set Default button. The Select System Local window displays.
Step 5: Select the appropriate locale. Verify that it is the same as that selected in the Your locale list box in Regional Options.
Step 6: Click OK to return to the Regional Options window.
Step 7: Verify that the language selected in the Your locale list box and the language checked as default in Language settings for the system settings are the same. The language can be from different regions as long as it is the same language.
Step 8: Click Apply and OK in the Regional Options window to accept the settings.