Step 1: Double click Autorun.exe in the PowerBuilder (Universal edition) installation package. The PowerBuilder 2019 Setup program starts.
Step 2: Click Install on the start page.
Step 3: Click Next to proceed.
Step 4: On the License Agreement page, accept the terms in the license agreement page and click Next.
Step 5: On the Customer Information page, enter your name and your company’s name and click Next.
Step 6: On the Select Products page, select PowerServer (PB Edition), PowerServer Toolkit, and PowerServer Help and click Next to continue.
Step 7: On the Choose Destination Location page, click Next to accept the destination path shown, or click Browse and select a different path, click OK, and click Next.
Step 8: On the Destination Location for Shared Files page, click Next to accept the destination path shown, or click Browse and select a different path, click OK, and click Next. Use the same folder for shared files for all products in this set.
Step 9: On the Specify the SQL Anywhere Engine page, select the location of a SQL Anywhere engine for running the demo database.
Now refer to the following sections to complete the installation of each product.
For PowerServer (PB Edition) installation instructions, refer to PowerServer Web/Mobile installation.
For PowerServer Toolkit installation instructions, refer to PowerServer Toolkit installation.
For PowerServer Help installation instructions, refer to PowerServer Help installation.
For PowerServer Web Component installation instructions, refer to PowerServer Web Component installation.
If you are using one IIS as both the PowerServer and the Web server, then you will not need to install PowerServer Web Component, because it is included in PowerServer and will be installed automatically during PowerServer Mobile/Web installation.