Table 254.
Controls in Graph DataWindow |
Supported |
Graph DataWindow supports the following controls: |
Button |
Column |
Computed field |
Graph |
GroupBox |
Line |
Oval |
Rectangle |
RoundRectangle |
Report |
Picture |
Text |
Unsupported | ||
None. |
Graph axises |
Differences |
Category axis
Value axis When setting the values on the Value axis, you should ensure that the value type and the Value axis type are the same. If they are not, Appeon adopts the first category type you input for this axis and will ignore the one that does not match along with the following. |
Properties for Graph DataWindow |
Differences |
The following DataWindow object properties can be read but not changed in Graph DataWindow: |
Bandname.Text |
HorizontalScrollMaximum |
HorizontalScrollMaximum2 |
QueryMode |
QuerySort |
Rows_Per_Detail |
VerticalScrollMaximum |
Zoom |
Performance differences between PowerBuilder and Web |
Differences |
On the Web, the UI will be automatically refreshed after executing RowsCopy, RowsDiscard, RowsMove and Sort. This is different from in PowerBuilder. Executing GetObjectAtPoint function of DataWindow control does not return the row number. When multiple series are of different data types, the series will be sorted and displayed according to the order of the String data type. It is unsupported to have a nested report in a Graph DataWindow. It is unsupported to operate the properties before drawing a Graph DataWindow. It is unsupported to use overlays in graphs in the DataWindow. The value of the header height cannot be smaller than 0. In pie graph, if there is negative data in a series, the graph displays differently on the Web from in PowerBuilder. In PowerBuilder, the total percentage exceeds 100%. But Appeon ignores the negative data, it display 100% on the Web. |