The OrcaScript tool is greatly enhanced from the following aspects:
OrcaScript can call DOS commands and the batch file.
For more information, see the section called “About OrcaScript” in Users Guide.
"set appendlib" function is provided to set one library file and one PBD flag at a time, hence reduces the likelihood of messing up the PBD flags for a long library list.
For more information, see the section called “OrcaScript Commands” in Users Guide.
OrcaScript and Orca APIs supports compiling 64-bit executables.
For more information, see the section called “OrcaScript Commands” in Users Guide, and PBORCA_ExecutableCreate in ORCA Guide.
PBORCA_ApplicationRebuild eRebldType argument supports a new PBORCA_REBLD_TYPE enumerated data type -- PBORCA_3PASS.
For more information, see PBORCA_ApplicationRebuild in ORCA Guide.
OrcaScript generates more detailed logs to help debugging.
OrcaScript gets rid of the license control so it can be used freely outside PowerBuilder.