Undeploying instructions

Step 1: Verify that the PowerServer and the Web Server(s) hosting the Appeon application to be undeployed are running before you proceed with undeployment.

Step 2: Click the Undeploy button () in the PowerServer Toolkit. The Application Undeployment Wizard is displayed, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 158. Application Undeployment Wizard

Application Undeployment Wizard

Step 3: Click Next to continue. The Specify Undeployment Mode window is displayed, as shown in the following figure, prompting you to select an undeployment mode.

Figure 159. Specify Undeployment Mode window

Specify Undeployment Mode window

The following table shows when and how to use each mode.

Table 41. Undeployment modes


When To Use It

How To Use It

Deployment Profile mode

If you clearly know which application you want to delete from which server.

Select an application to be undeployed and its associated deployment profile.

For detailed instructions, refer to the section called “Undeploying with the Deployment Profile mode”.

PowerServer mode

When you are uncertain of the name of the application you want to undeploy, or an application profile does not exist for the application you want to undeploy, but you clearly know the PowerServer hosting the Web or mobile application intended for undeployment.

Specify a PowerServer by selecting an PowerServer profile. The selected PowerServer will refer to all the Web or mobile applications that are deployed. Then you can choose one Web or mobile application for undeployment.

For detailed instructions, refer to the section called “Undeploying with the PowerServer mode”.