SetGlobalProperty (obsolete)


Sets the value of an SSL global property.

Obsolete function

SetGlobalProperty is obsolete, because EAServer is no longer supported since PowerBuilder 2017.

Applies to

SSLServiceProvider object


sslserviceprovider.SetGlobalProperty ( property, value )




Reference to the SSLServiceProvider service instance.


The name of the SSL property you want to set.

For a complete list of supported SSL properties, see your EAServer documentation for the Connection object.


String value of the SSL property.

Return value


Returns one of the following values:

0 -- Success

-1 -- Unknown property

-2 -- Property is read only

-3 -- Invalid value for property

-10 -- An EAServer or SSL failure has occurred

-11 -- Bad argument list


The SetGlobalProperty function allows PowerBuilder clients that connect to EAServer through SSL to set global SSL properties.

Any properties set using the SSLServiceProvider interface are global to all connections made by the client to all EAServer servers. You can override any of the global settings at the connection level by specifying them as options to the Connection object.

Only clients can get and set SSL properties. Server components do not have permission to use the SSLServiceProvider service.


The following example shows the use of the SetGlobalProperty function to set the value of the cacheSize property to 300:

SSLServiceProvider ssl
long rc
this.GetContextService("SSLServiceProvider", ssl)
rc = ssl.SetGlobalProperty("cacheSize", "300")

See also

GetGlobalProperty (obsolete)