Retrieves data to the DataWindow or DataStore with GET method. The JSON string returned from the RESTFul Web Service APIs must be in this format.
Applies to
RestClient object
objectname.Retrieve ( dwControl, urlName )
objectname.Retrieve ( dsObject, urlName )
Argument |
Description |
objectname |
A reference to the RestClient object |
dwControl |
A reference to a DataWindow. |
dsObject |
A reference to a DataStore. |
urlName |
A string whose value is the URL. |
Return value
Returns values as follows. If any argument's value is null, the method returns null.
>=0 -- Returns the number of rows if it succeeds
-1 -- General error
-2 -- Invalid URL
-3 -- Cannot connect to the Internet
-4 -- Timed out
Example 1
This example retrieves data to a DataWindow:
RestClient lnv_RestClient lnv_RestClient = Create RestClient // Set DataObject dw_1.DataObject = "d_employee" // Send request using GET ll_rc = lnv_RestClient.Retrieve(dw_1, "") // Check the return value if ll_rc >= 0 then MessageBox("Success", "Rows = " + String(ll_rc)) else MessageBox("Error", "Failed to retrieve data.") end if
Example 2
This example retrieves data to a DataStore:
RestClient lnv_RestClient lnv_RestClient = Create RestClient // Set DataObject ds_1.DataObject = "d_employee" // Send request using GET ll_rc = lnv_RestClient.Retrieve(ds_1, "") // Check the return value if ll_rc >= 0 then MessageBox("Success", "Rows = ” + String(ll_rc)) else MessageBox("Error", "Failed to retrieve data.") end if
Retrieves data to the DataWindow or DataStore with POST method that passes the string or blob data. The JSON string returned from the RESTFul Web Service APIs must be in this format.
Applies to
RestClient object
objectname.Retrieve ( dwControl, urlName, data )
objectname.Retrieve ( dsObject, urlName, data )
Argument |
Description |
objectname |
A reference to the RestClient object |
dwControl |
A reference to a DataWindow. |
dsObject |
A reference to a DataStore. |
urlName |
A string whose value is the URL. |
data |
A string or blob data. |
Return value
Returns values as follows. If any argument's value is null, the method returns null.
>=0 -- Returns the number of rows if it succeeds
-1 -- General error
-2 -- Invalid URL
-3 -- Cannot connect to the Internet
-4 -- Timed out
Example 1
This example retrieves data to a DataWindow with POST method that passes the string data.
RestClient lnv_RestClient lnv_RestClient = Create RestClient String ls_json = '{"empId":100, "fname":" John", "lname": "Guevara"}' // Construct a POST request (supports all headers) lnv_RestClient.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8") // Content-Length is set by Retrieve automatically ... // Send the POST request (add data to the body and automatically set Content-Length header) ll_rc = lnv_RestClient.Retrieve(dw_1, "", ls_Json) // Check the return value if ll_rc >= 0 then MessageBox("Success", "Rows = " + String(ll_rc)) else MessageBox("Error", "Failed to retrieve data.") end if
Example 2
This example retrieves data to a DataWindow with POST method that passes the blob data.
RestClient lnv_RestClient lnv_RestClient = Create RestClient // Construct a POST request (supports all headers) lnv_RestClient.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8") // Content-Length is set by Retrieve automatically ... // Send the POST request (add data to the body and automatically set Content-Length header) ll_rc = lnv_RestClient.Retrieve(dw_1, "", lblb_data) // Check the return value if ll_rc >= 0 then MessageBox("Success", "Rows = " + String(ll_rc)) else MessageBox("Error", "Failed to retrieve data.") end if
Example 3
This example retrieves data to a DataStore with POST method that passes the string data.
RestClient lnv_RestClient lnv_RestClient = Create RestClient String ls_json = '{"empId":102, "fname":" John", "lname": "Guevara"}' // Construct a POST request (supports all headers) lnv_RestClient.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8") // Content-Length is set by Retrieve automatically ... // Send the POST request (add data to the body and automatically set Content-Length header) ll_rc = lnv_RestClient.Retrieve(ds_1, "", ls_Json) // Check the return value if ll_rc >= 0 then MessageBox("Success", "Rows = " + String(ll_rc)) else MessageBox("Error", "Failed to retrieve data.") end if
Example 4
This example retrieves data to a DataStore with POST method that passes the blob data.
RestClient lnv_RestClient lnv_RestClient = Create RestClient // Construct a POST request (supports all headers) lnv_RestClient.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8") // Content-Length is set by Retrieve automatically ... // Send the POST request (add data to the body and automatically set Content-Length header) ll_rc = lnv_RestClient.Retrieve(ds_1, "", lblb_data) // Check the return value if ll_rc >= 0 then MessageBox("Success", "Rows = " + String(ll_rc)) else MessageBox("Error", "Failed to retrieve data.") end if
The JSON string returned from the RESTFul Web Service APIs must have no more than 2 levels, and the top-level must be arrays, the second-level must be objects.
For example, the following JSON string is supported:
[ { "empid":148, "fname":"julie", "lname":"jordan" }, { "empId":184, "fname":"Melissa", "lname":"Espinoza" }, { "empId":191, "fname":"Jeannette", "lname":"bertrand" } ]
The following JSON string is unsupported:
{ "empId":191, "fname":"Jeannette", "lname":"bertrand", "manager": { "managerid":703, "fname":"David", "lname":"Scott" }, "department": { "deptid":200, "name":"Sales" } }