This topic describes the silentinstall command syntax for PowerBuilder.
To run the silent installation from a Windows Command Prompt, run this command in the installation package (silentinstall.bat for Universal Edition, silentInstall_st.bat for Standalone Edition):
silentinstall.bat [ "opt=product" "dir=directoryName" "shr=sharedDirectoryName" "log=logFileName" ] [ { help | /? } ]
The parameters can be listed in any order and are not case sensitive. Parameter values are also not case sensitive.
Silent installation parameter |
Description |
Names the product or products to install. This parameter is optional to the Standalone Edition. For the Universal Edition, values are:
Indicates the main installation directory. If you omit this
parameter, silentinstall installs the product to the
Indicates the shared directory for PowerBuilder. If you omit
this parameter, this directory installs to
Names the log file for the installation. If you omit this parameter, the log file is written to the system Temp directory with the file name, silentinstall.log. |
Displays command syntax and parameters instead of running the command. |
The following example uses all parameters for the silent installation command:
silentinstall.bat "opt=pb"
"dir=D:\appeon\pb170" "shr=D:\appeon\shared"
When installing PowerBuilder, the silent installation writes warnings to its log file if the setup computer does not have the correct version any of these items:
SQL Anywhere
Microsoft .NET Framework
Microsoft .NET Framework SDK
Microsoft IIS