The setup program lets you choose which PowerBuilder components to install.
Component |
Description |
PowerBuilder Base Components |
Installs the ODBC driver, ORCA Software Development Kit (SDK), the PowerBuilder Document Object Model extension, the ability to save DataWindow objects as PDF using the distill or XSL-FO methods, support for rich text, and Oracle JDK. You must install the base components: you cannot unselect this option. |
Native Database Interfaces |
Interfaces that enable you to interact with server databases natively. Expand the tree view to select interfaces to install. |
ADO.NET Driver |
Interface to connect to databases using an ADO.NET data provider. |
OLE DB Driver |
Interface to connect to databases using an OLE DB data provider. |
JDBC Driver |
Interface to connect to databases using JDBC. |
SCC Interface |
Interface for connecting to any source code control system that supports the Microsoft SCC interface. |
PB Native Interface |
An SDK for developing extensions to PowerBuilder in C++. Optional wizards are installed in Visual Studio 2005 and Visual Studio .NET 2002 and 2003 if they are available on your system. |
EJB Client |
The EJB Client PBNI extension, which enables you to develop clients for EJBs running on J2EE-compliant servers. |
Web Services |
The extensions and other files that enable you to create clients for Web services using the .NET or EasySoap Web service engines. |
Tutorial |
Source files for the tutorial in the Getting Started book. If you want to do the PowerBuilder tutorial or use the code examples, install SQL Anywhere if it is not already installed on your computer. When you install PowerBuilder, the setup program creates an ODBC data source for the demo database. If SQL Anywhere is not installed on your system when you install PowerBuilder, setup does not install the demo database, code examples, or tutorial files. |
Demo Database |
A SQL Anywhere database used in the tutorial, the Code Examples sample application, and examples in the documentation. |
Code Examples |
The Code Examples application, which demonstrates many coding techniques. |
Translation Toolkit |
Tools to help you translate applications into other languages. |
PowerBuilder Resource Monitor |
A utility to help determine whether there are sufficient USER/GDI resources available in the operating system to open a painter. |
PowerBuilder Runtime Packager |
A tool that packages files required for deployment into an MSI file. |
Help Files |
Help files for PowerBuilder. |