Occurs when the current item in the control changes.
PowerBuilder event information
Event ID: pbm_dwnitemchangefocus
Argument |
Description |
row |
Long by value. The number of the row containing the item that just gained focus. |
dwo |
DWObject by value. A reference to the column containing the item. |
Return codes
There are no special outcomes for this event. The only code is:
0 -- Continue processing
ItemFocusChanged occurs when focus is set to another column in the DataWindow, including when the DataWindow is first displayed.
The row and column together uniquely identify an item in the DataWindow.
PowerBuilder programming note
In the ItemFocusChanged event, dwo is always a column control. Therefore, you can get more information about it by examining any properties that are appropriate for columns such as and dwo.Name.
This example reports the row and column that just gained focus and that just lost focus. (The first time the event occurs, there is no item that just lost focus; the script saves the row number and column name in two instance variables called ii_row and is_colname so that the old item is known the next time the event occurs.)
IF ii_row > 0 THEN sle_olditem.Text = "Old row: " + String(ii_row) & + " Old column: " + is_colname END IF sle_newitem.Text = "New row: " + String(row) & + " New column: " + dwo.Name // Replace values of instance variables // with info for next change in focus ii_row = row is_colname = dwo.Name
See also