Occurs after the DataWindow control creates a graph and populates it with data, but before it has displayed the graph. In this event, you can change the appearance of the data about to be displayed.
PowerBuilder event information
Event ID: pbm_dwngraphcreate
GraphCreate is not a standard PowerBuilder DataWindow event. To write a script for this event, you must first define a user-defined event for the event ID pbm_dwngraphcreate.
Return codes
There are no special outcomes for this event. The only code is:
0 -- Continue processing
The following statement sets to black the foreground (fill) color of the Q1 series in the graph gr_quarter, which is in the DataWindow control dw_report. The statement is in the user event GraphCreate, which is associated with the event ID pbm_dwngraphcreate:
dw_report.SetSeriesStyle("gr_quarter", "Q1", & foreground!, 0)
See also