PowerBuilder extensions

Several PowerBuilder extension files are provided with PowerBuilder 2017 R2. If your application uses one of these extensions, you must deploy the files listed in the following table.



PowerBuilder Document Object Model

pbdom170.pbx, PBXerces170.dll, xerces-c_2_8.dll, xerces-depdom_2_8.dll

EJB client

pbejbclient170.pbx, pbejbclient170.jar

SOAP client for Web services

ExPat170.dll, libeay32.dll, ssleay32.dll,

xerces-c_2_8.dll, xerces-depdom_2_8.dll,

EasySoap170.dll, pbnetwsruntime170.dll,

pbsoapclient170.pbx, pbwsclient170.pbx,



In addition to the files listed in the table for EJB client, a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) compatible with the JDK on the EJB server must be available on the client and listed in the CLASSPATH.

For more information, see Java support.