The monitor.props file contains the property settings of Status Monitor. These property settings work for WebLogic, WebSphere, JBoss, and NetWeaver Application Server, except for
Scheduled task settings, which are unsupported by WebLogic, WebSphere, JBoss, or NetWeaver Application Server.
Make the following changes to the property settings in monitor.props, as shown in the following table.
Note: If you have made changes to the instance names and instance ports, you will need to restart PowerServer to make the settings effective.
Table 10. Configure monitor.props
Settings |
Descriptions |
com.appeon.server.monitor.instance.names |
The names of server instances that need to be monitored. Separate multiple instance names with comma (","). Note that changes to this setting will not take effect until PowerServer is restarted. |
com.appeon.server.monitor.instance.cpus |
The information for CPU(s) of the server instances. The value ranges from CPU0 to CPU31. The value can also be an asterisk ("*"), which stands for all CPUs of the local machine. If there are more than one server, their names should be separated by comma (",") and ranked in the same order with com.appeon.server.monitor.instance.names. If one server has multiple CPUs, they can be connected by the plus sign ("+"). |
com.appeon.server.monitor.instance.ports |
The port via which Status Monitor monitors PowerServer. Separate multiple server instances with comma (",") and range them in the same order with com.appeon.server.monitor.instance.names. Make sure the port number you specify is not occupied. Note that changes to this setting will not take effect until PowerServer is restarted. |
com.appeon.server.monitor.instance.files |
The files that Status Monitor will check when the server shuts down, for example, D:\wildfly-10.0.0.Final\appeon\repository\standalone\config\aem-config.xml. If there are more than one server instance, separate them with comma (",") and range them in the same order with com.appeon.server.monitor.instance.names. |
com.appeon.server.monitor.instance.commandlines |
The command line for starting PowerServer. Default setting: com.appeon.server.monitor.instance.commandlines=appeonserver.bat If there are more than one server instance, separate them with comma (",") and range them in the same order with com.appeon.server.monitor.instance.names. |
com.appeon.server.monitor.mail.smtp.server |
The mail server that Status Monitor uses for sending notification emails. Contact your network administrator to get the valid mail server that can be accessed from the machine. |
com.appeon.server.monitor.mail.smtp.recievers |
The email address(es) of the recipient(s) to who Status Monitor will send the notification emails. It can contain one or multiple email addresses. Use the comma (",") as the email address separator if you want to specify multiple email receivers. The auto-mail functionality will not work unless being specified. |
com.appeon.server.monitor.mail.smtp.port |
The port number that is specified for the mail server. Contact your network administrator to get the valid port number of the mail server specified. The default port number is "25" |
com.appeon.server.monitor.mail.smtp.sender.account |
The account for sending mails. If the mail server uses SMTP to validate, an account for sending mails must be specified. Otherwise anonymous mails will be sent. |
com.appeon.server.monitor.mail.smtp.sender.password |
The password for sending mails. If the mail server uses SMTP to validate, a password must be specified. |
com.appeon.server.monitor.session.checkcycle |
The cycle for automatic backup. The unit is second. |
com.appeon.server.monitor.session.backup |
The switch for turning on/off session auto-backup. Specify the value to true or false. |
com.appeon.server.monitor.memory.checkcycle (Obsolete) |
The cycle for checking memory information. The memory usage detected by Status Monitor may not be necessarily the same as the memory usage shown in the Windows task manager. The unit is second. NoteThis setting is obsolete, because it is effective only for EAServer which Appeon no longer supports. |
com.appeon.server.monitor.memory.maxvalue (Obsolete) |
The maximum value (in percentage) for memory usage. The value ranges from 0 to 100. If the memory usage reaches the peak, the Status Monitor will check the existence of active sessions. If there is none, the monitor will immediately restart the server instance(s). If there is one or more active sessions, the monitor will determine whether to restart the server instance(s) according to the restart flag. Before the restart, the monitor will determine whether the sessions will be backed up according the backup settings. NoteThis setting is obsolete, because it is effective only for EAServer which Appeon no longer supports. |
com.appeon.server.monitor.memory.minvalue (Obsolete) |
The minimum value (in percentage) for memory usage. The value ranges from 0 to 100. If the memory usage reaches the bottom, the Status Monitor will check the existence of active sessions. If there is none, the monitor will immediately restart the server instance(s). If there is one or more, the monitor will continue checking until the memory usage reaches the peak. NoteThis setting is obsolete, because it is effective only for EAServer which Appeon no longer supports. |
com.appeons.erver.monitor.memory.restart (Obsolete) |
The switch to restart server instance by force when the memory usage reaches the peak. The value can be true or false. NoteThis setting is obsolete, because it is effective only for EAServer which Appeon no longer supports. |
com.appeon.server.monitor.scheduled.task.cycle (Obsolete) |
The cycle for scheduled tasks. The value can be daily, weekly or monthly, among which only the daily mode is supported at present. NoteThis setting is obsolete, because it is effective only for EAServer which Appeon no longer supports. |
com.appeon.server.monitor.scheduled.task.when (Obsolete) |
The moment to start carrying out scheduled tasks. The value ranges from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59. NoteThis setting is obsolete, because it is effective only for EAServer which Appeon no longer supports. |
com.appeon.server.monitor.scheduled.task.restart (Obsolete) |
The switch to restart server instance(s) if active sessions still exist when starting to carry out scheduled tasks. The value can be true or false. NoteThis setting is obsolete, because it is effective only for EAServer which Appeon no longer supports. |