Output time log for the code and find out time-consuming ones during execution. Please refer to the following Scripts and load it into PowerBuilder Application. A log with time interval regarding code will be generated while the object of_log(string arg) is called.
Please check the start time and end time of the code and find out time-consuming ones.
string is_LogFile="C:\debug\logservice.log" string is_workdir="C:\debug\" long il_LogFileHandle IF NOT directoryexists(is_workdir) THEN createdirectory(is_workdir) END IF il_LogFileHandle = FileOpen(is_LogFile,StreamMode!,write!,shared!,append!) FileWrite(il_LogFileHandle,"~r~n~r~n") of_log("==========Log service initialized=========") public function integer of_log (string as_message); IF FileExists(is_LogFile) THEN IF FileLength(is_LogFile) > 2097152 THEN//2M FileClose(il_logfilehandle) FileCopy(is_LogFile,is_LogFile+".bak",true) FileDelete(is_LogFile) il_LogFileHandle = FileOpen(is_LogFile,StreamMode!,write!,shared!,append!) END IF END IF as_message = "~r~n"+string(now(),"yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.fff") +as_message FileWrite(il_logfilehandle,as_message) return 1 end function