Appeon Mobile Tutorials (Mobile only)

Appeon® for PowerBuilder® 2016


DOCUMENT ID: ADC50001-01-0700-01

LAST REVISED: March 16, 2017

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Table of Contents

Tutorial 1: Set up the Environment
Task 1: Prepare the machine
Task 1.1: Disable UAC (User Account Control)
Task 1.2: Uninstall previous version of 64-bit Appeon
Task 1.3: Install IIS
Task 1.4: Configure IIS
Task 2: Install Appeon Server and Appeon Developer
Task 2.1: Install Appeon Server and Appeon Developer
Task 2.2: Verify the installation
Task 3: Install Appeon Workspace (on the Android or iOS device)
Task 4: Configure the network connection
Tutorial 2: Config, Deploy & Run the Application
Task 1: Configure the database type
Task 2: Configure the database connection
Task 3: Configure and deploy the application
Task 4: Run the Web version of the application (in IE)
Task 5: Run the mobile version of the application (on the Android or iOS device)
Tutorial 3: Develop & Debug with Appeon Mobile
Point 1: Mobile UI Considerations
Point 2: Unsupported Features
Point 3: Previewing & Debugging
Tutorial 4: Package & Distribute Native Mobile Apps
Package & Distribute iOS Apps
Task 1: Prepare for the build environment
Task 2: Generate the Xcode project
Task 3: Create the app archive
Task 4: Distribute the app archive
Package & Distribute Android Apps
Task 1: Generate the Android application package (APK)
Task 2: Distribute the Android APK
Tutorial 5: Configure Appeon Server Cluster
Task 1: Understand the cluster architecture
Task 2: Install Appeon Server to multiple application servers
Task 3: Create an Appeon Server cluster in AEM
Task 4: Configure the Web server for the Appeon Server cluster
Task 4.1: Install the Appeon Server Web Component on Web server
Task 4.2: Configure the Web server with the Appeon cluster plug-in
Task 5: Deploy or Install the application to the Appeon Server cluster and Web server(s)
Points to note before installation
Installing an application