IAdoDbConnection Interface
.NET Standard 2.x | Current Version (1.0.1)
Represents a connection to the database.
Namespace: SnapObjects.Data
Assembly: SnapObjects.Data.dll
public interface IAdoDbConnection : IAdoDbTransactionManager, IDisposable;
Name | Returns Type | Description |
ConnectionString | string | Gets the GUID of this IAdoDbConnection object. |
ConnectionId | Guid | Gets the connection string used to open the database. |
DbConnection | DbConnection | Gets an IAdoDbTransaction object which represents the current database transaction. |
CurrentTransaction | IAdoDbTransaction | Gets the internal DbConnection object. |
Name | Returns Type | Description |
Close() | bool | Closes the connection to the database. |
Open() | bool | Opens the database connection using the connection string. |
The following code example demonstrates how to use the methods and properties of the IAdoDbConnection
using SnapObjects.Data;
using SnapObjects.Data.SqlServer;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using System;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.IO;
namespace Appeon.ApiDoc.IAdoDbConnectionExamples
public class IAdoDbConnectionExample
// Declares an IAdoDbConnection object
public IAdoDbConnection _connection;
// Instantiates the IAdoDbConnection object
public IAdoDbConnectionExample()
// Gets the file location of appsettings.json
string path = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(),
// Creates a ConfigurationBuilder object and adds the JSON file
var build = new ConfigurationBuilder();
// Builds the IConfiguration object
var Configuration = build.Build();
// Gets the configuration information of school
// via IConfiguration object
string schoolconnect = Configuration.GetConnectionString("school");
// Connects to the database using the configuraiton information
_connection = new SqlServerAdoDbConnection(schoolconnect);
public void Example()
// Opens the database connection
// Gets and shows the ConnectionId
var id = _connection.ConnectionId;
Console.WriteLine("ConnectionId = {0}", id);
// Gets and shows the ConnectionString
string connString = _connection.ConnectionString;
Console.WriteLine("ConnectionString = {0}", connString);
// Starts the database transaction
// Gets and shows the current transaction ID
var transaction = _connection.CurrentTransaction;
Console.WriteLine("CurrentTransaction = {0}", transaction.TransactionId);
// closes the database connection
// The following code example creates a DbCommand object using the
// AdoDbConnection DbConnection property, and performs database query
var command = _connection.DbConnection.CreateCommand();
command.CommandText = "Select Name From Department";
// Performs data query
var reader = command.ExecuteReader();
while (reader.Read())
// Releases resource and closes the database connection
/*This code produces the following output:
ConnectionId = f7b4bbd4-af87-41a6-9fcb-5c57b73a67fc
ConnectionString = Data Source=;Initial Catalog=School;Integrated Security=False;User ID=dba;Password=sql;Pooling=True;Min Pool Size=0;Max Pool Size=100;ApplicationIntent=ReadWrite
CurrentTransaction = 031655e8-b94a-4558-bfac-96c7519f54c7