PowerServer Mobile supports nearly all the same features as PowerServer Web. Those experienced with PowerServer Web know that it supports many powerful PB features. So you should be able to build equally robust applications with PowerServer Mobile also.
When developing applications for PowerServer Mobile, it is critical to ensure that your application does not contain unsupported features. Appeon provides several tools to assist you with this:
Tool 1: The UFA tool (
) in the PowerServer Toolkit will automatically scan your application and list major unsupported features found based on a keyword scan.
Tool 2: The Code Insight tool (
) in the PowerServer Toolkit will pop-up a window, when you are writing dot notation in the PB script editor, that prevents you from writing PowerScript that is unsupported.
Tool 3: The Supported PB Features for PowerServer Mobile is a searchable online help that lists all unsupported features.
These tools have some limitations. Please keep in mind the following limitations when using these tools:
The UFA tool uses a keyword scan. As such, not all unsupported features can be found, especially those that are dynamically occurring in runtime.
The Code Insight tool is limited to unsupported PowerScript and essentially based on keywords (like the UFA tool). As such, it will not prevent all unsupported features from being added to the application, such as unsupported objects, unsupported expressions, etc.
We recommend you develop your mobile applications with PowerServer Toolkit as follows:
Step 1: Use the Code Insight tool
() from the PowerServer Toolkit to code PowerScript
that is compatible with PowerServer Mobile. For details about how to
configure and use the Code Insight
tool, see Developing with Code Insight in PowerServer Toolkit User Guide.
Step 2: Run the UFA tool
() from the PowerServer Toolkit to generate the
unsupported features report. For details about how to run the UFA
report, see Using UFA Tool in PowerServer Toolkit User Guide.
Step 3: Remove or rewrite any unsupported features found by the UFA tool. Please make note of the unsupported features found such that in the future you do not reintroduce these same unsupported features.
Step 4: After you have deployed the application, attempt to run the Web version in the Internet Explorer Web browser. The Web version is based on PowerServer Web that has been on the market for over 10 years. As such, if you find something in your application is not working in the Web version chances are it is an unsupported feature rather than a product bug.
Step 5: Since the UFA tool and Code Insight cannot prevent 100% unsupported features, should you find something that does not work in the Web version please go back to the object or area of PowerScript in question and cross-reference that with the Supported PB Features for PowerServer Mobile to see if your application contains any unsupported features.
Step 6: If after cross-referencing the Supported PB Features for PowerServer Mobile you believe your
application is free of unsupported features but it fails to run or
operate properly please contact <support@appeon.com>