After successfully connecting to an Informix 11.7 database using the INF driver, a SQL statement in the dynamic SQL format 2 is executed and returns the following error:
sql error -201: A syntax error has occurred
The embedded SQL uses an argument and it appears that the argument value is not replacing the placeholder ('?') in the SQL.
PowerBuilder, Informix
Reproducing the Issue
1. In PowerBuilder, use an existing application that connects to an INF Informix database.
2. Use the following embedded SQL script:
int wait_var = 5 PREPARE SQLSA FROM "SET LOCK MODE to WAIT ?" ; EXECUTE SQLSQ using :wait_var; if sqlca.sqlcode <> 0 then messagebox("SQL Error", sqlca.sqlerrtext) end if
3. The script will return a SQL error of: -201 - A syntax error has occurred
Engineering found that Informix is unable to accept bind variables (arguments with '?' place holder) in certain complex places.
Use the dbparm of DisableBind=1. DisableBind is dynamic so you can set it to 1 for certain transactions and then set it to 0 afterwards.