Sharing ADO.NET Database Connections

PowerBuilder applications can share database ADO.NET connections with third-party .NET assemblies exposed as COM through a connection proxy. The connection proxy is an instance of type IAdoConnectionProxy.

The IAdoConnectionProxy interface is defined in the Appeon.DB.Sharing.dll assembly as follows:

IAdoConnectionProxy {
    object Connection; //accepts System.Data.IDbConnection
    object Transaction; //accepts System.Data.IDbTransaction
    event EventHandler TransactionChanged;

Both the PowerBuilder application and the third-party assembly manage connections and transactions by referencing the proxy.

The assembly must be registered as COM by using regasm.exe under the Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0 folder. Please refer to the Microsoft MSDN library for information about regasm.exe.

The PowerBuilder Transaction object is the standard PowerBuilder nonvisual object used in database connections. To manage the shared connection, the Transaction object references the AdoConnectionProxy object using these methods:

  • bool SetAdoConnection (oleobject connectionProxy) -- accepts an imported ADO.NET connection.

  • oleobject GetAdoConnection() -- accepts an ADO.NET connection exported from the Transaction object.

Importing an ADO.NET Connection from a Third-Party .NET Assembly

You can import an ADO.NET connection from an external .NET assembly into a PowerBuilder application, enabling the application and the assembly to share the connection.

Use the SetAdoConnection method:

bool SetAdoConnection(oleobject proxy)

where proxy is the instance of type IAdoConnectionProxy that is passed in by the third-party assembly.

The imported connection and any transaction are assigned to the IAdoConnectionProxy instance.

The method returns true if the parameter is available (that is, the parameter is an instance of IAdoConnectionProxy or null). It returns false if the operation fails.

Start the connection after invoking SetAdoConnection.

Sample PowerScript Code

The following sample uses the Oracle database as an example to demonstrate how C# shares the database information with PB for executing ESQL in PB.


1) Specify DBMS and Provider before SetAdoConnection is called, because the ADO.NET database interface supports various database types such as Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Server etc., and PowerBuilder application needs to load the corresponding driver when sharing the transactions.

2) Use the LoadWithDotNet method to load the .NET assembly, instead of using LoadWithDotNetframework or LoadWithDotNetCore.

DotNetAssembly           lcs_ass
DotNetObject             lcs_obj
long                     ll_return,ll_result
boolean                  lb_return

lcs_ass = Create DotNetAssembly
lcs_obj = Create DotNetObject
//Load the .NET assembly
ll_return = lcs_ass.LoadWithDotNet("appeon.dll")
if ll_return < 0 then
    messagebox("Load Failed",lcs_ass.errortext)
end if
ll_return = lcs_ass.createinstance("appeon.emp",lcs_obj)
if ll_return < 0 then
    messagebox("createinstance failed",lcs_ass.errortext)
end if
SQLCA.LogPass = "en_ora9i"
SQLCA.LogId = "en_ora9i"
SQLCA.AutoCommit = False
SQLCA.DBParm = "Provider='Oracle',DataSource='(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))(CONNECT_DATA =(SERVICE_NAME = pdborcl)))'"
//Get the C# database connection information
lb_return = sqlca.setadoconnection(lcs_obj.orasql )
if lb_return then
    if sqlca.sqlcode <> 0 then
    end if
end if
//Use the C# connection to execute ESQL in PB
select count(*) into :ll_result from employee;

Sample C# Code

Here is an example of C# code in the third-party assembly:

public class Emp
        public IAdoConnectionProxy orasql { get; set; }
       //Construct a method to send database information to orasql
        public Emp()
            OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection();
            con.ConnectionString = "Data Source=(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))(CONNECT_DATA =(SERVICE_NAME = pdborcl)));User Id=en_ora9i;Password=en_ora9i";
            OracleCommand sql = new OracleCommand();
            IAdoConnectionProxy ado = new AdoConnectionProxy();
            ado.Connection = con;
            orasql = ado;

Exporting an ADO.NET Connection to a Third-Party .NET Assembly

To export an ADO.NET connection from a PowerBuilder application, use the GetAdoConnection method:

oleobject GetAdoConnection()

The method returns an instance of IAdoConnectionProxy. The proxy's ADO connection object is assigned to property IAdoConnectionProxy.Connection.

When a transaction starts, the proxy's active Transaction object is assigned to property IAdoConnectionProxy.Transaction, and AutoCommit is false. When AutoCommit is true, the exported IAdoConnectionProxy.Transaction is null.

The method returns null if the connection fails, and false if the operation fails.

To use the shared connection, your third-party assembly must reference the exported connection proxy and manage the transaction. To be notified when the active transaction is changed, you can subscribe the IAdoConnection.TransactionChanged event. Remember to close the connection.

Sample PowerScript Code

The following sample uses the Oracle database as an example to demonstrate how PB shares the database information with C# and C# executes ESQL and returns the result to PB.


Use the LoadWithDotNet method instead of LoadWithDotNetframework or LoadWithDotNetCore, to load the .NET assembly.

DotNetAssembly      lcs_ass
DotNetObject        lcs_obj
long                ll_return,ll_result
boolean             lb_return

lcs_ass = Create DotNetAssembly
lcs_obj = Create DotNetObject
//Create the PB transaction
SQLCA.LogPass = "en_ora9i"
SQLCA.LogId = "en_ora9i"
SQLCA.AutoCommit = False
SQLCA.DBParm = "Provider='Oracle',DataSource='(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))(CONNECT_DATA =(SERVICE_NAME = pdborcl)))'"
connect using sqlca;
//Load the .NET assembly
ll_return = lcs_ass.LoadWithDotNet("OraClient_net.dll")
if ll_return < 0 then
         messagebox("Load Failed",lcs_ass.errortext)
end if
ll_return = lcs_ass.createinstance("appeon.emp",lcs_obj)
if ll_return < 0 then
         messagebox("createinstance failed",lcs_ass.errortext)
end if
//Share the transaction to C# execution and get the return result
ll_result = lcs_obj.getemployees(sqlca.getadoconnection())

Sample C# Code

Here is an example of C# code in the third-party assembly:

public class Emp
        public IAdoConnectionProxy orasql { get; set; }
        //Get the database information from PB and execute SQL
        public int GetEmployees(IAdoConnectionProxy ado)
            OracleConnection con = (OracleConnection)ado.Connection;
            OracleTransaction tran = (OracleTransaction)ado.Transaction;
            int result;
            OracleCommand sql = new OracleCommand();
            sql.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
            sql.CommandText = "select count(*) from employee";
            sql.Connection = con;
            sql.Transaction = tran;
            var re = sql.ExecuteScalar();
            result = (int)Convert.ChangeType(re, typeof(int));
            return result;

Required dependency files

For C# code to support sharing ADO.NET database connections, the following DLL file and NuGet package are required:

  • For all: Appeon.DB.Sharing.dll

  • For SQL Server: Microsoft.Data.SqlClient NuGet package

  • For Oracle: Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Core NuGet package

  • For PostgreSQL: Npgsql NuGet package

  • For ODBC: System.Data.Odbc NuGet package