The PBODB.ini file contains the following settings.
Parameter |
Possible value |
Default Value |
BlobSegmentSize |
BlobSegmentSize can be a number from 4096 to 65536. BlobSegmentSize=4096 -- Buffer size to use for SQLPutData when updating blob fields. When using updatable method, you can use SQLGetData method to get the buffer size of SQLLEN. |
4096 |
Block |
Block can be a number from 1 to 1000. Block=nnn -- Maximum number of rows to retrieve with extended fetch if SQLExtendedFetch is supported for a Data Window. The parameter is supported in DBParm for some driver(s). Refer to the section called “Block (ODBC, OLE DB, Oracle, and SNC)” in Connection Reference for more information. |
1000 |
DelimitIdentifier |
YES -- Datasource returns an identifier delimiting character. NO -- Do not delimit identifiers in SQL syntax. |
ForeignKeyDeleteRule |
ForeignKeyDeleteRule=Option text (option key word) -- Specify up to 3 options for foreign key constrain action that delete primary key. If the option text is not found, it is assumed to be the key word. |
IdentifierCase |
1 -- Upper case. 2 -- Lower case. 3 -- Mixed case. Override SQLGetInfo Identifier case value. 4 -- Case insensitive. |
IdentifierQuoteChar |
IdentifierQuoteChar='<quote_char>' -- Override quote char returned by SQLGetInfo for SQL_IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_CHAR. The value can be overridden by the DBParm entry IdentifierQuoteChar. The parameter is supported in DBParm for some driver(s). Refer to the section called “IdentifierQuoteChar” in Connection Reference for more information. |
InsertBlock |
InsertBlock can be a number from 1 to 100. InsertBlock=nnn -- Number of rows to insert block if bind parameters are supported. The parameter is supported in DBParm for some driver(s). Refer to the section called “InsertBlock” in Connection Reference for more information. |
100 |
PBBlobDynami |
YES -- Data Window does not need second connect to retrieve blob data. NO -- Data Window needs second connect to retrieve blob data. |
PBCatalogOwner |
PBCatalogOwner=PowerBuilder_Catalog_Owner -- PowerBuilder catalog tables are referenced with the owner. If the entry is not found, the default value is the signon user. The parameter is supported in DBParm for some driver(s). Refer to the section called “PBCatalogOwner” in Connection Reference for more information. |
signon user |
PBCatNdxIsTblName |
YES -- Do not create index for table pbcatxxx when taking the table name of PowerBuilder extended attribute system tables (pbcatxxx) as index. NO -- Create index for table pbcatxxx. |
NO |
PBConCatIndex |
YES -- Use concatenated indexes when creating PowerBuilder catalogs. NO -- Do not use concatenated indexes. |
PBDateTime |
The name of section which contains Date, Time, and DateTime formats. |
PBDateTimeInvalidInSearch |
YES -- Data Window does not use DateTime in where criteria. NO -- Data Window uses DataTime in where criteria. |
NO |
PBDefaultAlter |
YES -- Database default value is supported in ALTER TABLE statement. NO -- Database default value is not supported in ALTER TABLE statement. |
NO |
PBDefaultCreate |
YES -- Database default value is supported in CREATE TABLE statement. NO -- Database default value is not supported in CREATE TABLE statement. |
NO |
PBDefaultExpressions |
YES -- Expressions are allowed in database default value. NO -- Expressions are not allowed in database default value. |
NO |
PBDefaultValues |
A comma-separated list which contains the keywords of database default value. |
PBDelimitReservedWord |
(pending to be updated) |
PBDWDynamic |
YES -- Data Window does not need second connect to handle retrieve as needed Data Window. NO -- Data Window needs second connect to handle retrieve as needed Data Window. |
PBEscapeChar |
YES -- Escape meta characters _ or % when making ODBC catalog API calls. NO -- Do not escape meta characters _ or % when making ODBC catalog API calls. |
PBFileManager |
YES -- Driver is a file manager, i.e. Dbase, used when creating PowerBuilder catalogs. NO -- Driver is not used when creating PowerBuilder catalogs. |
NO |
PBFunctions |
The name of section which contains native function names. |
PBMaxBlobSize |
PBMaxBlobSize can be a number from 8000 to 21474836467. PBMaxBlobSize='32767' is only used by Microsoft SQL Server for reading blob statement option. There is no limit if the parameter is not set. The parameter is supported in DBParm for some driver(s). Refer to the section called “PBMaxBlobSize” in Connection Reference for more information. |
No limit |
PBMaxTextSize |
PBMaxTextSize can be a number from 1 to 21474836467. PBMaxTextSize='32767' is only used by Microsoft SQL Server for text fields limit in DataWindow. The parameter is supported in DBParm for some driver(s). Refer to the section called “PBMaxTextSize” in Connection Reference for more information. |
32767 |
PBNoCatalog |
YES -- Do not use PowerBuilder catalogs. NO -- Use PowerBuilder catalogs. The parameter is supported in DBParm for some driver(s). Refer to the section called “PBNoCatalog” in Connection Reference for more information. |
NO |
PBNonStdChars |
PBNonStdChars='- +....' allows up to 15 non-standard SQL identifier characters to be treated as valid chars in identifiers.The default value is not non-standard chars. |
PBNoRequiredFields |
YES -- Do not set non-null attribute when creating or altering table definitions. NO -- Set non-null attribute when creating or altering table definitions. |
NO |
PBObjectIDs |
YES -- Use SQLServer or Sybase object ids for PowerBuilder catalog entities. NO -- Do not use SQLServer or Sybase object ids for PowerBuilder catalog entities. |
NO |
PBParseProcs |
YES -- Parse execute procedure stmts from script painter. NO -- Do not parse execute procedure stmts from script painter. |
NO |
PBPrimaryKeyName |
YES -- Primary key needs constraint name. NO -- Primary key does not need constraint name. |
NO |
PBQualifierIsOwner |
YES -- Use the table qualifier returned by SQLTables as the qualifier for the table name. NO -- Use the table owner returned by SQLTables as the qualifier for the table name. |
NO |
PBQualifiersOnDesc |
YES -- The column name returned by SQLDescribeCol may be fully qualified. NO -- The column name returned by SQLDescribeCol may be not fully qualified. |
NO |
PBSpecialDataTypes |
The name of section which contains special data types. |
PBSupportBindSelect |
YES -- Support the use of bind variables in select criteria. Note: If the data source does not support the SQLDescribeParam function, PowerBuilder will not attempt to use bind variables. This setting can be overridden by disablebind in DBParm. NO -- Do not support the use of bind variables in select criteria. |
PBSupportBindUpdate |
YES -- Support the use of bind variables in insert, update and delete SQL statements. See PBSupportBindSelect for comments. NO -- Do not support the use of bind variables in insert, update and delete SQL statements. |
PBSupportDBBind |
YES -- Support the use of bind variables in rpc and pipeline SQL statements. Note: If the data source does not support the SQLSetParam function, PowerBuilder will not attempt to use bind variables. NO -- Do not support the use of bind variables in rpc and pipeline SQL statements. |
PBSyntax |
The name of section which contains SQL syntax. |
PBSystemOwner |
PBSystemOwner='System_Owner' -- The entities returned by SQLTables which match this owner are treated as system tables. |
PBTableDot |
The PBTableDot is a decimal number.If it is smaller than 1, the table names which include a "." are excluded from the table list, otherwise the table names will be listed. |
0 |
PBTableOwner |
YES -- Qualify table names. NO -- Do not qualify table names. |
PBTimeInvalidInSearch |
YES -- Data Window does not use DateTime in where criteria. NO -- Data Window uses DateTime in where criteria. |
NO |
PBTrimCatCharColumns |
YES -- Trim trailing blanks on character data returned from catalog API calls. NO -- Trim trailing displays on character data returned from catalog API calls. |
NO |
PBTrimCharColumns |
YES -- Trim trailing blanks after fetching character data. NO -- Trim trailing displays after fetching character data. The parameter is supported in DBParm for some driver(s). Refer to the section called “PBTrimCharColumns” in Connection Reference for more information. |
NO |
PBUseProcOwner |
YES -- Include procedure owner name when the call escape sequence is generated for a stored procedure. The parameter can be overridden by DBparm entry PBUseProcOwner. NO -- Do not include procedure owner name when the call escape sequence is generated for a stored procedure. The parameter is supported in DBParm for some driver(s). Refer to the section called “PBUseProcOwner” in Connection Reference for more information. |
NO |
SQLSrvrTSDelimit |
YES -- Delimit the name 'timestamp' of SQL Server timestamp column. NO -- Do not delimit the name 'timestamp' of SQL Server timestamp column . |
NO |
SQLSrvrTSName |
YES -- A column named 'timestamp' is treated as a special SQL Server timestamp. NO -- A column named 'timestamp' is not treated as a special SQL Server timestamp. |
NO |
SQLSrvrTSPrefix |
SQLSrvrTSPrefix='cc' -- 2 character prefix for SQL Server timestamp values. |
NO |
SQLSrvrTSQuote |
YES -- Put SQL Server timestamp value in single quotes. NO -- Do not put SQL Server timestamp value in single quotes. |
NO |
TableListType |
TableListType='type [,type]...' -- This is a list of additional table types returned by SQLTables() that should be included in the 'select tables' listbox. PowerBuilder automatically includes names with table type of 'SYSTEM TABLE', 'SYSTEM VIEW', 'TABLE', and 'VIEW'. |
NO |
PBReadOnly |
YES -- PowerBuilder runs in read-only mode. PowerBuilder catalogs are accessed if they exist but are not updated. NO -- PowerBuilder does not run in read-only mode. |
NO |