Creates a PowerBuilder executable with Pcode or machine code. For a machine code executable, you can request several debugging and optimization options.
The ORCA library list is used to create the application. You can specify which of the libraries have already been built as PBDs or DLLs and which will be built into the executable file.
INT PBORCA_ExecutableCreate ( HPBORCA hORCASession, LPTSTR lpszExeName, LPTSTR lpszIconName, LPTSTR lpszPBRName, PBORCA_LNKPROC pLinkErrProc, LPVOID pUserData, INT FAR *iPBDFlags, INT iNumberOfPBDFlags, LONG lFlags, LPVOID pbcPara = NULL );
Argument |
Description |
hORCASession |
Handle to previously established ORCA session. |
lpszExeName |
Pointer to a string whose value is the name of the executable file to be created. |
lpszIconName |
Pointer to a string whose value is the name of an icon file. The icon file must already exist. |
lpszPBRName |
Pointer to a string whose value is the name of a PowerBuilder resource file. The resource file you name must already exist. If the application has no resource file, specify 0 for the pointer. |
pLinkErrProc |
Pointer to the PBORCA_ExecutableCreate callback function. The callback function is called for each link error that occurs. The information ORCA passes to the callback function is the message text, stored in a structure of type PBORCA_LINKERR. If you don't want to use a callback function, set pLinkErrProc to 0. |
pUserData |
Pointer to user data to be passed to the PBORCA_ExecutableCreate callback function. The user data typically includes the buffer or a pointer to the buffer in which the callback function formats the directory information as well as information about the size of the buffer. If you are not using a callback function, set pUserData to 0. |
iPBDFlags |
Pointer to an array of integers that indicate which libraries on the ORCA session's library list should be built into PowerBuilder dynamic libraries (PBDs). Each array element corresponds to a library in the library list. Flag values are:
iNumberOfPBDFlags |
The number of elements in the array iPBDFlags, which should be the same as the number of libraries on ORCA's library list. |
lFlags |
A long value whose value indicates which code generation options to apply when building the executable. Setting lFlags to 0 generates a native Pcode executable. Additional settings for machine code are described in Usage below. Setting lFlags to PBORCA_X64 generates a 64-bit executable. |
pbcPara |
Reserved for internal use. Always set pbcPara to NULL. |
Return value
INT. Typical return codes are:
Return code |
Description |
Operation successful |
Invalid parameter list |
Library list not set |
Link error |
Current application not set |
You must set the library list and current Application object before calling this function.
For more information about various options for building executables, see the PowerBuilder User's Guide.
Libraries used in the executable
The executable being built incorporates the objects in the libraries on ORCA's library list. The library list must be set by calling PBORCA_SessionSetLibraryList before creating an executable.
The iPBDFlags argument lets you specify which libraries are PBDs and which will be built into the executable file. In the iPBDFlags array, each integer is associated with a library on ORCA's library list. When you set an integer to 1, the objects in the corresponding library are already built into a PBD file (if you are generating Pcode) or a PowerBuilder DLL (if you are generating machine code). Objects in libraries whose integer flag is set to 0 will be built into the main executable file.
Before you call PBORCA_ExecutableCreate, you must call PBORCA_DynamicLibraryCreate to create the PBDs or DLLs that you identify in the iPBDFlags array.
Setting code generation options
In the lFlags argument, you can set various machine code generation options by setting individual bits. The following table shows what each defined bit means in the long value and what constants to use in a bitwise OR expression to set the option. Bits not listed are reserved.
Bit |
Value and meaning |
Constant to include in ORed expression |
0 |
0 = Pcode 1 = Machine code |
1 |
0 = Native code 1 = 16-bit code |
To get 16-bit machine code, use PBORCA_MACHINE_CODE and PBORCA_MACHINE_CODE_16 To get 16-bit Pcode, use PBORCA_P_CODE_16 Not supported after PowerBuilder 7 PowerBuilder no longer supports the Windows 3.x 16-bit platform. |
2 |
0 = No Open Server 1 = Open Server |
To build an Open Server executable, use PBORCA_OPEN_SERVER Not supported after PowerBuilder 5 The OpenClientServer driver was no longer supported after PowerBuilder 5. Therefore, the Open Server executable option is no longer supported. |
4 |
0 = No trace information 1 = Trace information |
To get trace information, use PBORCA_TRACE_INFO |
5 |
0 = No error context 1 = Error context |
To get error context information, use PBORCA_ERROR_CONTEXT Error context provides the script name and line number of an error. |
8 |
0 = No optimization 1 = Optimization |
See Bit 9 |
9 |
0 = Optimize for speed 1 = Optimize for space |
To optimize the executable for speed, use PBORCA_MACHINE_CODE_OPT or PBORCA_MACHINE_CODE_OPT_SPEED To optimize the executable for space, use PBORCA_MACHINE_CODE_OPT and PBORCA_MACHINE_CODE_OPT_SPACE |
10 |
0 = Old style visual controls 1 = New style visual controls (XP) |
12 |
1 = PocketBuilder desktop |
13 |
1 = PocketBuilder ARM |
14 |
1 = PocketBuilder EM86 |
PBORCA_PK_PPCEM86 (Obsolete) |
15 |
1 = PocketBuilder X86 |
PBORCA_PK_PPCX86 (Obsolete) |
16 |
1 = PocketBuilder Smartphone ARM |
17 |
1 = PocketBuilder Smartphone X86 |
PBORCA_PK_SPHONEX86 (Obsolete) |
To generate Pcode, lFlags must be 0. The other bits are not relevant:
To set the lFlags argument for various machine-code options, the bit flag constants are ORed together to get the combination you want:
Constants are defined in PBORCA.H for typical option combinations. They are:
Meaning native machine code optimized for speed
Equivalent to:
Meaning native machine code with trace information and error context information
Equivalent to:
eClobber setting
If the executable file already exists in the file system, the current setting of the eClobber property in the ORCA configuration block (that you set with a PBORCA_ConfigureSession call) determines whether PBORCA_ExecutableCreate succeeds or fails.
Current eClobber setting |
PBORCA_ExecutableCreate |
Fails when an executable file already exists in the file system, regardless of the file attribute settings |
Succeeds when the existing executable file has read-write attributes; fails when the executable file has read-only attributes |
Succeeds regardless of the file attribute settings of an existing executable file |
This example builds a native machine code executable optimized for speed using ORCA's library list and current application. Suppose that the current ORCA session has a library list with four entries. The example generates DLLs for the last two libraries.
The callback function is called LinkErrors, and lpUserData points to an empty buffer to be populated by the callback function:
LPTSTR pszExecFile; LPTSTR pszIconFile; LPTSTR pszResourceFile; int iPBDFlags[4]; long lBuildOptions; int rtn; fpLinkProc = (PBORCA_LNKPROC) LinkProc; // specify file names pszExecFile = _TEXT("c:\\app\\process.exe"); pszIconFile = _TEXT("c:\\app\\process.ico"); pszResourceFile = _TEXT("c:\\app\\process.pbr"); iPBDFlags[0] = 0; iPBDFlags[1] = 0; iPBDFlags[2] = 1; iPBDFlags[3] = 1; lBuildOptions = PBORCA_MACHINE_CODE_NATIVE | PBORCA_MACHINE_CODE_OPT_SPEED; // create executable rtn = PBORCA_ExecutableCreate( lpORCA_Info->hORCASession, pszExecFile, pszIconFile, pszResourceFile, fpLinkProc, lpUserData, (INT FAR *) iPBDFlags, 4, lBuildOptions, NULL );
For more information about setting up the data buffer for the callback, see Content of a callback function and the example for PBORCA_LibraryDirectory.
In these examples, session information is saved in the data structure ORCA_Info, shown in About the examples.
See also